pyobjc indexed accessor method with range - python

I'm trying to implement an indexed accessor method for my model class in Python, as per the KVC guide. I want to use the optional ranged method, to load multiple objects at once for performance reasons. The method takes a pointer to a C-array buffer which my method needs to copy the objects into. I've tried something like the following, which doesn't work. How do I accomplish this?
#objc.accessor # i've also tried #objc.signature('v#:o^#')
def getFoos_range_(self, range):
return self._some_array[range.location:range.location + range.length]
Edit: I finally found the type encodings reference after Apple moved all the docs. After reading that, I tried this:
def getFoos_range_(self, buf, range):
but this didn't appear to work either. The first argument is supposed to be a pointer to a C-array, but the length is unknown until runtime, so I didn't know exactly how to construct the correct type encoding. I tried 'v#:N^[1000#]#' just to see, and that didn't work either.
My model object is bound to the contentArray of an NSArrayController driving a table view. It doesn't appear to be calling this method at all, perhaps because it expects a different signature than the one the bridge is providing. Any suggestions?

You were close. The correct decorator for this method is:
NSRange is not an object, but a struct, and can't be specified simply as #; you need to include the members1.
Unfortunately, this is not the end of it. After a whole lot of experimentation and poring over the PyObjC source, I finally figured out that in order to get this method to work, you also need to specify metadata for the method that is redundant to this signature. (However, I still haven't puzzled out why.)
This is done using the function objc.registerMetaDataForSelector:
2+0: dict(type_modifier=objc._C_OUT,
2+1: dict(type=b'{_NSRange=II}',
Examples and some details of the use of this function can be found in the file (and nearby test_metadata*.py files) in the PyObjC source.
N.B. that the metadata has to be specified on the superclass of whatever class you are interested in implementing get<Key>:range: for, and also that this function needs to be called sometime before the end of your class definition (but either before or inside the class statement itself both seem to work). I haven't yet puzzled these bits out either.
I based this metadata on the metadata for NSArray getObjects:range: in the Foundation PyObjC.bridgesupport file2, and was aided by referring to Apple's BridgeSupport manpage.
With this worked out, it's also worth noting that the easiest way to define the method is (at least, IMO):
def get<#Key#>_range_(self, buf, inRange):
return self.<#Key#>.getObjects_range_(buf, inRange)
I.e., using your array's built-in getObjects:range:.
1: On 32-bit Python, the QQ, meaning two unsigned long longs, should become II, meaning two unsigned ints
2: Located (on Snow Leopard) at: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC/Foundation/PyObjC.bridgesupport


Approach behind having everything as an object in Python

Why is everything in Python, an object? According to what I read, everything including functions is an object. It's not the same in other languages. So what prompted this shift of approach, to treat everything including, even functions, as objects.
The power of everything being an object is that you can define behavior for each object. For example a function being an object gives you an easy way to access the docs of the function for introspection.
print( function.__doc__ )
The alternative would be to provide a library of function that took
a function and returned its interesting properties.
import function_lib
print( function_lib.get_doc( function )
Making int, str etc classes means that you can extend those provide types
in interesting ways for your problem domain.
In my opinion, the 'Everything is object' is great in Python. In this language, you don't react to what are the objects you have to handle, but how they can interact. A function is just an object that you can __call__, a list is just an object that you can __iter__. But why should we divide data in non overlapping groups. An object can behave like a function when we call it, but also like an array when we access it.
This means that you don't think your "function" like, "i want an array of integers and i return the sum of it" but more "i will try to iterate over the thing that someone gave me and try to add them together, if something goes wrong, i will tell it to the caller by raiseing error and he will hate to modify his behavior".
The most interesting exemple is __add__. When you try something like Object1 + Object2, Python will ask (nicely ^^) to Object1 to try to add himself with object2 (Object1.__add__(Object2)). There is 2 scenarios here: either Oject1 knows how to add himself to Object2 and everything is fine, either he raises a NotImplemented error and Python will ask to Object2 to radd himself to Object1. Just with this mechanism, you can teach to your object to add themselves with any other object, you can manage commutativity,...
why is everything in Python, an object?
Python (unlike other languages) is a truly Object Orient language (aka OOP)
when everything is an object, it becomes easier to search, manipulate or access things. (But everything comes at the cost of speed)
what prompted this shift of approach, to treat everything including, even functions, as objects?
"Necessity is the mother of invention"

Extending weakref proxy/Copying behaviour

I have a class holding a table (list of lists). This class should return a rowpointer similar to sql. For this row pointer I would like to week ref the table row (a list) with a weakref.proxy. However, I would like to add additional capabilities to a row pointer, e.g. overwrite the __getitem__ method to allow access via, say the column names.
Is there an easy way to get the same behaviour (translating access to my object to the object beeing referenced), or do I have to reimplement all the special methods?
As an easy way I could think of inheritance (but since I found no doc on weakref.ProxyType I wont even try to inherit from that, (how to init?). The other option could be to define some special method even to always redirect "special" (__xxx__) function calls to the referred object, even though this makes that seem impossible.
Iresearched some more and found out this:
So in short, one can forward all calls (I think the recipi on active state is better), but I have not found a way to implement:
$a = proxy([1,2,3])
$b = a
$print type(b)
I will settle for just working with an object wich pretty much behaves like the list.

