Python Canvas library for geometric shapes [closed] - python

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a Python library for creating canvases for manipulating geometric shapes. Specifically I need the ability to create arbitrary polygons and place them on the canvas, the polygons need to have the ability to be transparent/have an alpha channel, I need to be able to edit polygons that are currently on the canvas, and I need to be able to get the actual color of a given pixel(the aggregate of all the transparent piece that are there).
Basically I'm trying to make this: in python.

I think cairo will do a lot of what you want. They have python bindings, too.
The one requirement that that won't help you with is modifying previously-drawn polygons, but I don't know of any canvas that will do that for you.

Sounds like a job for OpenGL.
My advice is that, whichever library you choose, you make a data structure for your polygons that suits your algorithms so that they can be more simple and readable rather then try to get these algorithms to manipulate a canvas directly. Then you can write the code that draws them separate (i.e. independent) of the main logic.

This discussion on Stackoverflow has some comparisons and code snippets on various GUI toolkits for Python. I'm pretty sure that the QGraphicsView on QT will do transparency. Nokia (nee Troll) make a demo suite for QT that should give you an idea of its capabilities.

Try pyglet. It is a graphics library for Python with OpenGL. If you've done OpenGL programming before, it is certainly the easiest way to get what you want.

I believe the HTML canvas lets you modify elements
It does not. You can check out my HTML canvas tutorial to see how you draw a moving ball; you wipe the screen and draw a new circle at the spot you want.
You can draw simple shapes to a canvas in all of pyglet, pygame, QT, Tkinter, wxPython and cairo.
Generally, you will have objects called "sprites" or "shapes" that represent objects drawn to the screen, and you'll store them all in a container. Then the library or framework will, at every frame, render them all to the canvas. Thus it will seem to the user (you) that you can modify the objects on screen; you set a ball's x and y coordinates and in the next frame it's rendered there. However, at a low level, everything's being wiped and redrawn again.
For computationally intensive animation, a technique called double-buffering will be employed whereby a bitmap in memory will be modified instead of the one onscreen, and then the drawing process will simply be to copy that bitmap to the screen.
alter the item in the list and then create a new canvas, which seems like it would have a significant overhead.
All of the frameworks mentioned above will give you a nice abstraction for the list of objects to draw, so that you won't need to maintain it manually, and you can program as if the sprites/shapes you've drawn can be directly moved onscreen, even though they really aren't at a low level.

Pygame should be able to do this for you.
See pygame.draw.polygon

I believe the HTML canvas lets you modify elements, which makes me believe there might be another canvas that can as well. However, if there is not that would basically require me to keep a separate list of all the polygons and when I wanted to make a change, alter the item in the list and then create a new canvas, which seems like it would have a significant overhead.

Both Qt and wxWidgets have some canvas drawing abilities (Qt calls it GraphicsView). Quick Google searches will get you a lot of examples so you can see if it fits your requirements.


Creating a "Fill" command in tk inter

I am pretty new to Python and coding in general. I have been working on a program that is similar in nature to ms paint. So far, I've added the capabilities to create multi-colored rectangles, lines, ovals, and really any polygon.
I've been using the tkinter GUI. I've been wanting to add a fill command, but I'm kind of stuck as to how to start it. My idea for how it would work would be that it would check the color of the pixel the user is currently hovering over, then check up, down, left, and right for the same color in pixels. If it found that, it would change the color of those pixels (I guess by creating a really small rectangle object?). This would theoretically be able to fill an area. But, I really can't find anything on how to access the color of a pixel in tkinter.
I know the location is event.x and event.y for a specific event, but I can't find anything about pixel color. I don't really have any code written for it yet because I am unsure that tkinter can even access the color of a pixel and not just object colors.
Unfortunately, this isn't possible. I did some searching around, and found several other similar questions, but the general idea is that Tkinter does not support such a feature. It makes sense, considering that Tkinter is a GUI library.
I saw a suggestion somewhere, where an idea was proposed to create 1x1 rectangles using the Tkinter Canvas to basically mimic pixels. However, this method eventually leads into performance issues and lagging, so it's not really recommended either.
You may want to try exploring some other libraries to work together with Tkinter. You can keep the Tkinter GUI, but use an image manipulation library or something similar which integrates well with Tkinter, for the actual pixel drawing.

