i am raising exception using
if UserId == '' and Password == '':
raise Exception.MyException , "wrong userId or password"
but i want print the error message on same page
class MyException(Exception):
def __init__(self,msg):
You are not using the Users API? Assuming you are handling a POST request, how about this:
class LoginError(Exception):
CODES = { 'mismatch': 'Wrong credentials', 'disabled': 'Account disabled' }
// your authentication code
raise LoginError('mismatch')
raise LoginError('disabled')
except LoginError as e:
self.redirect(your_login_url + '?err=' + e)
# In login page you must not print arbitrary GET parameter directly
err_reason = LoginError.CODES[self.request.get('err')]`
(Login request should be using POST method because it changes the server's state, and it's good habit to redirect after a POST, thus a redirect.)
Why raising an exception instead of just stop function execution and redirect to new page using return statement
the authentication to Active directory using python-ldap works well with the code below, now trying to find how can I verify
if a user belongs to a Security Group to be successfully authentificate but cannot figure out how to do that.
I have this code integrated in a flask website.
Here is my code:
import ldap
def authenticate():
conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://ldap.example.com')
conn.protocol_version = 3
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
username = 'user_id'
password = 'motdepasse'
user = "%s#domain" %username
result = conn.simple_bind_s('user', 'password')
print "Invalid credentials"
return "Invalid credentials"
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
print "Server down"
return "Server down"
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
if type(e.message) == dict and e.message.has_key('desc'):
return "Other LDAP error: " + e.message['desc']
print "Other LDAP error: "
return "Other LDAP error: " + e
print "Succesfully"
return "Succesfully authenticated"
Thanks for your help
To restrict the LDAP authentication to a specific AD group I used the "search_s function" which find if the authenticated user is part of a AD group.
conn.search_s("OU={AD Security Group},OU=group,OU=Groups,dc=twpn,dc=root,dc=domain,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(cn=userid)")
Let's consider a simple service:
service Something {
rpc Do(Request) returns Response;
message Request {
string field = 1;
message Response {
string response = 1;
Assume I have to do some checking on the Request.field, I want to raise a client error if the field is invalid:
class MyService(proto_pb2.SomethingServicer):
def Do(self, request, context):
if not is_valid_field(request.field):
raise ValueError("Damn!") # Or something like that
return proto_pb2.Response(response="Yeah!")
With the following client:
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(...)
stub = proto_pb2.SomethingStub(channel)
response = stub.Do(proto_pb2.Request(field="invalid"))
except grpc.RpcError as e:
<_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.UNKNOWN, Exception calling application: Damn!)>
So I can technically handle errors. My issue is... is there a better way? Is there a good way to change the message description? Can we change the status code?
Yes, there is a better way. You may change the status details using the ServicerContext.set_details method and you may change the status code using the ServicerContext.set_code method. I suspect that your servicer will look something like
class MyService(proto_pb2.SomethingServicer):
def Do(self, request, context):
if not is_valid_field(request.field):
return proto_pb2.Response()
return proto_pb2.Response(response='Yeah!')
There's a new method for this too, context.abort() - it'll actually raise an exception to terminate the RPC call:
So at gRPC side someone can abort context using:
At client side (python):
result = {'msg', 'success'}
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT:
result = {'msg', 'invalid arg error'}
elif e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS:
result = {'msg', 'already exists error'}
I'm trying to make a custom error page in Flask, and I'd like to give the error handler access to the request that generated the API call that caused the error so that the error page it returns can change depend on the circumstances. For instance, say there are two endpoints:
(1) #app.route('/get_item')
(2) #app.route('/submit_item')
If an error occurs during a call to get_item, I want to display a certain error page ("Sorry, an error occurred...") however, if an error occurs during a call to submit_item, I want it to say something more informative, like:
"An error occured! Please contact us.
Your user id: request.json['userid']
Your submission id: request.json['submission']"
Is it possible to allow the error handler to have access to this, or do I just have to wrap the whole of submit_item in try/except statements?
