I'm writing a simple script which has a few lines like this:
if (datetime.datetime.hour == 12):
What is the easiest way to test these? Changing the system time to different times every time I want to test it is a bit annoying, is there an easier way to let Python think it's a different time?
Create a datetime object now and use it:
import datetime, pytz
testing = False # set to True/False
if testing:
now = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 12, 23, 34, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
# testing with any time
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
# normal usage with current time
if (now.hour == 12):
EDIT: You can also start your script with an optional parameter (check optparse): if it is filled in a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS form, you can parse it:
if optDate:
now = datetime.datetime.strptime(optDate, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
Apply your own timezone here if you want.
I am trying to generate a date with range but the time is not showing. The code is as follows:
def date_range(start, end, step: datetime.timedelta):
while start < end:
yield start
start += step
for d in date_range(
start=datetime.date(2019, 1, 1),
end=datetime.date(2019, 1, 15),
The code shows the date only without the time. Why???
You are using datetime.date() which, according to the Python documentation here does not include time information - it just sets the hours/minutes/seconds to 0.
I think you want to use datetime.datetime() which does include time information.
See the Python documentation on datetime.datetime() for more information.
I am using the python wrapper of NLP Stanford's SUTime.
So far comparing the results to other date parsers like duckling, dateparser's search_dates, parsedatetime and natty, SUTime gives the most reliable results.
However, it fails to capture some obvious dates from documents.
Following are the 2 types of documents that I am having difficult parsing for dates using SUTime.
I am out and I won't be available until 9/19
I am out and I won't be available between (September 18-September 20)
It gives no results in case of the first document.
However, for the second document, it only captures the month but not the date or date range.
I tried wrapping my head around the java's code to see if I could alter or add some rules to make this work, but couldn't figure it out.
If someone can suggest a way to make this work with SUTime, it would be really helpful.
Also, I tried dateparser's search_dates, and it is unreliable as it captures anything and everything. Like for the first document it would parse a date on text "am out" (which is not required) and "9/19" (which is okay). So if there is a way to control this behavior it would work as well.
Question: Unable to capture certain date formats
This solution does use datetime instead of SUTime
import datetime
def datetime_from_string(datestring):
rules = [('(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2})', '%m/%d', {'year': 2018}), ('(\w+ \d{1,2})-(\w+ \d{1,2})', '%B %d', {'year': 2018})]
result = None
for rule in rules:
match = re.match(rule[0], datestring)
if match:
result = []
for part in match.groups():
date = datetime.strptime(part, rule[1])
if rule[2]:
for key in rule[2]:
if key == 'year':
date = datetime(rule[2][key], date.month, date.day)
except ValueError:
return result
# If you reach heare, NO matching rule
raise ValueError("Datestring '{}', does not match any rule!".format(datestring))
# Usage
for datestring in ['9/19', 'September 18-September 20', '2018-09-01']:
result = datetime_from_string(datestring)
print("str:{} result:{}".format(datestring, result))
str:'9/19' result:[datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 19, 0, 0)]
str:'September 18-September 20' result:[datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 18, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 20, 0, 0)
ValueError: Datestring '2018-09-01', does not match any rule!
Tested with Python: 3.4.2
In my Python 3.6 application, from my input data I can receive datatimes in two different formats:
"datefield":"12/29/2017" or "datefield":"2017-12-31"
I need to make sure the that I can handle either datetime format and convert them to (or leave it in) the iso 8601 format. I want to do something like this:
#python pseudocode
import datetime
if datefield = "m%/d%/Y%":
final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datefield, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
elif datefield = "%Y-%m-%d":
final_date = datefield
The problem is I don't know how to check the datefield for a specific datetime format in that first if-statement in my pseudocode. I want a true or false back. I read through the Python docs and some tutorials. I did see one or two obscure examples that used try-except blocks, but that doesn't seem like an efficient way to handle this. This question is unique from other stack overflow posts because I need to handle and validate two different cases, not just one case, where I can simply fail it if it does validate.
