OpenCV in Python can't scan through pixels - python

I'm stuck with a problem of the python wrapper for OpenCv.
I have this function that returns 1 if the number of black pixels is greater than treshold
def checkBlackPixels( img, threshold ):
width = img.width
height = img.height
nchannels = img.nChannels
step = img.widthStep
dimtot = width * height
data = img.imageData
black = 0
for i in range( 0, height ):
for j in range( 0, width ):
r = data[i*step + j*nchannels + 0]
g = data[i*step + j*nchannels + 1]
b = data[i*step + j*nchannels + 2]
if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0:
black = black + 1
if black >= threshold * dimtot:
return 1
return 0
The loop (scan each pixel of a given image) works good when the input is an RGB
image...but if the input is a single channel image I get this error:
for j in range( width ):
TypeError: Nested sequences should have 2 or 3 dimensions
The input single channel image (called 'rg' in the next example) is taken from
an RGB image called 'src' processed with cvSplit and then cvAbsDiff
cvSplit( src, r, g, b, 'NULL' )
rg = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), src.depth, 1 ) # R - G
cvAbsDiff( r, g, rg )
I've also already noticed that the problem comes from the difference image got from cvSplit...
Anyone can help me?
Thank you

widthStep and imageData are no longer valid attributes for IplImage object. Thus, the correct way to loop through each pixel and grabbing its color value would be
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, width):
pixel_value = cv.Get2D(img, i, j)
# Since OpenCV loads color images in BGR, not RGB
b = pixel_value[0]
g = pixel_value[1]
r = pixel_value[2]
# cv.Set2D(result, i, j, value)
# ^ to store results of per-pixel
# operations at (i, j) in 'result' image
Hope you find this useful.

What version of OpenCV and which Python wrapper are you using? I recommend using OpenCV 2.1 or 2.2 with the Python interface that comes with the library.
I also recommend that you avoid scanning pixels manually, and instead use the low-level functions provided by OpenCV (see the Operations on Arrays part of the OpenCV docs). That way will be less error-prone and much faster.
If you want to count the number of black pixels in a single-channel image or in a color image with the COI set (so that the color image is effectively treated as a single-channel one), you could use the function CountNonZero:
def countBlackPixels(grayImg):
(w,h) = cv.GetSize(grayImg)
size = w * h
return size - cv.CountNonZero(grayImg)


Fast and Robust Image Stitching Algorithm for many images in Python?

