Speed up Matplotlib? - python

I've read here that matplotlib is good at handling large data sets. I'm writing a data processing application and have embedded matplotlib plots into wx and have found matplotlib to be TERRIBLE at handling large amounts of data, both in terms of speed and in terms of memory. Does anyone know a way to speed up (reduce memory footprint of) matplotlib other than downsampling your inputs?
To illustrate how bad matplotlib is with memory consider this code:
import pylab
import numpy
a = numpy.arange(int(1e7)) # only 10,000,000 32-bit integers (~40 Mb in memory)
# watch your system memory now...
pylab.plot(a) # this uses over 230 ADDITIONAL Mb of memory

Downsampling is a good solution here -- plotting 10M points consumes a bunch of memory and time in matplotlib. If you know how much memory is acceptable, then you can downsample based on that amount. For example, let's say 1M points takes 23 additional MB of memory and you find it to be acceptable in terms of space and time, therefore you should downsample so that it's always below the 1M points:
if(len(a) > 1M):
a = scipy.signal.decimate(a, int(len(a)/1M)+1)
Or something like the above snippet (the above may downsample too aggressively for your taste.)

I'm often interested in the extreme values too so, before plotting large chunks of data, I proceed in this way:
import numpy as np
s = np.random.normal(size=(1e7,))
decimation_factor = 10
s = np.max(s.reshape(-1,decimation_factor),axis=1)
# To check the final size
Of course np.max is just an example of extreme calculation function.
With numpy "strides tricks" it should be possible to avoid copying data around during reshape.

I was interested in preserving one side of a log sampled plot so I came up with this:
(downsample being my first attempt)
def downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, preserve_ends=0):
assert len(x.shape) == 1
assert len(y.shape) == 1
data = np.vstack((x, y))
if preserve_ends > 0:
l, data, r = np.split(data, (preserve_ends, -preserve_ends), axis=1)
interval = int(data.shape[1] / target_length) + 1
data = data[:, ::interval]
if preserve_ends > 0:
data = np.concatenate([l, data, r], axis=1)
return data[0, :], data[1, :]
def geom_ind(stop, num=50):
geo_num = num
ind = np.geomspace(1, stop, dtype=int, num=geo_num)
while len(set(ind)) < num - 1:
geo_num += 1
ind = np.geomspace(1, stop, dtype=int, num=geo_num)
return np.sort(list(set(ind) | {0}))
def log_downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, flip=False):
assert len(x.shape) == 1
assert len(y.shape) == 1
data = np.vstack((x, y))
if flip:
data = np.fliplr(data)
data = data[:, geom_ind(data.shape[1], num=target_length)]
if flip:
data = np.fliplr(data)
return data[0, :], data[1, :]
which allowed me to better preserve one side of plot:
newx, newy = downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, preserve_ends=50)
newlogx, newlogy = log_downsample(x, y, target_length=1000)
f = plt.figure()
plt.step(x, y, label="original")
plt.step(newx, newy, label="downsample")
plt.step(newlogx, newlogy, label="log_downsample")


