how to use cherrpy built in data storage - python

Ok I have been reading the cherrypy documents for sometime and have not found a simple example yet. Let say I have a simple hello world site, how do I store data? Lets say I want to store a = 1, and b =2 to a dictionary using cherrypy. The config files are confusing as hell. Anyone have very simple example of storing values from a simple site in cherrypy?
Here is my code what am I doing wrong? I made a tmp file c:/tmp, where is the config file, and or where do I put it? This code worked before I try adding config?
import cherrypy
import os
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.sessions.storage_type': "file",
'tools.sessions.storage_path': "/tmp",
'tools.sessions.timeout': 60})
class Application:
def hello(self,what='Hello', who='world'):
cherrypy.session['a'] = 1
return '%s, %s!' % (what, who)
root = Application()

Edit your config file:
tools.sessions.on = True
tools.sessions.storage_type = "file" # leave blank for in-memory
tools.sessions.storage_path = "/home/site/sessions"
tools.sessions.timeout = 60
Setting data on a session:
cherrypy.session['fieldname'] = 'fieldvalue'
Getting data:

You configure cherrypy to use sessions and store them to a file, e.g. in this way:
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.sessions.storage_type': "file",
'tools.sessions.storage_path': "/tmp/cherrypy_mysessions",
'tools.sessions.timeout': 60})
(or similarly in the config file of course), then cherrypy.session is the "per-user" dict you want, and cherrypy.session['a'] = 1 and similarly for 'b' is how you can store data there.


How to use Ansible Style dynamic inventory with Nornir?

I want to move from Ansible to Nornir. In Ansbile I use dynamic inventory, where I use this python script to reference the host_var folder:
import json
import yaml
import glob
groups = {}
for hostfilename in glob.glob('./host_vars/*.yml'):
with open(hostfilename, 'r') as hostfile:
host = yaml.load(hostfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
for hostgroup in host['host_groups']:
if hostgroup not in groups.keys():
groups[ hostgroup ] = { 'hosts': [] }
groups[ hostgroup ]['hosts'].append( host['hostname'] )
How can I use my existing Ansible Inventory in Nornir.
nornir.plugins.inventory.ansible.AnsibleInventory can only be used with 1x host.yaml file not with many, at least this is my understanding
Edit: Goal is to create always new Inventory files on every run. The workflow would be to generate the inventory yaml files in host_vars and then use it during the play.
Can somebody please help me?
If I understood you correctly, you want each yaml file in the host_vars folder to be interpreted as one host and its data. This feature is not part of base Nornir, but can be implemented via a custom inventory plugin.
The custom inventory plugin should implement a load() method that returns an Inventory-type object that Nornir can then use normally (see here for an example of the SimpleInventory implementation). I came up with this snippet adapted from the code that was given:
import os
import yaml
import glob
import pathlib
from nornir.core.inventory import (
def map_host_data(host_dict):
'hostname' : host_dict['hostname'],
'port': host_dict.get('port',22),
'username' : host_dict['username'],
'password' : host_dict['password'],
'platform' : host_dict['platform'],
'data' : host_dict.get('data', None)
class DynamicInventory:
def __init__(self, inventory_dir: str = "host_vars/") -> None:
self.inventory_dir = pathlib.Path(inventory_dir).expanduser()
def load(self):
hosts = Hosts()
groups = Groups()
for hostfilename in glob.glob(f"{self.inventory_dir}/*.yaml"):
with open(hostfilename,'r') as hostfile:
host_name = os.path.basename(hostfilename).replace('.yaml','')
host = yaml.load(hostfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
for hostgroup in host['host_groups']:
if hostgroup not in groups.keys():
group = Group(name=hostgroup)
groups[hostgroup] = group
hosts[host_name] = Host(name=host_name, **map_host_data(host))
return Inventory(hosts=hosts,groups=groups,defaults={})
I'm assuming you're using Nornir >= 3 (which you really should), so don't forget to register your plugin if using it on your configuration. Assuming you put the above code under plugins/
from nornir import InitNornir
from plugins.inventory import DynamicInventory
from nornir.core.plugins.inventory import InventoryPluginRegister
nr = InitNornir(inventory={'plugin': 'DynamicInventoryPlugin'},
runner={'plugin': 'threaded','options': {'num_workers': 20}})
This of course ignores some features (such as setting defaults), but can be modified to add more features that better match your current setup.

how to fetch firebase data?

