ToscaWidgets CalendarDatePicker pylons - python

How does one set the date on the CalendarDatePicker. i.e. it defaults to current date and I want to display it with another date which I will set from my controller.
I am displaying the CalendarDatePicker widget in a TableForm from tw.form. I have looked at this for a few hours and can't work out how to do this so any pointers greatly appreciated.
import tw.forms as twf
form = twf.TableForm('dateSel', action='changeDate', children=[
twf.CalendarDatePicker('StartDate', date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"),
twf.CalendarDatePicker('EndDate', date_format = "%d/%m/%Y" )

I don't have a copy of twforms laying around, but based on their sample code, it looks like you might want to do something like:
from datetime import datetime
start = twf.CalendarDatePicker('StartDate', date_format = "%d/%m/%Y")
start.default = # or any valid datetime object
end = twf.CalendarDatePicker('EndDate', date_format = "%d/%m/%Y" )
start.default = # or any valid datetime object
form = twf.TableForm('dateSel', action='changeDate', children=[start, end])


Error AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'year' when querying a model

I get startdate and enddate, but they are passed as a string. How do I convert them to a date?
startdate = request.POST["startdate"]
enddate = request.POST["enddate"]
queryset = paidparking.objects.all()
qsstats = QuerySetStats(queryset, date_field='expirationdate')
values = qsstats.time_series(startdate, enddate, interval='days')
return render(request, 'index/template.html', {'values': values})
Error in: values = qsstats.time_series(startdate, enddate, interval='days')
startdate and enddate are strings, not datetime objects. You need to parse these, so something like:
from datetime import datetime
startdate = datetime.strptime(request.POST['startdate'], '%Y-%m-%d')
enddate = datetime.strptime(request.POST['enddate'], '%Y-%m-%d')
queryset = paidparking.objects.all()
qsstats = QuerySetStats(queryset, date_field='expirationdate')
values = qsstats.time_series(startdate, enddate, interval='days')
return render(request, 'index/template.html', {'values': values})
The format here ('%Y-%m-%d') might be different, depending on how the date is formatted as string.
I would however advise to work with a Form [Djang-doc]. These forms make it convenient to parse, clean and validate input.

ValueError: time data 'None' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'

For the node 'TransactionDate' i have a logic before updating it for policy"POL000002NGJ".
The logic i am trying to implement is If existing 'TransactionDate' < than today, then add 5 days with current value and parse it to xml.
Transaction Date Format in XML : 2020-03-23T10:56:15.00
Please Note that, If i parsing the DateTime value like below, It works good But i dont want to hardcode the value... I want to Parse it as a string object to handle for any datetime in format ""%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f""...
# <TransactionDate>
today =
TransactionDate = doc.find('TransactionDate')
Date = '2020-03-24T10:56:15.00'
previous_update = datetime.strptime(Date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
if previous_update < today:
today = previous_update - timedelta(days=-5)
TransactionDate = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
Below code while parsing it as a DateTime Object, I have an issue.. I got struck here and referenced other answers in stackoverflow and python forums, But still i got struct up here and unable to resolve the issue...
if any help to fix will be a great helpful. Thanks. Below code using lxml and getting help to support below code will helpful. Because i already completed for other nodes. My understanding is Date variable is calling as None.. But struck here to fix.. Please help..
# <TransactionDate>
today =
TransactionDate = doc.find('TransactionDate')
Date = str(TransactionDate)
previous_update = datetime.strptime(Date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
if previous_update < today:
today = previous_update - timedelta(days=-5)
TransactionDate = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
Full Code is Below
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import random, string
doc = etree.parse(r'C:\Users\python.xml')
# <PolicyId> - Random generated policy number
Policy_Random_Choice = 'POL' + ''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=6)) + 'NGJ'
# <TransactionDate>
today =
TransactionDate = doc.find('TransactionDate')
Date = str(TransactionDate)
previous_update = datetime.strptime(Date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
if previous_update < today:
today = previous_update - timedelta(days=-5)
TransactionDate = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
#Parsing the Variables
replacements = [Policy_Random_Choice , TransactionDate ]
targets = doc.xpath('//ROW[PolicyId="POL000002NGJ"]')
for target in targets:
target.xpath('./PolicyId')[0].text = replacements[0]
target.xpath('.//TransactionDate')[0].text = replacements[1]
Sample XML
Maybe the find method is wrong. Try this one
# <TransactionDate>
today =
TransactionDate = doc.xpath('//ROW/TransactionDate') # Change find to xpath
Date = str(TransactionDate[0].text) # Use the first one
previous_update = datetime.strptime(Date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

Setting datetime inside QDateTimeEdit widget

I have to set the date and time available as a string in the following format.
"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
cur_time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())
cur_date = DATA[1]
date_time = cur_date+" "+cur_time
now = QtCore.QDate.fromString(date_time, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
But this is not working.
The format of date and datetime is different from the format of QDate and QDateTime, you should not use% in the Qt format, check the docs for more detail:
Assuming DATA[1] has a format %Y/%m/%d as you try to use, you can use the following code:
cur_time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())
cur_date = "2018/11/10"
date_time = cur_date+" "+cur_time
now = QtCore.QDateTime.fromString(date_time, 'yyyy/M/d hh:mm:ss')

how to get records for a day relative to timezone in django

I am trying to all the record for a certain day with the following:
entered_at = request.session['entered_at']
entered_at = datetime.strptime(entered_at, "%m-%d-%Y")
day_start = entered_at.replace(hour=00, minute=00)
day_end = entered_at.replace(hour=23, minute=59)
entries = Entry.objects.filter(
When I do this I get the following warning in my console:
DateTimeField received a naive datetime while time zone support is
I know I can add something like: , day_start = entered_at.replace(hour=00, minute=00, tzinfo=<UTC>)
however, this will not make the range from midnight to 11:59pm relative to the users timezone if I use UTC.
How can I express a full day relative to the users timezone?
I believe you want something like this, using the pytz library. See How to make an unaware datetime timezone aware in python:
import pytz
entered_at = request.session['entered_at']
entered_at = datetime.strptime(entered_at, "%m-%d-%Y")
day_start = entered_at.replace(hour=00, minute=00)
day_end = entered_at.replace(hour=23, minute=59)
timezone = pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")
day_start = timezone.localize(day_start)
day_end = timezone.localize(day_end)
entries = Entry.objects.filter(customer=customer,

Django quering objects with timestamp delta

Say I have a model:
endtimestamp = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
I need a query to get all Mymodel objects with endstimestamp between today's midnight and yesterday midnight.
what have I tried:
today =
todays_midnigh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0')
yesterday_midnight = todays_midnight - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
objs = Mymodel.objects.filter(endtimestamp__range(
yesterday_midnight, todays_midnight)
But this line todays_midnigh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0')) does not work, and I know there must be a much pythonic and clear way of achieving this.
assumming this from datetime import datetime as dt, do that:
today =
todays_midnigh = dt.combine(today,dt.max.time())
todays_midnigh = dt.combine(today,dt.min.time())
as appropriate
