I cant install python on my windows 11
it says Could not access network location_\.
how do I fix it?
I tried disabling the windows firewall and my antivirus but it didn't help.
I tried running as administrator too.
I even tried to download python from pycharm but it didn't work.
I'm not sure which python version / distribution you're trying to install, but I was having issues installing Winpython64- After the file extraction would complete the files simply wouldn't be there.
I reattempted installation with Winpython64- and it worked like a charm. I installed to the C: directory.
I'm working on getting OpenCV-Python installed onto a raspberry pi so that I can stream a video from the pi to my computer. I worked on the code in pycharm and got it to work running the .py files both on my computer, but I have been unable to get the file to work on the pi.
The root cause, I think, is that the OS on the pi is old. It's running python3.4 as the default, with pip 1.5 (I think that's right, its been a minute since I checked). When I attempted to run the program the first time, I got the 'no module cv2' error. Fair enough. Tried pip installing OpenCV-Python and everything has been a mess since then. That pip install fails, updating pip breaks pip, I think because python3.4 reached EOL a while ago, so that's a no go. I've tried installing different versions of Python, lots of different things.
Currently, I've got Python 3.6.5 installed. I ran the command to pip install OpenCV-Python there and the pi has been stuck on 'installing build dependencies' for over two hours now.
I realize this has been all over the place, so here's a hopefully concise question.
What do I need to do to get OpenCV-Python running on my raspberry pi?
Do I need a different version of Python? Of Pip? Dependencies? I think NumPy is the only one but I could be wrong. The possibly dumber question, this is possible, right?
A little extra tidbit, the end goal of this is for work, so I have to stay on the same OS image basically. I can install new libraries and versions of Python, but I can't upgrade entirely.
Sorry that this question is so scattered, yeesh. I'm happy to answer questions about the system etc.
the open cv in raspberry pi is a bit tricky. You need to setup the environment for open-cv to function correctly
try checking this link its work for me
PS. Read the comment first the code has some error
I was trying to install PyQt 5.9 but I have no idea what I'm doing. According to what I've seen I have to download Qt from:
and then SIP (whatever that is...) and PyQt from:
I did all that and Qt weights like 30 Gb...
Now I have to install pyqt but the README.md file says this:
Check for any other README files in this directory that relate to your
particular platform. Feel free to contribute a README for your platform or to
provide updates to any existing documentation.
The first step is to configure PyQt5 by running the following command.
python configure.py
And I have no idea what to do now, I keep getting the 'no such file/directory found' error.
I went to the directory where I have python installed and I still get the same.
I have a Mac and python 3.6
Turns out I have Qt 5.8 already installed, and since I just downloaded 5.9 I'd like to upgrade it but I don't know how. And maybe it's taking up another 30Gb somewhere else.
Also, when I type 'which python' I get 'anaconda/bin/python' and not python 2.7, how do I fix that? also I went to the dir where I have python and have python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.7. Should I just delete the others? and what is SIP??
Check these steps
Go to the QT website and download it.
Install python on your pc,
If it's Linux: sudo apt-get install python3.6
Or see this link.
Install also some IDLE to work on, I'd recommend you to use PyCharm
You can install now your PyQt through your Pycharm, see in here, find for pyqt5.
There is always the option to install through pip3, try to use pip3 instead of pip, since you are using python3.
After having pip3, try now to install your pyqt5. Check it out.
Now you have an IDLE to work on with PyQt and Qt in your machine, maybe you have to say in your PyCharm that you will use python3.6 as your interpreter.
I am trying to learn something about GUI and game programming, so I was wanting to install Pygame. I was reading through how to install it, and I was recommended to make sure I had the latest version of either Python 3.3.x or 2.7.x installed in order to be most compatible. I had an earlier version of 2.7.x installed, so I attempted to update my installation. I downloaded and installed (went through the whole installation process) for the new version of 2.7.x, though I didn't uninstall anything (I don't even know how to uninstall Python as it doesn't show up in programs and features). Now, when I try to open IPython, I get redirected to the Windows Command Line rather than the interactive Python window. I need the interactive Python for work and school, so how do I regain functionality to that.
I looked in the folder containing all my Python installation data, and I found that there is no Ipython.exe file, but rather that the source of my IPython installation seems to be a .bat file instead. Is this correct? For being a computer science major I'm really bad at all this stuff.
some months ago, I installed Python 2.7 on my laptop (my os is Windows 7).
