how can i use sharepoint (via soap?) from python? - python

I want to use Sharepoint with python (C-Python)
Has anyone tried this before ?

I suspect that since this question was answered the SUDS library has been updated to take care of the required authentication itself. After jumping through various hoops, I found this to do the trick:
from suds import WebFault
from suds.client import *
from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated
user = r'SERVER\user'
password = "yourpassword"
url = "http://sharepointserver/_vti_bin/SiteData.asmx?WSDL"
ntlm = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username = user, password = password)
client = Client(url, transport=ntlm)

To get the wsdl :
import sys
# we use suds ->
from suds import WebFault
from suds.client import *
import urllib2
# my 2 url conf
# url_sharepoint,url_NTLM_authproxy
import myconfig as my
# build url
wsdl = '_vti_bin/SiteData.asmx?WSDL'
url = '/'.join([my.url_sharepoint,wsdl])
# we need a NTLM_auth_Proxy ->
# follow instruction and get proxy running
proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': my.url_NTLM_authproxy })
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
client = SoapClient(url, {'opener' : opener})
print client.wsdl
main (mean) problem:
the sharepoint-server uses a NTLM-Auth [ :-( ]
so i had to use the NTLM-Auth-Proxy
To Rob and Enzondio : THANKS for your hints !

SOAP with Python is pretty easy. Here's a tutorial from Dive Into Python.

SharePoint exposes several web services which you can use to query and update data.
I'm not sure what web service toolkits there are for Python but they should be able to build proxies for these services without any issues.
This article should give you enough information to get started.


Python: QuickBooks API integration

Good afternoon,
I've spent the better part of today trying to export the P&L from my QBO sandbox company into a python dataframe (or at least a dictionary). I've been following the instructions here but cannot for the life of me get the authentication to work.
I've been using the OAuth playground to generate my authorization token, and have the code below:
from intuitlib.client import AuthClient
from intuitlib.enums import Scopes
import csv
reader = csv.DictReader(open("/home/mike/home_health/quickbooks_details.csv"))
credentials = next(reader)
auth_client = AuthClient(
auth_client.get_bearer_token(auth_code='MY_AUTH_CODE', realm_id='MY_REALM_ID')
from quickbooks import QuickBooks
client = QuickBooks(
Try as I might, I keep getting the following error:
AuthorizationException: QB Auth Exception: Application authentication failed
{"warnings":null,"intuitObject":null,"fault":{"error":[{"message":"message=DispatcherError; errorCode=003100; statusCode=401","detail":"","code":"3100","element":null}],"type":"AUTHENTICATION"},"report":null,"queryResponse":null,"batchItemResponse":[],"attachableResponse":[],"syncErrorResponse":null,"requestId":null,"time":1617720333515,"status":null,"cdcresponse":[]}
Any help would be hugely appreciated!
Everything seems right, just am not sure what value you have put for company_id. For the company_id variable in client set it's value as the Realm Id that you have and try running it. This works for me
from intuitlib.client import AuthClient
from quickbooks import QuickBooks
import os
auth_client = AuthClient(
client = QuickBooks(

Accesing ASANA data using python requests

First of all, I'm not a Python guru as you can probably tell... So here we go.
I'm trying to use Asana's API to pull data with Python requests (Projects, tasks, etc) and doing the authentication using Oauth 2.0... I've been trying to find a simple python script to have something to begin with but I haven't had any luck and I can't find a decent and simple example!
I already created the app and got my client_secret and client_secret. But I don't really know where or how to start... Could anybody help me please?
import sys, os, requests
import asana
import json
from six import print_
import requests_oauthlib
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
# this special redirect URI will prompt the user to copy/paste the code.
# useful for command line scripts and other non-web apps
if 'ASANA_CLIENT_ID' in os.environ:
#Creates a client with previously obtained Oauth credentials#
client = asana.Client.oauth(
#Asana Client ID and Secret, set as a Windows environments to avoid hardcoding variables into the script#
# this special redirect URI will prompt the user to copy/paste the code.
# useful for command line scripts and other non-web apps
print ("authorized=", client.session.authorized)
# get an authorization URL:
(url, state) = client.session.authorization_url()
# in a web app you'd redirect the user to this URL when they take action to
# login with Asana or connect their account to Asana
import webbrowser
except Exception as e:
print_("Open the following URL in a browser to authorize:")
print_("Copy and paste the returned code from the browser and press enter:")
code = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# exchange the code for a bearer token
token = client.session.fetch_token(code=code)
#print_("token=", json.dumps(token))
print_("authorized=", client.session.authorized)
me =
print "Hello " + me['name'] + "\n"
params = {'client_id' : client_id, 'redirect_uri' : redirect_uri, 'response_type' : token,}
print_("*************** Request begings *******************"+"\n")
print_("r = requests.get('" + "\n")
r = requests.get('', params)
workspace_id = me['workspaces'][0]['id']
print_("My workspace ID is" + "\n")
I'm not sure how to use the requests lib with Asana. Their python doc did not help me. I'm trying to pull the available projects and their code colours so I can later plot them into a web browser (For a high-level view of the different projects and their respective colours - Green, yellow or red)
When I introduce the url ( into a browser, it gives me back a json response with the data, but when I try to do the same with the script, it gives me back a 401 (not authorized) response.
Does anybody know what I'm missing / doing wrong?
Thank you!!!
I believe the issue is that the Requests library is a lower level library. You would need to pass all of the parameters to your requests.
Is there a reason you are not exclusively using the Asana Python client library to make requests? All of the data you are looking to fetch from Asana (projects, tasks, etc.) are accessible using the Asana Python library. You will want to look in the library to find the methods you need. For example, the methods for the tasks resource can be found here. I think this approach will be easier (and less error-prone) than switching between the Asana lib and the Requests lib. The Asana lib is actually built on top of Requests (as seen here).

