Python interface to dynamic binary instrumentaton framework PIN - python

I work in analyzing binary files, using Python. I have been using debuggers to do a dynamic analysis (i.e running the application and using breakpoints to get runtime execution). however, results can be improved if i can use some binary instrumentation fremework like PIN. The PIN is developed in C++ and provided as closed source (only dlls). We write something called PinTools do describe where and what we want to intercepts. I want to port PIN functionality into Python so that i continue using Python. I am aware of "ctypes" and boost-python.
My problem is: in order to use PIN, we write a pintool and run our bibnary executable with Pin and pintool (it is like running application with JIT). Now, I have no idea if I can use ctypes etc. to import PIN functions and use this python code for dynamically analyzing the binary. Can you please provide some suggestions or guidelines on how to proceed with this task.
So, in nut-n-shell, I want to create a Python interface (wrapper) to PIN framework.

Check out the ProcessTap project. Appears to implement exactly what you are looking for:

I was thinking about this recently, while I haven't looked into it, I would approach the problem like this: write a pintool that, upon initialization, starts an embedded python interpreter and imports a python module. I'd look at using SWIG to generate bindings for all the PIN api calls you want to use. Then the pintool would call a hardcoded function in the imported python module that would issue calls to the api to register more functions and do whatever you want to do.
I'm not sure how the callbacks would work, I don't know enough about SWIG. Also, this may fail if the program you're trying to instrument itself uses Python. But that's how I'd try to solve this problem to start out.


How to get code-completion for COM programming in PyCharm?

When using app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Some.Application'), is there any feasible way get code-completion in PyCharm? It is rather tedious having to retype (or copy-paste) everything from an API documentation, so would creating skeletons be. Is there no other way to let PyCharm know about the Interface provided via COM, especially if I can provide a .tlb file? Or is there at least some way automatically generate such a skeleton (or a wrapping module?) from the TypeLib?
Since there is no way for PyCharm to know the runtime type of app, you shouldn't expect to get code completion on app directly; at least not until they decide to add built-in support for generating code from type libraries.
However, you can exploit the fact that win32com implicitly generates code based on the type library as described in the first part of this answer, together with PyCharm's support for type hinting, to get code completion on COM methods.
Make sure that the Python types have been generated; their location is determined by the GUID of the COM object. For example, the types for Microsoft Word 2016 on my machine are available in
Add this folder to the path of your PyCharm Python interpreter; see e.g. this answer.
Import the modules for which you want code completion.
In the screenshots below, we use this approach with Word's Find:
Now, besides feeling dirty, this approach relies on the relevant types having been generated and the code completion is limited to the methods published by the object, so I imagine its usefulness in practice might be somewhat limited; in particular, anybody working on the code will have to generate the code, or the annotations will cause NameErrors. Personally, I would probably prefer using Jupyter for the exploratory part of the implementation process, and with minimal tweaks outlined in the answer mentioned above, Jupyter can be extended to have full code completion with win32com.

Advise needed for Static vs Dynamic linking

I have a Python code that needs to be able to execute a C++ code. I'm new to the idea of creating libraries but from what I have learned so far I need to know whether I need to use static or dynamic linking.
I have read up on the pros and cons of both but there is a lot of jargon thrown around that I do not understand yet and since I need to do this ASAP I was wondering if some light can be shed on this from somebody who can explain it simply to me.
So here's the situation. My C++ code generates some text files that have data. My Python code then uses those text files to plot the data. As a starter, I need to be able to run the C++ code directly from Python. Is DLL more suitable than SL? Or am I barking up the completely wrong tree?
Extra: is it possible to edit variables in my C++ code, compile it and execute it, all directly from Python?
It depends on your desired deployment. If you use dynamic linking will need to carefully manage the libraries (.so, .dll) on your path and ensure that the correct version is loaded. This can be helped if you include the version number in the filename, but then that has its own problems (security... displaying version numbers of your code is a bad idea).
Another benefit is that you can swap your library functionality without a re-compile as long as the interface does not change.
Statically linking is conceptually simpler and practically simpler. You only have to deploy one artefact (an .exe for example). I recommend you start with that until you need to move to the more complicated shared library setup.
Edit: I don't understand your "extra credit" question. What do you mean by "edit values"? If you mean can you modify variables that were declared in your C++ code, then yes you can as long as you use part of the public interface to do it.
BTW this advice is for the general decision. If you are linking from Python to C/C++ I think you need to use a shared library. Not sure as I haven't done it myself.
EDIT: To expand on "public interface". When you create a C++ library of whatever kind, you specify what functions are available to outside classes (look up how to to that). This is what I mean by public interface. Parts of your library are inaccessible but others (that you specify) are able to be called from client code (i.e. your python script). This allows you to modify the values that are stored in memory.
If you DO mean that you want to edit the actual C++ code from within your python I would suggest that you should re-design your application. You should be able to customise the run-time behaviour of your C++ library by providing the appropriate configuration.
If you give a solid example of what you mean by that we'll be able to give you better advice.
Yes it is possible!!
Try exploring subprocess module in python.
Following can be an example implementation of your scenario:
args = ['g++','-o','your_executable_name_with_path','yourfile.cpp_with_path']
your_compile = subprocess.Popen(args,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output,compilation_error = your_compile.communicate()
#successful compilation then there will be execuatble
if not compilation_error:
args = ['your_executable_name_with_path'] #command to run a an execuatble
your_run = subprocess.Popen(args,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
your_code_output,runtime_error = your_run.communicate()
Further, you can tackle more cases and come up with an efficient design
I'm not quite sure how the idea of linking comes into what you are asking, but it sounds to me like you want to use something like SWIG, which allows you to create wrappers around C++ functions (and many other languages) which you can then call directly from your Python code.
Extra: is it possible to edit values in my C++ code, compile it and execute it directly from Python?
If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to use Python to change your C++ code, then compile and execute it? If this is the case, you may want to look into embedding the Python interpreter in your C++ program. This would mean doing things the other way around and having C++ run your Python script, instead of trying to do everything from Python.

