replacing all regex matches in single line - python

I have dynamic regexp in which I don't know in advance how many groups it has
I would like to replace all matches with xml tags
re.sub("(this).*(string)","this is my string",'<markup>\anygroup</markup>')
>> "<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup>"
is that even possible in single line?

For a constant regexp like in your example, do
Note that you need to enclose .* in parentheses as well if you don't want do lose it.
Now if you don't know what the regexp looks like, it's more difficult, but should be doable.
pattern = "(this)(.*)(string)"
lambda m: ''.join('<markup>%s</markup>' % s if n % 2 == 0
else s for n, s in enumerate(m.groups())),
If the first thing matched by your pattern doesn't necessarily have to be marked up, use this instead, with the first group optionally matching some prefix text that should be left alone:
pattern = "()(this)(.*)(string)"
lambda m: ''.join('<markup>%s</markup>' % s if n % 2 == 1
else s for n, s in enumerate(m.groups())),
You get the idea.
If your regexps are complicated and you're not sure you can make everything part of a group, where only every second group needs to be marked up, you might do something smarter with a more complicated function:
pattern = "(this).*(string)"
def replacement(m):
s =
n_groups = len(m.groups())
# assume groups do not overlap and are listed left-to-right
for i in range(n_groups, 0, -1):
lo, hi = m.span(i)
s = s[:lo] + '<markup>' + s[lo:hi] + '</markup>' + s[hi:]
return s
re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
If you need to handle overlapping groups, you're on your own, but it should be doable.

re.sub() will replace everything it can. If you pass it a function for repl then you can do even more.

Yes, this can be done in a single line.
>>> re.sub(r"\b(this|string)\b", r"<markup>\1</markup>", "this is my string")
'<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup>'
\b ensures that only complete words are matched.
So if you have a list of words that you need to mark up, you could do the following:
>>> mywords = ["this", "string", "words"]
>>> myre = r"\b(" + "|".join(mywords) + r")\b"
>>> re.sub(myre, r"<markup>\1</markup>", "this is my string with many words!")
'<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup> with many <markup>words</markup>!'