I am new to python and firebase and I am trying to flaten my firebase database.
I have a database in this format
each cat has thousands of data in it. All I want is to fetch the cat names and put them in an array. for example I want the output to be ['cat1','cat2'....]
I was using this tutorial
from firebase import firebase
firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None)
result = firebase.get('/Data', None)
the problem with the above code is it'll attempt to fetch all the data under Data. How can I only fetch the "cats"?
if you want to get the values inside the cats as columns, try using the pyrebase, using pip install pyrebase at cmd / anaconda prompt(later prefered if you didn't set up PIP or Python at your environment paths. after installing:
import pyrebase
config {"apiKey": yourapikey
"authDomain": yourapidomain
"databaseURL": yourdatabaseurl,
"storageBucket": yourstoragebucket,
"serviceAccount": yourserviceaccount
Note: you can find all the information above at your Firebase's console: >>> your project >>> click on the icon "<'/>" with the tag "add firebase to your web app
back to the code...
make a neat definition so you can store it into a py file:
def connect_firebase():
# add a way to encrypt those, I'm a starter myself and don't know how
username: "usernameyoucreatedatfirebase"
password: "passwordforaboveuser"
firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)
auth = firebase.auth()
#authenticate a user > descobrir como não deixar hardcoded
user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(username, password)
# At pyrebase's git the author said the token expires every 1 hour, so it's needed to refresh it
user = auth.refresh(user['refreshToken'])
#set database
db = firebase.database()
return db
Ok, now save this into a neat .py file
NEXT, at your new notebook or main .py you're going to import this new .py file that we'll call from now on...
from auth import *
# add do a variable
db = connect_firebase()
#and now the hard/ easy part that took me a while to figure out:
# notice the value inside the .child, it should be the parent name with all the cats keys
values = db.child('cats').get()
# adding all to a dataframe you'll need to use the .val()
data = pd.DataFrame(values.val())
and thats it, print(data.head()) to check if the values / columns are where they're expected to be.
Firebase Realtime Database is one big JSON tree:
when you fetch data at a location in your database, you also retrieve
all of its child nodes.
The best practice is to denormalize your data, creating multiple locations (nodes) for the same data:
Many times you can denormalize the data by using a query to retrieve a
subset of the data
In your case, you may create a second node named "categories" where you list "only" the category names.
In this scenario you can use the update() method to write to more than one location at the same time.
I was exploring pyrebase documentation. As per that, we may extract only keys from some path.
To return just the keys at a particular path use the shallow() method.
all_user_ids = db.child("users").shallow().get()
In your case, it'll be something like:
firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)
db = firebase.database()
allCats = db.child("data").shallow().get()
Let me know if it didn't help.

How to add your app specific settings in pyramid rest framework?

I am new to pyramid.
The Issue is I am not able to figure out how app specific settings (key value pairs) work in pyramid.
This is what I have done after various google searches and other stackoverflow answers:
def main(global_config, **settings):
""" This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.
if '__file__' in global_config:
load_sensitive_settings(global_config['__file__'], global_config))
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
# config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600)
# config.add_route('home', '/')
'/tags', request_method='POST', accept='application/json', )
return config.make_wsgi_app()
def load_sensitive_settings(configurationPath, defaultByKey):
'Load sensitive settings from hidden configuration file'
# configFolder, configName = os.path.split(configurationPath)
# sensitivePath = os.path.join(configFolder, '.' + configName)
sensitivePath = configurationPath
settings = {}
configParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(defaultByKey)
if not
log.warn('Could not open %s' % sensitivePath)
return settings
return settings
I have a file where I try to fetch settings like this:
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
settings = get_current_registry().settings
value = settings['my_key']
But I always get settings object as None.
This is how I am defining my custom settings in development.ini
my_key = ''
This is how I start my server in develpoment
pserve development.ini
I have read that request.settings can give me settings, But that approach is not feasible for me as my key contains the name of a file which is 1.5GBs and it has to be present in memory all the time. It takes around 5 minutes to load that file in server, hence cannot load the file on demand.
Please advice.
Thanks a lot for all the help in advance.
Thanks to all the answers provided, I finally made it work.
This is how my main function looks like:
def main(global_config, **settings):
""" This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
if '__file__' in global_config:
And I made a config file, this is how my config file looks like:
import ConfigParser
settings = dict()
def init_config(filename):
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
settings_dict = config.items('custom')
Now wherever I want settings, I just do:
from projectname.config import settings
And I put my app specific settings (development/ like this
my_key = value
Easiest way is putting your settings to the app main section with dot separated names. Example:
websauna.site_name = Trees
websauna.site_tag_line = Enjoy
websauna.site_url = http://localhost:6543
websauna.site_author = Trees team
Then you can do:
my_settings_value = request.registry.settings.get("websauna.site_name", "Default value)
WSGI pipeline does not bring you settings from other sections and you need to reparse the INI file with ConfigParser if you want to access the other sections (as far as I know).
If you need to load a lot of data during development time just store a filename in settings and load the file when you need to access the data, so that you don't slow the web server startup.
Here is my working solution:
url = http://....
smtp.server = ...
smtp.port = 25
smtp.login = ...
smtp.password = ...
smtp.from = ...
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config._interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()'utf-8', filenames=['path to file/config.ini'])
smtp = config['SMTP.CONFIG']
db = config['DB.CONFIG']
mail = config['APP.CONFIG']
And how i use it in APP
from config import db
host = db['']
If, like me, you are using PasteDeploy with Pyramid, the Pyramid docs here explain how you can use a [DEFAULT] section in your .ini configuration file to hold your custom parameters.
You might also benefit from reading the documentation on .ini files, since it gives some snippets which make it all much clearer.