I have a stationary camera which takes photos rapidly of the continuosly moving product but in a fixed position just of the same angle (translation perspective). I need to stitch all images into a panoramic picture. I've tried by using the class Stitcher. It worked, but it took a long time to compute.
I also tried to use another method by using the SIFT detector, FNNbasedMatcher, finding Homography and then warping the images. This method works fine if I only use two images. For multiple images it still doesn't stitch them properly. Does anyone know the best and fastest image stitching algorithm for this case?
This is my code which uses the Stitcher class.
import time
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
def main():
# read input images
imgs = []
path = 'pics_rotated/'
i = 0
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path):
images = [f for f in files]
for i in range(0,len(images)):
curImg = cv2.imread(path + images[i])
stitcher = cv2.Stitcher.create(mode= 0)
status ,result = stitcher.stitch(imgs)
if status != cv2.Stitcher_OK:
print("Can't stitch images, error code = %d" % status)
cv2.imwrite("imagesout/output.jpg", result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("Time --->>>>>", end - start)
cv2.destroyAllWindows()enter code here
Although OpenCV Stitcher class provides lots of methods and options to perform stitching, I find it hard to use it because of the complexity.
Therefore, I will try to provide the minimum and fastest way to perform stitching.
In case you are wondering more sophisticated approachs such as exposure compensation, I highly recommend looking at the detailed sample code.
As a side note, I will be grateful if someone can convert the following functions to use Stitcher class.
In order to combine multiple images into the same perspective, the following operations are needed:
Detect and match features.
Compute homography (perspective transform between frames).
Warp one image onto the other perspective.
Combine the base and warped images while keeping track of the shift in origin.
Given the combination pattern, stitch multiple images.
Feature detection and matching
What are features?
They are distinguishable parts, like corners of a square, that are preserved across images.
There are different algorithms proposed for obtaining these characteristic points, like Harris, ORB, SIFT, SURF, etc.
See cv::Feature2d for the full list.
I will use SIFT because it is accurate and sufficiently fast.
A feature consists of a KeyPoint, which is the location in the image, and a descriptor, which is a set of numbers (e.g. a 128-D vector) that represents the properties of the feature.
After finding distinct points in images, we need to match the corresponding point pairs.
See cv::DescriptionMatcher.
I will use Flann-based descriptor matcher.
First, we initialize the descriptor and matcher classes.
descriptor = cv.SIFT.create()
matcher = cv.DescriptorMatcher.create(cv.DescriptorMatcher.FLANNBASED)
Then, we find the features in each image.
(kps, desc) = descriptor.detectAndCompute(image, mask=None)
Now we find the corresponding point pairs.
if (desc1 is not None and desc2 is not None and len(desc1) >=2 and len(desc2) >= 2):
rawMatch = matcher->knnMatch(desc2, desc1, k=2)
matches = []
# ensure the distance is within a certain ratio of each other (i.e. Lowe's ratio test)
ratio = 0.75
for m in rawMatch:
if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio:
matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))
Homography computation
Homography is the perspective transformation from one view to another.
The parallel lines in one view may not be parallel in another, like a road to sunset.
We need to have at least 4 corresponding point pairs.
The more means redundant data that have to be decomposed or eliminated.
Homography matrix that transforms the point in the initial view to its warped position.
It is a 3x3 matrix that is computed by Direct Linear Transform algorithm.
There are 8 DoF and the last element in the matrix is 1.
[pt2] = H * [pt1]
Now that we have corresponding point matches, we compute the homography.
The method we use to handle redundant data is RANSAC, which randomly selects 4 point pairs and uses the best fitting result.
See cv::findHomography for more options.
if len(matches) > 4:
(H, status) = cv.findHomography(pts1, pts2, cv.RANSAC)
Warping to perspective
By computing homography, we know which point in the source image corresponds to which point in the destination image.
In order not to lose information from the source image, we need to pad the destination image by the amount that the transformed point falls to negative regions.
At the same time, we need to keep track of the shift amount of the origin for stitching multiple images.
Auxilary functions
# find the ROI of a transformation result
def warpRect(rect, H):
x, y, w, h = rect
corners = [[x, y], [x, y + h - 1], [x + w - 1, y], [x + w - 1, y + h - 1]]
extremum = cv.transform(corners, H)
minx, miny = np.min(extremum[:,0]), np.min(extremum[:,1])
maxx, maxy = np.max(extremum[:,0]), np.max(extremum[:,1])
xo = int(np.floor(minx))
yo = int(np.floor(miny))
wo = int(np.ceil(maxx - minx))
ho = int(np.ceil(maxy - miny))
outrect = (xo, yo, wo, ho)
return outrect
# homography matrix is translated to fit in the screen
def coverH(rect, H):
# obtain bounding box of the result
x, y, _, _ = warpRect(rect, H)
# shift amount to the first quadrant
xpos = int(-x if x < 0 else 0)
ypos = int(-y if y < 0 else 0)
# correct the homography matrix so that no point is thrown out
T = np.array([[1, 0, xpos], [0, 1, ypos], [0, 0, 1]])
H_corr =
return (H_corr, (xpos, ypos))
# pad image to cover ROI, return the shift amount of origin
def addBorder(img, rect):
x, y, w, h = rect
tl = (x, y)
br = (x + w, y + h)
top = int(-tl[1] if tl[1] < 0 else 0)