Python replace multiple strings while supporting backreferences

There are some nice ways to handle simultaneous multi-string replacement in python. However, I am having trouble creating an efficient function that can do that while also supporting backreferences.
What i would like is to use a dictionary of expression / replacement terms, where the replacement terms may contain backreferences to something matched by the expression.
e.g. (note the \1)
repdict = {'&&':'and', '||':'or', '!([a-zA-Z_])':'not \1'}
I put the SO answer mentioned at the outset into the function below, which works fine for expression / replacement pairs that don't contain backreferences:
def replaceAll(repdict, text):
repdict = dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in repdict.items())
pattern = re.compile("|".join(repdict.keys()))
return pattern.sub(lambda m: repdict[re.escape(], text)
However, it doesn't work for the key that does contain a backreference..
>>> replaceAll(repldict, "!newData.exists() || newData.val().length == 1")
'!newData.exists() or newData.val().length == 1'
If i do it manually, it works fine. e.g.:
pattern = re.compile("!([a-zA-Z_])")
pattern.sub(r'not \1', '!newData.exists()')
Works as expected:
'not newData.exists()'
In the fancy function, the escaping seems to be messing up the key that uses the backref, so it never matches anything.
I eventually came up with this. However, note that the problem of supporting backrefs in the input parameters is not solved, i'm just handling it manually in the replacer function:
def replaceAll(repPat, text):
def replacer(obj):
match =
# manually deal with exclamation mark match..
if match[:1] == "!": return 'not ' + match[1:]
# here we naively escape the matched pattern into
# the format of our dictionary key
else: return repPat[naive_escaper(match)]
pattern = re.compile("|".join(repPat.keys()))
return pattern.sub(replacer, text)
def naive_escaper(string):
if '=' in string: return string.replace('=', '\=')
elif '|' in string: return string.replace('|', '\|')
else: return string
# manually escaping \ and = works fine
repPat = {'!([a-zA-Z_])':'', '&&':'and', '\|\|':'or', '\=\=\=':'=='}
replaceAll(repPat, "(!this && !that) || !this && foo === bar")
'(not this and not that) or not this'
So if anyone has an idea how to make a multi-string replacement function that supports backreferences and accepts the replacement terms as input, I'd appreciate your feedback very much.
Update: See Angus Hollands' answer for a better alternative.
I couldn't think of an easier way to do it than to stick with the original idea of combining all dict keys into one massive regex.
However, there are some difficulties. Let's assume a repldict like this:
repldict = {r'(a)': r'\1a', r'(b)': r'\1b'}
If we combine these to a single regex, we get (a)|(b) - so now (b) is no longer group 1, which means its backreference won't work correctly.
Another problem is that we can't tell which replacement to use. If the regex matches the text b, how can we find out that \1b is the appropriate replacement? It's not possible; we don't have enough information.
The solution to these problems is to enclose every dict key in a named group like so:
Now we can easily identify the key that matched, and recalculate the backreferences to make them relative to this group. so that \1b refers to "the first group after group2".
Here's the implementation:
def replaceAll(repldict, text):
# split the dict into two lists because we need the order to be reliable
keys, repls = zip(*repldict.items())
# generate a regex pattern from the keys, putting each key in a named group
# so that we can find out which one of them matched.
# groups are named "_<idx>" where <idx> is the index of the corresponding
# replacement text in the list above
pattern = '|'.join('(?P<_{}>{})'.format(i, k) for i, k in enumerate(keys))
def repl(match):
# find out which key matched. We know that exactly one of the keys has
# matched, so it's the only named group with a value other than None.
group_name = next(name for name, value in match.groupdict().items()
if value is not None)
group_index = int(group_name[1:])
# now that we know which group matched, we can retrieve the
# corresponding replacement text
repl_text = repls[group_index]
# now we'll manually search for backreferences in the
# replacement text and substitute them
def repl_backreference(m):
reference_index = int(
# return the corresponding group's value from the original match
# +1 because regex starts counting at 1
return + reference_index + 1)
return re.sub(r'\\(\d+)', repl_backreference, repl_text)
return re.sub(pattern, repl, text)
repldict = {'&&':'and', r'\|\|':'or', r'!([a-zA-Z_])':r'not \1'}
print( replaceAll(repldict, "!newData.exists() || newData.val().length == 1") )
repldict = {'!([a-zA-Z_])':r'not \1', '&&':'and', r'\|\|':'or', r'\=\=\=':'=='}
print( replaceAll(repldict, "(!this && !that) || !this && foo === bar") )
# output: not newData.exists() or newData.val().length == 1
# (not this and not that) or not this and foo == bar
Only numerical backreferences are supported; no named references.
Silently accepts invalid backreferences like {r'(a)': r'\2'}. (These will sometimes throw an error, but not always.)
Similar solution to Rawing, only precomputing the expensive stuff ahead of time by modifying the group indices in backreferences. Also, using unnamed groups.
Here we silently wrap each case in a capture group, and then update any replacements with backreferences to correctly identify the appropriate subgroup by absolute position. Note, that when using a replacer function, backreferences do not work by default (you need to call match.expand).
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
pattern_to_replacement = {'&&': 'and', '!([a-zA-Z_]+)': r'not \1'}
def build_replacer(cases):
ordered_cases = OrderedDict(cases.items())
replacements = {}
leading_groups = 0
for pattern, replacement in ordered_cases.items():
leading_groups += 1
# leading_groups is now the absolute position of the root group (back-references should be relative to this)
group_index = leading_groups
replacement = absolute_backreference(replacement, group_index)
replacements[group_index] = replacement
# This pattern contains N subgroups (determine by compiling pattern)
subgroups = re.compile(pattern).groups
leading_groups += subgroups
catch_all = "|".join("({})".format(p) for p in ordered_cases)
pattern = re.compile(catch_all)
def replacer(match):
replacement_pattern = replacements[match.lastindex]
return match.expand(replacement_pattern)
return partial(pattern.sub, replacer)
def absolute_backreference(text, n):
ref_pat = re.compile(r"\\([0-99])")
def replacer(match):
return "\\{}".format(int( + n)
return ref_pat.sub(replacer, text)
replacer = build_replacer(pattern_to_replacement)
Simple is better than complex, code as below is more readable(The reason why you code not work as expected is that ([a-zA-Z_]) should not be in re.escape):
repdict = {
r'\s*' + re.escape('&&')) + r'\s*': ' and ',
r'\s*' + re.escape('||') + r'\s*': ' or ',
re.escape('!') + r'([a-zA-Z_])': r'not \1',
def replaceAll(repdict, text):
for k, v in repdict.items():
text = re.sub(k, v, text)
return text