You can detect the first style of date by a simple string test, looking for the / separators. Depending on how "loose" you want the check to be, you could check a specific index or scan the whole string with a substring test using the in operator:
if "/" in datefield: # or "if datefield[2] = '/'", or maybe "if datefield[-5] = '/'"
final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datefield, "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
Since you'll only ever deal with two date formats, just check for a / or a - character.
import datetime
# M/D/Y
if '/' in datefield:
final_date = datetime.datetime.strpdate(date, '%M/%D/%Y').isoformat()
# Y-M-D
elif '-' in datefield:
final_date = datetime.datetime.strpdate(date, '%Y-%M-%D').isoformat()
A possible approach is to use the dateutil library. It contains many of the commonest datetime formats and can automagically detect these formats for you.
>>> from dateutil.parser import parse
>>> d1 = "12/29/2017"
>>> d2 = "2017-12-31"
>>> parse(d1)
datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 29, 0, 0)
>>> parse(d2)
datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 31, 0, 0)
NOTE: dateutil is a 3rd party library so you may need to install it with something like:
pip install python-dateutil
It can be found on pypi:
And works with Python2 and Python3.
Alternate Examples:
Here are a couple of alternate examples of how well dateutil handles random date formats:
>>> d3 = "December 28th, 2017"
>>> parse(d3)
datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 28, 0, 0)
>>> d4 = "27th Dec, 2017"
>>> parse(d4)
datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 27, 0, 0)
I went with the advice of #ChristianDean and used the try-except block in effort to be Pythonic. The first format %m/%d/%Y appears a bit more in my data, so I lead the try-except with that datetime formatting attempt.
Here is my final solution:
import datetime
final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datefield, "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
except ValueError:
final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datefield, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
I have a model called Appointment which has the columns datetime which is a DateTime field and duration which is an Integer field and represents duration in minutes. Now I want to check if func.now() is between the datetime of the appointment and the sum of the datetime and duration
I am currently to try to do it this way, but I need a solution that will work for both PostgreSQL and SQLite.
current_appointment = Appointment.query.filter(
'MINUTES', Appointment.duration, func.now()
I don't think you'll be able to do this directly in the ORM for both sqlite and postgres, but sqlalchemy lets you extend it in a cross-dialect way with Custom SQL Constructs and Compilation Extension.
This snippet might not be exactly right because I hacked at it with some different models and translated it over for this, but I got something very close to render the postgres SQL correctly:
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.sql import expression
from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
class durationnow(expression.FunctionElement):
type = DateTime()
name = 'durationnow'
#compiles(durationnow, 'sqlite')
def sl_durationnow(element, compiler, **kw):
return compiler.process(
func.timestampadd('MINUTES', element.clauses, func.now())
#compiles(durationnow, 'postgresql')
def pg_durationnow(element, compiler, **kw):
return compiler.process(
func.now() + func.make_interval(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, element.clauses)
# Or alternatively...
# return "now() - make_interval(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {})".format(compiler.process(element.clauses))
# which is more in-line with how the documentation uses 'compiles'
With something like that set up you should be able to turn your original query into a cross-dialect one that renders to SQL directly instead of doing the duration computation in Python:
current_appointment = Appointment.query.filter(
Disclaimer 1: First of all, think if it is not "cheaper" to actually use postgresql instead of sqlite everywhere. I assume you have development/production differences, which you should avoid. Installation of postgresql on any modern OS is quite trivial.
Assuming above is not an option/desired, let's continue.
Disclaimer 2: The solution with the custom SQL construct (as per #Josh's answer) is really the only reasonable way to achieve this.
Unfortunately, the proposed solution does not actually work for sqlite, and could not be fixed with just few lines, hence a separate answer.
Assuming you have the following model:
class Appointment(Base):
__tablename__ = 'appointment'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(255))
datetime = Column(DateTime) # #note: should be better named `start_date`?