Obtaining an object's instance based on its string repr (Python) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Python: Get object by id
Typically when you see the string representation of an instance it looks something like < # 0x108181bc>. I am curious if it's possible to take this string and get a handle on the instance.
Something like
obj_instance = get_instance_form_repr("< # 0x1aa031b>")
I don't believe it could be possible but if it is, it would be really useful.
You can do it for the subset that is tracked by the garbage collector at least, in a nasty and unreliable way.
def lookup_object_by_repr(myrep)
import gc
for obj in gc.get_objects():
if repr(obj) == myrep:
return obj
You can do even more things if you write a simple C extension and inspect the memory address.
Of course there's no way to get an object from its repr, because any class can return anything it wants in its repr. But in the specific case where the repr has a pointer in it, you're basically asking how to get an object from a pointer. Which (in C Python, at least) is the exact same thing as asking how to get an object from its id.
There's no built-in way to do this, even though it would be pretty simple. And that's intentional, because this is almost always a bad idea.
If you think you have a practical purpose for getting an object by id, you're probably wrong. Especially since you have to deal with object lifecycle issues that are usually taken care of automatically (and behind your back, which makes it hard to take care of them manually even if you try). For example, if an object goes away, a weakref to that object nulls out, but the id is still pointing—to deallocated memory, or another object created later, or half of one object and half of another. And then of course whatever you do in C Python isn't going to work in PyPy or jython or IronPython…
But if you're just tinkering around to learn how the C Python runtime works, then this is a legitimate question, and there's a legitimate answer. Probably the best way to do it is to create a C extension module. If you don't know how to create an extension module, you really ought to learn that first, and come back to this question later. If you do, the function you want to implement is pretty simple:
static PyObject *objectFromId(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
PyObject *obj;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "n", &obj)) return NULL;
return obj;
You could do this in Pyrex/Cython instead of C, if you wanted. Or you could just call PyObj_FromPtr directly on the _ctypes module. But if you're trying to learn how things work at this level, it makes more sense to make what's happening explicit, and to explicitly put your "dealing with C pointers" code in C.
On further thought, it you wanted to build a sort of best-guess objectFromRepr for tinkering purposes, you could. Basically:
Use a regex that matches the common angle-bracket form; if it matches, call objectFromId with the address.
Call eval.
You might want to put an intermediate step in there: for many types, the repr is in the form of a constructor call like Class(arg1, arg2), and in that case it might be better to match that form with another regex and call the constructor directly, instead of using eval. If nothing else, it's probably more instructive, and that's the point of this exercise, right?
Obviously this is an even more terrible idea in real-life code than objectFromId. It's almost always bad to use eval, and eval(repr(x)) == x is not actually guaranteed to be true, and you're actually getting a new reference to the same object in the id case but a new object with the same value in the eval case, and…
PS, After you learn how all of this works in C Python, it's probably worth doing a similar exercise in another interpreter like jython or IronPython (especially when you repr a native Java/.NET/etc. object).

Is it common/good practice to test for type values in Python?