How to replace a word which occurs before another word in python

I want to replace(re-spell) a word A in a text string with another word B if the word A occurs before an operator. Word A can be any word.
Hi I am Not == you
Since "Not" occurs before operator "==", I want to replace it with alist["Not"]
So, above sentence should changed to
Hi I am alist["Not"] == you
Another example
My height > your height
should become
My alist["height"] > your height
On #Paul's suggestion, I am putting the code which I wrote myself.
It works but its too bulky and I am not happy with it.
operators = ["==", ">", "<", "!="]
text_list = text.split(" ")
for index in range(len(text_list)):
if text_list[index] in operators:
prev = text_list[index - 1]
if "." in prev:
tokens = prev.split(".")
prev = "alist"
for token in tokens:
prev = "%s[\"%s\"]" % (prev, token)
prev = "alist[\"%s\"]" % prev
text_list[index - 1] = prev
text = " ".join(text_list)
This can be done using regular expressions
import re
def replacement(match):
return "alist[\"{}\"]".format(
re.sub(r"[^ ]+(?= +==)", replacement, s)
If the space between the word and the "==" in your case is not needed, the last line becomes:
re.sub(r"[^ ]+(?= *==)", replacement, s)
I'd highly recommend you to look into regular expressions, and the python implementation of them, as they are really useful.
Explanation for my solution:
re.sub(pattern, replacement, s) replaces occurences of patterns, that are given as regular expressions, with a given string or the output of a function.
I use the output of a function, that puts the whole matched object into the 'alist["..."]' construct. ( returns the whole match)
[^ ] match anything but space.
+ match the last subpattern as often as possible, but at least once.
* match the last subpattern as often as possible, but it is optional.
(?=...) is a lookahead. It checks if the stuff after the current cursor position matches the pattern inside the parentheses, but doesn't include them in the final match (at least not in .group(0), if you have groups inside a lookahead, those are retrievable by .group(index)).
str = "Hi I am Not == you"
s = str.split()
y = ''
str2 = ''
for x in s:
if x in "==":
str2 = str.replace(y, 'alist["'+y+'"]')
y = x
You could try using the regular expression library I was able to create a simple solution to your problem as shown here.
import re
data = "Hi I am Not == You"
x ='(\w+) ==', data)
In this code, looks for the pattern of (1 or more) alphanumeric characters followed by operator (" ==") and stores the result ("Hi I am Not ==") in variable x.
Then for swaping you could use the re.sub() method which CodenameLambda suggested.
I'd also recommend learning how to use regular expressions, as they are useful for solving many different problems and are similar between different programming languages

Python - remove parts of a string

I have many fill-in-the-blank sentences in strings,
e.g. "6d) We took no [pains] to hide it ."
How can I efficiently parse this string (in Python) to be
"We took no to hide it"?
I also would like to be able to store the word in brackets (e.g. "pains") in a list for use later. I think the regex module could be better than Python string operations like split().
This will give you all the words inside the brackets.
import re
s="6d) We took no [pains] to hide it ."
matches = re.findall('\[(.*?)\]', s)
Then you can run this to remove all bracketed words.
re.sub('\[(.*?)\]', '', s)
just for fun (to do the gather and substitution in one iteration)
matches = []
def subber(m):
return ""
new_text = re.sub("\[(.*?)\]",subber,s)
print new_text
print matches
import re
s = 'this is [test] string'
m ="\[([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\]", s)
For your example you could use this regex:
You will get four groups that you can use to create your resulting string and save the 3. group for later use:
We took no
to hide it .
I used .+ here because I don't know if your strings always look like your example. You can change the .+ to alphanumeric or sth. more special to your case.
import re
s = '6d) We took no [pains] to hide it .'
m ="(.*\))(.+)\[(.+)\](.+)", s)
print( + # "We took no to hide it ."
print( # pains
import re
m =".*\) (.*)\[.*\] (.*)","6d) We took no [pains] to hide it .")
if m:
g = m.groups()
print g[0] + g[1]
Output :
We took no to hide it .

