Sending a List through an URL - python

I have a list that I need to send through a URL to a third party vendor. I don't know what language they are using.
The list prints out like this:
[u'1', u'6', u'5']
I know that the u encodes the string in utf-8 right? So a couple of questions.
Can I send a list through a URL?
Will the u's show up on the other end when going through the URL?
If so, how do I remove them?
I am not sure what keywords to search to help me out, so any resources would be helpful too.

Can I send a list through a URL?
No. A URL is just text. If you want a way to package structured information in it, you'll have to agree that with the provider you're talking to.
One standard encoding for structure in URLs, that might or might not be what you need, is the use of multiple parameters with the same name in a query string. This format comes from HTML form submissions:
might be considered to represent a parameter par with a three-item list as its value. Or maybe not, it's up to the receiver to decide. For example in a PHP application you would have had to name the parameter par[] to get it to accept the array value.
I know that the u encodes the string in utf-8 right?
No. a u'...' string is a native Unicode string, where each index represents a whole character and not a byte in any particular encoding. If you want UTF-8 bytes, write u'...'.encode('utf-8') before URL-encoding. UTF-8 is a good default choice, but again: what encoding the receiving side wants is up to that application.
Will the u's show up on the other end when going through the URL?
u is part of the literal representation of the string, just the same as the ' quotes themselves. They are not part of the string value and would not be echoed by print or when joined into other strings, unless you deliberately asked for the literal representation by calling repr.

u'' is not utf-8, its python unicode strings for python 2.x
To send it through url, you need to encode them with utf8 like .encode('utf-8'), and also need to urlencode, and list cannot send it through URL, you need to make it as string.
Basically, you need to do it in following steps
python list -> unicode string -> utf8 string -> url encode -> send it through proper urllib api

Incorrect. unicode literals use Python's internal encoding, decided when it was compiled.
You can't send anything "through" URLs. Pick a protocol instead. And encode before sending, probably to UTF-8.


Python 2.7 convert special characters into utf-8 byes

I have strings that I need to replace into an URL for accessing different JSON files. My problem is that some strings have special characters and I need only these as UTF-8 bytes, so I can properly find the JSON tables.
An example:
# I have this string
a = 'code - Brasilândia'
#in the JSON url it appears as
I managed to get the spaces converted right using urllib.quote(), but it does not convert the special characters as I need them.
print(urllib.quote('code - Brasilândia))
When I substitute this in the URL, I cannot reach the JSON table.
I managed to make this work using u before the string, u'code - Brasilândia', but this did not solve my issue, because the string will ultimately be a user input, and will need to be constantly changed.
I have tried several methods, but I could not get the result I need.
I'm specifically using python 2.7 for this project, and I cannot change it.
Any ideas?
You could try decoding the string as UTF-8, and if it fails, assume that it's Latin-1, or whichever 8-bit encoding you expect.
except UnicodeDecodeError:
yourstring = yourstring.decode('latin-1').encode('utf-8')
... provided you can establish the correct encoding; 0x83 seems to correspond to â only in some fairly obscure legacy encodings like code pages 437 and 850 (and those are the least obscure). See also
(disclosure: the linked site is mine).

Decoding a byte with latin-1 characters to string with decimal representation

I am working on a migration project to upgrade a layer of web server from python 2.7.8 to python 3.6.3 and I have hit a roadblock for some special cases.
When a request is received from a client, payload is transmitted locally using pyzmq which now interacts in bytes in python3 instead of str (as it is in python2).
Now, the payload which I am receiving is encoded using iso-8859-1 (latin-1) scheme and I can easily convert it into string as payload.decode('latin-1') and pass it to next service (svc-save-entity) which expects string argument.
However, the subsequent service 'svc-save-entity' expects latin-1 chars (if present) to be represented in ASCII Character Reference (such as é for é) rather than in Hex (such as \xe9 for é).
I am struggling to find an efficient way to achieve this conversion. Can any python expert guide me here? Essentially I need the definition of a function say decode_tostring():
payload = b'Banco Santander (M\xe9xico)' #payload is in bytes
payload_str = decode_tostring(payload) #function to convert into string
payload_str == 'Banco Santander (México)' #payload_str is a string in ASCII Character Reference
Definition of decode_tostring() please. :)
The encode() and decode() methods accept a parameter called errors which allows you to specify how characters which are not representable in the specified encoding should be handled. The one you're looking for is XML numeric character reference replacement, which is fortunately one of the standard handlers provided in the codecs module.
Now, it's a little complex to actually do the replacement the way you want it, because the operation of replacing non-ASCII characters with their corresponding XML numeric character references happens during encoding, not decoding. After all, encoding is the process that takes in characters and emits bytes, so it's only during encoding that you can tell whether you have a character that is not part of ASCII. The cleanest way I can think of at the moment to get the transformation you want is to decode, re-encode, and re-decode, applying the XML entity reference replacement during the encoding step.
def decode_tostring(payload):
return payload.decode('latin-1').encode('ascii', errors='xmlcharrefreplace').decode('ascii')
I wouldn't be surprised if there is a method somewhere out there that will replace all non-ASCII characters in a string with their XML numeric character refs and give you back a string, and if so, you could use it to replace the encoding and the second decoding. But I don't know of one. The closest I found at the moment was xml.sax.saxutils.escape(), but that only acts on certain specific characters.
This isn't really relevant to your main question, but I did want to clarify one thing: the numeric entities like é are a feature of SGML, HTML, and XML, which are markup languages - a way to represent structured data as text. They have nothing to do with ASCII. A character encoding like ASCII is nothing more than a table of some characters and some byte sequences such that each character in the table is mapped to one byte sequence in the table and vice versa, with a few constraints to make the mapping unambiguous.
If you have a string with characters that are not in a particular encoding's table, you can't encode the string using that encoding. But what you can do is convert the string into a new string by replacing the characters which aren't in the table with sequences of characters that are in the table, and then encode the new string. There are many ways to do the replacement, of which XML numeric entity references are one example. Some of the other error handlers in Python's codecs module represent other approaches to this replacement.

