Is there a rails.vim equivalent for Django? - python

I love Tim Pope's rails.vim, and I'm wondering if there's an equivalent vim plugin for Django. I'm especially looking for easy navigation of the Django file structure via vim command mode.

I use django.vim for Django Templates

Theres nothing as well structured as that plugin.
As far as quick navigation goes I have this in my vimrc (That whole doc will give you some good starting points)
Also I've published a couple of offerings on for some nav tasks (For Reverse url and template jumping) (completing imports)
Other than that general purpose vim fu can take you a long way

I've created a repo that I want to add a lot of branches to for vim config (django/python centric). There are already a few branches and some path-hacking for Feel free to fork/branch and share!
I haven't gotten around to adding nerdtree, but I think that is a really popular plugin for a filebrowser.

The django wiki page on using vim now lists the pony.vim plugin, which seems like it gives similar things to rails.vim, including the ability to jump between models, views, templates, etc per app, as well as run some of the django commands right from within vim. Part of it is that, quite simply, django's folder structure is different than Rails (less complicated?/less defined?/certainly different ethos overall). But pony.vim seems like it covers most of the bases.
rope-vim can make completions easier, though it does require just a tiny bit of customization, plus it adds direct access to the docs on autocomplete, which is quite nice.
(I'm answering this here because this is the top result on Google when searching for rails.vim equivalent for Django :P)

** Update 10/8/2013 **
I'm now using a jedi driven python vim configuration (along with some tmux config)
I also have a fairly complete vim config for django development (if you are interested).
I use rope-vim as mentioned by others but I also have a few other useful plugins to ensure you can run unit tests (using nose) in your django project with QTPY
A few things I ran into that others never seem to mention when doing python / django development on OSX and Ubuntu (day job dev / night time dev) including:
If you ensure vim has the virtualenv activated (assuming you are using virtualenv) the rope plugin will know where to find your site-packages for quick "go to definition" lookups along with other refactoring support.
I use this without any need for pycharm now as I get full autocompletion with rope-vim and supertab. I also have the command-t plugin for quick "find by file" lookups / etc
I recently found that using basic ctags on OSX + Ubuntu enabled me to "find symbol" using the below. I also added a simple "recent files" lookup using the find in buffer. I also added a few shortcuts to show a fuzzy finder like search from the current directory (for the file I happen to have open). I use this to show other related files quickly / etc.
find by symbol equiv (shows classes / methods in a fuzzy finder using your ctags file)
find in buffer (recent files)
show fuzzy finder w/ other files in the current dir


How do I make a macOS app out of my Python program?

