How to wait for messages on multiple queues using py-amqplib - python

I'm using py-amqplib to access RabbitMQ in Python. The application receives requests to listen on certain MQ topics from time to time.
The first time it receives such a request it creates an AMQP connection and a channel and starts a new thread to listen for messages:
connection = amqp.Connection(host = host, userid = "guest", password = "guest", virtual_host = "/", insist = False)
channel =
listener = AMQPListener(channel)
AMQPListener is very simple:
class AMQPListener(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, channel):
self.__channel = channel
def run(self):
while True:
After creating the connection it subscribes to the topic of interest, like this:
channel.queue_declare(queue = queueName, exclusive = False)
channel.exchange_declare(exchange = MQ_EXCHANGE_NAME, type = "direct", durable = False, auto_delete = True)
channel.queue_bind(queue = queueName, exchange = MQ_EXCHANGE_NAME, routing_key = destination)
def receive_callback(msg):
channel.basic_consume(queue = queueName, no_ack = True, callback = receive_callback)
The first time this all works fine. However, it fails on a subsequent request to subscribe to another topic. On subsequent requests I re-use the AMQP connection and AMQPListener thread (since I don't want to start a new thread for each topic) and when I call the code block above the channel.queue_declare() method call never returns. I've also tried creating a new channel at that point and the call never returns, either.
The only way I've been able to get it to work is to create a new connection, channel and listener thread per topic (ie. routing_key), but this is really not ideal. I suspect it's the wait() method that's somehow blocking the entire connection, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Surely I should be able to receive messages with several routing keys (or even on several channels) using a single listener thread?
A related question is: how do I stop the listener thread when that topic is no longer of interest? The channel.wait() call appears to block forever if there are no messages. The only way I can think of is to send a dummy message to the queue that would "poison" it, ie. be interpreted by the listener as a signal to stop.

If you want more than one comsumer per channel just attach another one using basic_consume() and use channel.wait() after. It will listen to all queues attached via basic_consume(). Make sure you define different consumer tags for each basic_consume().
Use channel.basic_cancel(consumer_tag) if you want to cancel a specific consumer on a queue (cancelling listen to a specific topic).


Using Kombu ConsumerMixin, how to declare multiple bindings?

I have a RabbitMQ topic exchange named experiment. I'm building a consumer where I'd like to receive all messages whose routing key begins with "foo" and all messages whose routing key begins with "bar".
According to the RabbitMQ docs, and based on my own experimentation in the management UI, it should be possible to have one exchange, one queue, and two bindings (foo.# and bar.#) that connect them.
I can't figure out how to express this using Kombu's ConsumerMixin. I feel like I should be able to do:
q = Queue(exchange=exchange, routing_key=['foo.#', 'bar.#'])
...but it does not like that at all. I've also tried:
q.bind_to(exchange=exchange, routing_key='foo.#')
q.bind_to(exchange=exchange, routing_key='bar.#')
...but every time I try I get:
kombu.exceptions.NotBoundError: Can't call method on Queue not bound to a channel
...which I guess manes sense. However I can't see a place in the mixin's interface where I can easily hook onto the queues once they are bound to the channel. Here's the base (working) code:
from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
class Worker(ConsumerMixin):
exchange = Exchange('experiment', type='topic')
q = Queue(exchange=exchange, routing_key='foo.#', exclusive=True)
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
return [Consumer(queues=[self.q], callbacks=[self.on_task])]
def on_task(self, body, message):
print body
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Connection('amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672//') as conn:
worker = Worker(conn)
...which works, but only gives me foo messages. Other than creating a new Queue for each routing key I'm interested in and passing them all to the Consumer, is there a clean way to do this?
After digging a little bit, I found a way to accomplish this that is fairly close to the first idea I had. Instead of passing a routing_key string to the Queue, pass a bindings list. Each element in the list is an instance of a binding object that specifies the exchange and the routing key.
An example is worth a thousand words:
from kombu import Exchange, Queue, binding
exchange = Exchange('experiment', type='topic')
q = Queue(exchange=exchange, bindings=[
binding(exchange, routing_key='foo.#'),
binding(exchange, routing_key='bar.#')
], exclusive=True)
And it works great!
Here is a small adjustment of the answer by smitelli. When the bindings parameter is used for defining bindings, the exchange parameter is ignored.
Adjusted example:
from kombu import Exchange, Queue, binding
exchange = Exchange('experiment', type='topic')
q = Queue(bindings=[
binding(exchange, routing_key='foo.#'),
binding(exchange, routing_key='bar.#'),
The exchange parameter is discarded during the Queue init:
if self.bindings: = None