python: about url encode and decode

I have a problem.
I'm trying to use urllib library in python.
but, I don't understand of it.
a = 'http%3A%2F%2Ffile%2Efir%2Enet%2F40d55cecf9a3a47851b1d0ebda3e423993c837d3ca%2F20110909%5F52%5Fblogfile%2Folsscj25%5F1315512137967%5F5tAuGI%5Fzip%2F%255B%25C0%25A9%25B5%25B5%25BF%25ECxp%255D%2B%25C0%25A9%25B5%25B5%25BF%25ECxp%2B%25BD%25C3%25B8%25AE%25BE%25F3%25B3%25D1%25B9%25F6%5F%2Ezip'
aa = unquote(unquote(a))
a1 = quote(quote(aa))
Why does not equal two values(a and a1).
Please let me know
I think you are convoluting multiple problems into 1.
First of all, the only reason you are asking this question is because you want to unquote the tail portion of the file name, which seems to be quoted twice.
Second of all, the file name, even if doubly unquoted, results in non-utf-8 encoded data and it's not printable.
Thirdly, you don't seem to understand the URL format.
An finally, you don't understand what quote and unquote are actually doing.
urllib.quote() and urllib.unquote() are intended only for the path_info portion of the URL, which is everything after
urllib.quote() replaces everything in the string parameter that is not "safe in a URL with percent encoding. Meaning every character that will cause problems (e.g: :~[SPACE] etc.) with a %BYTES_IN_HEX format.
Since [:] is not safe in the URL's path portion, quote() will encode it with it's percent-encoding.
All these means that you should not pass the entire URL straight into the quote() unless you happen to want to actually encode a URL into the path_info portion of a URL.
The steps to solve your problem is something like this:
Fix the file name encoding to use something printable to help you debug.
urllib.unquote() once to get back a normal URL.
When you get the unquoted URL, pass it to urlparse.urlparse() first to break the components into their appropriate portions.
urllib.unquote() the file name portion.
Now you can retrieve the original file name, you can proceed to do whatever you need to do.
The answer is in the documentation on quote method:
... Letters, digits, and the characters '_.-' are never quoted. ...
a and a1 differ because a probably wasn't quoted using quote() and therefore more characters where quoted than it is required. The a1 is still valid quoted string, but some characters wheren't quoted because they don't have to.

how to url-safe encode a string with python? and urllib.quote is wrong

Hello i was wondering if you know any other way to encode a string to a url-safe, because urllib.quote is doing it wrong, the output is different than expected:
If i try
i get
But thats not the correct output, it should be
As demostrated by the tool provided here this site
And this is not me being difficult, the incorrect output of quote is preventing the browser to found resources, if i try
urllib.quote('\images\á\some file.jpg')
And then i try with the javascript tool i mentioned i get this strings respectively
Note how is almost the same but the url provided by quote doesn't work and the other one it does.
I tried messing with encode('utf-8) on the string provided to quote but it does not make a difference.
I tried with other spanish words with accents and the ñ they all are differently represented.
Is this a python bug?
Do you know some module that get this right?
According to RFC 3986, %C3%A1 is correct. Characters are supposed to be converted to an octet stream using UTF-8 before the octet stream is percent-encoded. The site you link is out of date.
See Why does the encoding's of a URL and the query string part differ? for more detail on the history of handling non-ASCII characters in URLs.
Ok, got it, i have to encode to iso-8859-1 like this
word = u'á'
word = word.encode('iso-8859-1')
print word
Python is interpreted in ASCII by default, so even though your file may be encoded differently, your UTF-8 char is interpereted as two ASCII chars.
Try putting a comment as the first of second line of your code like this to match the file encoding, and you might need to use u'á' also.
# coding: utf-8
What about using unicode strings and the numeric representation (ord) of the char?
>>> print '%{0:X}'.format(ord(u'á'))
In this question it seems some guy wrote a pretty large function to convert to ascii urls, thats what i need. But i was hoping there was some encoding tool in the std lib for the job.

how to open a URL with non utf-8 arguments

Using Python I need to transfer non utf-8 encoded data (specifically shift-jis) to a URL via the query string.
How should I transfer the data? Quote it? Encode in utf-8?
Query string parameters are byte-based. Whilst IRI-to-URI and typed non-ASCII characters will typically use UTF-8, there is nothing forcing you to send or receive your own parameters in that encoding.
So for Shift-JIS (actually typically cp932, the Windows extension of that encoding):
foo= u'\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E' # 日本語
url= ''+urllib.quote(foo.encode('cp932'))
In Python 3 you do it in the quote function itself:
foo= '\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E'
url= ''+urllib.parse.quote(foo, encoding= 'cp932')
I don't know what unicode has to do with this, since the query string is a string of bytes. You can use the quoting functions in urllib to quote plain strings so that they can be passed within query strings.
By the »query string« you mean HTTP GET like in http:/{URL}?data=XYZ?
You have encoding what ever data you have via base64.b64encode using -_ as alternative character to be URL safe as an option. See here.
