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Closed 2 years ago.
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Someone could point out sites/books where I can find introductory documentation about the architecture of the Python VM?
I'm interested in the C version, but if there are easy-to-follow references about other implementations it could be helpful too.
I'm trying to find any kind of resources of higher level than plain source code (however, UML diagrams or something like that would be nice) And also, information about the design decisions involved, including tradeoffs between the different factors (performance, stability, simplicity).
You should be able to find the information you need at
If that's too low level for you, try
Inside The Python Virtual Machine by Obi Ike-Nwosu.
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Closed 12 months ago.
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How can I find the Bayesian network (of a survey data that I have) using python. I am planning to use the pgmpy library and test different structure learning algorithms (like: PC, Hill climbing, Tabu, K2.....) to find the network and dependencies of the variables. Can someone help me on how to start with that.
You could also try pyAgrum (, Many notebooks can be found from
The bnlearn library can be useful in this case. There are many examples and a Colab notebook notebook. Disclaimer: I am the author of this library.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am interested in what the olefileio_pl could be able to do (specifically I am trying to write something to a windows 7 sticky note) so I have looked around online for documentation. It doesn't seem like there is any real, detailed docs online. Is there something better then the builtin python help --olefileio_pl or help(olefileio_pl)? It seems that there is no online documentation for the module, and the online docs are typically much better than the builtin ones.
The new version 0.40 (renamed olefile) has now experimental write features, that will be completed over time:
See also
Alternatively, if your code runs on Windows, you may use the Win32 API with pywin32 for this (look for pythoncom.StgOpenStorageEx).
I also reorganized and improved the documentation, you can find it here:
If you have specific questions, you can contact me using this form:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Where can one find a manual to Quickly, where it is written about using (=programming, how to connect widgets in PreferencesDialogWindow with preferences, and how to use them in the application) application preferences? Official tutorial (both in "quickly tutorial" and here) tells nothing about it, although it is a very important aspect (they both are very short in general...).
(I mean the standard ubuntu-application template)
I tried to ask it on AskUbuntu, but didn't get an answer, so I hope to get a response here.
Maybe it would be easier for someone to just tell how it works, than point out a guide, in this case you are welcome!
I think Quickly's documentation should have what you're looking for. If not, maybe you'll find it in this tutorial.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library for gathering "runtime statistics" in python, by which I mean an interface for outputting structured log files. A good example of what I would like is Twitter's ostrich project in Scala, wherein one simply executes a statement notifying the logger of an event. Ideally, this would then be automatically aggregated into a suitable visualization for application monitoring.
Does anyone know if such a library exists? Alternatively, does anyone know a more generic way of combining traditional message logging with some simply graphing for runtime analytics?
Graphite is one such system, written in Python.
I'm not familiar with ostrich, but a quick look at the readme suggests that the python project mmstats might be close to what you're looking for.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've found only two:
I'd like to know you practices and experiences with these (or other) tools.
In my experience, Robot Framework ( is an amazing framework which can be combine with RIDE to write acceptance tests in a BDD way.
It supports many libraries (including selenium) and lets you extend it by creating your own, everything in a very simple way.
This is where I started from a couple of years ago:
I would suggest you to take a look also to Selenium IDE:
It worked well for a small set of test I need to write years ago