I've made this question because I had to go through the whole process of creating my own application using Apple's somewhat lacking documentation, and without the use of py2app. I wanted to create the whole application structure so I know exactly what was inside, as well as create an installer for it. The latter of these is still a mystery, so any additional answers with information on making a custom installer would be appreciated. As far as the actual "bundle" structure goes, however, I think I've managed to get the basics down. See the answer below.
Edit: A tutorial has been linked at the end of this answer on using PyInstaller; I don't know how much it helps as I haven't used it yet, but I have yet to figure out how to make a standalone Python application without the use of a tool like this and it may just be what you're looking for if you wish to distribute your application without relying on users knowing how to navigate their Python installations.
A generic application is really just a directory with a .app extension. So, in order to build your application, just make the folder without the extension first. You can rename it later when you're finished putting it all together. Inside this main folder will be a Contents folder, which will hold everything your application needs. Finally, inside Contents, you will place a few things:
Here you can find some information on how to write your Info.plist file. Basically, this is where you detail information about your application.
Inside the MacOS you want to place your main executable. I'm not sure that it matters how you write it; at first, I just had a shell script that called python3 ./../Resources/ I didn't think this was very neat though, so eventually I called the GUI from a Python script which became my executable (I used Tkinter to build my application's GUI, and I wrote several modules which I will get to later). So now, my executable was a Python script with a shebang pointing to the Python framework in my application's Frameworks folder, and this script just created an instance of my custom Tk() subclass and ran the mainloop. Both methods worked, though, so unless someone points out a reason to choose one method over the other, feel free to pick. The one thing that I believe is necessary, is that you name your executable the SAME as your application (before adding the .app). That, I believe, is the only way that MacOS knows to use that file as your application's executable. Here is a source that describes the bundle structure in more detail; it's not a necessary read unless you really want to get into it.
In order to make your executable run smoothly, you want to make sure you know where your Python installation is. If you're like me, the first thing you tried doing on your new Mac was open up Terminal and type in python3. If this is the case, this prompted you to install the Xcode Command Line tools, which include an installation of Python 3.8.2 (most recent on Xcode 12). Then, this Python installation would be located at /usr/bin/python3, although it's actually using the Python framework located at
I believe, but am NOT CERTAIN, that you could simply make a copy of this framework and add it to your Frameworks folder in order to make the app portable. Make a copy of the Python3.framework folder, and add it to your app's Frameworks folder. A quick side note to be wary of; Xcode comes packaged with a lot of useful tools. In my current progress, the tool I am most hurting for is the Fortran compiler (that I believe comes as a part of GCC), which comes with Xcode. I need this to build SciPy with pip install scipy. I'm sure this is not the only package that would require tools that Xcode provides, but SciPy is a pretty popular package and I am currently facing this limitation. I think by copying the Python framework you still lose some of the symlinks that point to Xcode tools, so any additional input on this would be great.
In any case, locate the Python framework that you use to develop your programs, and copy it into the Frameworks folder.
Finally, the Resources folder. Here, place any modules that you wrote for your Python app. You also want to put your application's icon file here. Just make sure you indicate the name of the icon file, with extension, in the Info.plist file. Also, make sure that your executable knows how to access any modules you place in here. You can achieve this with
import os
import MyModules
Finally, make sure that any dependencies your application requires are located in the Python framework site-packages. These will be located in Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.X.Y/lib/python3.x.y/site-packages/. If you call this specific installation of Python from the command line, you can use path/to/application/python3 -m pip install package and it should place the packages in the correct folder.
P.S. As far as building the installer for this application, there are a few more steps needed before your application is readily downloaded. For instance, I believe you need to use the codesign tool in order to approve your application for MacOS Gatekeeper. This requires having a developer license and manipulating certificates, which I'm not familiar with. You can still distribute the app, but anyone who downloads it will have to bypass the security features manually and it will seem a bit sketchy. If you're ready to build the installer (.pkg) file, take a look at the docs for productbuild; I used it and it works, but I don't yet know how to create custom steps and descriptions in the installer.
Additional resources:
A somewhat more detailed guide to the anatomy of a macOS app
A guide I found, but didn't use, on using codesign to get your app past Gatekeeper
A RealPython tutorial I found on using PyInstaller to build Python-based applications for all platforms