Rabbitmq remote call with Pika

I am new to rabbitmq and trying to figure out how I can make a client request a server with information about memory and CPU utilization with this tutorial (
So the client requests for CPU and memory ( I believe I will need two queues) and the server respond with the values.
Is there anyway to simple create a and with this case using the Pika library in Python.
I would recommend you to follow the first RabbitMQ tutorials if you haven't already. The RPC example builds on concepts covered on previous examples (direct queues, exclusive queues, acknowledgements, etc.).
The RPC solution proposed on the tutorial requires at least two queues, depending on how many clients you want to use:
One direct queue (rpc_queue), used to send requests from the client to the server.
One exclusive queue per client, used to receive responses.
The request/response cycle:
The client sends a message to the rpc_queue. Each message includes a reply_to property, with the name of the client exclusive queue the server should reply to, and a correlation_id property, which is just an unique id used to track the request.
The server waits for messages on the rpc_queue. When a message arrives, it prepares the response, adds the correlation_id to the new message, and sends it to the queue defined in the reply_to message property.
The client waits on its exclusive queue until it finds a message with the correlation_id that was originally generated.
Jumping straight to your problem, the first thing to do is to define the message format you'll want to use on your responses. You can use JSON, msgpack or any other serialization library. For example, if using JSON, one message could look something like this:
"cpu": 1.2,
"memory": 0.3
Then, on your
def on_request(channel, method, props, body):
response = {'cpu': current_cpu_usage(),
'memory': current_memory_usage()}
properties = pika.BasicProperties(correlation_id=props.correlation_id)
# ...
And on your
class ResponseTimeout(Exception): pass
class Client:
# similar constructor as `FibonacciRpcClient` from tutorial...
def on_response(self, channel, method, props, body):
if self.correlation_id == props.correlation_id:
self.response = json.loads(body.decode())
def call(self, timeout=2):
self.response = None
self.correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4())'',
start_time = time.time()
while self.response is None:
if (start_time + timeout) < time.time():
raise ResponseTimeout()
return self.response
As you see, the code is pretty much the same as the original FibonacciRpcClient. The main differences are:
We use JSON as data format for our messages.
Our client call() method doesn't require a body argument (there's nothing to send to the server)
We take care of response timeouts (if the server is down, or if it doesn't reply to our messages)
Still, there're a lot of things to improve here:
No error handling: For example, if the client "forgets" to send a reply_to queue, our server is gonna crash, and will crash again on restart (the broken message will be requeued infinitely as long as it isn't acknowledged by our server)
We don't handle broken connections (no reconnection mechanism)
You may also consider replacing the RPC approach with a publish/subscribe pattern; in this way, the server simply broadcasts its CPU/memory state every X time interval, and one or more clients receive the updates.

How to create a delayed queue in RabbitMQ?

