Use substitution cipher in python to encrypt and decrypt a .txt file and output to a new .txt file - python

I am able to open the rules file and create a dictionary to use for my encryption. I have to also create a dictionary to use for decrypting text. I assume it's basically the same function with minor changes. The encrypt works fine, but I can't get the decrypt to work. My second problem is that while I encrypted the file I took out all spaces and punctuation. I can't figure out how to get those back in the output file once I run the program. It just prints in a single column. Lastly I have to output this to a .txt file. I am able to create a .txt with a user assigned name, but can't get anything to print on the file.
Here is what I achieved so far.
#import clauses
import string
#function definitions
#encrypt dictionary
def createrulesdictencrypt(openFile):
rulesencrypt1 = {}
for line in openFile:
rulessplit = string.split(string.strip(line))
rulesencrypt1[rulessplit[0]] = rulessplit[1]
return rulesencrypt1
#decrypt dictionary
def createrulesdictdecrypt(openFile):
rulesdecrypt1 = {}
for line in openFile:
rulessplit = string.split(string.strip(line))
rulesdecrypt1[rulessplit[1]] = rulessplit[0]
return rulesdecrypt1
openFile = open('rules.txt', 'r')
rulesencrypt = createrulesdictencrypt(openFile)
rulesdecrypt = createrulesdictdecrypt(openFile)
#print rulesencrypt
#print rulesdecrypt
#function for encrypting file
def encryptfile(openFile2):
for line in openFile2:
for word in line.split():
empty = ''
for char in word:
if char not in string.punctuation:
empty = empty+char
if len(empty) == 2:
print rulesencrypt[empty]
empty = ''
if len(empty) == 1:
print rulesencrypt[empty]
#function for decrypting file
def decryptfile(openFile2):
for line in openFile2:
for word in line.split():
empty = ''
for char in word:
if char not in string.punctuation:
empty = empty+char
if len(empty) == 2:
print rulesdecrypt[empty]
empty = ''
if len(empty) == 1:
print rulesdecrypt[empty]
#main program
ende = raw_input("To encrypt a file, enter '0':\nTo decrypt a file, enter '1':")
filename = raw_input("Enter the name of the file to be processed:")
outfilename = raw_input("Enter the name of the file to save the result to:")
openFile2 = open(filename, 'r')
outputfile = open(outfilename, 'w')
fileencrypt = encryptfile(openFile2)
filedecrypt = decryptfile(openFile2)
if ende == "0":
print encryptfile(fileencrypt)
if ende == "1":
print decryptfile(filedecrypt)
This is what I am trying to encrypt
Sir Robin: "Oh, you liars!"
Minstrel: [singing] "Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave
retreat. A brave retreat by brave Sir Robin."

Your first problem is that you're not actually writing your encrypted text to a file, instead you're just printing it to sys.stdout. Incidentally, print appends a \n to it's output by default.
You could rewrite your decrypt function as follows:
#function for decrypting file
def decryptfile(openFile2, outfile): # <- CHANGED to add outfile
for line in openFile2:
for word in line.split():
empty = ''
for char in word:
if char not in string.punctuation:
empty = empty+char
if len(empty) == 2:
outfile.write(rulesdecrypt[empty]) # <- CHANGED to write to file
empty = ''
if len(empty) == 1:
outfile.write(rulesdecrypt[empty]) # <- CHANGED to write to file
You will then need to invoke the decryptfile function with a file as its second argument. A similar change could be made to the encryptfile function.
With respect to punctuation and whitespace, either encrypt it or just leave it in place. Once you've removed it, there really isn't a good way to replace it.


What Is the error in the code, i want to replace a set of characters from a text file when i give a work with blanks in it

i want to replace a set of characters from a text file when i give a work with blanks in it like for example :
i gave the line The Language Is _th_n !
it should return python replacing _ with text from a file like text.txt
i wrote this code please check once
with open('data/text','r', encoding='utf8') as file:
word_list =
def solve(message):
hint = []
for i in range(15,len(message) - 1):
if message[i] != '\\':
hint_string = ''
for i in hint:
hint_string += i
hint_replaced = hint_string.replace('_', '!')
solution = re.findall('^'+hint_replaced+'$', word_list, re.MULTILINE)
return solution```

Is there a way to output a link to a file with Python?

I have some code to sort a text and output info on it.
How it works is you copy a text a paste it into a text(.txt) file and save the file where the python file is saved. Then you go into the command prompt and type python3 the_name_of_the_text_file.txt. When you run it, it outputs "All counted!". After that you have a new .txt file where the python file is saved and it tells you the number of words and unique words in the text file you attached. The new file will also list out what words are the most to least used.
Is there a way to get my code to output "All counted!" and then a link like thing that I can click on to open the new file?
Here is my code:
import sys
text_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
word_list =",")
word_list = "".join(word_list)
word_list = word_list.split(".")
word_list = "".join(word_list)
word_list = word_list.split(" ")
file_name = []
file_name = sys.argv[1].split(".")
NumWords = 0
NumUniqueWords = 0
Words = {}
for i in word_list:
if i not in Words.keys():
NumWords += 1
NumUniqueWords += 1
Words[i.lower()] = 1
NumWords += 1
Words[i] += 1
def get_key(val):
for key, value in Words.items():
if value == val:
return key
newfile = open(file_name[0] + "-count.txt", "w")
newfile.write("Total Words - {}\nUnique Words - {}\n\n".format(NumWords, NumUniqueWords))
for i in range(len(Words)):
newfile.write("{} - {}\n".format(get_key(max(Words.values())), max(Words.values())))
print("All counted!")
I do have things in my code to eliminate ","'s and "."'s and the same word capitalized or lowercase.