Fastest way of removing matplotlib artists from canvas embedded with wxpython

I have a python program where I have several matplotlib canvases embedded into a wxpython application. One of the canvases has many crosses in it. When the user right-click in this canvas the closest cross should be removed together with everything belonging to this cross (they are linked through an unique id-tag, and there might be things in every canvas that should be removed). I want the removing (or actually the replotting) to be as fast as possible. The program is quite large so I use several threads etc.
The easiest thing to implement this is to use wx.CallAfter(canvas.draw) for each canvas. However, there is a delay between the rightclick and the refresh of every canvas so I believe that canvas.draw() is too slow.
I saw two other functions for fast redrawing: the matplotlib functions blit() and draw_artist(). As far as I understand, blit() refreshes changed pixels inside some area (I used the axes bbox). I managed to get it to work with blit() in the sense that the program ran without crashing...but not updating what you see on the screen.
Did not manage to get draw_artist() to work when removing a pixel (tried using first line.remove(), then draw_artist(line) but the line was ofcourse already dead so draw_artist did not work).
Note: I called blit() and draw_artist() with wx.CallAfter()!
The feeling I have is that blit() is the best solution, but I did not manage to get it to update to the "screen-level". So my question is: what is the fastest and most resource-saving way of removing artists from matplotlib.canvases (embedded into wxPython) without redrawing more than you need to, but still let the change propagate to the screen?

Python tools to visualize 100k Vertices and 1M Edges? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking to visualize the data, hopefully make it interactive. Right now I'm using NetworkX and Matplotlib, which maxes out my 8gb when I attempt to 'draw' the graph. I don't know what options and techniques exist for handling such a large cluster** of data. If someone could point me in the right direction, that'd be great. I also have a CUDA enabled GFX card if that could be of use.
Right now I'm thinking of drawing only the most connected nodes, say top 5% of vertices with the most edges, then filling in less connected nodes as the user zooms or clicks.
I don't have any experience with it, but tulip seems to be made for that.
Maybe PyOpenGL? It can be used together with wxPython.
Edit: Just tried the performance without any optimization, it takes 0.2s to draw 100k vertices and 4s to draw 1M edges.
You should ask on the official wxPython mailing list. There are people there that can probably help you. I am surprised that matplotlib isn't able to do this though. It may just require you to restructure your code in some way. Right now, the main ways to draw in wxPython are via the various DCs, one of the FloatCanvas widgets or for graphing, wx.Plot or matplotlib.
Have you considered graphviz? Not interactive although it was designed from the outset to handle very large graphs (although 1M edges may be beyond even it's capabilities).
There's a python module (pydot) that makes interacting with graphviz simple. Again, can't say for sure it'll scale to your levels. However, it should be easy to find out: installation of both is simple.
Have you considered using ParaView or VisIt? These are two interactive plotting programs which are designed to deal with and plot (very!) large data sets. They both also have a Python scripting interface, so you can automate/control your visualizations from within the Python interpreter.
Have you tried Gephi ?
I believe it scales very well.

