scrape a sub attribute? with bs4 in python - python

I'm trying to scrape the id's on a website, but I can't figure out how to specify the entry I want to work with. this is the most I could narrow it down to a specific class, but I'm not sure how to target the number by 'id' under subclass 'data-preview.' here's what I've narrow the variable soup down to:
<li class="Li FnPreviewItem" data-preview='{ "type" : "animation", "id" : "288857982", "staticUrl" : "", }'>
<div class="Li Inner FnImage">
<span class="Image" style="background-image:url(;"></span>
<div class="ImgPreview FnPreviewImage MdNonDisp">
<span class="Image FnPreview" style="background-image:url(;">
here is the relevant snippet of what I have so far:
from pathlib import Path
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
url = ""
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
elsoupo = soup.find(attrs={"class": "a fancy title for this class"})
just started working with python, so hopefully I'm wording this so it makes some sense.
Tried to narrow it down with a second attribute that could have any number but I just None back.
elsoupoNum = elsoupo.find(attrs={"id":"^[-+]?[0-9]+$"})

data-preview is an attribute for li element with a (ill-formed) json string as its value. I corrected it for simplicity, you may want to check this.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
str = '''
<li class="Li FnPreviewItem" data-preview='{ "type" : "animation", "id" : "288857982", "staticUrl" : "" }'>
<div class="Li Inner FnImage">
<span class="Image" style="background-image:url(;"></span>
<div class="ImgPreview FnPreviewImage MdNonDisp">
<span class="Image FnPreview" style="background-image:url(;">
soup = BeautifulSoup(str, 'html.parser')
li = soup.select_one('li[data-preview]')
data = li.attrs['data-preview']
{ "type" : "animation", "id" : "288857982", "staticUrl" : "" }


Web scrape second number between tags

I am new to Python, and never done HTML. So any help would be appreciated.
I need to extract two numbers: '1062' and '348', from a website's inspect element.
This is my code:
page = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
Adv = soup.select_one ('.col-sm-6 .advDec:nth-child(1)').text[10:]
Dec = soup.select_two ('.col-sm-6 .advDec:nth-child(2)').text[10:]
The website element looks like below:
<div class="nifty-header-shade1 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<p class="advDec">Advanced: 1062</p>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<p class="advDec">Declined: 348</p>
Using my code, am able to extract first number (1062). But unable to extract the second number (348). Can you please help.
Assuming the Pattern is always the same, you can select your elements by text and get its next_sibling:
adv = soup.select_one('a:-soup-contains("Advanced:")').next_sibling.strip()
dec = soup.select_one('a:-soup-contains("Declined:")').next_sibling.strip()
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content)
adv = soup.select_one('a:-soup-contains("Advanced:")').next_sibling.strip()
dec = soup.select_one('a:-soup-contains("Declined:")').next_sibling.strip()
print(adv, dec)
If there are always 2 elements, then the simplest way would probably be to destructure the array of selected elements.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
adv, dec = [elm.next_sibling.strip() for elm in".advDec a") ]
print("Advanced:", adv)
print("Declined", dec)

How to parse the drop down list and get the all the links for the pdf using Beautiful Soup in Python?