How to make a C++ library for Python

I am new to object oriented programming and I am struggling to find a good tutorial on how to make a library in C++ that I can import into Python.
At the moment I am just trying to make a simple example that adds two numbers. I am confused about the process. Essentially I want to be able to do something like this in Python:
import MyCPPcode
MyCPPcode.Add(5,3) #function prints 5+3=8
I am not requesting a full example with code, just the steps that I need to take.
Do I need to make a .dll or a static library? I am using MS Visual Studio 2013.
Also, does the process tailor the C++ library code for Python in any way or will this library be available for other languages as well?
While I cannot guide you through the whole process, because I do not know python too well, Here is what I know:
It is absolutely possible. While not being something for someone who is new to object-oriented programing, it's called the python-C/C++ API. If you search for that in the python documentation there are several chapters about it.
While the example function you're showing might look like that from python, the process is a lot more redundant in c++ (behind the scenes). There are tools that combat that issue, for example Cython, but if you want to learn I'd suggest going pure python API.
As for availability with other languages... Well, the internal functions (i.e. adding two numbers) are of course general c++, so you can reuse them in other projects, but yes, the created library will be made to work with python, and not something else.

Check Idle Time when running as a Windows Service

Using win32api.GetLastInputInfo() is an easy way to determine a USERS's idle time. However when running as a SERVICE this does not apply (always returns 0).
Does anyone know a simple way for a WINDOWS SERVICE to determine last keypress/mouse activity? (or some other effective way to determine idle time)
Not in Python, but the approach proposed in looks interesting.
The code it is a standard C DLL, so you should be able to use it with ctypes. The way the C code is written using SetWindowsHookEx means you could maybe rewrite it directly Python + pywin32. See and for more on this (the first link mentions kinds of events you can get without writing a DLL, and the other shows a python example).

What would be the best way to use python's functions from excel?

Somebody really needs to fix this "subjective questions evaluator"
I usually compile my functions in a DLL and call them from excel. That works fine (well, let's just say it works)
Unfortunatelly, python cannot be compiled. I know of py2exe but I don't know that it can make a DLL.
So, ..., is there any other way ? I appreciate all ideas and suggestions on the matter.
One way is to write a COM server in Python, and call that from Excel. There are tutorials describing Win32 COM servers, and screencasts on calling such servers from Excel.
This is probably not a possible solution for you, but there is the Resolver One spreadsheet application (which is like Excel combined with Python). It is not connected with Excel in any way, but claims to be compatible to some extent.
Im surprised nobody mentioned pyxll. From the website:
PyXLL is an Excel addin that enables functions written in Python to be
called in Excel. Python functions can either be exposed as Excel user
defined functions that can be called from worksheets, as custom menu
items, or as macros.
There is an Excel Addin that allows you to do this called Discovery Script at
It's free but not open source. It's also based on the IronPython implementation.
I don't know any py2dll similar to py2exe.
However, you could create a dll in C and use the Very High Level Layer to call your script. I don't know it is an acceptable solution for you. Just an idea.
I had to do this some years back. My solution was to run small Python server that exported the functions using SOAP, then call the functions using Visual Basic's SOAP library. The advantage is that you don't have to ship a Python environment with your spreadsheets. The disadvantage is that the clients will need a network connection.
