I have a datetime object produced using strptime().
>>> tm
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23)
What I need to do is round the minute to the closest 10th minute. What I have been doing up to this point was taking the minute value and using round() on it.
min = round(tm.minute, -1)
However, as with the above example, it gives an invalid time when the minute value is greater than 56. i.e.: 3:60
What is a better way to do this? Does datetime support this?
This will get the 'floor' of a datetime object stored in tm rounded to the 10 minute mark before tm.
tm = tm - datetime.timedelta(minutes=tm.minute % 10,
If you want classic rounding to the nearest 10 minute mark, do this:
discard = datetime.timedelta(minutes=tm.minute % 10,
tm -= discard
if discard >= datetime.timedelta(minutes=5):
tm += datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
or this:
tm += datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
tm -= datetime.timedelta(minutes=tm.minute % 10,
General function to round a datetime at any time lapse in seconds:
def roundTime(dt=None, roundTo=60):
"""Round a datetime object to any time lapse in seconds
dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.
roundTo : Closest number of seconds to round to, default 1 minute.
Author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me.
if dt == None : dt = datetime.datetime.now()
seconds = (dt.replace(tzinfo=None) - dt.min).seconds
rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
return dt + datetime.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)
Samples with 1 hour rounding & 30 minutes rounding:
print roundTime(datetime.datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,59,1234),roundTo=60*60)
2013-01-01 00:00:00
print roundTime(datetime.datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,59,1234),roundTo=30*60)
2012-12-31 23:30:00
I used Stijn Nevens code (thank you Stijn) and have a little add-on to share. Rounding up, down and rounding to nearest.
update 2019-03-09 = comment Spinxz incorporated; thank you.
update 2019-12-27 = comment Bart incorporated; thank you.
Tested for date_delta of "X hours" or "X minutes" or "X seconds".
import datetime
def round_time(dt=None, date_delta=datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), to='average'):
Round a datetime object to a multiple of a timedelta
dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.
dateDelta : timedelta object, we round to a multiple of this, default 1 minute.
from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3463930/how-to-round-the-minute-of-a-datetime-object-python
round_to = date_delta.total_seconds()
if dt is None:
dt = datetime.now()
seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
if seconds % round_to == 0 and dt.microsecond == 0:
rounding = (seconds + round_to / 2) // round_to * round_to
if to == 'up':
# // is a floor division, not a comment on following line (like in javascript):
rounding = (seconds + dt.microsecond/1000000 + round_to) // round_to * round_to
elif to == 'down':
rounding = seconds // round_to * round_to
rounding = (seconds + round_to / 2) // round_to * round_to
return dt + datetime.timedelta(0, rounding - seconds, - dt.microsecond)
# test data
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2019,11,1,14,39,00), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='up'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2019,11,2,14,39,00,1), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='up'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2019,11,3,14,39,00,776980), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='up'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2019,11,4,14,39,29,776980), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='up'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2018,11,5,14,39,00,776980), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='down'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2018,11,6,14,38,59,776980), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='down'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2017,11,7,14,39,15), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='average'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2017,11,8,14,39,14,999999), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='average'))
print(round_time(datetime.datetime(2019,11,9,14,39,14,999999), date_delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), to='up'))
From the best answer I modified to an adapted version using only datetime objects, this avoids having to do the conversion to seconds and makes the calling code more readable:
def roundTime(dt=None, dateDelta=datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)):
"""Round a datetime object to a multiple of a timedelta
dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.
dateDelta : timedelta object, we round to a multiple of this, default 1 minute.
Author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me.
Stijn Nevens 2014 - Changed to use only datetime objects as variables
roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()
if dt == None : dt = datetime.datetime.now()
seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
# // is a floor division, not a comment on following line:
rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
return dt + datetime.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)
Samples with 1 hour rounding & 15 minutes rounding:
print roundTime(datetime.datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,59),datetime.timedelta(hour=1))
2013-01-01 00:00:00
print roundTime(datetime.datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,49),datetime.timedelta(minutes=15))
2012-12-31 23:30:00
Pandas has a datetime round feature, but as with most things in Pandas it needs to be in Series format.
