I am writing a python application. I am trying to dump my python object into yaml using PyYaml. I am using Python 2.6 and running Ubuntu Lucid 10.04. I am using the PyYAML package in Ubuntu Package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/python/python-yaml
My object has 3 text variables and a list of objects. Roughly it is something like this:
#3 text variables
#a list of AnotherObjectsClass instances
list_of_another_objects = [object1,object2,object3]
The class that I want to dump contains a list of AnotherObjectClass instances. This class has a few text variables.
PyYaml somehow does not dump the collections in AnotherObjectClass instance. PyYAML does dump text_variable_1, text_variable_2, and text_variable_3.
I am using the following pyYaml API to dump ClassToDump instance:
classToDump = ClassToDump();
Does any one has any experience with dumping a list of objects into YAML ?
Here is the actual full code snippet:
def write_config(file_path,class_to_dump):
config_file = open(file_path,'w');
def dump_objects():
rule = Miranda.Rule();
rule.rule_condition = Miranda.ALL
rule.rule_setting = ruleSetting
rule.rule_verb = ruleVerb
write_config(rule ,'./config.yaml');
This is the output :
rule_condition: ALL
rule_setting: !!python/object:Miranda.RuleSetting {confirm_action: true, description: My
Configuration, enabled: true, recursive: true, source_folder: source_folder}
rule_verb: !!python/object:Miranda.RuleVerb {compression: true, dest_folder: /home/zainul/Downloads,
type: Move File}
The PyYaml module takes care of the details for you, hopefully the following snippet will help
import sys
import yaml
class AnotherClass:
def __init__(self):
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.text_variable_1 = 'hello'
self.text_variable_2 = 'world'
self.text_variable_3 = 'foobar'
self.list_of_another_objects = [
obj = MyClass()
yaml.dump(obj, sys.stdout)
The output of that code is:
- !!python/object:__main__.AnotherClass {}
- !!python/object:__main__.AnotherClass {}
- !!python/object:__main__.AnotherClass {}
text_variable_1: hello
text_variable_2: world
text_variable_3: foobar
I have a Python project that performs a JSON validation against a specific schema.
It will run as a Transform step in GCP Dataflow, so it's very important that all dependencies are gathered before the run to avoid downloading the same file again and again.
The schema is placed in a separated Git repository.
The nature of the Transformer is that you receive a single record in your class, and you work with it. The typical flow is that you load the JSON Schema, you validate the record against it, and then you do stuff with the invalid and with the valid. Loading the schema in this way means that I download the schema from the repo for every record, and it could be hundred thousands.
The code gets "cloned" into the workers and then work kinda independent.
Inspired by the way Python loads the requirements at the beginning (one single time) and using them as imports, I thought I could add the repository (where the JSON schema lives) as a Python requirement, and then simply use it in my Python code. But of course, it's a JSON, not a Python module to be imported. How can it work?
An example would be something like:
import apache_beam as beam
import the_downloaded_schema
from jsonschema import validate
class Verifier(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, record: dict):
validate(instance=record, schema=the_downloaded_schema)
# ... more stuff
yield record
class Transformer(beam.PTransform):
def expand(self, record):
return (
| "Verify Schema" >> beam.ParDo(Verifier())
You can load the json schema once and use it as a side input.
An example:
import json
import requests
def get_json_schema(url):
with requests.Session() as session:
schema = json.loads(session.get(url).text)
return schema
schema_json = get_json_schema(json_current)
def feed_schema(data, schema):
yield {'record': data, 'schema': schema[0]}
schema = p | beam.Create([schema_json])
data = p | beam.Create(range(10))
data_with_schema = data | beam.FlatMap(feed_schema, schema=beam.pvalue.AsSingleton(schema))
# Now do your schema validation
Just a demonstration of what the data_with_schema pcollection looks like
Why don't you just use a class for loading your resources that uses a cache in order to prevent double loading? Something along the lines of:
class JsonLoader:
def __init__(self):
self.cache = set()
def import(self, filename):
filename = os.path.absname(filename)
if filename not in self.cache:
def _load_json(self, filename):
Using python 2 (atm) and ruamel.yaml 0.13.14 (RedHat EPEL)
I'm currently writing some code to load yaml definitions, but they are split up in multiple files. The user-editable part contains eg.
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
<< : *userdefaults
<< : *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
the defaults are stored in another file, which is not editable:
userdefaults: &userdefaults
# Default values for user settings
fileCountQuota: 1000
diskSizeQuota: "300g"
I can process these together by loading both and concatinating the strings, and then running them through merged_data = list(yaml.load_all("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data), Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader)) which correctly resolves everything. (when not using RoundTripLoader I get errors that the references cannot be resolved, which is normal)
Now, I want to do some updates via python code (eg. update the timestamp), and for that I need to just write back the user part. And that's where things get hairy. I sofar haven't found a way to just write that yaml document, not both.