Is it common in Python to keep testing for type values when working in a OOP fashion?
class Foo():
def __init__(self,barObject): = setBarObject(barObject)
def setBarObject(barObject);
if (isInstance(barObject,Bar): = barObject
# throw exception, log, etc.
class Bar():
Or I can use a more loose approach, like:
class Foo():
def __init__(self,barObject): = barObject
class Bar():
Nope, in fact it's overwhelmingly common not to test for type values, as in your second approach. The idea is that a client of your code (i.e. some other programmer who uses your class) should be able to pass any kind of object that has all the appropriate methods or properties. If it doesn't happen to be an instance of some particular class, that's fine; your code never needs to know the difference. This is called duck typing, because of the adage "If it quacks like a duck and flies like a duck, it might as well be a duck" (well, that's not the actual adage but I got the gist of it I think)
One place you'll see this a lot is in the standard library, with any functions that handle file input or output. Instead of requiring an actual file object, they'll take anything that implements the read() or readline() method (depending on the function), or write() for writing. In fact you'll often see this in the documentation, e.g. with tokenize.generate_tokens, which I just happened to be looking at earlier today:
The generate_tokens() generator requires one argument, readline, which must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the readline() method of built-in file objects (see section File Objects). Each call to the function should return one line of input as a string.
This allows you to use a StringIO object (like an in-memory file), or something wackier like a dialog box, in place of a real file.
In your own code, just access whatever properties of an object you need, and if it's the wrong kind of object, one of the properties you need won't be there and it'll throw an exception.
I think that it's good practice to check input for type. It's reasonable to assume that if you asked a user to give one data type they might give you another, so you should code to defend against this.
However, it seems like a waste of time (both writing and running the program) to check the type of input that the program generates independent of input. As in a strongly-typed language, checking type isn't important to defend against programmer error.
So basically, check input but nothing else so that code can run smoothly and users don't have to wonder why they got an exception rather than a result.
If your alternative to the type check is an else containing exception handling, then you should really consider duck typing one tier up, supporting as many objects with the methods you require from the input, and working inside a try.
You can then except (and except as specifically as possible) that.
The final result wouldn't be unlike what you have there, but a lot more versatile and Pythonic.
Everything else that needed to be said about the actual question, whether it's common/good practice or not, I think has been answered excellently by David's.
I agree with some of the above answers, in that I generally never check for type from one function to another.
However, as someone else mentioned, anything accepted from a user should be checked, and for things like this I use regular expressions. The nice thing about using regular expressions to validate user input is that not only can you verify that the data is in the correct format, but you can parse the input into a more convenient form, like a string into a dictionary.

Python code readability

I have a programming experience with statically typed languages. Now writing code in Python I feel difficulties with its readability. Lets say I have a class Host:
class Host(object):
def __init__(self, name, network_interface): = name
self.network_interface = network_interface
I don't understand from this definition, what "network_interface" should be. Is it a string, like "eth0" or is it an instance of a class NetworkInterface? The only way I'm thinking about to solve this is a documenting the code with a "docstring". Something like this:
class Host(object):
''' Attributes:
#name: a string
#network_interface: an instance of class NetworkInterface'''
Or may be there are name conventions for things like that?
Using dynamic languages will teach you something about static languages: all the help you got from the static language that you now miss in the dynamic language, it wasn't all that helpful.
To use your example, in a static language, you'd know that the parameter was a string, and in Python you don't. So in Python you write a docstring. And while you're writing it, you realize you had more to say about it than, "it's a string". You need to say what data is in the string, and what format it should have, and what the default is, and something about error conditions.
And then you realize you should have written all that down for your static language as well. Sure, Java would force you know that it was a string, but there's all these other details that need to be specified, and you have to manually do that work in any language.
The docstring conventions are at PEP 257.
The example there follows this format for specifying arguments, you can add the types if they matter:
def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0):
"""Form a complex number.
Keyword arguments:
real -- the real part (default 0.0)
imag -- the imaginary part (default 0.0)
if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0: return complex_zero
There was also a rejected PEP for docstrings for attributes ( rather than constructor arguments ).
The most pythonic solution is to document with examples. If possible, state what operations an object must support to be acceptable, rather than a specific type.
class Host(object):
def __init__(self, name, network_interface)
"""Initialise host with given name and network_interface.
network_interface -- must support the same operations as NetworkInterface
>>> network_interface = NetworkInterface()
>>> host = Host("my_host", network_interface)
At this point, hook your source up to doctest to make sure your doc examples continue to work in future.
Personally I found very usefull to use pylint to validate my code.
If you follow pylint suggestion almost automatically your code become more readable,
you will improve your python writing skills, respect naming conventions. You can also define your own naming conventions and so on. It's very useful specially for a python beginner.
I suggest you to use.
Python, though not as overtly typed as C or Java, is still typed and will throw exceptions if you're doing things with types that simply do not play nice together.
To that end, if you're concerned about your code being used correctly, maintained correctly, etc. simply use docstrings, comments, or even more explicit variable names to indicate what the type should be.
Even better yet, include code that will allow it to handle whichever type it may be passed as long as it yields a usable result.
One benefit of static typing is that types are a form of documentation. When programming in Python, you can document more flexibly and fluently. Of course in your example you want to say that network_interface should implement NetworkInterface, but in many cases the type is obvious from the context, variable name, or by convention, and in these cases by omitting the obvious you can produce more readable code. Common is to describe the meaning of a parameter and implicitly giving the type.
For example:
def Bar(foo, count):
"""Bar the foo the given number of times."""
This describes the function tersely and precisely. What foo and bar mean will be obvious from context, and that count is a (positive) integer is implicit.
For your example, I'd just mention the type in the document string:
"""Create a named host on the given NetworkInterface."""
This is shorter, more readable, and contains more information than a listing of the types.