What is the easiest way to create a delay (or parking) queue with Python, Pika and RabbitMQ? I have seen an similar questions, but none for Python.
I find this an useful idea when designing applications, as it allows us to throttle messages that needs to be re-queued again.
There are always the possibility that you will receive more messages than you can handle, maybe the HTTP server is slow, or the database is under too much stress.
I also found it very useful when something went wrong in scenarios where there is a zero tolerance to losing messages, and while re-queuing messages that could not be handled may solve that. It can also cause problems where the message will be queued over and over again. Potentially causing performance issues, and log spam.
I found this extremely useful when developing my applications. As it gives you an alternative to simply re-queuing your messages. This can easily reduce the complexity of your code, and is one of many powerful hidden features in RabbitMQ.
First we need to set up two basic channels, one for the main queue, and one for the delay queue. In my example at the end, I include a couple of additional flags that are not required, but makes the code more reliable; such as confirm delivery, delivery_mode and durable. You can find more information on these in the RabbitMQ manual.
After we have set up the channels we add a binding to the main channel that we can use to send messages from the delay channel to our main queue.
Next we need to configure our delay channel to forward messages to the main queue once they have expired.
delay_channel.queue_declare(queue='hello_delay', durable=True, arguments={
'x-message-ttl' : 5000,
'x-dead-letter-exchange' : '',
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' : 'hello'
x-message-ttl (Message - Time To Live)
This is normally used to automatically remove old messages in the
queue after a specific duration, but by adding two optional arguments we
can change this behaviour, and instead have this parameter determine
in milliseconds how long messages will stay in the delay queue.
This variable allows us to transfer the message to a different queue
once they have expired, instead of the default behaviour of removing
it completely.
This variable determines which Exchange used to transfer the message from hello_delay to hello queue.
Publishing to the delay queue
When we are done setting up all the basic Pika parameters you simply send a message to the delay queue using basic publish.
Once you have executed the script you should see the following queues created in your RabbitMQ management module.
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
# Create normal 'Hello World' type channel.
channel =
channel.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=True)
# We need to bind this channel to an exchange, that will be used to transfer
# messages from our delay queue.
# Create our delay channel.
delay_channel =
# This is where we declare the delay, and routing for our delay channel.
delay_channel.queue_declare(queue='hello_delay', durable=True, arguments={
'x-message-ttl' : 5000, # Delay until the message is transferred in milliseconds.
'x-dead-letter-exchange' : '', # Exchange used to transfer the message from A to B.
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' : 'hello' # Name of the queue we want the message transferred to.
print " [x] Sent"
You can use RabbitMQ official plugin: x-delayed-message .
Firstly, download and copy the ez file into Your_rabbitmq_root_path/plugins
Secondly, enable the plugin (do not need to restart the server):
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange
Finally, publish your message with "x-delay" headers like:
headers.put("x-delay", 5000);
It does not ensure your message's safety, cause if your message expires just during your rabbitmq-server's downtime, unfortunately the message is lost. So be careful when you use this scheme.
Enjoy it and more info in rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange
FYI, how to do this in Spring 3.2.x.
<rabbit:queue name="delayQueue" durable="true" queue-arguments="delayQueueArguments"/>
<rabbit:queue-arguments id="delayQueueArguments">
<entry key="x-message-ttl">
<value type="java.lang.Long">10000</value>
<entry key="x-dead-letter-exchange" value="finalDestinationTopic"/>
<entry key="x-dead-letter-routing-key" value="finalDestinationQueue"/>
<rabbit:fanout-exchange name="finalDestinationTopic">
<rabbit:binding queue="finalDestinationQueue"/>
NodeJS implementation.
Everything is pretty clear from the code.
Hope it will save somebody's time.
var ch = channel;
ch.assertExchange("my_intermediate_exchange", 'fanout', {durable: false});
ch.assertExchange("my_final_delayed_exchange", 'fanout', {durable: false});
// setup intermediate queue which will never be listened.
// all messages are TTLed so when they are "dead", they come to another exchange
ch.assertQueue("my_intermediate_queue", {
deadLetterExchange: "my_final_delayed_exchange",
messageTtl: 5000, // 5sec
}, function (err, q) {
ch.bindQueue(q.queue, "my_intermediate_exchange", '');
ch.assertQueue("my_final_delayed_queue", {}, function (err, q) {
ch.bindQueue(q.queue, "my_final_delayed_exchange", '');
ch.consume(q.queue, function (msg) {
console.log("delayed - [x] %s", msg.content.toString());
}, {noAck: true});
Message in Rabbit queue can be delayed in 2 ways
- using QUEUE TTL
- using Message TTL
If all messages in queue are to be delayed for fixed time use queue TTL.
If each message has to be delayed by varied time use Message TTL.
I have explained it using python3 and pika module.
pika BasicProperties argument 'expiration' in milliseconds has to be set to delay message in delay queue.
After setting expiration time, publish message to a delayed_queue ("not actual queue where consumers are waiting to consume") , once message in delayed_queue expires, message will be routed to a actual queue using exchange ''
def delay_publish(self, messages, queue, headers=None, expiration=0):
Connect to RabbitMQ and publish messages to the queue
queue (string): queue name
messages (list or single item): messages to publish to rabbit queue
expiration(int): TTL in milliseconds for message
delay_queue = "".join([queue, "_delay"])'Publishing To Queue: {queue}'.format(queue=delay_queue))'Connecting to RabbitMQ: {host}'.format(
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(
rabbit_host, RABBIT_MQ_PORT,
RABBIT_MQ_VHOST, credentials, heartbeat_interval=0)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel =
channel.queue_declare(queue=queue, durable=True)
delay_channel =
delay_channel.queue_declare(queue=delay_queue, durable=True,
'x-dead-letter-exchange': '',
'x-dead-letter-routing-key': queue
properties = pika.BasicProperties(
delivery_mode=2, headers=headers, expiration=str(expiration))
if type(messages) not in (list, tuple):
messages = [messages]
for message in messages:
json_data = json.dumps(message)
except Exception as err:
'Error Jsonify Payload: {err}, {payload}'.format(
err=err, payload=repr(message)), exc_info=True
if (type(message) is dict) and ('data' in message):
message['data'] = {}
message['error'] = 'Payload Invalid For JSON'
json_data = json.dumps(message)
exchange='', routing_key=delay_queue,
body=json_data, properties=properties)
except Exception as err:
'Error Publishing Data: {err}, {payload}'.format(
err=err, payload=json_data), exc_info=True
except Exception:
'Done Publishing. Closing Connection to {queue}'.format(
Depends on your scenario and needs, I would recommend the following approaches,
Using the official plugin,, but it will have a capacity issue if the total count of delayed messages exceeds certain number (, it will not have the high availability option and it will suffer lose of data when it runs out of delayed time during a MQ restart.
Implement a set of cascading delayed queues just like NServiceBus did (