Getting started with django-restframework-gis on Windows 10

I have some experience with Python-Django including its REST framework, a reasonable understanding of geographic information (and what GIS is about) and about databases, and I would like to develop a "geo-aware" REST service on my Windows machine based on Django. The application shall be limited to the REST service; visual exploration and other stuff shall be developed independently. Side-remark: once my application is running, it will be ported onto a Linux machine and PostGIS will then be used instead of SpatialLite.
After several hours of web-searching, I still haven't come up with a good "Quickstart" guide. There are many tutorials and docs about various aspects related to my task, but they either refer to Linux, or their installation instructions are outdated. Here is what I have done so far:
1) I use miniconda and Pycharm
2) I created a new virtual environment like so:
conda create -n locations pip numpy requests
activate locations
conda install -c conda-forge django djangorestframework djangorestframework-gis
3) I set-up the new Django project and my application and performed a database migration:
python [path-to..]\ startproject locations
cd locations
python [path-to..]\ startapp myapp
cd ..
python migrate
4) I added "rest_framework" and "myapp.apps.MyAppConfig" to the APPLICATIONS in
5) I stopped reading the general django-restframework tutorial and began searching for django-restframework-gis specific information. What I understood from this is that I need to enhance my SQLite database to become a SpatialLite database. Windows binaries for SpatialLite are available at gaia-sins -- but which of these do I really need? I downloaded the mod_spatialite-4.3.0a-win-x86.7z file and unpacked it, and I added SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH= '[path-to..]\mod_spatialite-4.3.0a-win-x86\mod_spatialite.dll' to my
What comes next?
Specific questions:
1) Do I really need to upgrade my SQLite database if I am not planning to store geospatial information but merely build a REST service to deliver information in GeoJSON which is coming from other sources (for example weather model output in netcdf data format)? Or would it suffice to describe my Django model in this case and simply ignore any database-related issues?
2) What is the minimum code to get the basic "wiring" done? This could be an extremely simple service which would accept a lat/lon coordinate as parameter in the URL and return this location in GeoJSON format. Such code should highlight the differences between using the "normal" django-restframework from the gis version. Once I have this, I will probably find my way through the existing documentation (for example Miguel Grinberg Tutorial or GitHub description).
OK, after another day of searching and experimenting, I acknowledge that this has been the wrong question to ask - therefore I answer myself and close this issue.
Apparently, I have been to naive about setting up a "geo-aware" service, thinking that I can get away with a special datatype or two for coordinates, and a special kind of serializer for GeoJSON - and, if really necessary, with a geo-enabled database.
Turns out, that what I want to do in the end, is a GeoDjango application (even if I will use only a tiny fraction of what GeoDjango can do), and so the GeoDjango docs are the place to start from, and in particular their installation guide.
The story isn't over yet as I am still having troubles to load the required libraries from Django, but the direction is clearer now.
More specifically, the issue I ran into wasn't primarily a SpatiaLite issue. I was able to install SpatiaLite and enhance an existing sqlite database by running SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite'); SELECT InitSpatialMetaData(); (see also this post. Django (python check) complained about not finding the gdal library, and once it found it, it was the wrong version. The GeoDjango docs report that this is indeed the most common problem when installing GeoDjango. It would be helpful if the error messages from ctypes were a bit more verbose to make it easier to search for solutions. It took several hops across various web sites and an extra print statement in the ctypes file, before I found out that one needs to match the version of gdal, the version of python, and the compiler (DLL hell this was called by someone).
Another part of the confusion arises from the manifold dependencies among the various required "geo packages". For example, SpatiaLite already comes with a gdal library, so why the need for installing gdal separately? Indeed, the GeoDjango docs recommend to work with OSGEO4W, because this program suite bundles everything together. Yet, this is not trivial if one starts from a system where OSGEO4W and Python/Django have been installed independently. This is the situation I start from. I installed OSGEO4W primarily to work with QGIS, and I installed Python and Django for other tasks. The realisation that the two must be linked for a GeoDjango application only came afterwards. I might need to start from scratch, but it would be good to know if people have been successful in a Windows 10, x64 environment with Python >= 3.4 recently.

Any reasons to switch from SVN for a one-man linear Django project that's virtualenv isolated?

I see this question but it's from 2008. Seems like many version control systems have become trendy lately. Also, the question was exactly my situation:
Django based web application
Using an isolated virtulaenv environment
One man developer
Will not be open sourced
Linear project (no branches)
Perhaps will be using tags for releases (but not needed)
At some point, it might become two developers. I'll worry about that down the line.
My question: Is there any reason to switch to another version control system now? I use SVN on a Linux development box right now.
For a one-person development effort, use whatever version control system lets you get your work down most effectively. For my own private projects, I do use Git these days, but that's only because I feel it gives me benefits vs. other choices. It is really up to personal preference.
Lately I've felt like I should also learn Mercurial, to be more well rounded, but that's just for my own education. So again, whatever works best for you is what to use.

How do I prepare myself for a summer of working on Python using Linux environment?

