xor each byte with 0x71 - python

I needed to read a byte from the file, xor it with 0x71 and write it back to another file. However, when i use the following, it just reads the byte as a string, so xoring creates problems.
f = open('a.out', 'r')
So I ended up doing the same in C.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char buffer[1] = {0};
FILE *fp = fopen("blah", "rb");
FILE *gp = fopen("a.out", "wb");
if(fp==NULL) printf("ERROR OPENING FILE\n");
int rc;
while((rc = fgetc(fp))!=EOF) {
printf("%x", rc ^ 0x71);
fputc(rc ^ 0x71, gp);
return 0;
Could someone tell me how I could convert the string I get on using f.read() over to a hex value so that I could xor it with 0x71 and subsequently write it over to a file?

If you want to treat something as an array of bytes, then usually you want a bytearray as it behaves as a mutable array of bytes:
b = bytearray(open('a.out', 'rb').read())
for i in range(len(b)):
b[i] ^= 0x71
open('b.out', 'wb').write(b)
Indexing a byte array returns an integer between 0x00 and 0xff, and modifying in place avoid the need to create a list and join everything up again. Note also that the file was opened as binary ('rb') - in your example you use 'r' which isn't a good idea.

Try this:
my_num = int(f.read(1))
And then xor the number stored in my_num.


Python string with byte array to byte array

ciphertext = base64.b64decode(xxxxxx) //output is b'148,240,50,66,81,26,240,2,101,31'
bytearray(ciphertext) // output is bytearray(b'148,240,50,66,81,26,240,2,101,31')
What am looking for is output of bytearray([148,240,50,66,81,26,240,2,101,31])
Full code:
bytearray(map(int, ciphertext.split(b',')))
# Or if you prefer genexprs:
bytearray(int(x) for x in ciphertext.split(b','))
The former is just converting the raw bytes to an equivalent bytearray, the latter splits it up by commas and parses the components as ints.

How to read binary data and display as a little endian hexstring in Python?

I want to read 4 byte of a binary file until it ends and want to display the result as a hex string e.g.
First 4 Bytes of my file are:
4D 5A 90 00
Result should be:
And I also want to be able to do different operations on the result for example:
result = 0x00905A4D
tmp = result & 0xFF
tmp should then be 0x4D
What's the most elegant way for doing this?
The following code does what you want:
from struct import unpack
inputFile = open("test.txt", "r")
byteString = inputFile.read(4)
# Unpack the first 4 bytes as a little ended unsigned integer
result = unpack("<I", byteString)[0]
# Do some bit arithmetic
tmp = result & 0xff
# Show variable values
print("%08x %08x" % (result, tmp))

Crypto++ :Encrypt in Python ,decipher in C++

I am trying to do the following:In a python script I use pycrypto lib to encrypt some text.Then I save it to file.Then I load that file and decode the encrypted text using the same key I used in Python.It fails at stfDecryptor.MessageEnd(); with the error:
"CryptoCPP::InvalidCiphertext at memory location [some memory]
Here is my code:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# one-liner to sufficiently pad the text to be encrypted
pad = lambda s: s + (BLOCK_SIZE - len(s) % BLOCK_SIZE) * PADDING
EncodeAES = lambda c, s: c.encrypt(pad(s))
secret = 'MyKey123456789ab'
# create a cipher object using the random secret
cipher = AES.new(secret)
# encode a string
encoded = EncodeAES(cipher, textIn)
#save to file
fileOut = open("enc_shader.vert","w")
std::string key = "MyKey123456789ab";
std::string iv = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
std::ifstream fileIn("enc_shader.vert");
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << fileIn.rdbuf();
std::string ciphertext1 = buffer.str();
CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption((byte*)key.c_str(), CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, (byte*)iv.c_str() );
CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) );
stfDecryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( ciphertext1.c_str() ), ciphertext1.size() );
stfDecryptor.MessageEnd();//fails here.
From what I read these to endpoints should work as pycrypto just a wrapper for the CryptoCPP lib.May be I miss the padding on CPP side?
Ok,I found that changing the padding scheme:
CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) ,BlockPaddingSchemeDef::NO_PADDING);
decodes the string on CPP side.But the decoded string contains the padding chars.
So if the original string was "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
The decoded string looks like this:
15 bytes were added to pad to 32 bytes.
Why Crypto++ doesn't remove those at decryption?
Your Python encryption code manually adds '{' characters to pad to the block size. This is not a defined padding mode, so the Crypto++ code will not be able to remove the padding using an integrated padding scheme. In other words, you should decrypt using NO_PADDING and then remove the padding yourself.
But it would be better to let the Python code use PKCS#7 padding, so you can use PKCS_PADDING as option within Crypto++.

Python: converting hex values, stored as string, to hex data

(Answer found. Close the topic)
I'm trying to convert hex values, stored as string, in to hex data.
I have:
data_input = 'AB688FB2509AA9D85C239B5DE16DD557D6477DEC23AF86F2AABD6D3B3E278FF9'
I need:
data_output = '\xAB\x68\x8F\xB2\x50\x9A\xA9\xD8\x5C\x23\x9B\x5D\xE1\x6D\xD5\x57\xD6\x47\x7D\xEC\x23\xAF\x86\xF2\xAA\xBD\x6D\x3B\x3E\x27\x8F\xF9'
I was trying data_input.decode('hex'), binascii.unhexlify(data_input) but all they return:
What should I write to receive all bytes in '\xFF' view?
I need representation in '\xFF' view to write this data to a file (I'm opening file with 'wb') as:
Sorry for bothering. An answer lies under my nose all the time:
data_output = data_input.decode('hex')
write_file(filename, data_output) #just opens a file 'wb', ant write a data in it
gives the same result as I need
I like chopping strings into fixed-width chunks using re.findall
print '\\x' + '\\x'.join(re.findall('.{2}', data_input))
If you want to actually convert the string into a list of ints, you can do that like this:
data = [int(x, 16) for x in re.findall('.{2}', data_input)]
It's an inefficient solution, but there's always:
flag = True
data_output = ''
for char in data_input:
if flag:
buffer = char
flag = False
data_output = data_output + '\\x' + buffer + char
flag = True
EDIT HOPEFULLY THE LAST: Who knew I could mess up in so many different ways on that simple a loop? Should actually run now...
>>> int('0x10AFCC', 16)
>>> hex(1093580)
So prepend your string with '0x' then do the above

File is not decoded properly

I have a file encoded in a strange pattern. For example,
Char (1 byte) | Integer (4 bytes) | Double (8 bytes) | etc...
So far, I wrote the code below, but I have not been able to figure out why still shows garbage in the screen. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
BRK_File = 'commands.BRK'
input = open(BRK_File, "rb")
rev = input.read(1)
filesize = input.read(4)
highpoint = input.read(8)
which = input.read(1)
print 'Revision: ', rev
print 'File size: ', filesize
print 'High point: ', highpoint
print 'Which: ', which
while True
opcode = input.read(1)
print 'Opcode: ', opcode
if opcode = 120:
#other opcodes
read() returns a string, which you need to decode to get the binary data. You could use the struct module to do the decoding.
Something along the following lines should do the trick:
import struct
fmt = 'cid' # char, int, double
data = input.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
rev, filesize, highpoint = struct.unpack(fmt, data)
You may have to deal with endianness issues, but struct makes that pretty easy.
It would be helpful to show the contents of the file, as well as the "garbage" that it's outputting.
input.read() returns a string, so you have to convert what you're reading to the type that you want. I suggest looking into the struct module.