Python regex to find only second quotes of paired quotes

I wondering if there is some way to find only second quotes from each pair in string, that has paired quotes.
So if I have string like '"aaaaa"' or just '""' I want to find only the last '"' from it. If I have '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""' I want only the second, fourth and sixth '"'s. But if I have something like this '"aaaaaaaa' or like this 'aaa"aaa' I don't want to find anything, since there are no paired quotes. If i have '"aaa"aaa"' I want to find only second '"', since the third '"' has no pair.
I've tried to implement lookbehind, but it doesn't work with quantifiers, so my bad attempt was '(?<=\"a*)\"'.
You don't really need regex for this. You can do:
[i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == '"'][1::2]
To get the index of every other '"'. Example usage:
>>> for s in ['"aaaaa"', '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""', 'aaa"aaa', '"aaa"aaa"']:
print(s, [i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == '"'][1::2])
"aaaaa" [6]
"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa"" [5, 12, 18]
aaa"aaa []
"aaa"aaa" [4]
import re
reg = re.compile(r'(?:\").*?(\")')
for match in reg.findall('"this is", "my test"'):
If your necessity is to change the second quote you can also match the whole string and put the pattern before the second quote into a capture group. Then making the substitution by the first match group + the substitution string would archive the issue.
For example, this regex will match everything before the second quote and put it into a group
if you replace whole the match (which includes the second quote) by only the value of the capture group (which does not include the second quote), then you would just cut it off.
See the online example
import re
p = re.compile(ur'(\"[^"]*)\"')
test_str = u"\"test1\"test2\"test3\""
subst = r"\1"
result = re.sub(p, subst, test_str)
print result #result -> "test1test2"test3
Please read my answer about why you don't want to use regular expressions for such a problem, even though you can do that kind of non-regular job with it.
Ok then you probably want one of the solutions I give in the linked answer, where you'll want to use a recursive regex to match all the matching pairs.
Edit: the following has been written before the update to the question, which was asking only for second double quotes.
Though if you want to find only second double quotes in a string, you do not need regexps:
>>> s1='aoeu"aoeu'
>>> s2='aoeu"aoeu"aoeu'
>>> s3='aoeu"aoeu"aoeu"aoeu'
>>> def find_second_quote(s):
... pos_quote_1 = s2.find('"')
... if pos_quote_1 == -1:
... return -1
... pos_quote_2 = s[pos_quote_1+1:].find('"')
... if pos_quote_2 == -1:
... return -1
... return pos_quote_1+1+pos_quote_2
>>> find_second_quote(s1)
>>> find_second_quote(s2)
>>> find_second_quote(s3)
here it either returns -1 if there's no second quote, or the position of the second quote if there is one.
a parser is probably better, but depending on what you want to get out of it, there are other ways. if you need the data between the quotes:
import re
re.findall(r'".*?"', '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""')
if you need the indices, you could do it as a generator or other equivalent like this:
def count_quotes(mystr):
count = 0
for i, x in enumerate(mystr):
if x == '"':
count += 1
if count % 2 == 0:
yield i
[5, 12, 18]

Python Regular expression must strip whitespace except between quotes

I need a way to remove all whitespace from a string, except when that whitespace is between quotes.
result = re.sub('".*?"', "", content)
This will match anything between quotes, but now it needs to ignore that match and add matches for whitespace..
I don't think you're going to be able to do that with a single regex. One way to do it is to split the string on quotes, apply the whitespace-stripping regex to every other item of the resulting list, and then re-join the list.
import re
def stripwhite(text):
lst = text.split('"')
for i, item in enumerate(lst):
if not i % 2:
lst[i] = re.sub("\s+", "", item)
return '"'.join(lst)
print stripwhite('This is a string with some "text in quotes."')
Here is a one-liner version, based on #kindall's idea - yet it does not use regex at all! First split on ", then split() every other item and re-join them, that takes care of whitespaces:
stripWS = lambda txt:'"'.join( it if i%2 else ''.join(it.split())
for i,it in enumerate(txt.split('"')) )
Usage example:
>>> stripWS('This is a string with some "text in quotes."')
'Thisisastringwithsome"text in quotes."'
You can use shlex.split for a quotation-aware split, and join the result using " ".join. E.g.
print " ".join(shlex.split('Hello "world this is" a test'))
Oli, resurrecting this question because it had a simple regex solution that wasn't mentioned. (Found your question while doing some research for a regex bounty quest.)
Here's the small regex:
The left side of the alternation matches complete "quoted strings". We will ignore these matches. The right side matches and captures spaces to Group 1, and we know they are the right spaces because they were not matched by the expression on the left.
Here is working code (and an online demo):
import re
subject = 'Remove Spaces Here "But Not Here" Thank You'
regex = re.compile(r'"[^"]*"|(\s+)')
def myreplacement(m):
return ""
replaced = regex.sub(myreplacement, subject)
How to match pattern except in situations s1, s2, s3
How to match a pattern unless...
Here little longish version with check for quote without pair. Only deals with one style of start and end string (adaptable for example for example start,end='()')
start, end = '"', '"'
for test in ('Hello "world this is" atest',
'This is a string with some " text inside in quotes."',
'This is without quote.',
'This is sentence with bad "quote'):
result = ''
while start in test :
clean, _, test = test.partition(start)
clean = clean.replace(' ','') + start
inside, tag, test = test.partition(end)
if not tag:
raise SyntaxError, 'Missing end quote %s' % end
clean += inside + tag # inside not removing of white space
result += clean
result += test.replace(' ','')
print result