Overlapping chunks in Xarray dataset for Kernel operations

I try to run a 9x9 pixel kernel across a large satellite image with a custom filter. One satellite scene has ~ 40 GB and to fit it into my RAM, I'm using xarrays options to chunk my dataset with dask.
My filter includes a check if the kernel is complete (i.e. not missing data at the edge of the image). In that case a NaN is returned to prevent a potential bias (and I don't really care about the edges). I now realized, that this introduces not only NaNs at the edges of the image (expected behaviour), but also along the edges of each chunk, because the chunks don't overlap. dask provides options to create chunks with an overlap, but are there any comparable capabilities in xarray? I found this issue, but it doesn't seem like there has been any progress in this regard.
Some sample code (shortened version of my original code):
import numpy as np
import numba
import math
import xarray as xr
#numba.jit("f4[:,:](f4[:,:],i4)", nopython = True)
def water_anomaly_filter(input_arr, window_size = 9):
# check if window size is odd
if window_size%2 == 0:
raise ValueError("Window size must be odd!")
# prepare an output array with NaNs and the same dtype as the input
output_arr = np.zeros_like(input_arr)
output_arr[:] = np.nan
# calculate how many pixels in x and y direction around the center pixel
# are in the kernel
pix_dist = math.floor(window_size/2-0.5)
# create a dummy weight matrix
weights = np.ones((window_size, window_size))
# get the shape of the input array
xn,yn = input_arr.shape
# iterate over the x axis
for x in range(xn):
# determine limits of the kernel in x direction
xmin = max(0, x - pix_dist)
xmax = min(xn, x + pix_dist+1)
# iterate over the y axis
for y in range(yn):
# determine limits of the kernel in y direction
ymin = max(0, y - pix_dist)
ymax = min(yn, y + pix_dist+1)
# extract data values inside the kernel
kernel = input_arr[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax]
# if the kernel is complete (i.e. not at image edge...) and it
# is not all NaN
if kernel.shape == weights.shape and not np.isnan(kernel).all():
# apply the filter. In this example simply keep the original
# value
output_arr[x,y] = input_arr[x,y]
return output_arr
def run_water_anomaly_filter_xr(xds, var_prefix = "band",
window_size = 9):
variables = [x for x in list(xds.variables) if x.startswith(var_prefix)]
for var in variables[:2]:
xds[var].values = water_anomaly_filter(xds[var].values,
window_size = window_size)
return xds
def create_test_nc():
data = np.random.randn(1000, 1000).astype(np.float32)
rows = np.arange(54, 55, 0.001)
cols = np.arange(10, 11, 0.001)
ds = xr.Dataset(
band_1=(["x", "y"], data)
lon=(["x"], rows),
lat=(["y"], cols),
if __name__ == "__main__":
# if required, create test data
# import data
with xr.open_dataset("test.nc",
chunks = {"x": 50,
"y": 50},
) as xds:
xds_2 = xr.map_blocks(run_water_anomaly_filter_xr,
template = xds).compute()
This yields:
enter image description here
You can clearly see the rows and columns of NaNs along the edges of each chunk.
I'm happy for any suggestions. I would love to get the overlapping chunks (or any other solution) within xarray, but I'm also open for other solutions.
You can use Dask's map_blocks as follows:
arr = dask.array.map_overlap(
water_anomaly_filter, xds.band_1.data, dtype='f4', depth=4, window_size=9
da = xr.DataArray(arr, dims=xds.band_1.dims, coords=xds.band_1.coords)
Note that you will likely want to tune depth and window_size for your specific application.

How can I get the start and end indices of a note in a volume graph?