>>> ts = pd.Series(pd.date_range(Dt(2019,1,1,1,1),Dt(2019,1,1,1,4),periods=8))
>>> print(ts)
0 2019-01-01 01:01:00.000000000
1 2019-01-01 01:01:25.714285714
2 2019-01-01 01:01:51.428571428
3 2019-01-01 01:02:17.142857142
4 2019-01-01 01:02:42.857142857
5 2019-01-01 01:03:08.571428571
6 2019-01-01 01:03:34.285714285
7 2019-01-01 01:04:00.000000000
dtype: datetime64[ns]
>>> ts.dt.round('1min')
0 2019-01-01 01:01:00
1 2019-01-01 01:01:00
2 2019-01-01 01:02:00
3 2019-01-01 01:02:00
4 2019-01-01 01:03:00
5 2019-01-01 01:03:00
6 2019-01-01 01:04:00
7 2019-01-01 01:04:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
Docs - Change the frequency string as needed.
Here is a simpler generalized solution without floating point precision issues and external library dependencies:
import datetime
def time_mod(time, delta, epoch=None):
if epoch is None:
epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=time.tzinfo)
return (time - epoch) % delta
def time_round(time, delta, epoch=None):
mod = time_mod(time, delta, epoch)
if mod < delta / 2:
return time - mod
return time + (delta - mod)
def time_floor(time, delta, epoch=None):
mod = time_mod(time, delta, epoch)
return time - mod
def time_ceil(time, delta, epoch=None):
mod = time_mod(time, delta, epoch)
if mod:
return time + (delta - mod)
return time
In your case:
>>> tm = datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23)
>>> time_round(tm, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 4, 0)
>>> time_floor(tm, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 50)
>>> time_ceil(tm, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 4, 0)
if you don't want to use condition, you can use modulo operator:
minutes = int(round(tm.minute, -1)) % 60
did you want something like this?
def timeround10(dt):
a, b = divmod(round(dt.minute, -1), 60)
return '%i:%02i' % ((dt.hour + a) % 24, b)
timeround10(datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 56, 0)) # 0:56
# -> 1:00
timeround10(datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 23, 56, 0)) # 23:56
# -> 0:00
.. if you want result as string. for obtaining datetime result, it's better to use timedelta - see other responses ;)
i'm using this. it has the advantage of working with tz aware datetimes.
def round_minutes(some_datetime: datetime, step: int):
""" round up to nearest step-minutes """
if step > 60:
raise AttrbuteError("step must be less than 60")
change = timedelta(
minutes= some_datetime.minute % step,
if change > timedelta():
change -= timedelta(minutes=step)
return some_datetime - change
it has the disadvantage of only working for timeslices less than an hour.
A straightforward approach:
def round_time(dt, round_to_seconds=60):
"""Round a datetime object to any number of seconds
dt: datetime.datetime object
round_to_seconds: closest number of seconds for rounding, Default 1 minute.
rounded_epoch = round(dt.timestamp() / round_to_seconds) * round_to_seconds
rounded_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rounded_epoch).astimezone(dt.tzinfo)
return rounded_dt
This will do it, I think it uses a very useful application of round.
from typing import Literal
import math
def round_datetime(dt: datetime.datetime, step: datetime.timedelta, d: Literal['no', 'up', 'down'] = 'no'):
step = step.seconds
round_f = {'no': round, 'up': math.ceil, 'down': math.floor}
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(step * round_f[d](dt.timestamp() / step))
date = datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=11, day=16, hour=10, minute=2, second=30, microsecond=424242)#
print('Original:', date)
print('Standard:', round_datetime(date, datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)))
print('Down: ', round_datetime(date, datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), d='down'))
print('Up: ', round_datetime(date, datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), d='up'))
The result:
Original: 2022-11-16 10:02:30.424242
Standard: 2022-11-16 10:05:00
Down: 2022-11-16 10:00:00
Up: 2022-11-16 10:05:00
yes, if your data belongs to a DateTime column in a pandas series, you can round it up using the built-in pandas.Series.dt.round function.