bottom = int(br[1] - img.shape[0] if br[1] > img.shape[0] else 0)
left = int(-tl[0] if tl[0] < 0 else 0)
right = int(br[0] - img.shape[1] if br[0] > img.shape[1] else 0)
img = cv.copyMakeBorder(img, top, bottom, left, right, cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0, 0, 0])
orig = (left, top)
return img, orig
def size2rect(size):
return (0, 0, size[1], size[0])
Warping function
def warpImage(img, H):
# tweak the homography matrix to move the result to the first quadrant
H_cover, pos = coverH(size2rect(img.shape), H)
# find the bounding box of the output
x, y, w, h = warpRect(size2rect(img.shape), H_cover)
width, height = x + w, y + h
# warp the image using the corrected homography matrix
warped = cv.warpPerspective(img, H_corr, (width, height))
# make the external boundary solid black, useful for masking
warped = np.ascontiguousarray(warped, dtype=np.uint8)
gray = cv.cvtColor(warped, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
_, bw = cv.threshold(gray, 1, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
major = cv.__version__.split('.')[0]
if major == '3':
_, cnts, _ = cv.findContours(bw, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
cnts, _ = cv.findContours(bw, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
warped = cv.drawContours(warped, cnts, 0, [0, 0, 0], lineType=cv.LINE_4)
return (warped, pos)
Combining warped and destination images
This is the step where image enhancement such as exposure compensation becomes involved.
In order to keep things simple, we will use mean value blending.
The easiest solution would be overriding the existing data in the destination image but averaging operation is not a burden for us.
# only the non-zero pixels are weighted to the average
def mean_blend(img1, img2):
assert(img1.shape == img2.shape)
locs1 = np.where(cv.cvtColor(img1, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) != 0)
blended1 = np.copy(img2)
blended1[locs1[0], locs1[1]] = img1[locs1[0], locs1[1]]
locs2 = np.where(cv.cvtColor(img2, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) != 0)
blended2 = np.copy(img1)
blended2[locs2[0], locs2[1]] = img2[locs2[0], locs2[1]]
blended = cv.addWeighted(blended1, 0.5, blended2, 0.5, 0)
return blended
def warpPano(prevPano, img, H, orig):
# correct homography matrix
T = np.array([[1, 0, -orig[0]], [0, 1, -orig[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
H_corr =
# warp the image and obtain shift amount of origin
result, pos = warpImage(prevPano, H_corr)
xpos, ypos = pos
# zero pad the result
rect = (xpos, ypos, img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
result, _ = addBorder(result, rect)
# mean value blending
idx = np.s_[ypos : ypos + img.shape[0], xpos : xpos + img.shape[1]]
result[idx] = mean_blend(result[idx], img)
# crop extra paddings
x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(cv.cvtColor(result, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))
result = result[y : y + h, x : x + w]
# return the resulting image with shift amount
return (result, (xpos - x, ypos - y))
Stitching multiple images given combination pattern
# base image is the last image in each iteration
def blend_multiple_images(images, homographies):
N = len(images)
assert(N >= 2)
assert(len(homographies) == N - 1)
pano = np.copy(images[0])
pos = (0, 0)
for i in range(N - 1):
img = images[i + 1]
# get homography matrix
H = homographies[i]
# warp pano onto image
pano, pos = warpPano(pano, img, H, pos)
return (pano, pos)
The method above warps the previously combined image, called pano, onto the next image subsequently.
A pattern, however, may have conjunction points for the best stitching view.
For example
1 2 3
4 5 6
The best pattern to combine these images is
1 -> 2 <- 3
4 -> 5 <- 6
Therefore, we need one last function to combine 1 & 2 with 2 & 3, or 1235 with 456 at node 5.
from operator import sub
# no warping here, useful for combining two different stitched images
# the image at given origin coordinates must be the same
def patchPano(img1, img2, orig1=(0,0), orig2=(0,0)):
# bottom right points
br1 = (img1.shape[1] - 1, img1.shape[0] - 1)
br2 = (img2.shape[1] - 1, img2.shape[0] - 1)
# distance from orig to br
diag2 = tuple(map(sub, br2, orig2))
# possible pano corner coordinates based on img1
extremum = np.array([(0, 0), br1,
tuple(map(sum, zip(orig1, diag2))),
tuple(map(sub, orig1, orig2))])
bb = cv.boundingRect(extremum)
# patch img1 to img2
pano, shift = addBorder(img1, bb)
orig = tuple(map(sum, zip(orig1, shift)))
idx = np.s_[orig[1] : orig[1] + img2.shape[0] - orig2[1],
orig[0] : orig[0] + img2.shape[1] - orig2[0]]
subImg = img2[orig2[1] : img2.shape[0], orig2[0] : img2.shape[1]]
pano[idx] = mean_blend(pano[idx], subImg)
return (pano, orig)
For a quick demo, you can run the Python code in GitHub.
If you want to use the above methods in C++, you can have a look at Stitch library.
Any PR or edit to this post is welcome.
As an alternative to the last step that #Burak gave, this is the way I used as I had the number of images for each of the rows (chunks), the multiStitching being nothing but a function to stitch images horizontally:
def stitchingImagesHV(img_list, size):
As our multi stitching algorithm works on the horizontal line, we will hack
it to use also the vertical stitching by rotating each row "stitch_img" and
apply the same technique, and after that, the final result is rotated back to the
original direction.
# Generate row chunks of "size" length from image list
chunks = [img_list[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(img_list), size)]
list_rotated_images = []
for i in range(len(chunks)):
stitch_img = multiStitching(chunks[i])
stitch_img_rotated = cv2.rotate(stitch_img, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
stitch_img2 = multiStitching(list_rotated_images)
return cv2.rotate(stitch_img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)