duration = Column(Integer)
sqlite is really tricky dealing with dates operations, especially adding/subtracting intervals from dates. Therefore, let's approach it somewhat differently and create custom functions to get an interval between two dates in minutes:
class diff_minutes(expression.FunctionElement):
type = Integer()
name = 'diff_minutes'
#compiles(diff_minutes, 'sqlite')
def sqlite_diff_minutes(element, compiler, **kw):
dt1, dt2 = list(element.clauses)
return compiler.process(
(func.strftime('%s', dt1) - func.strftime('%s', dt2)) / 60
#compiles(diff_minutes, 'postgresql')
def postgres_diff_minutes(element, compiler, **kw):
dt1, dt2 = list(element.clauses)
return compiler.process(func.extract('epoch', dt1 - dt2) / 60)
You can already implement your check using following query (i am not adding limit(1).one_or_none in my examples, which you can obviously do when you need it):
q = (
.filter(Appointment.datetime <= func.now())
.filter(diff_minutes(func.now(), Appointment.datetime) <= Appointment.duration)
But now you are not limited by current time (func.now()), and you can check (and unit test) your data against any time:
# at_time = func.now()
at_time = datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 11, 17, 50, 0)
q = (
.filter(Appointment.datetime <= at_time)
.filter(diff_minutes(at_time, Appointment.datetime) <= Appointment.duration)
Basically, problem is solved here, and the solution should work for both database engines you use.
You can hide the implementation of checking if the event is current using Hybrid Methods.
Lets add following to the Appointment class:
def is_current(self, at_time=None):
if at_time is None:
at_time = datetime.datetime.now()
return self.datetime <= at_time <= self.datetime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.duration)
def is_current(cls, at_time=None):
if at_time is None:
at_time = datetime.datetime.now()
stime = cls.datetime
diffm = diff_minutes(at_time, cls.datetime)
return and_(diffm >= 0, cls.duration >= diffm).label('is_current')
The first one allows you to run the check in memory (on python, not on SQL side):
The second one allows you to construct query like below:
q = session.query(Appointment).filter(Appointment.is_current(at_time))
where if at_time it not specified, current time will be used. You can, of course then modify the query as you wish:
current_appointment = session.query(Appointment).filter(Appointment.is_current()).limit(1).one_or_none()
If I'm understanding the question correctly...
Something like this?
def check_for_current_appt(appt_epoch, appt_duration):
'''INPUT : appt_timestamp (int (epoch time)): start time for appointment
appt_duration (int): duration of appointment in seconds
OUTPUT : appt_underway (bool): True if appointment is currently underway'''
now = time.time()
appt_underway = 0 < (now - appt_epoch) < appt_duration
return appt_underway
I'll leave it to you to convert to epoch time and seconds for the duration
From what I understand of it, PostgreSQL uses unix timestamps while Sqlite uses iso-8601 timestamps stored as strings. So if you change the overall structure of your database to use the Sqlite format it should give you the functionality you want, you can convert datetime with the .isoformat() function. Unfortunately if you are not working with only test data you will have to iterate over all the rows to change them. Not sure if this is acceptable to you but is an easy way to do it.
Based on the datetime section of http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/type_basics.html
I am having problems with logic on how to convert military time from a text file to standard time and discard all the wrong values. I have only got to a point where the user is asked for the input file and the contents are displayed from the text file entered. Please help me
Python's datetime.time objects use "military" time. You can do things like this:
>>> t = datetime.time(hour=15, minute=12)
>>> u = datetime.time(hour=16, minute=44)
>>> t = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), t)
>>> t
datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 11, 15, 12)
>>> u = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), u)
>>> t - u
datetime.timedelta(-1, 80880)
With a little twiddling, conversions like the ones you describe should be pretty simple.
Without seeing any code, it's hard to tell what exactly you want. But I assume you could do something like this:
raw_time = '2244'
converted_time = datetime.time(hour=int(raw_time[0:2]), minute=int(raw_time[2:4]))
converted_time = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), converted_time)
Now you can work with converted_time, adding and subtracting timedelta objects. Fyi, you can create a timedelta like so:
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=4)
The full list of possible keyword arguments to the timedelta constructor is here.
from dateutil.parser import parse
time_today = parse("08:00")
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
required_time = time_today-relativedelta(minutes=35)
print required_time
datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 11, 7, 25)
It's not a true answer like the other two, but the philosophy I use when dealing with dates and times in python: convert to a datetime object as soon as possible after getting from the user, and only convert back into a string when you are presenting the value back to the user.
Most of the date/time math you will need can be done by datetime objects, and their cousins the timedelta objects. Unless you need ratios of timedeltas to other timedeltas, but that's another story.