First of all, unless there are multiple documents in your defaults file, you
don't have to use load_all, as you don't concatenate two documents into a
multiple-document stream. If you had by using a format string with a document-end
marker ("{}\n...\n{}") or with a directives-end marker ("{}\n---\n{}")
your aliases would not carry over from one document to another, as per the
YAML specification:
It is an error for an alias node to use an anchor that does not
previously occur in the document.
The anchor has to be in the document, not just in the stream (which can consist of multiple
I tried some hocus pocus, pre-populating the already represented dictionary
of anchored nodes:
import sys
import datetime
from ruamel import yaml
def load():
with open('defaults.yaml') as fp:
defaults_data = fp.read()
with open('user.yaml') as fp:
user_data = fp.read()
merged_data = yaml.load("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data),
return merged_data
class MyRTDGen(object):
class MyRTD(yaml.RoundTripDumper):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
pps = kw.pop('pre_populate', None)
yaml.RoundTripDumper.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
if pps is not None:
for pp in pps:
anchor = pp.yaml_anchor()
except AttributeError:
anchor = None
node = yaml.nodes.MappingNode(
u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map', [], flow_style=None, anchor=anchor)
self.represented_objects[id(pp)] = node
def __init__(self, pre_populate=None):
assert isinstance(pre_populate, list)
self._pre_populate = pre_populate
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
kw1 = kw.copy()
kw1['pre_populate'] = self._pre_populate
myrtd = self.MyRTD(*args, **kw1)
return myrtd
def update(md, file_name):
ud = md.pop('userdefaults')
MyRTD = MyRTDGen([ud])
yaml.dump(md, sys.stdout, Dumper=MyRTD)
with open(file_name, 'w') as fp:
yaml.dump(md, fp, Dumper=MyRTD)
md = load()
md['users']['xxxx2']['timestamp'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
update(md, 'user.yaml')
Since the PyYAML based API requires a class instead of an object, you need to
use a class generator, that actually adds the data elements to pre-populate on
the fly from withing yaml.load().
But this doesn't work, as a node only gets written out with an anchor once it is
determined that the anchor is used (i.e. there is a second reference). So actually the
first merge key gets written out as an anchor. And although I am quite familiar
with the code base, I could not get this to work properly in a reasonable amount of time.
So instead, I would just rely on the fact that there is only one key that matches
the first key of users.yaml at the root level of the dump of the combined updated
file and strip anything before that.
import sys
import datetime
from ruamel import yaml
with open('defaults.yaml') as fp:
defaults_data = fp.read()
with open('user.yaml') as fp:
user_data = fp.read()
merged_data = yaml.load("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data),
# find the key
for line in user_data.splitlines():
line = line.split('# ')[0].rstrip() # end of line comment, not checking for strings
if line and line[-1] == ':' and line[0] != ' ':
split_key = line
merged_data['users']['xxxx2']['timestamp'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
buf = yaml.compat.StringIO()
yaml.dump(merged_data, buf, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper)
document = split_key + buf.getvalue().split('\n' + split_key)[1]
which gives:
<<: *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
<<: *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-23 09:59:13.829978'
I had to make a virtualenv to make sure I could run the above with ruamel.yaml==0.13.14.
That version is from the time I was still young (I won't claim to have been innocent).
There have been over 85 releases of the library since then.
I can understand that you might not be able to run anything but
Python2 at the moment and cannot compile/use a newer version. But what
you really should do is install virtualenv (can be done using EPEL, but also without
further "polluting" your system installation), make a virtualenv for the
code you are developping and install the latest version of ruamel.yaml (and
your other libraries) in there. You can also do that if you need
to distribute your software to other systems, just install virtualenv there as well.
I have all my utilties under /opt/util, and managed
virtualenvutils a
wrapper around virtualenv.