See documentation here on pandas.Series.dt.round.
In your case of rounding to 10min it will be Series.dt.round('10min') or Series.dt.round('600s') like so:
Edit to add Example code:
import datetime
import pandas
tm = datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23)
tm_rounded = pandas.Series(tm).dt.round('10min')
>>> 0 2010-06-10 04:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
I came up with this very simple function, working with any timedelta as long as it's either a multiple or divider of 60 seconds. It's also compatible with timezone-aware datetimes.
#!/usr/env python3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def round_dt_to_delta(dt, delta=timedelta(minutes=30)):
ref = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)
return ref + round((dt - ref) / delta) * delta
In [1]: round_dt_to_delta(datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,49), timedelta(seconds=15))
Out[1]: datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 31, 23, 44, 45)
In [2]: round_dt_to_delta(datetime(2012,12,31,23,44,49), timedelta(minutes=15))
Out[2]: datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 31, 23, 45)
General Function to round down times of minutes:
from datetime import datetime
def round_minute(date: datetime = None, round_to: int = 1):
round datetime object to minutes
if not date:
date = datetime.now()
date = date.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
delta = date.minute % round_to
return date.replace(minute=date.minute - delta)
Those seem overly complex
def round_down_to():
num = int(datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).minute)
return num - (num%10)
def get_rounded_datetime(self, dt, freq, nearest_type='inf'):
if freq.lower() == '1h':
round_to = 3600
elif freq.lower() == '3h':
round_to = 3 * 3600
elif freq.lower() == '6h':
round_to = 6 * 3600
raise NotImplementedError("Freq %s is not handled yet" % freq)
# // is a floor division, not a comment on following line:
seconds_from_midnight = dt.hour * 3600 + dt.minute * 60 + dt.second
if nearest_type == 'inf':
rounded_sec = int(seconds_from_midnight / round_to) * round_to
elif nearest_type == 'sup':
rounded_sec = (int(seconds_from_midnight / round_to) + 1) * round_to
raise IllegalArgumentException("nearest_type should be 'inf' or 'sup'")
dt_midnight = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
return dt_midnight + datetime.timedelta(0, rounded_sec)
Based on Stijn Nevens and modified for Django use to round current time to the nearest 15 minute.
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime, time
def roundTime(dt=None, dateDelta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()
if dt == None : dt = datetime.now()
seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
# // is a floor division, not a comment on following line:
rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
return dt + timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)
dt = roundTime(datetime.now(),timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
dt = 11:45:00
if you need full date and time just remove the .strftime('%H:%M:%S')
Not the best for speed when the exception is caught, however this would work.
def _minute10(dt=datetime.utcnow()):
return dt.replace(minute=round(dt.minute, -1))
except ValueError:
return dt.replace(minute=0) + timedelta(hours=1)
%timeit _minute10(datetime(2016, 12, 31, 23, 55))
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.12 µs per loop
%timeit _minute10(datetime(2016, 12, 31, 23, 31))
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.21 µs per loop
A two line intuitive solution to round to a given time unit, here seconds, for a datetime object t:
format_str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
t_rounded = datetime.strptime(datetime.strftime(t, format_str), format_str)
If you wish to round to a different unit simply alter format_str.
This approach does not round to arbitrary time amounts as above methods, but is a nicely Pythonic way to round to a given hour, minute or second.
Other solution:
def round_time(timestamp=None, lapse=0):
Round a timestamp to a lapse according to specified minutes
>>> import datetime, math
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23), 0)
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56)
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23), 1)
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 57)
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23), -1)
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 55)
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 9, 22, 11), 3)
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 9, 24)
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 9, 22, 11), 3*60)
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 12, 0)
>>> round_time(datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 10, 0, 0), 3)
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 10, 0)
:param timestamp: Timestamp to round (default: now)
:param lapse: Lapse to round in minutes (default: 0)
t = timestamp or datetime.datetime.now() # type: Union[datetime, Any]
surplus = datetime.timedelta(seconds=t.second, microseconds=t.microsecond)
t -= surplus
mod = t.minute % lapse
except ZeroDivisionError:
return t
if mod: # minutes % lapse != 0
t += datetime.timedelta(minutes=math.ceil(t.minute / lapse) * lapse - t.minute)
elif surplus != datetime.timedelta() or lapse < 0:
t += datetime.timedelta(minutes=(t.minute / lapse + 1) * lapse - t.minute)
return t
Hope this helps!