How to convert image to one dimension array using PIL?

I'm trying to convert the image of a hand to an array were the hand pixels will be white and all the other pixels black.
The following is working code in GNU Octave which I am trying to replicate in python (see below for my code)
function image_out = processSkinImage(filename)
Step 1...
% Read the image
original = imread(filename);
Step 2...
% Resize the image to 50x50
image_resized = imresize(original, scale);
[M N Z] = size(image_resized);
% Initialize the output image
image_out = zeros(height,width);
image_out = zeros(M,N);
Step 3...
% Convert the image from RGB to YCbCr
img_ycbcr = rgb2ycbcr(image_resized);
Cb = img_ycbcr(:,:,2);
Cr = img_ycbcr(:,:,3);
Step 4...
% Get the central color of the image
% Expected the hand to be in the central of the image
central_color = img_ycbcr(int32(M/2),int32(N/2),:);
Cb_Color = central_color(:,:,2);
Cr_Color = central_color(:,:,3);
% Set the range
Cb_Difference = 15;
Cr_Difference = 10;
Step 5...
% Detect skin pixels
[r,c,v] = find(Cb>=Cb_Color-Cr_Difference & Cb<=Cb_Color+Cb_Difference & Cr>=Cr_Color-Cr_Difference & Cr<=Cr_Color+Cr_Difference);
Step 6...
% Mark detected pixels
for i=1:match_count
image_out(r(i),c(i)) = 1;
Here is what I wrote in python:
from PIL import Image as im
image ='/Users/eitan/Desktop/eell.jpg')
image = image.resize((50,50), im.NEAREST)
grayScale = image.convert(mode='L')
width, height = grayScale.size
print (mid_pixel)
pixels = grayScale.load()
for i in range(grayScale.size[0]): # for every col:
for j in range(grayScale.size[1]): # For every row
if grayScale.getpixel((i,j)) < mid_pixel+15 and grayScale.getpixel((i,j)) > mid_pixel-15:
pixels[i,j] = 255
pixels[i, j] = 0
This results in part of the hand and part of the background both being white - while the rest of the hand is black.
Where did I get something wrong?

How can I optimize my convolution process?

My algorithm consists in convoluting a fixed size kernel around an image and at each step look at the borders of the portion of the image.
If all the borders are equal to zero, set all the portion of the image to zero, else, do nothing.
def iterForms(img):
height, width = img.shape
size = 14
for i in range(0, height - size - 2):
for j in range(0, width - size - 2):
crop = img[i : i + size + 2, j : j + size + 2]
return img
def cleanCrop(crop):
h, w = crop.shape
borders = np.vstack((crop[0,:], crop[h-1,:], crop[:,0], crop[:,w-1]))
if np.all(borders == 0):
crop[:, :] = 0
I was wondering if there is a optimized function that can convolute around an image and for each step execute a function (in this case the function is 'cleanCrop').
If it does not exist, can I use multi-threding to optimize this process?
Thanks in advance.
It's not technically Convolution. Let's just call it Sliding around the image.

