I want to set up SMTP relay server which also needs to use HTTP proxy. I'm using Python.
SMTP proxy:
import smtpd
import asyncore
smtpd.PureProxy(('local host name', 1234), ('smtp server name', 25))
The issue is I need to use HTTP proxy in order to connect to SMTP server.
How can I specify it?
Square peg in round hole. SMTP is a different protocol to HTTP, they are incompatible.
I used desproxy to HTTP tunnel SMTP connection.
I have a problem with my ssl server (in Python).
I set the SSL proxy connection in my browser, and try to connect to my ssl server.
This is the server:
import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer
import ssl
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 443), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket (httpd.socket, server_side=True, certfile='server.crt', keyfile='server.key', do_handshake_on_connect=False)
This is the error:
SSLError: [SSL: HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST] https proxy request (_ssl.c:1750)
I try to connect to the server in the browser.
its work if I went to address "".
But, if I use in the server to proxy, I get the error...
How can I fix this?
I don't think you understand how a proxy server for HTTPS works.
What you are doing is to create a plain HTTPS server. What you should do is to create a HTTP server which handles the CONNECT request and creates a tunnel to the requested target. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_tunnel#HTTP_CONNECT_tunneling
I have a very basic piece of Python code:
import smtplib
server = smtplib.SMTP(host, port)
problems = server.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, message)
Is there solution to run it behind an HTTP proxy? I am using Python 3.4.1 on Linux with the http_proxy variable set.
Now I am getting a timeout from SMTP, but if I run this code from a proxy-free network, it works OK.
Is there solution to run it behind an HTTP proxy?
No, HTTP is a different protocol than SMTP and the proxy is for HTTP only. If you are very lucky you might be able to create a tunnel using the CONNECT command to the outside SMTP server, but usually the ports used for CONNECT are restricted so that you will not be able to create a tunnel to an outside host port 25 (i.e. SMTP).
when using Python 2.7s urllib2 I do not seem to be able to retrieve a resource from a HTTPS server while using a SSL secured proxy server, i.e. to following:
CLIENT ---- (HTTPS) ---> PROXY ---- (https) --- > SERVER
Of cause to get through the proxy server one uses CONNECT. Any ideas?
Alternative question: when using CONNECT one needs to setup a completly independent 2. SSL session inside the tunnel, right? How could one do that in python as simply calling ssl.wrap_socket does not do the trick...?
I am creating a proxy server in python, which is based on BaseHTTPServer.
What it does is create a connection to a squid proxy, identifies the browser request(GET, CONNECT, POST etc) and adds a proxy-authorization header to it, and then forwards this request to the squid proxy.
Problem is, as I understand, when I send a connect request, I should relay all the corresponding traffic to the squid proxy. But, as I can see in wireshark, the squid proxy doesn't reply to the 'Client Hello' part of the handshake, which I think is due to squid proxy not understanding binary data of SSL that I am just forwarding to it.
How do I process HTTPS requests in this case?
The code is more or less similar to TinyHTTPProxy : http://www.oki-osk.jp/esc/python/proxy/
RFC 2817 defines the CONNECT method. It is different from other HTTP methods in that the receiving proxy (your Python proxy) is directed to establish a raw TCP tunnel directly to the destination host (called the authority in the RFC).
A proxy can make no assumptions about the data that will be sent over that tunnel; it will not necessarily be HTTP – the client can use the tunnel to speak any protocol it likes. Indeed, SSL ≠ HTTP.
You have two options:
Open a TCP connection directly to the requested destination host.
Make a CONNECT request to your upstream proxy (Squid). This is within spec:
It may be the case that the proxy itself can only reach the
requested origin server through another proxy. In this case, the
first proxy SHOULD make a CONNECT request of that next proxy,
requesting a tunnel to the authority. A proxy MUST NOT respond
with any 2xx status code unless it has either a direct or tunnel
connection established to the authority.
Make sure that your request includes the required Host header.
CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google.com:443
Proxy-Authorization: ...
I am using SSL tunneling with a proxy server to connect to a target server. I use http to connect to the proxy server and HTTPS to connect to the target server. The SSL tunneling works as it should and I can exchange HTTPS messages with the remote server, but there is a problem. The proxy server returns a header in its reply to urllib2's request to establish the SSL tunnel that I need to see, but I don't see a way to get access to it using urllib2 (Python 2.7.3).
I suppose I could theoretically implement the SSL tunneling handshake myself, but that would get me way deeper into the protocol than I want to be (or with which I feel comfortable).
Is there a way to get access to the reply using urllib2 when establishing the SSL tunnel?
Here is the code that uses the proxy server to connect to the target server (the proxy server and the target server's URLs are not the actual ones):
proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'https': 'http://proxy.com'})
url_opener = urllib2.build_opener (proxy_handler)
request = urllib2.Request ('https://target_server.com/')
response = url_opener.open (request)
print response.headers.dict
I used WireShark to look at the message traffic. WireShark won't show me the bodies of the messages exchanged with the target server because they are encrypted, but I can see the body of the SSL Tunnel handshake. I can see the header that I'm interested coming back from the proxy server.
How are you calling the https page.
are you using
resp = urllib2.urlopen('https')