The shortest way I know
min = tm.minute // 10 * 10
Most of the answers seem to be too complicated for such a simple question.
Assuming your_time is the datetime object your have, the following rounds (actually floors) it at a desired resolution defined in minutes.
from math import floor
your_time = datetime.datetime.now()
g = 10 # granularity in minutes
floor(your_time.timestamp() / (60*g)) * (60*g)
The function below with minimum of import will do the job. You can round to anything you want by setting te parameters unit, rnd, and frm. Play with the function and you will see how easy it will be.
def toNearestTime(ts, unit='sec', rnd=1, frm=None):
''' round to nearest Time format
param ts = time string to round in '%H:%M:%S' or '%H:%M' format :
param unit = specify unit wich must be rounded 'sec' or 'min' or 'hour', default is seconds :
param rnd = to which number you will round, the default is 1 :
param frm = the output (return) format of the time string, as default the function take the unit format'''
from time import strftime, gmtime
ts = ts + ':00' if len(ts) == 5 else ts
if 'se' in unit.lower():
frm = '%H:%M:%S' if frm is None else frm
elif 'm' in unit.lower():
frm = '%H:%M' if frm is None else frm
rnd = rnd * 60
elif 'h' in unit.lower():
frm = '%H' if frm is None else frm
rnd = rnd * 3600
secs = sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i, x in enumerate(reversed(ts.split(':'))))
rtm = int(round(secs / rnd, 0) * rnd)
nt = strftime(frm, gmtime(rtm))
return nt
Call function as follow:
Round to nearest 5 minutes with default ouput format = hh:mm as follow
ts = '02:27:29'
nt = toNearestTime(ts, unit='min', rnd=5)
output: '02:25'
Or round to nearest hour with ouput format hh:mm:ss as follow
ts = '10:30:01'
nt = toNearestTime(ts, unit='hour', rnd=1, frm='%H:%M:%S')
output: '11:00:00'
last updated version
I need a Python3 function that rounds down a datetime.datetime object to the nearest 5 minutes. Yes, this has been discussed in previous SO posts here and here and even here, but I'm having no luck implementing their solutions.
NOTE: I can not use pandas
I want a function, given the below DateTime (%Y%m%d%H%M) objects, returns the following:
202301131600 202301131600
202301131602 202301131600
202301131604 202301131600
202301131605 202301131605
202301131609 202301131605
202301131610 202301131610
Here's my code, using timedelta as a mechanism:
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
def roundDownDateTime(dt):
# Arguments:
# dt DateTime object
delta = timedelta(minutes=5)
return dt - (datetime.min - dt) % delta
tmpDate = datetime.now()
# Print the current time and then rounded-down time:
print("\t"+tmpDate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')+" --> "+(roundDownDateTime(tmpDate)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') )
Here's some output when I test the code multiple times:
202301131652 --> 202301131650
202301131700 --> 202301131655
202301131701 --> 202301131657
Ugh, no good! I adapted my function to this:
def roundDownDateTime(dt):
# Arguments:
# dt DateTime object
n = dt - timedelta(minutes=5)
return datetime(year=n.year, month=n.month, day=n.day, hour=n.hour)
But that was even worse:
202301131703 --> 202301131600
202301131707 --> 202301131700
202301131710 --> 202301131700
I am all thumbs when figuring out this basic datetime arithmetic stuff; can anyone see my error?