Best 3D library to model robotic motion [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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A short while I asked for suggestions on choosing a Python-compatible 3D graphics library for robotic motion modelling (using inverse kinematics in Python). After doing a bit of research and redefining my objectives I hope I can ask once again for a bit of assistance.
At the time I thought Blender was the best option - but now I'm having doubts. One key objective I have is the ability integrate the model into a custom GUI (wxPython). Seems like this might be rather difficult (and I'm unsure of the performance requirements).
I think I'm now leaning more towards OpenGL (PyOpenGL + wxglcanvas), but I'm still struggling to to determine if it's the right tool for the job. I'm more of a CAD person, so I have trouble envisioning how to draw complex objects in the API and create motion. I read I could design the object in, say Blender, then import it into OpenGL somehow, but I'm unsure of the process? And how difficult is manipulating motion of objects? For example, if I create a joint between two links, and I move one link, would the other link move dynamically according to the first, or would I need to program each link's movement independently?
Have I missed any obvious tools? I'm not looking for complete robotic modelling packages, I would like to start from scratch so I can incorporate it into my own program. For for learning more than anything. So far I've already looked into vPython, Pyglet, Panda3D, Ogre, and several professional CAD packages.
There is a similar project going on that implements a robotic toolbox for matlab and python, it has "Rudimentary 3D graphics", but you can always interface it with blender with a well knit script, it will be less work than reinventing the wheel
If movements can be pre-computed, you can use Blender, hand-craft animations, bake them in some animated file format (cal3d ?), and just render in your wxPython OpenGL window.
If you need to handle user input, you can use a physics engine... I hear Bullet has Python bindings : (probably still unstable).
Regarding your doubts on Blender/OpenGL : What do you mean by "complex objects" ? How many "robots/whatever" ? How many triangle per robot ? How many articulations per robot ? (I'll edit my answer depending on yours)
Anyway, OpenGL in itself won't do anything else that juste "display triangles" ; everything else has to be done eslewhere.
Sorry for the delay, I completely forgot.
So here is what I suggest :
Model your robot in Blender with polygons. You can easily go at >10k polygons, but try to keep the number of objects small (1 object per moving part)
Rig it, i.e. create a skeleton for it. You don't need to animate it.
Export as Collada or X3D
In your own OpenGL app, reimport
Draw your objects at the positions and orientations specified by the skeleton
Modify the angles between the bones just as you would do with real stepper motors
If step #5 was done right, robot should be follow the movements
Optionally add physics ( for instance with Bullet ). The API will be similar in concept to OpenGL, and you will be able to catch objects with your robotic arm.
good luck !

How to create a picture with animated aspects programmatically

I have been asked by a client to create a picture of the world which has animated arrows/rays that come from one part of the world to another.
The rays will be randomized, will represent a transaction, will fade out after they happen and will increase in frequency as time goes on. The rays will start in one country's boundary and end in another's. As each animated transaction happens a continuously updating sum of the amounts of all the transactions will be shown at the bottom of the image. The amounts of the individual transactions will be randomized. There will also be a year showing on the image that will increment every n seconds.
The randomization, summation and incrementing are not a problem for me, but I am at a loss as to how to approach the animation of the arrows/rays.
My question is what is the best way to do this? What frameworks/libraries are best suited for this job?
I am most fluent in python so python suggestions are most easy for me, but I am open to any elegant way to do this.
The client will present this as a slide in a presentation in a windows machine.
The client will present this as a slide in a presentation in a windows machine
I think this is the key to your answer. Before going to a 3d implementation and writing all the code in the world to create this feature, you need to look at the presentation software. Chances are, your options will boil down to two things:
Animated Gif
Custom Presentation Scripts
Obviously, an animated gif is not ideal due to the fact that it repeats when it is done rendering, and to make it last a long time would make a large gif.
Custom Presentation Scripts would probably be the other way to allow him to bring it up in a presentation without running any side-programs, or doing anything strange. I'm not sure which presentation application is the target, but this could be valuable information.
He sounds like he's more non-technical and requesting something he doesn't realize will be difficult. I think you should come up with some options, explain the difficulty in implementing them, and suggest another solution that falls into the 'bang for your buck' range.
If you are adventurous use OpenGL :)
You can draw bezier curves in 3d space on top of a textured plane (earth map), you can specify a thickness for them and you can draw a point (small cone) at the end. It's easy and it looks nice, problem is learning the basics of OpenGL if you haven't used it before but that would be fun and probably useful if your in to programing graphics.
You can use OpenGL from python either with pyopengl or pyglet.
If you make the animation this way you can capture it to an avi file (using camtasia or something similar) that can be put onto a presentation slide.
It depends largely on the effort you want to expend on this, but the basic outline of an easy way. Would be to load an image of an arrow, and use a drawing library to color and rotate it in the direction you want to point(or draw it using shapes/curves).
Finally to actually animate it interpolate between the coordinates based on time.
If its just for a presentation though, I would use Macromedia Flash, or a similar animation program.(would do the same as above but you don't need to program anything)
