I'm trying to use GeoModel python module to quickly access geospatial data for my Google App Engine app.
I just have a few general questions for issues I'm running into.
There's two main methods, proximity_fetch and bounding_box_fetch, that you can use to return queries. They actually return a result set, not a filtered query, which means you need to fully prepare a filtered query before passing it in. It also limits you from iterating over the query set, since the results are fetched, and you don't have the option to input an offset into the fetch.
Short of modifying the code, can anyone recommend a solution for specifying an offset into the query? My problem is that I need to check each result against a variable to see if I can use it, otherwise throw it away and test the next. I may run into cases where I need to do an additional fetch, but starting with an offset.
You can also work directly with the location_geocells of your model.
from geospatial import geomodel, geocell, geomath
# query is a db.GqlQuery
# location is a db.GeoPt
# A resolution of 4 is box of environs 150km
bbox = geocell.compute_box(geocell.compute(geo_point.location, resolution=4))
cell = geocell.best_bbox_search_cells (bbox, geomodel.default_cost_function)
query.filter('location_geocells IN', cell)
# I want only results from 100kms.
def _func (x):
x.dist = geomath.distance(geo_point.location, x.location)
return x.dist
results = sorted(query.fetch(FETCHED), key=_func)
results = [x for x in results if x.dist <= DISTANCE]
There's no practical way to do this, because a call to geoquery devolves into multiple datastore queries, which it merges together into a single result set. If you were able to specify an offset, geoquery would still have to fetch and discard all the first n results before returning the ones you requested.
A better option might be to modify geoquery to support cursors, but each query would have to return a set of cursors, not a single one.
I am trying to implement Pull Model to query change feed using Azure Cosmos Python SDK. I found that to parallelise the querying process, the official documentation mentions about FeedRange value and create FeedIterator to iterate through each range of partition key values obtained from the FeedRange.
Currently my code snippet to query change feed looks like this and it is pretty straight-forward:
# function to get items from change feed based on a condition
def get_response(container_client, condition):
# Historical data read
if condition:
response = container.query_items_change_feed(
is_start_from_beginning = True,
# partition_key_range_id = 0
# reading from a checkpoint
response = container.query_items_change_feed(
is_start_from_beginning = False,
continuation = last_continuation_token
return response
The problem with this approach is the efficiency when getting all the items from beginning (Historical Data Read). I tried this method with pretty small dataset of 500 items and the response took around 60 seconds. When dealing with millions or even billions of items the response might take too long to return.
Would querying change feed parallelly for each partition key range save time?
If yes, how to get PartitionKeyRangeId in Python SDK?
Is there any problems I need to consider when implementing this?
I hope I make sense!
If I do something like this:
from py2neo import Graph
graph = Graph()
stuff = graph.cypher.execute("""
match (a:Article)-[p]-n return a, n, p.weight
on a database with lots of articles and links, the query takes a long time and uses all my system's memory, presumably because it's copying the entire result set into memory in one go. Is there some kind of cursor-based version where I could iterate through the results one at a time without having to have them all in memory at once?
I found the stream function:
stuff = graph.cypher.stream("""
match (a:Article)-[p]-n return a, n, p.weight
which seems to be what I want according to the documentation but now I get a timeout error (py2neo.packages.httpstream.http.SocketError: timed out), followed by the server becoming unresponsive until I kill it using kill -9.
Have you tried implementing a paging mechanism? Perhaps with the skip keyword: http://neo4j.com/docs/stable/query-skip.html
Similar to using limit / offset in a postgres / mysql query.
EDIT: I previously said that the entire result set was stored in memory, but it appears this is not the case when using api streaming - per Nigel's (Neo engineer) comment below.
I have a simple Firebase that I mostly interact with via Javascript, which works really well. However, I also have a Python program that needs to get data from existing children and put/update data on existing children. I tried python-firebasin, which would do what I want, but it is unreliable (hangs, fails, etc.).