Since you can only affect the minutes by rounding down to the nearest 5 minutes, just figure out how many minutes you need to subtract. Set everything else from the original datetime object, and seconds and microseconds to zero:
def roundDownDateTime(dt):
delta_min = dt.minute % 5
return datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
dt.hour, dt.minute - delta_min)
To test:
import datetime
expio = [['202301131600', '202301131600'],
['202301131602', '202301131600'],
['202301131604', '202301131600'],
['202301131605', '202301131605'],
['202301131609', '202301131605'],
['202301131610', '202301131610']]
for i, eo in expio:
o = roundDownDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(i, "%Y%m%d%H%M")).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
assert eo == o
asserts all True
You have (datetime.min - dt) backwards - this results in a negative value which doesn't behave the way you expect with %. If you swap to (dt - datetime.min) you get your expected results:
In []:
def roundDownDateTime(dt, delta=timedelta(minutes=5)):
return dt - (dt - datetime.min) % delta
tmpDate = datetime.now()
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 13, 11, 36, 7, 821196)
In []:
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 13, 11, 35)
In []:
roundDownDateTime(tmpDate, timedelta(minutes=10)
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 13, 11, 30)
I think I would be inclined to obtain the timestamp and round it then convert back to datetime:
def round_datetime(dt, secs):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(secs * (dt.timestamp() // secs))
You might test with:
import datetime
import time
def round_datetime(dt, secs):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(secs * (dt.timestamp() // secs))
while True:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
print(now, round_datetime(now, 5 * 60))
I'm using the datetime module, i.e.:
>>> import datetime
>>> today = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> print(today)
2009-03-06 13:24:58.857946
and I would like to compute the day of year that takes leap years into account. e.g. today (March 6, 2009) is the 65th day of 2009.
I see a two options:
Create a number_of_days_in_month = [31, 28, ...] array, decide if it's a leap year and manually sum up the days.
Use datetime.timedelta to make a guess & then binary search for the correct day of the year:
>>> import datetime
>>> YEAR = 2009
>>> DAY_OF_YEAR = 62
>>> d = datetime.date(YEAR, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(DAY_OF_YEAR - 1)
These both feel pretty clunky & I have a gut feeling that there's a more "Pythonic" way of calculating the day of the year. Any ideas/suggestions?
Use datetime.timetuple() to convert your datetime object to a time.struct_time object then get its tm_yday property:
from datetime import datetime
day_of_year = datetime.now().timetuple().tm_yday # returns 1 for January 1st
You could use strftime with a %j format string:
>>> import datetime
>>> today = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> today.strftime('%j')
but if you wish to do comparisons or calculations with this number, you would have to convert it to int() because strftime() returns a string. If that is the case, you are better off using DzinX's answer.
DZinX's answer is a great answer for the question. I found this question and used DZinX's answer while looking for the inverse function: convert dates with the julian day-of-year into the datetimes.
I found this to work:
import datetime
>>>> datetime.datetime(1936, 3, 17, 13, 14, 15)
>>>> 77
Or numerically:
import datetime
year,julian = [1936,77]
datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)+datetime.timedelta(days=julian -1)
>>>> datetime.datetime(1936, 3, 17, 0, 0)
Or with fractional 1-based jdates popular in some domains:
jdate_frac = (datetime.datetime(1936, 3, 17, 13, 14, 15)-datetime.datetime(1936, 1, 1)).total_seconds()/86400+1
>>>> 77.5515625
year,julian = [1936,jdate_frac]
display(datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)+datetime.timedelta(days=julian -1))
>>>> datetime.datetime(1936, 3, 17, 13, 14, 15)
I'm not sure of etiquette around here, but I thought a pointer to the inverse functionality might be useful for others like me.
If you have reason to avoid the use of the datetime module, then these functions will work.
def is_leap_year(year):
""" if year is a leap year return True
else return False """
if year % 100 == 0:
return year % 400 == 0
return year % 4 == 0
def doy(Y,M,D):
""" given year, month, day return day of year
Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """
if is_leap_year(Y):
K = 1
K = 2
N = int((275 * M) / 9.0) - K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + D - 30
return N
def ymd(Y,N):
""" given year = Y and day of year = N, return year, month, day
Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """
if is_leap_year(Y):
K = 1
K = 2
M = int((9 * (K + N)) / 275.0 + 0.98)
if N < 32:
M = 1
D = N - int((275 * M) / 9.0) + K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + 30
return Y, M, D
I want to present performance of different approaches, on Python 3.4, Linux x64. Excerpt from line profiler:
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
823 1508 11334 7.5 41.6 yday = int(period_end.strftime('%j'))
824 1508 2492 1.7 9.1 yday = period_end.toordinal() - date(period_end.year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
825 1508 1852 1.2 6.8 yday = (period_end - date(period_end.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
826 1508 5078 3.4 18.6 yday = period_end.timetuple().tm_yday
So most efficient is
yday = (period_end - date(period_end.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
Just subtract january 1 from the date:
import datetime
today = datetime.datetime.now()
day_of_year = (today - datetime.datetime(today.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
You may simple use dayofyear attribute provided by "pandas" which in turn give you the day of the year for a particular year.