Python Can't load .txt file

This code can't load the log.txt file.
The file is in the temp folder.
Why can't I load it?
This code only displays the text: Search word: ABC.
text = input("Search word: ABC")
with open("C:\Temp\log.txt", encoding = "utf-8") as f:
cnt = 0
for line in f:
l = line.strip().split()
if (l[-1] == text):
cnt += 1
if (cnt): print(cnt, "count")
else: print(text, "No data.")
It seems like you need to type the word after running the program. The "ABC" you see is the prompt from the script i.e. it is not entered by you. That's why the program keeps running, waiting for the input and doesn't go further.
Here's your code slightly modified to make it clear.
text = input("Search word: ")
with open("C:\Temp\log.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
cnt = 0
for line in f:
if text in line:
cnt += 1
if cnt:
print(cnt, "count")
print(text, "No data.")
I guess you understand that your code:
ask the user to input some text
count the occurrences of that text in the file C:\Temp\log.txt, under the conditions:
the text does not contains space
the text is at the end of the line
the text may be followed by one or more spaces
the text must be preceded by one or more spaces
the file cannot have empty lines
Under those conditions, your code should behave nicely. I would recommend to change text = input("Search word: ABC") to text = input("Search word: ") to make it clear that the user need to input some text.
If you still have unexpected results, check if you don't have any character encoding issue (like a terminal default encoding not being utf-8)

create a table using file contents python

if the file for example contains:
f = open(example.txt)
I want to store the file contents in a table and then the program should ask the user to enter a character and print the line without the alphabet.
input: A
output: GHJIG
how to do it?
Try this:
with open('test.txt','r') as file:
content = file.readlines()
my_dict = {}
for line in content:
split = line.split(':')
my_dict[split[0]] = split[1]
input = raw_input("Choose a letter")
if input in my_dict:
print my_dict[input]
It would be better to use a OrderedDict from collections, because default dictionary has a not a precise order.
Try the solution below, you can provide a useful message if the user enters any alphabet which is not present in your txt file.
with open('/home/pydev/Desktop/t1.txt', 'r') as file_obj:
content = file_obj.readlines()
sample_dict = {}
for value in content:
sample_dict[value.split(':')[0]] = value.split(':')[1]
input_key = raw_input("Please enter an alphabet: \n")
print sample_dict.get(input_key, "No value exists")

Converting Binary to ASCII, and ASCII to Binary

I'm currently writing an ascii-binary/binary-ascii converter in Python for a school project, and I have an issue with converting from ascii (String text) to binary. The idea is to print the outcome in the test() on the bottom of the code.
When running the code in WingIDE, an error occurs:
On the line starting with
bnary = bnary + binary[chnk]
KeyError: "Norway stun Poland 30:28 and spoil Bielecki's birthday party."
What I'm trying to do here is to convert the String of text stored in "text.txt" to a String of integers, and then print this binary string.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I tried looking at other ascii-binary vice-versa convertion related questions, but none seemed to work for me.
My code:
def code():
binary = {}
ascii = {}
# Generate ascii code
for i in range(0,128) :
ascii[format(i,'08b')] = chr(i)
# Reverse the ascii code, this will be binary
for k, v in ascii.iteritems():
binary[v] = binary.get(v, [])
return ascii
def encode(text,binary):
Encode some text using text from a source
bnary = ""
fi = open(text, mode='rb')
while True:
chnk =
if chnk == '':
if chnk != '\n':
binry = ""
bnary = bnary + binary[chnk]
return bnary
def decode(sourcecode,n, ascii):
Decode a sourcecode using chunks of size n
sentence = ""
f = open(sourcecode, mode='rb') # Open a file with filename <sourcecode>
while True:
chunk = # Read n characters at time from an open file
if chunk == '': # This is one way to check for the End Of File in Python
if chunk != '\n':
setence = "" # The ascii sentence generated
# create a sentence
sentence = sentence + ascii[chunk]
return sentence
def test():
A placeholder for some test cases.
It is recommended that you use some existing framework, like unittest,
but for a temporary testing in a development version can be done
directly in the module.
print encode('text.txt', code())
print decode('sourcecode.txt', 8, code())
If you want to decode and encode, have this solutions
Encode ascii to bin
def toBinary(string):
return "".join([format(ord(char),'#010b')[2:] for char in string])
Encode bin to ascii
def toString(binaryString):
return "".join([chr(int(binaryString[i:i+8],2)) for i in range(0,len(binaryString),8)]) returns the whole document the first time and '' next times. So you should do
text =
for char in text:
You can only read your file once. Thus you have to get your chars one by one. A returns a string containing the whole document.
You can iterate over a string to get chars one by one.
The main error is your binary is {"a":['010001110'], "b":...} and you try to access with the key "azerty" where you should do it char by char:
string = "azer"
result = []
for c in string:
result += binary[c]
>>> result = [['11001'],[1001101'],...]
# Lets say your filename is stored in fname
def binary(n):
return '{0:08b}'.format(n)
with open(fname) as f:
content = f.readlines()
for i in content:
print(binary(ord(i)), end='')
This will give you the integer value(from ascii) of each character in the file, line by line
