Stop invoking of new Shell/cmd prompt , python - python

i have a python script which should invoke a .exe file to get some result. That .exe file is invoking a new windows command prompt(shell) . i dont need any output from the .exe file.
i 'm using
os.system('segwin.exe args') in my script where segwin is an executable.
now my question is : i need to stop invoking cmd prompt
kudos to all

Try this (untested):
import subprocess
CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000
args = [...]
subprocess.check_call(["segwin.exe"] + args, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
Note that check_call checks the return code of the launched subprocess and raises an exception if it's nonzero. If you don't want that, use call instead.
In general, avoid os.system() and use the subprocess module whenever possible. os.system() always starts a shell, which is nonportable unnecessary on most cases.

This is actually specific to Windows. Windows has decided that segwin.exe is a console-based application (uses the Console subsystem from the Windows C interface).
I know how to invoke an prompt for apps that don't necessarily want one, but not the reverse, you could try using this, or this.


Python execute windows cmd functions

I know you can run Linux terminal commands through Python scripts using subprocess['ls', '-l']) # for linux
But I can't find a way to do the same thing on windows['dir']) # for windows
is it possible using Python without heavy tinkering?
Should I stick to good old fashioned batch files?
dir is not a file, it is an internal command, so the shell keyword must be set to True.["dir"], shell=True)
Try this
import os
os.system("windows command")
ex: for date
Almost everyone's answers are right but it seems I can do what I need using os.popen -- varStr = os.popen('dir /b *.py').read()
First of all, to get a directory listing, you should rather use os.listdir(). If you invoke dir instead, you'll have to parse its output to make any use of it, which is lots of unnecessary work and is error-prone.
dir is a cmd.exe built-in command, it's not a standalone executable. cmd.exe itself is the executable that implements it.
So, you have two options (use check_output instead of check_call if you need to get the output instead of just printing it):
use cmd's /C switch (execute a command and quit):
use shell=True Popen() option (execute command line through the system shell):
subprocess.check_call('dir /s', shell=True)
The first way is the recommended one. That's because:
In the 2nd case, cmd, will do any shell transformations that it normally would (e.g. splitting the line into arguments, unquoting, environment variable expansion etc). So, your arguments may suddenly become something else and potentially harmful. In particular, if they happen to contain any spaces and cmd special characters and/or keywords.
shell=True uses the "default system shell" (pointed to via COMSPEC environment variable in the case of Windows), so if the user has redefined it, your program will behave unexpectedly.

Executing some simple command in Command prompt using Python

I need to execute the simple command below in windows 7 command prompt using Python26.
cd C:\Python26\main project files\Process
C:\Aster\runtime\waster Analysis.comm
It runs a FEM simulation and I tried it manually and it worked well. Now, I want to automate the write procedure using Python26.
I studied the other questions and found that the os.system works but it didn't. Also I saw subprocess module but it didn't work.
The current directory is a process property: Every single process has its own current directory. A line like
os.system("cd xyz")
starts a command interpreter (cmd.exe on Windows 7) and execute the cd command in this subprocess, not affecting the calling process in any way. To change the directory of the calling process, you can use os.chdir() or the cwd keyword parameter to subprocess.Popen().
Example code:
p = subproces.Popen(["C:/Aster/runtime/waster", "Analysis.comm"],
cwd="C:/Python26/main project files/Process")
(Side notes: Use forward slashes in path names in Python files. You should avoid os.system() and passing shell=True to the function in the subprocess module unless really necessary.)

Cannot make consecutive calls with subprocess

I'm having trouble using mutilple subprocess calls back to back.
These 2 work fine:["gmake", "boot-tilera"], cwd="/home/ecorbett/trn_fp")
p = subprocess.Popen(["gmake", "run-tilera"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd="/home/ecorbett/trn_fp")
However, I get an error when I try to run this call directly after:
time.sleep(10)["./"], cwd="/home/ecorbett/trn_fp/kem_ut")
I added sleep in there because I need a few seconds before I run the "./" program. Not sure if that is the issue.
Any advice?
A possible reason why your shell script is working on the command-line is that the shebang line was not written correctly (or not written at all). See an example in which the script would work from a command line but not as a Python subprocess: Is this the right way to run a shell script inside Python?
If your shell script did not have a shebang line specified, it would work from command line because $SHELL is set in your environment and the script is taking that as a default. When running from a python subprocess, python does not know what it is and fails with OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error. The to gmake worked because it is a binary program and not a shell script. Using the argument shell=True gave an instruction to interpret the argument exactly as it would in a shell.
However, be careful about using shell=True in as it may be insecure in some cases: subprocess Python docs.

Running command lines within your Python script

So I have a bunch of aliases and Command Line prompt programs, and my main program works by inputting b into the cmd.exe, followed by some filepath names and what not. How would I run those arguments in my python script? So that it mimics the action i am doing in the cmd?
You should use the subprocess module. In particular, will run command line programs for you.
or you can use
import os
for example:
import os
will launch the notepad with the command line behind.
hope this helps
You can do this using subprocess
For example, this call bellow gets the output of the program and stores it as a string, using .call will help with calling it and for more accurate control use .Popen
Check out Sarge - a wrapper for subprocess which aims to make life easier for anyone who needs to interact with external applications from their Python code. and Plumbum - a small yet feature-rich library for shell script-like programs in Python.

Inside python code, how do I run a .sh script?

Will it continue the code after it's run? Or will it stop at that line until the script is done?
Using is the easiest way. It will not return until the executed program has terminated. Have a look at the other methods of the subprocess module if you need different behaviour.
import os
python script won't stop until sh is finished
You can use os.system or subprocess.Popen or but when using subprocess methods make sure you use shell=True. And executing it via system call in all these methods is blocking. The python script will complete and then go the next step.
