Python ftplib: Overwriting a File doesn't work with STOR - python

I want to overwrite an existing file "test.txt" on my ftp server with this code:
from ftplib import FTP
HOST = ''
FTP_NAME = 'username'
FTP_PASS = 'password'
ftp = FTP(HOST)
ftp.login(FTP_NAME, FTP_PASS)
file = open('test.txt', 'r')
ftp.storlines('STOR test.txt', file)
I don't get any error messages and the file test.txt has NOT been overwritten (the old test.txt is still on the server). I thought STOR overwrites files... Can somebody please help?

nvm, it's my fault...
I forgot to change the current working directory to /public_html
thanks anyway!

I think you need to open the file in write mode
file = open('test.txt', 'w')


Close already open csv in Python

Is there a way for Python to close that the file is already open file.
Or at the very least display a popup that file is open or a custom written error message popup for permission error.
As to avoid:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\zf.csv'
I've seen a lot of solutions that open a file then close it through python. But in my case. Lets say I left my csv open and then tried to run the job.
How can I make it so it closes the currently opened csv?
I've tried the below variations but none seem to work as they expect that I have already opened the csv at an earlier point through python. I suspect I'm over complicating this.
f = 'C:\\zf.csv'
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'close'
This gives an error as there is no reference to opening of file but simply strings.
Or even..
theFile = open(f)
file_content =
# do whatever you need to do
As well as:
if not fileobj.closed:
print("file is already opened")
How do I close an already open csv?
The only workaround I can think of would be to add a messagebox, though I can't seem to get it to detect the file.
filename = "C:\\zf.csv"
if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK):
print("Write access not permitted on %s" % filename)
messagebox.showinfo("Title", "Close your CSV")
Try using a with context, which will manage the close (__exit__) operation smoothly at the end of the context:
with open(...) as theFile:
file_content =
You can also try to copy the file to a temporary file, and open/close/remove it at will. It requires that you have read access to the original, though.
In this example I have a file "test.txt" that is write-only (chmod 444) and it throws a "Permission denied" error if I try writing to it directly. I copy it to a temporary file that has "777" rights so that I can do what I want with it:
import tempfile, shutil, os
def create_temporary_copy(path):
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'temp_file_name')
os.chmod(temp_path, 0o777); # give full access to the tempfile so we can copy
shutil.copy2(path, temp_path) # copy the original into the temp one
os.chmod(temp_path, 0o777); # replace permissions from the original file
return temp_path
path = "./test.txt" # original file
copy_path = create_temporary_copy(path) # temp copy
with open(copy_path, "w") as g: # can do what I want with it
f = open("C:/Users/amol/Downloads/result.csv", "r")
print(f.readlines()) #just to check file is open
# here you can add above print statement to check if file is closed or not. I am using python 3.5

error_perm: 500 Unknown command Python ftplib storbinary

I'm trying to upload a file using ftplib in Python.
ftp = FTP('...')
ftp.login('user', 'pass')
f = open(filename)
ftp.storbinary(filename, f)
storbinary is returning error_perm: 500 Unknown command., which is strange since I'm following its specification. Google search returns very little information. Anyone encountered this problem ?
It looks like you're using storbinary incorrectly. You want to pass "STOR filename-at-location", f) to send the file. Does this work?
ftp = FTP('...')
ftp.login('user', 'pass')
with open(filename) as contents:
ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % filename, contents)

Python FTPLib Won't Upload Complete File

I am using the following code to upload a SQLITE3 Database file. For some reason, the script does not completely upload the file (the uploaded filesize is less than the original)
FILE = 'Database.db';
FTP.storbinary("STOR " + FILE, open(FILE, 'r'))
When I go to open the uploaded file in SQLite Browser, it says it is an invalid file.
What am I doing incorrectly?
In the open() call, you need to specify that the file is a binary file, like so:
FTP.storbinary("STOR " + FILE, open(FILE, 'rb'))

How to go backwards in an FTP connection : PYTHON

file = open('msg.txt', 'rb')
file.storbinary('STOR msg.txt', file)
So just a quick answer I need... the code shows a msg being saved in the base64 folder in the FTP server, however in earlier code, I've already said:
if name != "":
So it's already navigated somewhere, but I need help on finding the command on how to go back a directory.
something like
Or something.
I believe you can try something like this.
file = open('msg.txt', 'rb')
ftp.storbinary('STOR msg.txt', file)

FTP upload files Python

I am trying to upload file from windows server to a unix server (basically trying to do FTP). I have used the code below
import ftplib
import os
filename = ""
ftp = ftplib.FTP("xx.xx.xx.xx")
ftp.login("UID", "PSW")
ftp.storbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'w').write)
I am getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Windows\folder\which\has\file\", line 11, in <module>
ftp.storbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'w').write)
File "windows\folder\Python\lib\", line 466, in storbinary
buf =
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'read'
Also all contents of got deleted .
Can anyone advise what is going wrong.I have read that ftp.storbinary is used for uploading files using FTP.
If you are trying to store a non-binary file (like a text file) try setting it to read mode instead of write mode.
ftp.storlines("STOR " + filename, open(filename, 'rb'))
for a binary file (anything that cannot be opened in a text editor) open your file in read-binary mode
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + filename, open(filename, 'rb'))
also if you plan on using the ftp lib you should probably go through a tutorial, I'd recommend this article from effbot.
Combined both suggestions. Final answer being
import ftplib
import os
filename = ""
ftp = ftplib.FTP("xx.xx.xx.xx")
ftp.login("UID", "PSW")
myfile = open(filename, 'r')
ftp.storlines('STOR ' + filename, myfile)
try making the file an object, so you can close it at the end of the operaton.
myfile = open(filename, 'w')
ftp.storbinary('RETR %s' % filename, myfile.write)
and at the end of the transfer
this might not solve the problem, but it may help.
ftplib supports the use of context managers so you can make it even simpler as such
with ftplib.FTP('ftp_address', 'user', 'pwd') as ftp, open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {}', file)
This way you are robust against both file and ftp issues without having to insert try/except/finally blocks. And well, it's pythonic.
PS: since it uses f-strings is python >= 3.6 only but can easily be modified to use the old .format() syntax