How can I get the Python Task Queue and Channel API to send messages and respond to requests during a long-running process?

This is a probably basic question, but I have not been able to find the answer.
I have a long-running process that produces data every few minutes that I would like the client to receive as soon as it is ready. Currently I have the long-running process in a Task Queue, and it adds channel messages to another Task Queue from within a for loop. The client successfully receives the channel messages and downloads the data using a get request; however, the messages are being sent from the task queue after the long-running process finishes (after about 10 minutes) instead of when the messages are added to the task queue.
How can I have the messages in the task queue sent immediately? Do I need to have the for loop broken into several tasks? The for loop creates a number of dictionaries I think I would need to post to the data store and then retrieve for the next iteration (does not seem like an ideal solution), unless there is an easier way to return data from a task.
When I do not add the messages to a Task Queue and send the messages directly in the for loop, the server does not seem to respond to the client's get request for the data (possibly due to the for loop of the long-running process blocking the response?)
Here is a simplified version of my server code:
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import channel
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
from google.appengine.api import rdbms
class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
## This opens the GWT app
class Service_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, parameters):
## This is called by the GWT app and generates the data to be
## sent to the client.
#This adds the long-process to a task queue
taskqueue.Task(url='/longprocess/', params = {'json_request': json_request}).add(queue_name='longprocess-queue')
class longprocess_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
#This has a for loop that recursively uses data in dictionaries to
#produce kml files every few minutes
for j in range(0, Time):
# Process data
# Send message to client using a task queue to send the message.
taskqueue.Task(url='/send/', params).add(queue_name=send_queue_name)
class send_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
# This sends the message to the client
# This is currently not happening until the long-process finishes,
# but I would like it to occur immediately.
class kml_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, client_id):
## When the client receives the message, it picks up the data here.
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
webapp2.Route(r'/', handler=MainPage),
webapp2.Route(r'/Service/', handler=Service_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/_ah/channel/<connected>/', handler = connection_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/longprocess/', handler = longprocess_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/kml/<client_id>', handler = kml_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/send/', handler = send_handler)
Do I need to break up the long-process into tasks that send and retrieve results from the data store in order to have the send_handler execute immediately, or am I missing something? Thanks
The App Engine development server only processes one request at a time. In production, these things will occur simultaneously. Try in production, and check that things behave as expected there.
There's also not much reason to use a separate task to send the channel messages in production - just send them directly from the main task.