For writing the user part, you will have to manually split the output of yaml.dump() multifile output and write the appropriate part back to users yaml file.
import datetime
import StringIO
import ruamel.yaml
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='rt')
data = None
with open('defaults.yaml', 'r') as defaults:
with open('users.yaml', 'r') as users:
raw = "{}\n{}".format(''.join(defaults.readlines()), ''.join(users.readlines()))
data = list(yaml.load_all(raw))
data[0]['users']['xxxx1']['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
with open('users.yaml', 'w') as outfile:
sio = StringIO.StringIO()
yaml.dump(data[0], sio)
out = sio.getvalue()
outfile.write(out.split('\n\n')[1]) # write the second part here as this is the contents of users.yaml
I'm trying to use Python's PyYAML to create a custom tag that will allow me to retrieve environment variables with my YAML.
import os
import yaml
class EnvTag(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!Env'
def __init__(self, env_var):
self.env_var = env_var
def __repr__(self):
return os.environ.get(self.env_var)
settings_file = open('conf/defaults.yaml', 'r')
settings = yaml.load(settings_file)
And inside of defaults.yaml is simply:
example: !ENV foo
The error I keep getting:
could not determine a constructor for the tag '!ENV' in
"defaults.yaml", line 1, column 10
I plan to have more than one custom tag as well (assuming I can get this one working)
Your PyYAML class had a few problems:
yaml_tag is case sensitive, so !Env and !ENV are different tags.
So, as per the documentation, yaml.YAMLObject uses meta-classes to define itself, and has default to_yaml and from_yaml functions for those cases. By default, however, those functions require that your argument to your custom tag (in this case !ENV) be a mapping. So, to work with the default functions, your defaults.yaml file must look like this (just for example) instead:
example: !ENV {env_var: "PWD", test: "test"}
Your code will then work unchanged, in my case print(settings) now results in {'example': /home/Fred} But you're using load instead of safe_load -- in their answer below, Anthon pointed out that this is dangerous because the parsed YAML can overwrite/read data anywhere on the disk.
You can still easily use your YAML file format, example: !ENV foo—you just have to define an appropriate to_yaml and from_yaml in class EnvTag, ones that can parse and emit scalar variables like the string "foo".
import os
import yaml
class EnvTag(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!ENV'
def __init__(self, env_var):
self.env_var = env_var
def __repr__(self):
v = os.environ.get(self.env_var) or ''
return 'EnvTag({}, contains={})'.format(self.env_var, v)
def from_yaml(cls, loader, node):
return EnvTag(node.value)
def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data):
return dumper.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag, data.env_var)
# Required for safe_load
yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!ENV', EnvTag.from_yaml)
# Required for safe_dump
yaml.SafeDumper.add_multi_representer(EnvTag, EnvTag.to_yaml)
settings_file = open('defaults.yaml', 'r')
settings = yaml.safe_load(settings_file)
s = yaml.safe_dump(settings)
When this program is run, it outputs:
{'example': EnvTag(foo, contains=)}
{example: !ENV 'foo'}
This code has the benefit of (1) using the original pyyaml, so nothing extra to install and (2) adding a representer. :)
I'd like to share how I resolved this as an addendum to the great answers above provided by Anthon and Fredrick Brennan. Thank you for your help.
In my opinion, the PyYAML document isn't real clear as to when you might want to add a constructor via a class (or "metaclass magic" as described in the doc), which may involve re-defining from_yaml and to_yaml, or simply adding a constructor using yaml.add_constructor.
In fact, the doc states:
You may define your own application-specific tags. The easiest way to do it is to define a subclass of yaml.YAMLObject
I would argue the opposite is true for simpler use-cases. Here's how I managed to implement my custom tag.
import yaml
import os
environment = os.environ.get('PYTHON_ENV', 'development')
def __env_constructor(loader, node):
value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
return os.environ.get(value)
yaml.add_constructor(u'!ENV', __env_constructor)
# Load and Parse Config
__defaults = open('config/defaults.yaml', 'r').read()
__env_config = open('config/%s.yaml' % environment, 'r').read()
__yaml_contents = ''.join([__defaults, __env_config])
__parsed_yaml = yaml.safe_load(__yaml_contents)
settings = __parsed_yaml[environment]
With this, I can now have a seperate yaml for each environment using an env PTYHON_ENV (default.yaml, development.yaml, test.yaml, production.yaml). And each can now reference ENV variables.
