I'm using VIM with pythoncomplete. When I'm making a completion, the current window is splitted and calltips are shown in the upper pane. I hate that! Is there a way to prevent that behavior or at least limit the size of the upper pane automaticly?
You need to do something like:
set completeopt-=preview
This will prevent the opening of the preview window.
I created a PyGTK application which needs to be always on top. The transparent window redirects mouse clicks to the window below and therefore gets out of focus once you click into an underlaying window. This is the intended behaviour. In fact it should just show a little image that's always above everything.
This works well unless you use something like the libreoffice fullscreen presentation. The presentation window is marked as always on top as well and hence my window goes into the background. Even if I take it to front using Alt+Tab and then click onto the underlaying libreoffice slide (which is neccessary) my window goes into the background again.
This is a really specific question and the solution should work on both Linux and Windows. I have no idea what I should do. I just found many questions on how to have a windows always on top but none of them covering my problem.
Long story short: How can I put my window always on top of every window that is always on top as well?
Simple Answer: You can use 'Always on Top' in windows with by using AutoHotKey scripts.
Follow these steps:
Install AutoHotKey
Create a new AHK scripts following the images
Add this code ^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
Next, double-click your script to run it. You’ll know it’s running
because a green “H” logo appears in your system tray to let you know
it’s running as a background process.
Now press Ctrl+Space to set any currently active window to be always
on top. Press Ctrl+Space again set the window to no longer be always
on top.
Is there a way to increase the usable width of this console ? Currently any output gets wrapped at about 80 chars, and I don't see any option to change that.
Assuming you mean the C# Interactive Window, one way to solve the issue is to drag the console off of the Visual Studio window and cause it to become its own window, like so:
The other way is to use the zoom control in the bottom left hand corner of the console to reduce the font size, like so:
However, you should program assuming that the window will be 80 characters wide.
This question is about Veusz, a python-based plotting program. Not about usage, but about where to start hacking to fix a particular problem... This is on Windows.
Currently, when the program is launched it starts non-maximized, even if it was maximized last time it was closed. I can modify the shortcut to always start maximized but new windows opened within the app are always non-maximized.
Although it doesn't remember its maximized state, it does remember the size of last non-maximized window. As a workaround, I tried positioning the program top-left and resizing it as if it were maximized. However, when I open new windows from this one, they are offset from the top-left corner by the height of the "window bar". The offset does not cascade though; that is, opening a new window from an offset one results in a window in the same position.
I've been pawing through the program's files looking for somewhere window position might be saved or a default might be set. Not seeing anything, though. This is a Qt app so perhaps it's not Veusz-specific but I'm inclined to think it is. Spyder, for instance is Qt-based but I don't see this problem with it.
Does the community have any suggestions regarding changing this behavior? I don't understand the setup routine well enough yet. The source is on Github if you're feeling that helpful.
The relevant code is here in functions closeEvent (for saving state) and setupWindowGeometry (for loading state).
Veusz needs to save the state of the window, as well as the geometry. Maybe doing something like this http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/restoring-geometry.html
All windows made through Perl TK or Python Tkinter look like default Windows-styled window, with red cancel button on top right, preceded by maximize and minimize buttons, blue top bar, etc. Is it possible to make custom windows, like those we see for downloaded softwares, where everything, right from the color, to position of buttons, their styles, etc are customized?
You can turn off the standard decorations in a few ways, e.g., by setting the toolwindow boolean attribute (Windows only), by making it an overrideredirect window, or (with a new-enough Tk) by setting the type attribute of the window to something like utility (X11 only). With the standard decorations disabled, you can then draw anything you want (which is how the other programs you mention do things), though there are a number of restrictions, particularly with focus handling. Override-redirected windows often don't participate in the keyboard management regime, because they're mostly invisible to the window manager which doesn't know to direct focus to them in the first place. (IIRC, you can force it but then you're getting into a fight with the WM and that's difficult to get right; “don't fight the WM” is one of the good rules of thumb for GUI design.) You can also set the window as transient (i.e., working for another window) which often reduces decoration levels.
The way you set these things depends on the language you're using. I can point to the places to look in the “mothership” documentation, but how they work in different languages does vary.
How to change the button decoration with wxPython, generally when the button is clicked, a dotted lines appear on the button.. any way to make that button not show the dotted lines?
Assuming you're running your program on Windows (you didn't say which OS, but dotted lines are used by Windows Classic look), the dotted lines are called the focus rect, and they appear to mark a button or widget as focused. They are a system setting, and your program is acting as it should - wxWidgets is meant to emulate the underlying OS default behaviour as closely as possible.
I don't think you can change this behaviour from inside the program. I really doubt that wxWidgets has a setting somewhere for this, as it is OS-dependent and is the standard and correct behaviour for the Classic theme. But the focus rect is shown by default only on the Classic Look which few people use.
Try switching to Luna theme (the default on XP), and you'll see that the focus rect won't appear unless you start hitting Tab while your window is in focus. By the way, the focus rect is needed exactly for when you are switching the focus using the Tab key. You need to see where the focus is, after all. That way you know when you press Enter or Space, which button is going to be pressed. Not everyone uses only the mouse.
You can use a custom button, for instance wx.lib.buttons.GenButton which is in pure python so you can overwrite the look, feel etc.
This also has a method SetUseFocusIndicator to turn off the dotted focus indicator