After, I decided to use Python xy 2.7.3 instead of 'pure' Python; so, as suggested, I removed Python 2.7 and tried to install Python xy 2.7.3. However, when I tried to run the .exe file for installation, a warning window appears telling me that Python 2.7 is already installed on my computer. I tried to install a different version of Python xy (2.6) and everything went fine; however, I'd really prefer to use the latest version of Python xy.
Actually, I can't figure out what went wrong whie uninstalling Python 2.7; does someone have any clue?
I can tell you that I followed the 'normal' procedure for programm uninstalltion; control panel -> Programs -> Remove Program
Thanks in advance
Run regedit, backup and delete the registry keys:
My problem occurred when changing from Canopy to Python(x,y).
So, also delete all folders that are left behind when uninstalling.
I also had this issue as well. It was due to third party installs. Even though you have uninstalled python, it leaves all the third party libraries that were installed and I think Python(x,y) just detects the directory.
To fix, uninstall Python 2.7 and then check to see if C:\Python27 still exists. If it does, go ahead and delete and then try installing Python(x,y). That is what worked for me.
I faced this issue: I tried to uninstall the python and fresh install, reason my pip version issue was not getting resolved. So I deleted the python folder, removed python from system path, and when I tried to uninstall from "Uninstall a program" in control panel, it showed "Windows installation package" error window and could not clean uninstall.
Solution what i found was: In the "Uninstall a program" select python and click repair. And then uninstall the python, it worked for me. Hope this helps and save some time.
PS: I am pretty new to python, and any help correcting me would be appreciated.
Maybe to put an answer out there.
Uninstalling anything from windows can have multiple side effects residing completly on your specific machine. As to what is common:
-> Python sets itself in your windows path. Here is how to modify your windows path: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
It means that there is a probability that python is gone but the path entry might not be. That is a guess however -> more information needed
-> Are you sure that everything was removed from your computer? If you already did the normal uninstalling process - try to look up if any python directory is still present.
-> Thirdparty installed? Have you downloaded any libs that are still on your machine.
Besides from that - it could be anything - the more information you give us the more we can say about it.
Maybe this post will help you: How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?
I had python 2.7.12 and wanted to uninstall it for 2.7.9. I had the same problem as you and to fix it I tried to delete all of the local files and then uninstall however it still gave me the same error. So instead I decided to repair the python 2.7.12 and then uninstall which worked perfectly and completely got rid of the error.
I had python 2.7 installed and enthought canopy. I wanted to switch to python(x,y) to access a full version of the OpenCV library. python(x,y) installation complained about python 2.7 already being installed after:
1)Using windows control panel
2)Removing all lingering python files
3)Removing the windows path as suggested above
Not until I removed all registry entries related to python/enthough did python(x,y) install without issue.
I installed Enthought before. When I wanted to install Python(x,y) instead, I met the problems above.
After I had tried to uninstall Enthought and Python(x,y) from the Control Panel and then restart the PC, the problem still occured the next time I installed Python(x,y).
I solved this problem by:
deleting all the relevant files in C:/User/UserName/AppData/ about Python, including the third party softwares like Enthought;
deleting the Path in user and system Environment;
=====the two steps were failed if I didn't do the third step.=====
deleting the register keys as #Daniel said. (include all the relevant keys with the prefix py if you installed the third party software about Python. )
Locate that set up file which was used to install Python. Run it and choose repair. If that doesn't solve the problem. Go to c:\Python(x,y) and delete this folder completely by shift+Del.
Run that set up file again and click on "Change" which will ultimately install the Python again. By default in my case option to add path and making that version of Python the default on my system was unchecked which can be figured out by seeing the red cross mark in one of the installation screen. Click on it if you want set up to make it default Python version and also click on the option to indicate you want the path to be added in windows environment variable.
No need to touch registry as previous ones will be overwritten again.
In my case it worked. I was getting error like:
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec
LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding
Besides that un-installation was failing from control panel. So above steps solved all of my problem. Hope it helps.
I Repaired/Modified to install all the components for the Python
version I wanted to uninstall.
Once that was done, I clicked on Uninstall/Change and that uninstalled it for good.