Python suds client and not standard service name

Look at this example:
from suds.client import Client
url = ''
client = Client(url)
result = client.service.wsExtAuth..ckAuth(username='xx')
The service "wsExtAuth..ckAuth" is not standard (name) and compiler return syntax error. How can I use it?
You could try:
getattr(client.service, 'wsExtAuth..ckAuth')(username='xx')
Also, make sure you're using suds-jurko and not the outdated suds client.

403 Forbidden Error for Python-Suds contacting Sharepoint

I'm using Python's SUDs lib to access Sharepoint web services.
I followed the standard doc from Suds's website.
For the past 2 days, no matter which service I access, the remote service always returns 403 Forbidden.
I'm using Suds 0.4 so it has built-in support for accessing Python NTLM.
Let me know if anyone has a clue about this.
from suds import transport
from suds import client
from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated
import logging
ntlm = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username='USER_ID', password='PASS')
c_lists = client.Client(url='https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL', transport=ntlm)
#c_lists = client.Client(url='https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_vti_bin/spsearch.asmx?WSDL')
#print c_lists
listsCollection = c_lists.service.GetListCollection()
Are you specifying the username as DOMAIN\USER_ID as indicated in examples for the python-ntlm library? (Also see this answer).

Programmatically getting an access token for using the Facebook Graph API

I am trying to put together a bash or python script to play with the facebook graph API. Using the API looks simple, but I'm having trouble setting up curl in my bash script to call authorize and access_token. Does anyone have a working example?
Update 2018-08-23
Since this still gets some views and upvotes I just want to mention that by now there seems to exist a maintained 3rd party SDK:
Better late than never, maybe others searching for that will find it. I got it working with Python 2.6 on a MacBook.
This requires you to have
the Python facebook module installed:,
an actual Facebook app set up
and the profile you want to post to must have granted proper permissions to allow all the different stuff like reading and writing.
You can read about the authentication stuff in the Facebook developer documentation. See for details.
This blog post might also help with this:
Here goes:
# coding: utf-8
import facebook
import urllib
import urlparse
import subprocess
import warnings
# Hide deprecation warnings. The facebook module isn't that up-to-date (facebook.GraphAPIError).
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
# Parameters of your app and the id of the profile you want to mess with.
# Trying to get an access token. Very awkward.
oauth_args = dict(client_id = FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
client_secret = FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
grant_type = 'client_credentials')
oauth_curl_cmd = ['curl',
'' + urllib.urlencode(oauth_args)]
oauth_response = subprocess.Popen(oauth_curl_cmd,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
oauth_access_token = urlparse.parse_qs(str(oauth_response))['access_token'][0]
except KeyError:
print('Unable to grab an access token!')
facebook_graph = facebook.GraphAPI(oauth_access_token)
# Try to post something on the wall.
fb_response = facebook_graph.put_wall_post('Hello from Python', \
print fb_response
except facebook.GraphAPIError as e:
print 'Something went wrong:', e.type, e.message
Error checking on getting the token might be better but you get the idea of what to do.
Here you go, as simple as it can get. Doesn’t require any 3rd-party SDK etc.
Make sure Python 'requests' module is installed
import requests
def get_fb_token(app_id, app_secret):
url = ''
payload = {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': app_id,
'client_secret': app_secret
response =, params=payload)
return response.json()['access_token']
Easy! Just use facebook-sdk.
import facebook
app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID'
app_secret = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'
graph = facebook.GraphAPI()
# exactly what you're after ;-)
access_token = graph.get_app_access_token(app_id, app_secret)
You first need to set up an application. The following will then spit out an access token given your application ID and secret:
> curl -F type=client_cred -F client_id=[...] -F client_secret=[...]
Since a web browser needs to be involved for the actual authorization, there is no such thing as a "standalone script" that does it all. If you're just playing with the API, or are writing a script to automate something yourself, and want a access_token for yourself that does not expire, you can grab one here:
There IS a way to do it, I've found it, but it's a lot of work and will require you to spoof a browser 100% (and you'll likely be breaking their terms of service)
Sorry I can't provide all the details, but the gist of it:
assuming you have a username/password for a facebook account, go curl for the oauth/authenticate... page. Extract any cookies returned in the "Set-Cookie" header and then follow any "Location" headers (compiling cookies along the way).
scrape the login form, preserving all fields, and submit it (setting the referer and content-type headers, and inserting your email/pass) same cookie collection from (1) required
same as (2) but now you're going to need to POST the approval form acquired after (2) was submitted, set the Referer header with thr URL where the form was acquired.
follow the redirects until it sends you back to your site, and get the "code" parameter out of that URL
Exchange the code for an access_token at the oauth endpoint
The main gotchas are cookie management and redirects. Basically, you MUST mimic a browser 100%. I think it's hackery but there is a way, it's just really hard!
s29 has the correct answer but leaves some steps to solve. The following script demonstrates a working script for acquiring an access token using the Facebook SDK:
__requires__ = ['facebook-sdk']
import os
import facebook
def get_app_access_token():
client = facebook.GraphAPI()
return client.get_app_access_token(
__name__ == '__main__' and print(get_app_access_token())
This script expects the FACEBOOK_APP_ID and FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET environment variables are set to the values for your app. Feel free to adapt that technique to load those values from a different source.
You must first install the Facebook SDK (pip install facebook-sdk; python or use another tool like rwt to invoke the script (rwt --
Here is the Python Code. Try running some of these examples on command line, they work fine for me. See also —