I have used just Windows for programming so far. Now, I have an internship starting in two weeks and I will be using just Linux environment with Python programming language. I've installed Ubuntu on my system but have no exposure to shell scripting.
I need some advice on how I can quickly learn to use the Linux terminal quickly. Any books or web resources that you can suggest?
Also, is there a particular IDE that is generally preferred for Python programming on Linux, or is Vim preferred? How can I best prepare myself for the internship ahead?
Thanks for taking the time.
As an intern you'll want to use the tools your mentor is most comfortable with. If you get stuck you'll be able to ask for advice quickly.
Learning your way around either vi, vim, or emacs to start with will help. The basic concepts used in one will transfer to the other. You'll need to be able to open and read files, search through files, edit and save files, and learn how to apply any python formatting helpers correctly.
You should also familiarize yourself with version control if you haven't already. Again any one will do, you need to focus on concepts and etiquette rather than the specific tool.
The goal of the internship (and really your entire time at university) should be used to learn concepts rather than specific tools. If you learn the concepts you'll be well placed to apply those concepts using any tool. You will also "learn how to learn" a new tool, which is really valuable.
Your lack of shell scripting knowledge shouldn't matter in this case, although it won't be hard to learn. I read over some shell tutorials and put them into practice. Try doing everything from the command line, including find (grep), find/replace all (sed), finding files (find), automating things using python scripts etc. Basically, don't cheat. You'll pick up a lot this way. You'll also probably end up wondering how you ever managed with Windows.
What I use depends on the project. I really like Eclipse+PyDev but that's my personal preference, I also use Vim depending on where I am/what I'm doing. Remember you can just type python from the command line and it drops you into the python environment.
I recommend Eclipse + PyDev too. You can get started quickly with this develop environment. I also recommend the website Dive Into Python. It provides you a online free version of Dive Into Python book, which is very easy to read, easy to understand, and very suitable for Python beginners. If you really want a paper book at hand, Learning Python, a.k.a. The Animal Guide, is simply the best.
Learn to understand man(ual) pages.
For almost any old linux command/program there is a man page which usually explains the command in good detail.
So basics for filesystem navigation:
Show directory contents (list)
Show hidden files
ls -a
Show details
ls -l
Change directory
cd /full/path/name
Print current directory
Delete a file
rm file
Delete a directory (recursive)
rm -r directoryName
Make a directory
mkdir directoryName
Move (or rename) a file
mv /path/to/file /new/path/to/file
Show the man page for mv
man mv
Learning vim might be necessary, depending on your intern environment. I do my Python (and everything that isn't simple text editing) in Eclipse. You should in any case learn enough to open a file, makes some changes and save the changes in Vim.
Keep in mind, Ubuntu is very easy. To make things harder on yourself, use the command line for every conceivable thing. Open programs by typing their names into a terminal. Browse your files with the terminal. Do simple editing with vim. That should provide good practice for the day you need to SSH into a computer in Neverland and download and install a local copy of your favorite interpreter from source in order to set up a cron job to run a script to play a clock noise.
In addition to the great advice already written, I'd suggest you install IPython (Open a terminal with Applications>Accessories>Terminal and type):
sudo apt-get install ipython
Also at the terminal, you can then type ipython to start the Python interpreter.
Unlike the built in python interpreter, ipython gives you tab completion.
For example, if you type the name of an object followed by a period and TAB (e.g. sys.[TAB]), ipython will show you (almost) all of object's attributes.
Type a question mark after an object name (e.g. sys?), and you get documentation on that object.
This is a great way to explore Python.
have no exposure to shell scripting
Good! You've got Python so hopefully there should be no need to resort to writing actual scripts with the shell. It may be more powerful than DOS batch files, but it's just as ugly.
I need some advice on how I can quickly learn to use the Linux terminal quickly.
Something like this?
As well as learning the commands, you'll want to get used to using tab-completion and arrow key command recall (if you don't already do that with the Windows Command Prompt), scrolling with shift-arrows, and so on. Also useful to know the & (perform in background) command suffix, ctrl-C-to-stop, ctrl-Z-to-pause, jobs, and screen.
Incidentally if you will be spending any amount of time in the interactive Python interpreter it is well worth adding tab completion there, too. (This is just as much the case on Windows, but on Win you tend not to get pyreadline by default.)
is there a particular IDE that is generally preferred for Python programming on Linux
Just like on Windows, there are IDEs available if you want them but many people just use a normal text editor. vim is fine if that's what you like. nano is another in-terminal text editor you usually get that's relatively simple. Ubuntu's default desktop-based editor gedit is also fine. It's a matter of personal taste.
(If you are interning at a particular company they might have their own development environment they'd prefer you to use.)
For a Python IDE, I recommend using either IDLE or Eclipse with PyDev.
Keep in mind you can also just use python on the linux command-line. It supports loading code from files, and if you use two command windows then one of them will be your "REPL" where you will be running python and dynamically loading code - and the other window can run your editor.
Regarding linux command line, I cannot recommend any great resources. However, you will be off to a great start if you immerse yourself in this environment and only use linux for the next 2 weeks. Just keep learning, and when you do not know how to do something, read a manpage or google it to find the answer.
for a very beginner intro to the command line, check out:
As far as a Python editor goes, I personally prefer to use SciTE. It's just a programmer's text editor with syntax highlighting for various languages. I prefer a lightweight editor over a more complicated environment, but if you want a full-fledged IDE you can always try out NetBeans, IDLE, or Komodo (all of which are available in both Windows and Linux).
as for terminall and quick way to understand it's and learn it there are a nice cheat sheets on net like this:

Eclipse + local CVS + PyDev

I tried several Python IDEs (on Windows platform) but finally I found only Eclipse + PyDev meeting my needs. This set of tools is really comfortable and easy to use. I'm currently working on a quite bigger project. I'd like to have a possibility to use CVS or any other version control system which would be installed on my local harddrive (I recently moved my house and don't have yet an access to internet.)
It doesn't matter for me if it'd be CVS - can also be any other version control system. It'd be great if it will be not too hard to configure with Eclipse. Can anyone give me some possible solution? Any hints?
Regards and thanks in advance for any clues. Please forgive my English ;)
Last time I tried this, Eclipse did not support direct access to local repositories in the same way that command line cvs does because command line cvs has both client and server functionality whereas Eclipse only has client functionality and needs to go through (e.g.) pserver, so you would probably need to have a cvs server running.
Turns out that I didn't really need it anyway as Eclipse keeps its own history of all changes so I only needed to do an occasional manual update to cvs at major milestones.
[Eventually I decided not to use cvs at all with Eclipse under Linux as it got confused by symlinks and started deleting my include files when it "synchronised" with the repository.]
If you don't mind a switch to Subversion, Eclipse has its SubClipse plugin.
As others have indicated, there are plugins available for Eclipse for SVN, Bazar, Mercurial and Git.
Even so, despite their presence, I find using the command line the most comfortable.
svn commit -m 'now committing'
Assuming you are not committing for more than several times a day, this should work well enough. Is there anything specific that is preventing you from using the command line?
I tried Eclipse+Subclipse and Eclipse+Bazaar plugin. Both work very well, but I have found that Tortoise versions of those version source control tools are so good that I resigned from Eclipse plugins. On Windows Tortoise XXX are my choice. They integrate with shell (Explorer or TotalCommander), changes icon overlay if file is changed, shows log, compare revisions etc. etc.
I would definitely recommend switching over to a different VCS—I prefer Mercurial, along with a lot of the Python community. That way, you'll be able to work locally, but still have the ability to publish your changes to the world later.
You can install TortoiseHg for Windows Explorer, and the MercurialEclipse plugin for Eclipse.
There's even a Mercurial for CVS users document to help you change over, and a list of mostly-equivalent commands.
I believe Eclipse does have CVS support built in - or at least it did have when I last used it a couple of years ago.
For further information on how to use CVS with Eclipse see the Eclipse CVS FAQ
I recently moved my house and don't have yet an access to internet.
CVS and SVN are the Centralized Version control systems. Rather than having to install them on your local system just for single version control, you could use DVCS like Mercurial or Git.
When you clone a Mercurial Repository, you have literally all versions of all the repo files available locally.
I use Eclipse with a local CVS repository without issue. The only catch is that you cannot use the ":local:" CVS protocol. Since you're on Windows, I recommend installing TortoiseCVS and then configuring the included CVSNT server as follows:
Control Panel: CVSNT
Repository configuration: create a repository and publish it
Note the Server Name and make sure it matches your hostname
Eclipse: Create a new repository location using the :pserver: connection type and point it to your local hostname
This (or any actual source control system) has the advantage over the Eclipse Local History of being able to associate checkin comments with changes, group changes into change sets, etc. You can use the Eclipse Local History to recover from minor mistakes, but it's no replacement for source control (and expires as well: see Window->Preferences General->Workspace->Local History).