Converting a PIL image in python to grayscale pixel by pixel, leaving 1 color alone

I'm trying to convert an image to grayscale in python 3.4.2, but I would like to leave all "red" pixels alone
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
def grayscale(picture):
res =, picture.size)
red = '150,45,45' # for now I'm just tyring
x = red.split(",") # to change pixels with R value less than 150
#and G/B values greater than 45
width, height = picture.size #to greyscale
for i in range(0, width):
for j in range(0, height):
pixel = picture.getpixel((i, j)) #get a pixel
pixelStr = str(pixel)
pixelStr = pixelStr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
pixelStr.split(",") #remove parentheses and split so we
#can convert the pixel into 3 integers
#if its not specifically in the range of values we're trying to convert
#we place the original pixel otherwise we convert the pixel to grayscale
if not (int(pixelStr[0]) >= int(x[0]) and int(pixelStr[1]) <= int(x[1]) and int(pixelStr[2]) <= int(x[2])):
avg = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) / 3
res.putpixel((i, j), (int(avg), int(avg), int(avg)))
return res
Right now this converts the image to grayscale but as far as I can tell it doesn't leave any colored pixels like I thought it would, any help/suggestions/alternate ways to accomplish my task would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
So incase anyone reads this in the future my code was not working due to an error on my part
should have been throwing an error, because I didn't get it a position to place the pixel just the color information. Since it wasn't throwing an error we never actually got inside my else: statement.
Asked a teammate for help and we changed my code to this:
from numpy import *
from PIL import Image
red_lower_threshold = 150
green_blue_diff_threshold = 50
def grayscale(picture):
res =, picture.size)
for i in range(0, picture.size[0]):
for j in range(0, picture.size[1]):
pixel = picture.getpixel((i, j)) #get a pixel
red = pixel[0]
green = pixel[1]
blue = pixel[2]
if (red > red_lower_threshold and abs(green - blue) < green_blue_diff_threshold):
res.putpixel((i, j), pixel)
avg = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) / 3
res.putpixel((i, j), (int(avg), int(avg), int(avg)))'output.jpg')
return res
it's not perfect but its a workable solution

Stitching final size and offset

I am making a stitching with opencv and Python. All works well, except one thing : I don't manage to compute the exact final size of the result picture.
My image is always too big and i have black border. Moreover, the offset doesn't seem to be correct because there is a black line where pictures have merged.
Here is my function :
def calculate_size(size_image1, size_image2, homography):
## Calculate the size and offset of the stitched panorama.
offset = abs((homography*(size_image2[0]-1,size_image2[1]-1,1))[0:2,2])
print offset
size = (size_image1[1] + int(offset[0]), size_image1[0] + int(offset[1]))
if (homography*(0,0,1))[0][1] > 0:
offset[0] = 0
if (homography*(0,0,1))[1][2] > 0:
offset[1] = 0
## Update the homography to shift by the offset
homography[0:2,2] += offset
return (size, offset)
## 4. Combine images into a panorama. [4] --------------------------------
def merge_images(image1, image2, homography, size, offset, keypoints):
## Combine the two images into one.
panorama = cv2.warpPerspective(image2,homography,size)
(h1, w1) = image1.shape[:2]
for h in range(h1):
for w in range(w1):
if image1[h][w][0] != 0 or image1[h][w][3] != 0 or image1[h][w][4] != 0:
panorama[h+offset[1]][w + offset[0]] = image1[h][w]
## TODO: Draw the common feature keypoints.
return panorama
And my results:
1st image :
2nd image :
Stitched image :
What am I doing wrong?
if (homography*(0,0,1))[0][1] > 0:
offset[0] = 0
if (homography*(0,0,1))[1][2] > 0:
offset[1] = 0
Your code is wrong.The right one as following:
if (homography*(0,0,1))[0][2] > 0:
offset[0] = 0
if (homography*(0,0,1))[1][2] > 0:
offset[1] = 0
Well, I don't know a lot about Python but basically I had the some problem.
To solve the size issues I did the following:
perspectiveTransform( obj_original_corners, scene_corners, homography);
After that, I just searched in both images the smallest_X, smallest_Y, biggest_X and biggest_Y.
These numbers I then used in:
So in that case the new image itself will have the proper size even if the 2nd image has a negative x or negative y.
Only thing I'm still struggling with myself at this moment is how to apply the shift to warpPerspective because now part of my image is cutoff due to negative numbers.
Accordding to stitching,All your process are right.The result is because your source picture.
for h in range(h1):
for w in range(w1):
if image1[h][w][0] != 0 or image1[h][w][3] != 0 or image1[h][w][4] != 0:
panorama[h+offset[1]][w + offset[0]] = image1[h][w]
The operation only filter the pixel ,whose color is zero.In fact ,some pixel seems like black,but it is not pure black and very near black. So these seem black pixel will not filter out by your program.