For e.g.
data["day_of_year"] = data.Datetime.apply(lambda x:x.dayofyear)
Is there any python function to deduce the number of Fridays or Thursdays from a date range? I searched google and I found many methods which usually use days divided by 7 concept but it does not give you the accurate days. For example from 1/Nov/2016 to 12/Nov/2016 there are two Fridays and two Thursdays so the result of subtraction should be 8.
You can do it with numpy:
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
start_date = datetime(2022, 10, 19).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = datetime(2022, 12, 21).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
weekend_days = np.busday_count(start_date, end_date, weekmask='0000110').item()
numpy busday_count doc
Keep in mind that end date is excluded from the count.
Using the date object from the datetime module.
from datetime import date, timedelta
curr = date(2016, 11, 1)
end = date(2016, 11, 12)
step = timedelta(1)
num_thur_fri = 0
while curr <= end:
if curr.weekday() in [3,2]: #Friday and thursday
num_thur_fri += 1
curr += step
More reading here: https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#module-datetime
#brianpck is right, this is a really naive solution. Here's a better one
from datetime import date
begin = date(2016, 11, 1)
end = date(2016, 11, 12)
diff = (begin-end).days
day_of_week = begin.weekday()
num_thur_fri = 2*(diff//7)
for i in range(diff%7):
if day_of_week in [2,3]:
num_thur_fri += 1
day_of_week = (day_of_week +1) %7
Here is a simpler and faster approach that will calculate this figure for long periods of time.
First, you must calculate the amount of days between two datetime's. You can then floor divide by 7 to get the amount of entire weeks and multiply by 2 to get the number of Thursdays and Fridays. The final step is to modulo by seven to get the amount of days at the tail and then calculate how many of those are Thursdays or Fridays: this last step is the only one that actually requires knowing which weekday it is.
A full function would be:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def thursday_fridays_between(date1, date2):
days_between = abs((date2 - date1).days)
thursday_friday = days_between // 7 * 2
thursday_friday += sum((a + timedelta(i)).weekday() in (3, 2) for i in range(days_between % 7 + 1))
return thursday_friday
It can be used as follows:
>>> a = datetime(2016, 11, 1)
>>> b = datetime(2016, 11, 12)
>>> thursday_fridays_between(a, b)
i figure out a method, correct me if i am wrong.
here is my code
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
curr = "1-11-2016"
end = "30-11-2016"
format = "%d-%m-%Y"
start_date = datetime.strptime(curr, format)
end_date = datetime.strptime(end, format)
step = timedelta(1)
num_thur_fri = 0
off_days = ['Fri','Thu']
days = (end_date - start_date).days
for x in range(days):
day = start_date.strftime("%a")
if day in off_days:
num_thur_fri += 1
start_date += step
So I have two functions for converting python datetime.datetime() objects to and from milliseconds. I cannot figure out where this is going wrong. Here's what I'm working with:
>>> import datetime
>>> def mil_to_date(mil):
"""date items from REST services are reported in milliseconds,
this function will convert milliseconds to datetime objects
mil -- time in milliseconds
if mil == None:
return None
elif mil < 0:
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(mil/1000))
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mil / 1000)
>>> def date_to_mil(date):
"""converts datetime.datetime() object to milliseconds
date -- datetime.datetime() object"""
if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
return long((date - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0)
>>> mil = 1394462888000
>>> date = mil_to_date(mil)
>>> date
datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 10, 9, 48, 8) #this is correct
>>> d2m = date_to_mil(date)
>>> d2m
>>> mil
>>> date2 = mil_to_date(d2m)
>>> date2
datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 10, 4, 48, 8) #why did I lose 5 hours??
