Users interfering with each others instances - python

In my multiple choice Quiz show project on google app engine multiple users can use the webapp simultaneously once they are login. But due to some reason they are interfering with each others instances.
Scenario example: Suppose user A wants to use the quiz show for 10 questions and at the same time user B wants to run the quiz show for 10 questions on another machine. But since they are using the application at the same, they are only getting 5 questions each and their result getting messed up.
Does anybody know how to avoid it ? I am not using any session or cookies till now. Is that a solution or something else?
def display(request):
if request.method=='POST':
for i in result:
for i in random_questions_list:
template_value={ 'output': new_question,'minutes':minutes,'seconds':seconds,'question_list':question_list }
return render_to_response("quiz.html",template_value)
Followup-#Adam:Hi,I have removed global variables and again the program is working fine when I am working alone on my laptop. But when I am asking my colleague to try from his end,we both are getting same questions and interfering in each others sessions due to which end output getting messed up. I started using gae-sessions and able to use request.session but how should I use gae-sessions in this scenario.
Let me know if I am not clear.

Without some concrete details about what kind of data your application stores to make one session different from any other, it is impossible to give you anything really useful, but one approach would be to store it in memcache keyed off of the user's user_id.
Completely hypothetical for-example code:
def get_session_data():
from google.appengine.api import users
found_session = None
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
from google.appengine.api import memcache
users_session = memcache.get(user.user_id())
return found_session
def save_session_data(session_object):
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.api import memcache
memcache.set(users.get_current_user().user_id(), serialized_object)
Now, before you go cutting and pasting, there are a lot of caveats to this approach, and it is meant only as a suggested starting point. Memcache is not guaranteed to hold items in memory, and there are plenty of other competing implementations that would be more reliable in some respects.
Fundamentally, I'd suggest using cookies to store the session data, but AppEngine doesn't have native support for cookies, so you'd have to go find an implementation of them and include it in your code. There are a number of fine implementations that are available on Google Code.
Here are some libraries to pick from that provide cookie support. There are even more.
FOLLOWUP, based on the sample code that you just added:
I don't want to put too fine of a point on it, but what you're doing just ain't gonna work.
Using global variables is generally a bad idea, but it is specifically an unworkable idea in a piece of code that is going to be called by many different users in an overlapping-fashion. The best advice that I can give you is to take all of the painful global variables (which are really specific to a particular user), and store them in a dictionary that is specific to a particular user. The pickling/unpickling code that I posted above is a workable approach, but seriously, until you get rid of those globals, your code isn't going to work.


Calling python functions / files from PHP - request.Session - Login/Logout functionality

I am working on my scrapping project which requires login to the page, and two questions just appeared in front of me. Ok, maybe two blocks of questions. (please have mercy with me as I am beginner learning new things and probably I already poorly designed the whole project).
The design is: as the page requires login, I wanted to use python request.Session() method object and with "with context manager" keep to be logged in.
So my first question is:
1, If I want to have, lets say main.php file, which will call python file with login function (the one with context manager), do I have to have the rest of the functions in this same python file (all the functions for the specific scraping) ? more precisely all functions within this "with block" ? What if I want to have each important function in separate python file (one for, another,, etc)? If I call other functions than login function, how the session will be still valid and I wont get logged out ? or should I just call the functions with "s" object somehow ?
Second question:
2, It's related due the sessions. I went through some questions and not sure if I found the correct answer. But when I logged into the page, through network tab on chrome I saw some session ID. But when I checked session ID via "what_in_session = s.cookies.get_dict()",
ID was different. When I moved on the page the session id in network was still same, however, via python was different every time.
Am I doing something wrong ? Or is it correct behavior ? I found this but I am not sure: Why are the IDs different in each request?.
I guess, once the "with request.Session" block is used, I dont need to care about the rest ? Then back to the first question, how to mange these python functions ?
Hope that you'll understand the questions. (if not I can try to rephrase them)
many thanks

