I'm trying to associate a variable with a Tkinter entry widget, in a way that:
Whenever I change the value (the "content") of the entry, mainly by typing something into it, the variable automatically gets assigned the value of what I've typed. Without me having to push a button "Update value " or something like that first.
Whenever the variable gets changed (by some other part of the programm), I want the entry value displayed to be adjusted automatically. I believe that this could work via the textvariable.
I read the example on http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/entry.htm, but it is not exactly helping me for what I have in mind. I have a feeling that there is a way of ensuring the first condition with using entry's "validate". Any ideas?
I think you want something like this. In the example below, I created a variable myvar and assigned it to be textvariable of both a Label and Entry widgets. This way both are coupled and changes in the Entry widget will reflect automatically in Label.
You can also set trace on variables, e.g. to write to stdout.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
myvar = StringVar()
def mywarWritten(*args):
print "mywarWritten",myvar.get()
myvar.trace("w", mywarWritten)
label = Label(root, textvariable=myvar)
text_entry = Entry(root, textvariable=myvar)
def openCipher():
cipher = Toplevel()
cipher.title("decryptt - CIPHER")
cipherLabel = Label(cipher, text="cipher").pack()
cipherEntry = Entry(cipher, width=20, borderwidth=5) #separating pack now allows you to use get() on this
cipherChoices = [
cipherType = StringVar()
for text, cipherChoice in cipherChoices:
Radiobutton(cipher, text=text, variable=cipherType, value=cipherChoice).pack()
cipherButton = Button(cipher, text="Cipher", padx=10, pady=5, command=lambda:[ciphering(cipherEntry.get()), ciphering(cipherChoice.get())]).pack() #lambda allows you to pass arguments to functions
quitButton = Button(cipher, text="Exit Cipher", padx=10, pady=5, command=cipher.destroy).pack()
# This is the function that is suppose to split the input from cipherEntry into individual characters in an array.
def ciphering(entry,choice):
ciphering = Toplevel() #needed to add new label to
cipherLabeling = Label(ciphering, text = "You have inputted " + entry).pack() #couldn’t add a list to string like that, nor use get() on a list, changed to just use the string
seperatedWord = list(entry)
cipherLabeling = Label(ciphering, text = seperatedWord[2]).pack()
seperatedWordLength = len(seperatedWord)
cipherLabeling = Label(ciphering, text = seperatedWordLength).pack()
selection = Label(ciphering, text = choice).pack()
Above is part of the code I have for my ciphering app I am making in Tkinter. Took out the less important parts.
Basically, what is being created in OpenCipher() functions is an entry box that is named cipherEntry. Then there are radio buttons with different names of different ciphers and the value and variable of each radio button is the same as each other for that radio button. Then there is another button that takes whatever cipherEntry is and brings it to another window using the ciphering() function.
What I need to know is how do I also get whatever the value and/or variable of whatever radio button they have selected to that window using the same button they pressed to get to that window ( cipherButton ). Because I want to then use their selection and input to know what cipher type they want their input to be changed to. I already have the function for it sorted.
I have tried using cipherType, cipherChoice, cipherChoices but have no idea how to get them both in there. With the current code above. It works as if there was no second command. It totally disregards whatever selection I put in and the 'selection' label widget doesn't display their choice. I have also made each variable a global to see if that did anything but no luck.
I would really appreciate any assistance :)
First of all, the code should give an error because def ciphering(entry,choice) expects two positional arguments to be passed at the same time. Even after fixing that, it should give another error because cipherChoice is a string(from the list of tuples) and does not have a get attribute.
The thing to focus on here is:
command=lambda: [ciphering(cipherEntry.get()), ciphering(cipherChoice.get())]
When you say something like lambda: [func1(arg1),func1(arg2)] you are set to executing the function func1 and again func1 one after the other(so twice). What you want is to pass multiple arguments to the same function just using a normal lambda without any list, like:
command=lambda: ciphering(cipherEntry.get(), cipherType.get())
Also notice how I changed cipherChoice.get() to cipherType.get(), it is because cipherChoice is a string and also does not have a get attribute, but the value of the radiobutton should be acquired from the associated tkinter variable(StringVar) only. So you have to use cipherType.get()
I want to be able to get the value of an entry box in tkinter repeatedly without a button. For example, if a type '0987654321' in the entry box another variable can be saved of these values constantly being updated by whatever is being typed in that entry box.