Example default.yaml:
defaults: &default
host: ''
port: 500
Example production.yaml:
<<: *defaults
To use:
from config import settings
If PYTHON_ENV == 'production', prints value of APP_PORT
If PYTHON_ENV != 'production', prints default 5000
If your goal is to find and replace environment variables (as strings) defined in your yaml file, you can use the following approach:
foo: !ENV "Some string with ${VAR1} and ${VAR2}"
import yaml
# Define the function that replaces your env vars
def env_var_replacement(loader, node):
replacements = {
'${VAR1}': 'foo',
'${VAR2}': 'bar',
s = node.value
for k, v in replacements.items():
s = s.replace(k, v)
return s
# Define a loader class that will contain your custom logic
class EnvLoader(yaml.SafeLoader):
# Add the tag to your loader
EnvLoader.add_constructor('!ENV', env_var_replacement)
# Now, use your custom loader to load the file:
with open('example.yaml') as yaml_file:
loaded_dict = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=EnvLoader)
# Prints: "Some string with foo and bar"
It's worth noting, you don't necessarily need to create a custom EnvLoader class. You can call add_constructor directly on the SafeLoader class or the yaml module itself. However, this can have an unintended side-effect of adding your loader globally to all other modules that rely on those loaders, which could potentially cuase problems if those other modules have their own custom logic for loading that !ENV tag.
There are several problems with your code:
!Env in your YAML file is not the same as !ENV in your code.
You are missing the classmethod from_yaml that has to be provided for EnvTag.
Your YAML document specifies a scalar for !Env, but the subclassing mechanism for yaml.YAMLObject calls construct_yaml_object which in turn calls construct_mapping so a scalar is not allowed.
You are using .load(). This is unsafe, unless you have complete control over the YAML input, now and in the future. Unsafe in the sense that uncontrolled YAML can e.g. wipe or upload any information from your disc. PyYAML doesn't warn you for that possible loss.
PyYAML only supports most of YAML 1.1, the latest YAML specification is 1.2 (from 2009).
You should consistently indent your code at 4 spaces at every level (or 3 spaces, but not 4 at the first and 3 a the next level).
your __repr__ doesn't return a string if the environment variable is not set, which will throw an error.
So change your code to:
import sys
import os
from ruamel import yaml
yaml_str = """\
example: !Env foo
class EnvTag:
yaml_tag = u'!Env'
def __init__(self, env_var):
self.env_var = env_var
def __repr__(self):
return os.environ.get(self.env_var, '')
def yaml_constructor(loader, node):
return EnvTag(loader.construct_scalar(node))
yaml.add_constructor(EnvTag.yaml_tag, EnvTag.yaml_constructor,
data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str)
os.environ['foo'] = 'Hello world!'
which gives:
{'example': }
{'example': Hello world!}
Please note that I am using ruamel.yaml (disclaimer: I am the author of that package), so you can use YAML 1.2 (or 1.1) in your YAML file. With minor changes you can do the above with the old PyYAML as well.
You can do this by subclassing of YAMLObject as well, and in a safe way:
import sys
import os
from ruamel import yaml
yaml_str = """\
example: !Env foo
yaml.YAMLObject.yaml_constructor = yaml.SafeConstructor
class EnvTag(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!Env'
def __init__(self, env_var):
self.env_var = env_var
def __repr__(self):
return os.environ.get(self.env_var, '')
def from_yaml(cls, loader, node):
return EnvTag(loader.construct_scalar(node))
data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str)
os.environ['foo'] = 'Hello world!'
This will give you the same results as above.
I'm using TinyDB for a small CLI utility to manage personal document drafts. The database stores metadata for each draft; the file should be human-editable (so that I can add details manually), and for this reason I'd like to use YAML over JSON as the format.
I implemented a YamlStorage class subclassing storages.Storage as indicated in the TinyDB docs:
class TestYamlStorage(Storage):
Store the data in a YAML file.
Written following the example at http://tinydb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extend.html#write-a-custom-storage
def __init__(self, filename): # (1)
self.filename = filename
def read(self):
with open(self.filename) as handle:
data = yaml.load(handle.read())
return data
except yaml.YAMLError:
return None # (3)
def write(self, data):
print('writing data: {}'.format(data))
with open(self.filename, 'w') as handle:
yaml.dump(data, handle)
def close(self): # (4)
Everything works fine when inserting only one element, or multiple elements at the same time using insert_multiple:
db = TinyDB('db.yaml', storage=TestYamlStorage)
dicts = [
dict(name='Homer', age=38),
dict(name='Marge', age=34),
dict(name='Bart', age=10)
# this works as expected
The resulting db.yaml:
1: {age: 38, name: Homer}
2: {age: 34, name: Marge}
3: {age: 10, name: Bart}
However, when inserting elements multiple times with insert, the resulting YAML file is different:
db = TinyDB('db.yaml', storage=TestYamlStorage)
db.insert(dict(name='Homer', age=38))
db.insert(dict(name='Bart', age=10))
1: !!python/object/new:tinydb.database.Element
dictitems: {age: 38, name: Homer}
state: {eid: 1}
2: {age: 10, name: Bart}
The data in this format (apart from looking messier) seems to be not compatible with yaml.safe_load (calling db.all() returns []). My interpretation is that the YAML serialization process is in some way "over-eager", i.e. that the Element instance gets written to db.yaml instead of the underlying data.