I am trying to make a program, that tells me when a note has been pressed.
I have the following notes exported as a .wav file (The C Major Scale 4 times with different rhythms, dynamics and in different octaves):
I can get the volumes of my sound file using the following code:
from scipy.io import wavfile
def get_volume(file):
sr, data = wavfile.read(file)
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
return data
volumes = get_volume("FILE")
Here are some information about the output:
Max: 27851
Min: -25664
Mean: -0.7569383391943734
A Sample from the array: [ -7987 -8615 -8983 -9107 -9019 -8750 -8324 -7752 -7033 -6156
-5115 -3920 -2610 -1245 106 1377 2520 3515 4364 5077
5659 6113 6441 6639 6708 6662 6518 6288 5962 5525
4963 4265 3420 2418 1264 -27 -1429 -2901 -4388 -5814
-7101 -8186 -9028 -9614 -9955 -10077 -10012 -9785 -9401 -8846]
And here is what I get when I plot the volumes array (x is the index, y is the volume):
I want to get the indices of the start and end of the notes like the ones in the image (Did it by hand not accurate):
When I looked at the data I realized, that it is a 1d array and I also noticed, that when a note gets louder or quiter it is not smooth. It is like a ZigZag, but there is still a trend. So basically I can't just get the gradients (slope) of each point. So I though about grouping notes into batches and getting the average gradient there and thus doing the calculations with it, like so:
def get_average_gradient(arr):
# Calculates average gradient
return sum([i - (sum(arr) / len(arr)) for i in arr]) / len(arr)
def get_note_start_end(arr_size, batch_size, arr):
# Finds start and end indices
ranges = []
curr_range = [0]
prev_slope = curr_slope = "NO SLOPE"
has_ended = False
for i, j in enumerate(arr):
if j > 0:
curr_slope = "INCREASING"
elif j < 0:
curr_slope = "DECREASING"
curr_slope = "NO SLOPE"
if prev_slope == "DECREASING" and not has_ended:
if i == len(arr) - 1 or arr[i + 1] < 0:
if curr_slope != "DECREASING":
curr_range.append((i + 1) * batch_size + batch_size)
curr_range = [(i + 1) * batch_size + batch_size + 1]
has_ended = True
if has_ended and curr_slope == "INCREASING":
has_ended = False
prev_slope = curr_slope
ranges[-1][-1] = arr_size - 1
return ranges
def get_notes(batch_size, arr):
# Gets the gradients of the batches
out = []
for i in range(0, len(arr), batch_size):
if i + batch_size > len(arr):
gradient = get_average_gradient(arr[i:])
gradient = get_average_gradient(arr[i: i+batch_size])
# print(gradient, i)
return get_note_start_end(len(arr), batch_size, out)
notes = get_notes(128, volumes)
The problem with this is, that if the batch size is too small, then it returns the indices of small peaks, which aren't a note on their own. If the batch size is too big then the program misses the start and end indices.
I also tried to get the notes, by using the silence.
Here is the code I used:
from pydub import AudioSegment, silence
audio = intro = AudioSegment.from_wav("C - Major - Test.wav")
dBFS = audio.dBFS
notes = silence.detect_nonsilent(audio, min_silence_len=50, silence_thresh=dBFS-10)
This worked the best, but it still wasn't good enough. Here is what I got:
It some notes pretty well, but it wasn't able to identify notes accurately if the notes themselves didn't become very quite before a different one was played (Like in the second scale and in the fourth scale).
I have been thinking about this problem for days and I have basically tried most if not all of the good(?) ideas I had. I am new to analysing audio files. Maybe I am using the wrong data to do what I want to do. Maybe I need to use the frequency data (I tried getting it, but couldn't make sense of it)
Frequency code:
from scipy.fft import *
from scipy.io import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_freq(file, start_time, end_time):
sr, data = wavfile.read(file)
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
# Fourier Transform
N = len(data)
yf = rfft(data)
xf = rfftfreq(N, 1 / sr)
return xf, yf
FILE = "C - Major - Test.wav"
plt.plot(*get_freq(FILE, 0, 10))
And the frequency graph:
And here is the .wav file:
Any help is appreciated :)
think this is what you need:
first you convert negative numbers into positive ones and smooth the line to eliminate noise, to find the lower peaks yo work with the negative values.
from scipy.io import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
def get_volume(file):
sr, data = wavfile.read(file)
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
return data
v1 = abs(get_volume("test.wav"))
#Smooth the curve
volumes=savgol_filter(v1,10000 , 3)
#find peaks
peaks,_ = find_peaks(volumes,distance=8000,prominence=300)
lpeaks,_= find_peaks(lv,distance=8000,prominence=300)
# plot them
plt.plot(np.zeros_like(volumes), "--", color="gray")
Plot with your test file, x marks the high peaks and o the lower peaks
This article presents two python libraries (Aubio, librosa) to achieve what you need and includes examples of how to use them: How to Use Python to Detect Music Onsets by Lynn Zheng

How can I vectorize this python for loop?

I am trying to count the number of events with various thresholds. So I used for loop to use it as thresholds but the number of events is too many so it takes too much time.
So I want to vectorize this macro and reduce compute time. Can I get some help?
array_ = np.array(bin_number)
for i in range(bin_number):
mask_1 = array_ML[:,0] > i
masked_array = array_ML[mask_1]
mask_2 = masked_array[:,2] == 0
masked_array = masked_array[mask_2]
array_[i] = masked_array.shape[0]
There may be a dedicated function in NumPy that does this for you, but otherwise, the following simplifications are likely to speed up your code significantly:
import numpy as np
# Create example data
array_ML = np.random.randint(0, 1000, (10000, 200))
array_ML[:, 2] = np.where(array_ML[:, 2] > 500, 0, 1)
bin_number = 100
array_ = np.zeros(bin_number, dtype=int)
# filter what we can, before the loop
mask = array_ML[:, 2] == 0
temp = array_ML[mask, 0]
# Just count, by summing the condition
for i in range(bin_number):
array_[i] = np.sum(temp > i)
With the above example data, my timings (using %%time in Jupyter notebook cells) reduce from 439 ms (original code) to 3.86 ms (code above).
Of course, the timing decreases are heavily dependent on your input data shape, distribution of data, and bin_number; my timings serve as an indication.