I believe this is what you are looking for (See sample code below).
What we are doing here is tracing the value of the entry widget and if changes are made, it is calling the function to replace that label with the new value. Be sure to check the comments within my code - It breaks it down better.
If my example doesn't make sense, here is a link to another.
Here are some better examplanations of *args and *kwargs
#Entry StringVar
year_var = tk.StringVar()
#Entry box and placement
tk.Entry(root, text=(year_var), justify="center").place(x=150, y=250, width="100", anchor="center")
#Fucntion that will be called when entry is changed
def function_called(*args):
tk.Label(root, text=year_var.get(), justify="center").place(x=150, y=320, width="100", anchor="center")
#Tracing the entry and calling the above function
year_var.trace("w", function_called)
I'm writing a little program that populates values that come from an API every second into Entry components. But also I need for the user to be able to change any of the values anytime by themselves.
So what I have right now is:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
sv = StringVar()
def callback():
return True
e = Entry(root, textvariable=sv, validate="key", validatecommand=callback)
e = Entry(root)
This way I can activate my callback function whenever they press a key. However, I need it to happen also when the value is changed by the API ticker that changes the Entry components. I need my function to be called whenever any Entry text/value is changed on any Entry.
I used to code in Delphi and there we had an onChage event for edits, but in Python I'm a little lost.
You can use the trace method on your StringVar:
def trace_method(*args):
#do your thing...
If you need to pass a parameter, you can use lambda:
def trace_method(*args,parameter=None):
if parameter:
print (parameter)
sv.trace("w",lambda *args: trace_method(parameter="Something"))
I am new to tkinter. I want to write two numbers in two different entries in GUI and see their updated subtraction result on the display. here is my code:
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
lb1 = Label(window,text="variable 1")
en1=Entry(window, textvariable=name1)
lb2 = Label(window,text="variable 2")
en2=Entry(window, textvariable=name2)
label_subt=Label(window, text=subt).pack()
how can I update label_subt?
You change the subt variable to the result of the subtraction before actually setting it to the label. Don't do that! Also, you set it as the text, not as the textvariable.
subt = IntVar()
Label(window, textvariable=subt).pack()
(Note that the result of pack() is not the Label, but None, so either move it to a separate line, as you did before, or just don't bind it to a variable that you never need anyway.)
Next, you can define a callback function for updating the value of the subt variable using the set method and bind that callback to any key press. You might want to narrow this down a bit, though.
def update(event):
subt.set(name1.get() - name2.get())
window.bind_all("<Key>", update)
You could try calling the config method on the label after every subtraction. You’ll have to use the entry.get() method to get the string of each entry. And don’t forget to use int() to convert it to an integer so you can do your subtraction otherwise you’ll get an error
first of all I'm new to Python and coding overall.
I wanna ask, I'm using IDLE and Tkinter together. I'm making a simple calculator.
def getInput():
i1 = Input1_Box.get()
i2 = Input2_Box.get()
i3 = Input3_Box.get()
calculate = float(i1) * float(i3) - float(i2) * float(i3)
Here I use define tag getInput to fetch data from Entry widget and use the string(I think so), calculate to put a simple equation to calculate all the data fetch.
But I don't know how to display the result of "calculate" into and Entry widget or display as a text.
To quote Bryan Oakley from this question and BuvinJ from this question:
For an entry widget you have two choices. One, if you have a textvariable associated, you can call set on the textvariable. This will cause any widgets associated with the textvariable to be updated. Second, without a textvariable you can use the insert and delete methods to replace what is in the widget.
Here's an example of the latter:
calculateEntry.delete(0, "end")
calculateEntry.insert(0, calculate)
And for the former:
If you use a "text variable" tk.StringVar(), you can just set() that.
No need to use the Entry delete and insert. Moreover, those functions don't work when the Entry is disabled or readonly! The text variable method, however, does work under those conditions as well.
calculateVar = tk.StringVar()
calculateEntry = tk.Entry( master, textvariable=calculateVar )
calculateVar.set( calculate )