You can use the request context in the error handler function,
something along those lines:
from flask import request
def exception_handler(*args):
if request.url.endswith('submit_item'):
return "MyMoreDescriptiveErrorMessage", 500
return "Something wrong happened", 500
I would probably create a custom exception and specify an error handler for it similar to this example.
class CustomException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=None, status_code=None, payload=None):
if message is None:
message = "Sorry, an error occurred..."
self.message = message
if status_code is not None:
self.status_code = status_code
self.payload = payload
def handle_custom(error):
response = render_template('error.html', message=error.message)
response.status_code = error.status_code
return response
def submit_item():
message = "An error occured! Userid: %(userid)d, submission: %(submission_id)d"
message = message % (request.json)
raise CustomException(message)
I have some code in a python-eve app that retrieves some data from a device and populates a resource when that resource is requested for the first time. Sometimes the code can't successfully connect to the device. In this case, I would like to return an error message that explains this better, rather than just a plain 500 error. Here is the on_fetch_item hook:
def before_returning_item(resource, _id, document):
if resource == "switches":
if "interfaces" not in document.keys():
# retrieve and store switch config if it hasn't been stored yet
r = app.data.driver.db[resource]
switch = prepare_switch_from_document(document)
except socket.timeout:
# raise some more meaningful error with message
interface_list = switch.get_formatted_interfaces()
r.update({'_id': _id}, {'interfaces': interface_list})
document['interfaces'] = interface_list
app.on_fetch_item += before_returning_item
Thanks in advance.
All you have to do is take advantage of Flask's abort method:
from flask import abort
def before_returning_item(resource, _id, document):
if resource == "switches":
if "interfaces" not in document.keys():
# retrieve and store switch config if it hasn't been stored yet
r = app.data.driver.db[resource]
switch = prepare_switch_from_document(document)
except socket.timeout:
# raise some more meaningful error with message
interface_list = switch.get_formatted_interfaces()
r.update({'_id': _id}, {'interfaces': interface_list})
document['interfaces'] = interface_list
app.on_fetch_item += before_returning_item
If you want to add a custom description:
abort(500, description='My custom abort description')
I like to create custom exceptions, and raise those with meaning comments, Eg:
class MyExcept(Exception): pass
def before_returning_item():
if error_condition:
raise MyException('detailed explanation')
except MyException, exc:
if 'device not ready' in str(exc):
print("Device was not rdy...Try agin?")
In python 2.6.6, how can I capture the error message of an exception.
response_dict = {} # contains info to response under a django view.
response_dict.update({'plan_id': plan.id})
except IntegrityError, e: #contains my own custom exception raising with custom messages.
response_dict.update({'error': e})
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), mimetype="application/json")
This doesnt seem to work. I get:
IntegrityError('Conflicts are not allowed.',) is not JSON serializable
Pass it through str() first.
response_dict.update({'error': str(e)})
Also note that certain exception classes may have specific attributes that give the exact error.
Everything about str is correct, yet another answer: an Exception instance has message attribute, and you may want to use it (if your customized IntegrityError doesn't do something special):
except IntegrityError, e: #contains my own custom exception raising with custom messages.
response_dict.update({'error': e.message})
You should use unicode instead of string if you are going to translate your application.
BTW, Im case you're using json because of an Ajax request, I suggest you to send errors back with HttpResponseServerError rather than HttpResponse:
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseServerError
response_dict = {} # contains info to response under a django view.
response_dict.update({'plan_id': plan.id})
except IntegrityError, e: #contains my own custom exception raising with custom messages.
return HttpResponseServerError(unicode(e))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), mimetype="application/json")
and then manage errors in your Ajax procedure.
If you wish I can post some sample code.
Suppose you raise error like this
raise someError("some error message")
and 'e' is catched error instance
str(e) returns:
[ErrorDetail(string='some error message', code='invalid')]
but if you want "some error message" only
will gives you that (actually gives you a list of str which includes "some error message")
This works for me:
def getExceptionMessageFromResponse( oResponse ):
exception message is burried in the response object,
here is my struggle to get it out
l = oResponse.__dict__['context']
oLast = l[-1]
dLast = oLast.dicts[-1]
return dLast.get( 'exception' )