How to cache a small piece of information in Django

I have a website that delivers a list of questions to users. This set of questions is the same for all users. I have these questions stored in a text file. The content of this file will not change while the server is running.
I cannot use a static page to display these questions because I have some logic to decide when to show which question.
I would like to cache these questions in memory (instead of reading the file off the hard drive every time a user connects). I am using Django 1.7.
I did read about caching from Django's website, I think the suggested methods (like memcached and database) are too heavy for my need. What would be a good solution for my situation? use a global variable?
There are so many caching back-ends you can use as listed in
I haven't tried the file system or local memory caching myself, I always needed memcached, but looks like they're available, and the rest is a piece of cake!
from django.core import cache
cache_key = 'questions'
questions = cache.cache.get(cache_key) # to get
if questions:
# use questions you fetched from cache
questions = { 'question1': 'How are you?'} #Something serializable that has your questions
cache.cache.set(cache_key, questions)

Django/python and Apache Solr: pysolr or solrpy?

brand new on this forum and this is my first post!
At work we're starting a project which uses Apache Solr and i'm in charge of the frontend system (Django-based).
Our solr database isn't related to any other db engine nor to any models' class, so Haystack isn't good for us (since its strictly related to the models).
I was looking at and
Basically, they're similar. I like more solrpy, since it uses POST requests and we can mask our users queries, but this makes its paginator harder to use (i guess..).
Other side, pysolr, thanks to the GET method, performs better (lower query timing), but so far i couldn't execute a query without getting a badrequest error.
Before choosing one, i wanted to ask the community any opinion. Users need to do only searches, our data is handled by a java process, no other db is used (except for storing user informations), and we need to use all solr features (faceting, highlight, word stopping, analyzers...).
What will you choose? And why? Any good code example you can point me at? I was looking throu the haystack source to see how they did implement all...
Thanks all!
We have used 'solrpy', but encountered some problems with it.
Sunburnt is actually an interesting API:
Actively developed, and easy to use. Unfortunately it introduces some additional dependencies.

Google App engine(python) Updating a db.StringListProperty contention/concurrency issues

Ive been looking at the principles of fan out of messages as described in the google IO "building scalable complex apps"
In it it suggests that using a list property for say a list of receivers is a scalable solution.
In this scenario how does one update the list property so that contention issues don't step in, If the app is handling many users
using the IO example:
class message(db.model)
class messageindex(db.model)
To adapt their example i would also need
class followers(db.model)
(code is just in for an example and is not typed correctly - sorry)
The concept is if someone follows you, you add their key to your followers list in the followers model, If you make a message, you store your followers list in the message list - and using a simple query all users get the message - pretty simple stuff.
The issue is updating someones list of followers. Assuming that some accounts could have millions of followers - if i simply update the entity their is going to be contention issues - One would also need more than one entry as i think their is a limit of like 5000 entries per list. And of course requests may be sent to "add" or "remove" a person. What would be the best way to do this. I was thinking about using the task_queue service. I was thinking about a work model that stores each follow request and triggers a task to run in say 60 seconds. The task gets all the work to be done for a persons followers list - and builds the new list. Not sure how this would work - but it would stop contention issues as only one thread could execute in one min.
Does anyone have any code examples good advice,help on how i can do this in a scalable manner - i don't think m cache can be used in the method as any loss would mean a follow request could be lost.
I have now found the solution for this using a fork-join-queue. Their is a post on google IO 2010 - regarding how this is done:
link text

How do I properly unit test a Django session?

The behavior of Django sessions changes between "standard" views code and test code, making it unclear how test code is written for sessions. Googling this yields two relevant discussions about this issue:
Easier manipulation of sessions by
test client raises
error for anonymous users
I'm confused because both tickets have different ways of dealing with this problem and they were both Accepted. I assume this means they were patched and the behavior is now different. I also don't know to which versions these patches would pertain.
If I'm writing a unit test in Django 1.0, how would I set up my session store for sessions to work as they do in the browser?
I don't quite understand what do you mean by saying the behavior changes between "standard" view and "test" code, maybe you should elaborate on that.
but regarding how to test the session, I do think there are approaches.
you have to understand how django session works, read the unit test for the session package you used in your application. this is regarding understand how server side works.
you probably need to capture a few conversations between browser and server( using FIREBUG for example )
so the issue for you looks like that you are not passing session_id you get when you log in back to server when you talk to server. like put it in (POST,GET,COOKIES I don't quite remember that ).
The important thing here is understand how session works in HTTP, once you get that, you definitely have a clear idea about what is happening there, and make explainations accordingly.