So I'm looking at the python-firebase REST wrapper. This seems efficient, and works well. However, every time I try to post() data, I get not just the data I'm posting, but some kind of unique string paired with it, all inserted as a child.
For example, via Javascript, I might say:
db = new Firebase('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/testval/');
db.transaction(function(current) { return 1; });
This would then give me a Firebase that looked like:
|---testval: 1
But when I try to do something similar with the Python Firebase REST wrapper, such as:
db = firebase.FirebaseApplication('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/')
My Firebase looks something like this:
|---JI4BiBbICSEAnM9mDXf: 1
In other words, it inserts a new child, gives it a new string, and then appends the data. Is there any way to insert/modify data on my Firebase using the REST wrapper that would do it cleanly like I'm doing with Javascript? Without adding children, without adding these unique strings?
Try this instead:
db.post() is the equivalent of .push() in the JavaScript API, so it creates a unique ID for you. db.put() is equivalent to .set() and will just set the data, which appears to be what you want.
Note that there is no equivalent for transactions in the REST API, but your example was just using a transaction to do a .set() so hopefully you don't actually need them.
Try this:
db = firebase.FirebaseApplication('https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/')
db.put('', 'testval', 1)
put takes three arguments : first is url or path, second is the key name or the snapshot name and third is the data(json)
I use py2neo (v 1.9.2) to write data to a neo4j db.
batch = neo4j.WriteBatch(graph_db)
current_relationship_index = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Relationship, "Current_Relationship")
touched_relationship_index = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Relationship, "Touched_Relationship")
get_rel = current_relationship_index.get(some_key1, some_value1)
if len(get_rel) == 1:
batch.add_indexed_relationship(touched_relationship_index, some_key2, some_value2, get_rel[0])
elif len(get_rel) == 0:
created_rel = current_relationship_index.create(some_key3, some_value3, (my_start_node, "KNOWS", my_end_node))
batch.add_indexed_relationship(touched_relationship_index, some_key4, "touched", created_rel)
Is there a way to replace current_relationship_index.get(..) and current_relationship_index.create(...) with a batch command? I know that there is one, but the problem is, that I need to act depending on the return of these commands. And I would like to have all statements in a batch due to performance.
I have read that it is rather uncommon to index relationships but the reason I do it is the following: I need to parse some (text) file everyday and then need to check if any of the relations have changed towards the previous day, i.e. if a relation does not exist in the text file anymore I want to mark it with a "replaced" property in neo4j. Therefore, I add all "touched" relationships to the appropriate index, so I know that these did not change. All relations that are not in the touched_relationship_index obviously do not exist anymore so I can mark them.
I can't think of an easier way to do so, even though I'm sure that py2neo offers one.
EDIT: Considering Nigel's comment I tried this:
my_rel = batch.get_or_create_indexed_relationship(current_relationship_index, some_key, some_value, my_start_node, my_type, my_end_node)
batch.add_indexed_relationship(touched_relationship_index, some_key2, some_value2, my_rel)
This obviously does not work, because i can't refer to "my_rel" in the batch. How can I solve this? Refer with "0" to the result of the previous batch statement? But consider that the whole thing is supposed to run in a loop, so the numbers are not fixed. Maybe use some variable "batch_counter" which refers to the current batch statement and is always incremented, whenever a statement is added to the batch??
Have a look at WriteBatch.get_or_create_indexed_relationship. That can conditionally create a relationship based on whether or not one currently exists and operates atomically. Documentation link below:
There are a few similar uniqueness management facilities in py2neo that I recently blogged about here that you might want to read about.
Suppose you have a sqlite database with several thousand rows -- each of which either contains or references a sizable, unique blob -- and you want to sparsely sample this collection, pulling rows based on rowid or some equivalent primary key. I find that the first time I attempt to fetch several (500) datapoints after connecting (out of 20k rows), the call takes over 10 seconds to return; and, with every successive iteration, the calls get shorter and shorter, until converging to around 100 milliseconds after 50-100 such queries.