Is there something wrong with my code? I've tried to fiddle with PyYAML options, using a different YAML module (ruamel.yaml), and create a second YamlStorage class copying from the default JSONStorage, but without any difference.
Version info: Python 3.4.3, TinyDB 3.2.0, PyYAML 3.11. I posted a runnable MWE with all imports here.
After #Anthon's suggestion, I tried printing the YAML output to sys.stdout immediately before dumping to file. The problem is reproduced also in this case. See notebook.
When you update an existing "database" you retrieve a database.Element which includes (as you can see in the second YAML file) state information.
When that again is saved you are not saving a dict, but an instance of this Element which is a subclass of dict and for that ruamel.yaml (and PyYAML) needs to store both the dictitems (the key value pairs for the dict) and the state (a dictionary representing that attributes and their values).
Converting your Element to a dict explicitly before writing should do the trick:
def write(self, data):
print('writing data: {}'.format(data))
with open(self.filename, 'w') as handle:
yaml.dump(dict(data), handle)
# ^^^^ ^
I have a YAML file (all.yaml) that looks like:
var1: val1
var2: val2
var3: {{var1}}-{{var2}}.txt
If I load it in Python like this:
import yaml
f = open('all.yaml')
dataMap = yaml.safe_load(f)
the output is {{var1}}-{{var2}}.txt and not val1-val2.txt.
Is it possible to replace the nested vars with the value?
I tried to load it with:
import jinja2
templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath="/path/to/dir" )
templateEnv = jinja2.Environment( loader=templateLoader )
TEMPLATE_FILE = "all.yaml"
template = templateEnv.get_template( TEMPLATE_FILE )
The exception is no longer thrown, now I am stuck and have to research how to proceed.
First define an Undefined class and load yaml to get known values. Then load it again and render with known values.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import yaml
from jinja2 import Template, Undefined
str1 = '''var1: val1
var2: val2
var3: {{var1}}-{{var2}}.txt
class NullUndefined(Undefined):
def __getattr__(self, key):
return ''
t = Template(str1, undefined=NullUndefined)
c = yaml.safe_load(t.render())
print t.render(c)
Run it:
$ ./test.py
var1: val1
var2: val2
var3: val1-val2.txt
Here is one possible solution:
Parse your YAML document with the yaml module
Iterate over the keys in your YAML document, treating each value as a Jinja2 template to which you pass in the keys of the YAML document as parameters.
For example:
import yaml
from jinja2 import Template
with open('sample.yml') as fd:
data = yaml.load(fd)
for k, v in data.items():
t = Template(v)
data[k] = t.render(**data)
print yaml.safe_dump(data, default_flow_style=False)
This will work fine with your particular example, but wouldn't do anything useful for, say, nested data structures (in fact, it would probably just blow up).
There is no replacement/substitution of scalar parts within the YAML specification.
Anything you want to do on that level has to be done in your application. For me, and for YAML, {{var1}} is just a nested mapping. {{var1}} is short for {{var1: null}: null}. After that the - is not allowed.
There are however multiple problems with your post:
You are using PyYAML which only supports the old (2005) YAML 1.1. Therefore you cannot you cannot have multiple documents (i.e. ended with ...) without using an explicit document start (---) like you can in YAML 1.2
Even if you correct the first line to read --- instead of ... your file will not load as a dict {{var1}} cannot be followed by a scalar - (from -{{var2}}.txt)
And if you would just use {{var1}} in your file, PyYAML cannot load this as it loads YAML mappings as Python dict and Python doesn't allow mutable keys for a dict. Just like you get an TypeError in Python when you try to do: {dict(var1=None): None}
So you should at least change your input file all.yaml to:
var1: val1
var2: val2
var3: '{{var1}}-{{var2}}.txt'
to get this to load in YAML.
You'll have to load this file two times:
once by PyYAML to get the values that you can use to render template
once as template by jinja2
After you render the template you load that (string) once more in PyYAML and you have the value that you want.
Given the corrected all.yaml as specified above in the current directory and this program:
import yaml
import jinja2
YAML_FILE = 'all.yaml'
with open(YAML_FILE) as fp:
dataMap = yaml.safe_load(fp)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath='.'))
template = env.get_template(YAML_FILE)
data = yaml.safe_load(template.render(**dataMap))
will print what you wanted:
I do not believe you can use:
on a file containing jinja2 variables as values. The {{variable}} will attempt to be interpreted as a dict by yaml.