How to use pyfig module in python?

This is the part of the script:
config = pyfig.Pyfig(config_file)
svnlook = config.general.svnlook #svnlook path
sendmail = config.general.sendmail #sendmail path
From = config.general.from_email #from email address
To = config.general.to_email #to email address
what does this config variable contain? Is there a way to get the value for config variable without pyfig?
In this case config = a pyfig.Pyfig object initialised with the contents of the file named by the content of the string config_file.
To find out what that object does and contains you can either look at the documentation and/or the source code, both here, or you can print out, after the initialisation, e.g.:
config = pyfig.Pyfig(config_file)
print "Config Contains:\n\t", '\n\t'.join(dir(config))
if hasattr(config, "keys"):
print "Config Keys:\n\t", '\n\t'.join(config.keys())
or if you are using Python 3,
config = pyfig.Pyfig(config_file)
print("Config Contains:\n\t", '\n\t'.join(dir(config)))
if hasattr(config, "keys"):
print("Config Keys:\n\t", '\n\t'.join(config.keys()))
To get the same data without pyfig you would need to read and parse at the content of the file referenced by config_file within your own code.
N.B.: Note that pyfig seems to be more or less abandoned - no updates in over 5 years, web site no longer exists, etc., so I would strongly recommend converting the code to use a json configuration file instead.

Writing comments to files with ConfigParser

How can one write comments to a given file within sections?
If I have:
import ConfigParser
with open('./config.ini', 'w') as f:
conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
conf.set('DEFAULT', 'test', 1)
I will get the file:
test = 1
But how can I get a file with comments inside [DEFAULT] section, like:
; test comment
test = 1
I know I can write codes to files by doing:
import ConfigParser
with open('./config.ini', 'w') as f:
conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
conf.set('DEFAULT', 'test', 1)
f.write('; test comment') # but this gets printed after the section key-value pairs
Is this a possibility with ConfigParser? And I don't want to try another module because I need to keep my program as "stock" as possible.
You can use the allow_no_value option if you have Version >= 2.7
This snippet:
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config.set('default_settings', '; comment here')
config.set('default_settings', 'test', 1)
with open('config.ini', 'w') as fp:
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)'config.ini')
print config.items('default_settings')
will create an ini file like this:
; comment here
test = 1
Update for 3.7
I've been dealing with configparser lately and came across this post. Figured I'd update it with information relevant to 3.7.
Example 1:
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config.set('SECTION', '; This is a comment.', None)
Example 2:
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config['SECTION'] = {'; This is a comment':None, 'Option':'Value')
Example 3: If you want to keep your letter case unchanged (default is to convert all option:value pairs to lowercase)
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config.optionxform = str
config.set('SECTION', '; This Comment Will Keep Its Original Case', None)
Where "SECTION" is the case-sensitive section name you want the comment added to. Using "None" (no quotes) instead of an empty string ('') will allow you to set the comment without leaving a trailing "=".
You can create variable that starts by # or ; character:
conf.set('default_settings', '; comment here', '')
conf.set('default_settings', 'test', 1)
created conf file is
; comment here =
test = 1 function won't parse first value
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
print config.items('default_settings')
You could also use ConfigUpdater. It has many more convenience options to update configuration files in a minimal invasive way.
You would basically do:
from configupdater import ConfigUpdater
updater = ConfigUpdater()
updater.set('DEFAULT', 'test', 1)
updater['DEFAULT']['test'].add_before.comment('test comment', comment_prefix=';')
with open('./config.ini', 'w') as f:
Freaky solution for the above :)
Note there is a side-effect, see if that suites you
config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes='///')
config.set('section', '# cmt', 'comment goes here')
configparse will treat comments as variables, but real software would not.
This would even preserve the comments on writes done after read of the same ini file, which is a real game changer (disappearing comments are just horrible) :) and you don't need to do allow_no_value=True to allow empty value, just minor visual candy :)
so the ini file would look like:
# cmt = comment goes here
which pretty much gets the job done :)
please make sure to initialize comment_prefixes with a string that would never appear in your ini file just in case
This worked for me in 3.9.
Side effect on writing the already existing comments. They would not disappear which was normal default, but will be converted to a similar form # first = <remaining>, where first - first word of comment, remaining - remaining of the comment, which would change how file looks, so be carefull...