For some reason, I am losing 5 hours. Am I overlooking something obvious? Or is there a problem with one or both of my functions?
The reason for this is that date_to_mil works with UTC and mil_to_date doesn't. You should replace utcfromtimestamp with fromtimestamp.
Further explanation:
In your code, epoch is the date of the epoch in UTC (but the object is without any time-zone). But date is local since fromtimestamp returns a local time:
If optional argument tz is None or not specified, the timestamp is
converted to the platform’s local date and time, and the returned
datetime object is naive
So you subtract the UTC epoch from the local datetime and you get a delay which is your local delay to UTC.
If input is UTC then to get POSIX timestamp as integer milliseconds:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def timestamp_millis(utc_time, epoch=datetime(1970, 1, 1)):
"""Return milliseconds since Epoch as integer."""
td = utc_time - epoch
return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 86400) * 10**6) // 10**3
Note: the formula may produce a different result from: int(td.total_seconds() * 1000).
And in reverse: to get UTC time from POSIX time given as milliseconds:
def datetime_from_millis(millis, epoch=datetime(1970, 1, 1)):
"""Return UTC time that corresponds to milliseconds since Epoch."""
return epoch + timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
It supports both positive and negative millis.
Note: None handling happens outside these functions.
>>> datetime_from_millis(1394462888000)
datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 10, 14, 48, 8)
>>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1394462888)
datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 10, 14, 48, 8)
>>> timestamp_millis(_)
The result is different from the one in your question!
gmtime(0).year != 1970 and TZ=right/UTC cases are ignored.
I've read a few posts about this and thought I had some code that worked. If the difference between the 2 values is less than a 1sec then the millisecs displayed is correct.
If the difference is more than a sec, its still only showing me the difference of the millisecs.
As below.
now_wind 2013-08-25 08:43:04.776209
first_time_wind 2013-08-25 08:43:04.506301
time_diff 0:00:00.269908
diff 269
Wrong - this should be 2000 + 76?:
now_wind 2013-08-25 08:43:25.660427
first_time_wind 2013-08-25 08:43:23.583902
time_diff 0:00:02.076525
diff 76
#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
import time
from time import sleep
first_time_wind = datetime.datetime.now()
sleep (2)
now_wind = datetime.datetime.now()
print "now_wind", now_wind
print "first_time_wind", first_time_wind
time_diff_wind = (now_wind - first_time_wind)
print "time_diff", time_diff_wind
print "diff", time_diff_wind.microseconds / 1000
Try using total_seconds method:
print time_diff_wind.total_seconds() * 1000
That method is equivalent to: (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
Note: It's available since version 2.7
>>> a = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> b = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> a
datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 25, 2, 5, 1, 879000)
>>> b
datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 25, 2, 5, 8, 984000)
>>> a - b
datetime.timedelta(-1, 86392, 895000)
>>> b - a
datetime.timedelta(0, 7, 105000)
>>> (b - a).microseconds
>>> (b - a).seconds
>>> (b - a).microseconds / 1000
your microseconds don't include the seconds that have passed
The correct answer (in 2020) is:
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> timedelta(days=1, milliseconds=50) / timedelta(milliseconds=1)
The other answers lose precision and/or are more verbose.
I faced this issue as well, but in my case I need real milliseconds precision, so using total_seconds() * 1000 isn't an option for me, so what I did is:
def millis_interval(start, end):
"""start and end are datetime instances"""
diff = end - start
millis = diff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
millis += diff.seconds * 1000
millis += diff.microseconds / 1000
return millis
I hope this helps someone else! :)
From the documentation:
Instance attributes (read-only):
Attribute Value
days Between -999999999 and 999999999 inclusive
seconds Between 0 and 86399 inclusive
microseconds Between 0 and
999999 inclusive
Microseconds never exceed 999,999. Hence your milliseconds never exceed 999.