Django: Cleaning up redis connection after client disconnects from stream

I've implemented a Server Sent Event API in my Django app to stream realtime updates from my backend to the browser. The backend is a Redis pubsub. My Django view looks like this:
def event_stream(request):
Stream worker events out to browser.
listener = events.Listener(
return http.HttpResponse(listener, mimetype='text/event-stream')
And the events.Listener class that I'm returning as an iterator looks like this:
class Listener(object):
def __init__(self, rcon_or_url, channels, buffer_key=None,
if isinstance(rcon_or_url, redis.StrictRedis):
self.rcon = rcon_or_url
elif isinstance(rcon_or_url, basestring):
self.rcon = redis.StrictRedis(**utils.parse_redis_url(rcon_or_url))
self.channels = channels
self.buffer_key = buffer_key
self.last_event_id = last_event_id
self.pubsub = self.rcon.pubsub()
def __iter__(self):
# If we've been initted with a buffer key, then get all the events off
# that and spew them out before blocking on the pubsub.
if self.buffer_key:
buffered_events = self.rcon.lrange(self.buffer_key, 0, -1)
# check whether msg with last_event_id is still in buffer. If so,
# trim buffered_events to have only newer messages.
if self.last_event_id:
# Note that we're looping through most recent messages first,
# here
counter = 0
for msg in buffered_events:
if (json.loads(msg)['id'] == self.last_event_id):
counter += 1
buffered_events = buffered_events[:counter]
for msg in reversed(list(buffered_events)):
# Stream out oldest messages first
yield to_sse({'data': msg})
for msg in self.pubsub.listen():
if msg['type'] == 'message':
yield to_sse(msg)
finally:'Closing pubsub')
I'm able to successfully stream events out to the browser with this setup. However, it seems that the disconnect calls in the listener's "finally" don't ever actually get called. I assume that they're still camped out waiting for messages to come from the pubsub. As clients disconnect and reconnect, I can see the number of connections to my Redis instance climbing and never going down. Once it gets to around 1000, Redis starts freaking out and consuming all the available CPU.
I would like to be able to detect when the client is no longer listening and close the Redis connection(s) at that time.
Things I've tried or thought about:
A connection pool. But as the redis-py README states, "It is not safe to pass PubSub or Pipeline objects between threads."
A middleware to handle the connections, or maybe just disconnections. This won't work because a middleware's process_response() method gets called too early (before http headers are even sent to the client). I need something called when the client disconnects while I'm in the middle of streaming content to them.
The request_finished and got_request_exception signals. The first, like process_response() in a middleware, seems to fire too soon. The second doesn't get called when a client disconnects mid-stream.
Final wrinkle: In production I'm using Gevent so I can get away with keeping a lot of connections open at once. However, this connection leak issue occurs whether I'm using plain old ' runserver', or Gevent monkeypatched runserver, or Gunicorn's gevent workers.
UPDATE: As of Django 1.5, you'll need to return a StreamingHttpResponse instance if you want to lazily stream things out as I'm doing in this question/answer.
After a lot of banging on things and reading framework code, I've found what I think is the right answer to this question.
According to the WSGI PEP, if your application returns an iterator with a close() method, it should be called by the WSGI server once the response has finished. Django supports this too. That's a natural place to do the Redis connection cleanup that I need.
There's a bug in Python's wsgiref implementation, and by extension in Django's 'runserver', that causes close() to be skipped if the client disconnects from the server mid-stream. I've submitted a patch.