Averaging large data set with bins in numpy

I have a large (~100GB) data set xs of structured numpy arrays x where I want to bin each by a property p1 and want to find the mean and standard deviation of property p2 in each bin. My method shown below works, but is quite slow. Is there any faster/more numpythonic way to do this? I can't fit the whole dataset in memory, but I do have lots of cores, so a nice way to parallelise it would also be nice.
N, p2_total, means_p2, stds_p2 = np.zeros((4,nbins))
for x in xs_generator():
p1s = x['p1']
p2s = x['p2']
for this_bin,bin_edge in enumerate(bin_edges):
these_p1s = p1s[which_bin==this_bin]
these_p2s = p2s[which_bin==this_bin]
N[this_bin] += np.size(these_p1s)
p2_total[this_bin] += np.sum(these_p2s)
p2sq_total[this_bin] += np.sum(these_p2s**2)
means_p2 = p2_total/N
stds_p2 = np.sqrt(p2sq_total/N**2)
you should use np.histogram:
N, binDump = np.histogram( p1s, bins=bin_edges )
p2_total, binDump = np.histogram( p1s, bins=bin_edges, weights=p2s )
p2sq_total, binDump = np.histogram( p1s, bins=bin_edges, weights=p2s**2 )
means_p2 = p2_total/N
stds_p2 = np.sqrt(p2sq_total/N**2)
like this you avoid the loop, you just re-write the histogram function :)

matplotlib argrelmax doesn't find all maxes

I have a project where I'm sampling analog data and attempting to analyze with matplotlib. Currently, my analog data source is a potentiometer hooked up to a microcontroller, but that's not really relevant to the issue. Here's my code
arrayFront = RunningMean(array(dataFront), 15)
arrayRear = RunningMean(array(dataRear), 15)
x = linspace(0, len(arrayFront), len(arrayFront)) # Generate x axis
y = linspace(0, len(arrayRear), len(arrayRear)) # Generate x axis
min_vals_front = scipy.signal.argrelmin(arrayFront, order=2)[0] # Min
min_vals_rear = scipy.signal.argrelmin(arrayRear, order=2)[0] # Min
max_vals_front = scipy.signal.argrelmax(arrayFront, order=2)[0] # Max
max_vals_rear = scipy.signal.argrelmax(arrayRear, order=2)[0] # Max
maxvalfront = max(arrayFront[max_vals_front])
maxvalrear = max(arrayRear[max_vals_rear])
minvalfront = min(arrayFront[min_vals_front])
minvalrear = min(arrayRear[min_vals_rear])
plot(x, arrayFront, label="Front Pressures")
plot(y, arrayRear, label="Rear Pressures")
plot(x[min_vals_front], arrayFront[min_vals_front], "x")
plot(x[max_vals_front], arrayFront[max_vals_front], "o")
plot(y[min_vals_rear], arrayRear[min_vals_rear], "x")
plot(y[max_vals_rear], arrayRear[max_vals_rear], "o")
xlim(-25, len(arrayFront) + 25)
ylim(-1000, 7000)
legend(loc='upper left')
dataFront and dataRear are python lists that hold the sampled data from 2 potentiometers. RunningMean is a function that calls:
convolve(x, ones((N,)) / N, mode='valid')
The problem is that the argrelmax (and min) functions don't always find all the maxes and mins. Sometimes it doesn't find ANY max or mins, and that causes me problems in this block of code
maxvalfront = max(arrayFront[max_vals_front])
maxvalrear = max(arrayRear[max_vals_rear])
minvalfront = min(arrayFront[min_vals_front])
minvalrear = min(arrayRear[min_vals_rear])
because the [min_vals_(blank)] variables are empty. Does anyone have any idea what is happening here, and what I can do to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.
Here's one of graphs of data where not all the maxes and mins are found:
signal.argrelmin is a thin wrapper around signal.argrelextrema with comparator=np.less. np.less(a, b) returns the truth value of a < b element-wise. Notice that np.less requires a to be strictly less than b for it to be True.
Your data has the same minimum value at a lot of neighboring locations. At the local minima, the inequality between local minimum and its neighbors does not satisfy a strictly less than relationship; instead it only satisfies a strictly less than or equal to relationship.
Therefore, to find these extrema use signal.argrelmin with comparator=np.less_equal. For example, using a snippet from your data:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
arrayRear = np.array([-624.59309896, -624.59309896, -624.59309896,
-625., -625., -625.,])
print(signal.argrelmin(arrayRear, order=2)[0])
# []
print(signal.argrelextrema(arrayRear, np.less_equal)[0])
# [0 1 3 4 5]
print(signal.argrelextrema(arrayRear, np.less_equal, order=2)[0])
# [0 3 4 5]
