# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import cgi
import string
import feedparser
count = 0
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
d = feedparser.parse("http://www.hep.hr/ods/rss/radovi.aspx?dp=zagreb")
for opis in d:
print """<B>Place/Time:</B> %s<br>""" % d.entries[count].title
print """<B>Streets:</B> %s<br>""" % d.entries[count].description
print """<B>Published:</B> %s<br>""" % d.entries[count].date
print "<br>"
count+= 1
I have a problem with CGI and paython script. Under the terminal script runs just fine except "IndexError: list index out of range", and I put pass for that. But when I run script through CGI I only get WORK MAINTENANCE line and first line from d.entries[count].title repeated 9 times? So confusing...
Also how can I setup support in feedparser for Croation(balkan) letters; č,ć,š,ž,đ ?
# -- coding: utf-8 -- is not working and I m running Ubuntu server.
Thank you in advance for help.
for opis in d:
print """<B>Place/Time:</B> %s<br>""" % d.entries[count].title
You're not using 'opis' in your output.
Try something like this:
for entry in d.entries:
print """<B>Place/Time:</B> %s<br>""" % entry.title
Oke had another problem, text that I manualy entered would show on CGI but RSS web pages wouldnt. So you need to encode before you write:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os, string
import cgi
import feedparser
import codecs
d = blablablabla
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"
for entry in d.entries:
print """%s""" % entry.title.encode('utf-8')
I am trying to build a redirect service that will allow me to track clicks within emails I send to foreign websites.
Example of the URL of this script:
I am using Apache2 on Ubunut20.04 with the cgi module, calling the following redir.py script:
import webbrowser
redirect_url = "https://www.example.com"
Now this results in the following error:
End of script output before headers: redir.py
Adding a header:
print('Content-Type: text/plain')
print('hello world')
With this "hello world" output I get exactly this, a "hello world" message.
How to redirect if a header is needed?
Everything you print gets returned to the requesting browser. Your python file should look like this:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
print("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=TARGETURL\" />")
I have my python script that executes an mp3 when the current time matches the time specified in a text file. However everything works well but I notice a lag and delay of around 18 seconds before mplayer plays the mp3 file.
Is there anyway of making my python script better in order to get rid of the 18 seconds lag and make the mp3 file play instantaneously?
Here is my python script:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# import libraries
import json
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import datetime
import playsound
import os
import subprocess
dateSTR = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
f = open('/home/pi/test.txt','r')
messagetest = f.read()
newnametest = messagetest.replace("\n","")
if (dateSTR) == (newnametest):
os.system("mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluealsa /home/pi/test.mp3")
Try starting mplayer in a subprocess before you actually need it as:
p = subprocess.Popen('mplayer -slave -idle -ao alsa:device=bluealsa', shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
That should start up mplayer and have it waiting for when you need it. Then, when you want to play a file, do:
p.communicate(input=b'loadfile /home/pi/test.mp3\n')
I'd create a loop, something like:
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
done = []
while 1:
dateSTR = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
if (dateSTR) == (newnametest) and not dateSTR in done:
os.system("mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluealsa /home/pi/test.mp3")
I created a litlle script but I already have an error, I don't know what causes this or how to fix it, it's on an ubuntu vps, the error is located on this site:
This is the Script:
import os
import platform
import cgitb
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print "hi"
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
You missed an import. Add this to the import lines at the top:
import cgi
print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
print '<html>'
print '<head>'
print '<title>Hello Word - First CGI Program</title>'
print '</head>'
print '<body>'
from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler
from app import app
import test
print c
print d
print '<h2>Hello Word! This is my first CGI program</h2>'
print '</body>'
print '</html>'
"""The above code is in my cgi-bin folder as sumitup.py which works fine and gives the add part of the code as result in the browser when I remove the below import part."""
from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler
from app import app
"""I had created a test.py and tried calling the addd method which is also working fine.
Do I need to add the code of wsgiref.handlers library explicity in the same folder.
Note:- I am trying to deploy flask app on a shared hosting www.techpython.com
Can you help me for this.Thanks in advance."""
CGIHandler handles the CGI request for you.
There is no need to print content-length or something like this.
On top of the CGIHandler you could use something like Werkzeug ( http://werkzeug.pocoo.net/ ).
I want the process i initiate through the script to run on webserver even if user closes the page.
It doesn't seem to be working with this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import cgi,cgitb,subprocess
print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
ticker = form['ticker'].value
print subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/env/python','options.py',ticker])
Please help! Thanks!
I guess this is wrong:
it should be usually:
'/usr/bin/env python'
but better use this:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.executable # contains the executable running this python process
I use to do it like this:
p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable,'options.py',ticker])