Even if the server honors close(), it won't be called until a write to the client actually fails. If your iterator is blocked waiting on the pubsub and not sending anything, close() won't be called. I've worked around this by sending a no-op message into the pubsub each time a client connects. That way when a browser does a normal reconnect, the now-defunct threads will try to write to their closed connections, throw an exception, then get cleaned up when the server calls close(). The SSE spec says that any line beginning with a colon is a comment that should be ignored, so I'm just sending ":\n" as my no-op message to flush out stale clients.
Here's the new code. First the Django view:
def event_stream(request):
Stream worker events out to browser.
return events.SSEResponse(
And the Listener class that does the work, along with a helper function to format the SSEs and an HTTPResponse subclass that lets the view be a little cleaner:
class Listener(object):
def __init__(self,
if isinstance(rcon_or_url, redis.StrictRedis):
self.rcon = rcon_or_url
elif isinstance(rcon_or_url, basestring):
self.rcon = redis.StrictRedis(**utils.parse_redis_url(rcon_or_url))
if channels is None:
channels = [settings.EVENTS_PUBSUB_CHANNEL]
self.channels = channels
self.buffer_key = buffer_key
self.last_event_id = last_event_id
self.pubsub = self.rcon.pubsub()
# Send a superfluous message down the pubsub to flush out stale
# connections.
for channel in self.channels:
# Use buffer_key=None since these pings never need to be remembered
# and replayed.
sender = Sender(self.rcon, channel, None)
sender.publish('_flush', tags=['hidden'])
def __iter__(self):
# If we've been initted with a buffer key, then get all the events off
# that and spew them out before blocking on the pubsub.
if self.buffer_key:
buffered_events = self.rcon.lrange(self.buffer_key, 0, -1)
# check whether msg with last_event_id is still in buffer. If so,
# trim buffered_events to have only newer messages.
if self.last_event_id:
# Note that we're looping through most recent messages first,
# here
counter = 0
for msg in buffered_events:
if (json.loads(msg)['id'] == self.last_event_id):
counter += 1
buffered_events = buffered_events[:counter]
for msg in reversed(list(buffered_events)):
# Stream out oldest messages first
yield to_sse({'data': msg})
for msg in self.pubsub.listen():
if msg['type'] == 'message':
yield to_sse(msg)
def close(self):
class SSEResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, rcon_or_url, channels, buffer_key=None,
last_event_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.listener = Listener(rcon_or_url, channels, buffer_key,
super(SSEResponse, self).__init__(self.listener,
*args, **kwargs)
def close(self):
This will be called by the WSGI server at the end of the request, even
if the client disconnects midstream. Unless you're using Django's
runserver, in which case you should expect to see Redis connections
build up until is fixed.
def to_sse(msg):
Given a Redis pubsub message that was published by a Sender (ie, has a JSON
body with time, message, title, tags, and id), return a properly-formatted
SSE string.
data = json.loads(msg['data'])
# According to the SSE spec, lines beginning with a colon should be
# ignored. We can use that as a way to force zombie listeners to try
# pushing something down the socket and clean up their redis connections
# when they get an error.
# See
if data['message'] == '_flush':
return ":\n" # Administering colonic!
if 'id' in data:
out = "id: " + data['id'] + '\n'
out = ''
if 'name' in data:
out += 'name: ' + data['name'] + '\n'
payload = json.dumps({
'time': data['time'],
'message': data['message'],
'tags': data['tags'],
'title': data['title'],
out += 'data: ' + payload + '\n\n'
return out
