How do you calculate the area of a series of random points? - python

So I'm working on a piece of code to take positional data for a RC Plane Crop Duster and compute the total surface area transversed (without double counting any area). I cannot figure out how to calculate the area for a given period of operation.
Given the following Table Calculate the area the points cover.
Any Ideas? I've browsed Greens Theorem and I'm left without a practical concept in which to code.
Thanks for any advise

Build the convex hull from the given points
Algorithms are described here
See a very nice python demo + src
Calculate its area
Python code is here

Someone mathier than me may have to verify the information here. But it looks legit: and fairly easy to apply in code.

I'm not entirely sure that you're looking for "Surface area" as much as you're looking for Distance. It seems like you want to calculate the distance between one point and the next for that list. If that's the case, simply use the Distance Formula.
If the plane drops a constant width of dust while flying between those points, then the area is simply the distance between those points times the width of the spray.

If your points are guaranteed to be on an integer grid - as they are in your example - (and you really are looking for enclosed area) would Pick's Theorem help?

You will have to divide the complex polygon approximately into standard polygons (triangles, rectangles etc) and then find area of all of them. This is just like regular integration (only difference is that you are yet to find a formula to approximate your data).
The above points are when you assume that you are forming a closed polygon with your data.

Use to QHull to triangulate the region, then sum the areas of the resulting triangles.

Python now conveniently has a library that implements the method Lior provided. will calculate the convex hull for any N dimensional space and calculate the area/volume for you as well. See the example and return value attributes towards the bottom of the page for details.


How to calculate distance using OpenCV python?

I am fairly new to openCV and am not sure how to proceed.
I have this thresholded image:
And using this image, I need to calculate the distance between two points. The points are also unknown. Illustrated here:
I need to calculate 'd' value. It is the distance from the midpoint of the middle line to where the top line would have been. I am not sure how to proceed with identifying the points and getting the distance, any help would be appreciated!
While I'm not sure about the selecting points part of your problem, calculating the distance between two points is trivial. You can imagine your two points as the beginning and end of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, and use Pythagoreans Theorem to find the length of that hypotenuse.
The math module has a distance method which takes two points, or you can just write the function yourself very simply.

How to check if a 2D point is inside or outside a 2D Closed Bezier Curve using Python?

in my 2d software i have two inputs available:
an array of XY points
and another matrix representing the closed 2D bezier curve handles
How can i check if a point is inside or outside the given curve using python ? using preferably numpy maybe
I don't know how the theory of Bezier curves, so if your second list of points is a kind of compressed way to represent a Bezier curve, first try to sample some points of the curve with the precision you want.
So you have n points of your curve, and then you can apply a simple PIP algorithm :
I can explain in details later if you want to know how to do it programmatically.
I cant write code right here, because I need the entire program to understand properly, however I may provide two approaches how to do that.
The hardest way is to approximate each Bézier curve by a polyline. And then, according to the wiki you can use two techniques:
Ray casting algorithm: the shorthand of the algorithm: You put a ray, which starting from a point and goes through the entire polygon to an another point. Some lines lies inside a polygon, some outside. And then you check to which line belongs a specific point Looks like this:
Winding number algorithm: A little bit about winding numbers. So if a winding number is non-zero, the point lies inside the polygon
The huge drawback of this approach is that the accuracy depends on how close you approximated a curve to a polyline.
The second way is to use a bitmap. For example, you set your points to the white then render the area under the curve to the black and see if your points remain white. This method is more accurate and the fastest one, because you can use the GPU for the render.
And some links related to the first a approach:

How to select the minimal set of circles that covers another circle?

I'm looking for some solutions that, given a set S of circles with 2D-center points and radii, returns a minimal sub-set M in S that covers entirely a specific circle with 2d-center point and radius. This last circle is not in S.
I've chosen circles, but it doesn't matter if we change them to squares, hexagons, etc.
You have two distinct problems: you need to turn the geometric problem into a combinatoric problem, and then you need to solve the combinatoric problem. For the latter, you are looking at a minimum set cover problem, and there should be plenty of literature on that. Personally I like Knuth's Dancing Links approach to enumerate all solutions of a set cover, but I guess for a single minimal solution you can do better. A CPLEX formulation (to match your tag) would use a binary variable for each row, and a ≥1 constraint for each column.
So now about turning geometry into combinatorics. All the lines of all your circles divide the plane into a bunch of areas. The areas are delimited by lines. Of particular relevance are the points where two or more circles meet. The exact shape of the line between these points is less relevant, and you might imagine pulling those arcs straight to come up with a more classical planar graph representation. So compute all the pair-wise intersections between all your circles. Order all intersections of a single circle by angle and connect them with graph edges in that order. Do so for all circles. Then you can do a kind of bucket fill to determine for each circle which graph faces are within and which are outside.
Now you have your matrix for the set cover: every graph face which is inside the big circle is a column you need to cover. Every circle is a row and covers some of these faces, and you know which.

Python - Method to convert random points to line?

When I have some points its position is random as drawn below.
I want to dynamically draw lines with some restrictions.
1) No points in selected region.
2) The triangles are at acute angle.
3) Points are in X/Y (2D) plane.
So points are processed & divided therefore...
Can I find advice about any appropriate math solutions or even libraries?
You will want to look up Delaunay triangulation & Voronoi diagram; you can find implementation of these objects in scipy.interpolate; I think these constructs are what you are looking for.

detect point on a curve boundary

I have boundaries of semi-circle or ellipse shaped objects. Example image is
The boundary can be slightly jagged (when you zoom in). I am looking to detect a point of interest (location x and y) on these curves, where we see a definite change in the shape, such as
There can be two outputs:
No point of interest: we cannot find specific features
Point of interest with x and y location
Currently, I am using Python and OpenCV. I cannot think of a efficient and effective way to solve this problem. Any help will be really appreciated.
Nothing says that others will agree with my closure vote, so ...
I suggest two steps:
Fit an ellipse to the given points. I'm sure you've already found curve-fitting algorithms (and perhaps software packages) by now -- and asking for those is specifically proscribed on Stack Overflow.
Code a small anomaly detector, which works on the difference between the fitted curve and the actual data points.
Step 2 depends heavily on your definition of "point of interest". What are the criteria? I notice that your second point of interest actually lies very close to the fitted curve; it's the region on either side the deviates inward.
I suggest that you do your fitting in polar coordinates, and then consider the result in terms of theta and radius. Think of "flattening" the two curves as a single unit, so that the central angle (theta) is the new x-coordinate, and the distance from the center is the new y-coordinate.
Now, subtract the two curves and plot the difference (or just store this new curve as an array of points). Look for appropriate anomalies in these differences. This is where you have to decide what you need. Perhaps a sufficient deviation in the "r" value (radius, distance from center"); perhaps a change in the gradient (find a peak/valley, but not a gently sloping bulge). Do you want absolute difference, or an integral of deviation (area between the fit and the anomaly). Do you want it linear or squared ... or some other function? Does the width of the anomaly figure into your criteria?
That's what you need to decide. Does this get you moving?