Clearly, either sqlite or its python wrapper must be caching... something. If I clear out inactive memory (I'm in OS X, but I think Linux has a comparable if-not-identical "purge" command?), the behavior can be replicated exactly. The question is, what is it caching that an index doesn't address? And furthermore, is it possible to automatically pull whatever information is accelerating these queries into memory from the start? Or is there something else I've missed entirely?
A few notes in case someone doesn't immediately know the answer...
Each blob is around 40kB, and are a large (ha) source of the problem. I've some code below for anyone who wants to play along at home, but I've had better luck keeping separate tables for sortable information and data. This introduces an inner join, but it's generally been better than keeping it all together (although if anyone feels this is wrong, I'm keen to hear it). Without the inner join / data fetch, things start at 4 seconds and drop to 3 ms in a hurry.
I feel like this might be a PRAGMA thing, but I fiddled with some settings suggested by others in the wilderness of the web and didn't really see any benefit.
In-memory databases are not an option. For one, I'm trying to share across threads (which might not actually be a problem for in-mems...? not sure), but more importantly the database files are typically on the order of 17 GB. So, that's out.
That being said, there's no problem caching a reasonable amount of information. After a few dozen calls, inactive memory gets somewhat bloated anyways, but I'd rather do it (1) right and (2) efficiently.
Okay, now some code for anyone who wants to try to replicate things. You should be able to copy and paste it into a stand-alone script (that's basically what I did, save for formatting).
import sqlite3
import numpy as np
import time
ref_uid_index = """CREATE INDEX ref_uid_idx
ON data(ref_uid)"""
def populate_db_split(db_file, num_classes=10, num_points=20000, VERBOSE=False):
def_schema_split0 = """
name TEXT,
label INTEGER,
ignore INTEGER default 0,
fold INTEGER default 0)"""
def_schema_split1 = """
ref_uid INTEGER REFERENCES main(uid),
data BLOB)"""
def_insert_split0 = """
INSERT INTO main (name, label, fold)
VALUES (?,?,?)"""
def_insert_split1 = """
INSERT INTO data (ref_uid, data)
VALUES (?,?)"""
blob_size= 5000
k_folds = 5
some_names = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date']
dbconn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
rng = np.random.RandomState()
for n in range(num_points):
if n%1000 == 0 and VERBOSE:
print n
# Make up some data
data = buffer(rng.rand(blob_size).astype(float))
fold = rng.randint(k_folds)
label = rng.randint(num_classes)
# And add it
dbconn.execute(def_insert_split0,[some_names[0], label, fold])
ref_uid = dbconn.execute("SELECT uid FROM main WHERE rowid=last_insert_rowid()").fetchone()[0]
return dbconn
def timeit_join(dbconn, n_times=10, num_rows=500):
qmarks = "?,"*(num_rows-1)+"?"
q_join = """SELECT data.data, main.uid, main.label
FROM data INNER JOIN main ON main.uid=data.ref_uid
WHERE main.uid IN (%s)"""%qmarks
row_max = dbconn.execute("SELECT MAX(rowid) from main").fetchone()[0]
tstamps = []
for n in range(n_times):
now = time.time()
uids = np.random.randint(low=1,high=row_max,size=num_rows).tolist()
res = dbconn.execute(q_join, uids).fetchall()
tstamps += [time.time()-now]
print tstamps[-1]
Now, if you want to replicate things, do the following. On my machine, this creates an 800MB database and produces something like below.
>>> db = populate_db_split('/some/file/path.db')
>>> timeit_join(db)
So... what say you, knowledgable sages?
Database files with GB size are never loaded into the memory entirely. They are split into a tree of socalled pages. These pages are cached in the memory, the default is 2000 pages.
You can use the following statement to e.g. double the number of cached pages of 1kB size.
conn.execute("""PRAGMA cache_size = 4000""")
The connection again has a cache for the last 100 statements, as you can see in the function description:
sqlite3.connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level, check_same_thread, factory, cached_statements])
cached_statements expects and integer and defaults to 100.
Except from setting up the cache size, it is not likely that you benefit from actively caching statements or pages at the application start.