I'm trying to scrape the pdf links from the drop down this website. I want to scrape just the Guideline Values (CVC) drop down. Following is the code that i used but did not succeed
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
req_ses = requests.Session()
igr_get_base_response = req_ses.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(igr_get_base_response.text)
def matches_block(tag):
return matches_dropdown(tag) and tag.find(matches_text) != None
def matches_dropdown(tag):
return == 'li' and tag.has_attr('class') and 'dropdown-toggle' in tag['class']
def matches_text(tag):
return == 'a' and tag.get_text()
for li in soup.find_all(matches_block):
for ul in li.find_all('ul', class_='dropdown-toggle'):
for a in ul.find_all('a'):
if a.has_attr('href'):
print (a['href'])
any suggestion would be great help !
Edit: Adding part of HTML below:
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li class="">
<i class="fa fa-home"> </i>
<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" title="RTI Act">RTI Act <b class="caret"></b></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
<!-- <li> -->
<li class="">
<a href=" " title="Yadagiri .">Yadagiri .
<!-- </li> -->
<!-- <li>
I have tried to get the links of all the PDF files that you need.
I have selected the <a> tags whose href matches with the pattern - see patt in code. This pattern is common to all the PDF files that you need.
Now you have all the links to the PDF files in links list.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = ''
resp = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser')
a = soup.find('a', attrs= {'title': 'Guidelines Value (CVC)'})
lst = a.parent()
links = []
patt = ' Value/'
for i in lst:
temp = i.find('a')
if temp:
if patt in temp['href']:
I have first find ul_tag in which all the data is available now from that find_all method on a where it contains .pdf href with attrs having target:_blank so from it we can extract only .pdf links
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
ul_tag=soup.find("ul",class_="nav navbar-nav")
for i in a_tag:
SRO Chikkaballapur Value/chikkaballapur sro.pdf
SRO Gudibande Value/gudibande sro.pdf
SRO Shidlaghatta Value/shidlagatta sro.pdf
SRO Bagepalli
So, i used the following approach to complete the above mentioned part:
def make_sqlite_dict_from_parsed_row(district_value, sro_value, pdf_file_link):
sqlite_dict = {
"district_value": district_value,
"sro_value": sro_value,
"pdf_file_link": pdf_file_link.strip().replace(' ', '%20'),
"status": "PENDING"
sqlite_dict['hsh'] = get_hash(sqlite_dict, IGR_SQLITE_HSH_TUP)
return sqlite_dict
li_element_list = home_response_soup.find_all('li', {'class': 'dropdown-submenu'})
for ele in li_element_list:
district_value = ele.find('a', {'class': 'dropdown-toggle'}).get_text().strip()
sro_pdf_a_tags = ele.find_all('a', attrs={'target': '_blank'})
if len(sro_pdf_a_tags) >=1:
for sro_a_tag in sro_pdf_a_tags:
sqlite_dict = make_sqlite_dict_from_parsed_row(
print("District: ", district_value, "'s pdf is corrupted")
this will give a proper_pdf_link, sro_name and disctrict_name

BeautifulSoup crawler parsing

I'm trying to make a crawler using bs4
and this is the target page where I'm going to crawl data from
And this is the data I want to get
<some several layer...>
<div class="news_list" id="_newsList">
<h3 class="blind"> ~ </h3>
<div class="text">
<a href="~~~~">
same structure
several <li>...</li>
And this is my code
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
targettrl = ''
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(targettrl).read(), 'html.parser')
print(soup.find_all("div", {"class":"news_list"}))
And result
What should I do?
The content you are after, is loaded dynamically with JavaScript, and hence, not found in the page source inside the <div> tag you were searching for. But, the data is available in the page source inside a <script> tag in the form of JSON.
You can scrape it using this:
import re
import json
import requests
r = requests.get('')
script = re.findall('newsListModel:(.*})', r.text)[0]
data = json.loads(script)
for item in data['list']:
url = '{}&aid={}'.format(item['oid'], item['aid'])
‘로마 영웅’ 제코, “첼시 거절? 돈이 중요하지 않아”
손흥민, 맨시티전 선발 전망...'시즌 19호' 기대(英 매체)
드디어 정해진 UCL 4강 진출팀, 4강 대진은 과연?
극적 승리 후 ‘유물급 분수대’에 뛰어든 로마 구단주 벌금형
'토너먼트의 남자' 호날두, 팀 득점 6할 책임지다
맨유 스카우트 파견...타깃은 기성용 동료 수비수 모슨
이번에는 '타점', 늘 새로운 호날두의 키워드
승무패 14회차, 토트넘 홈에서 맨시티 이길 것
3부까지 추락했던 울버햄튼, 6년 만에 EPL 승격 눈앞
메시 밀어낸 호날두…역대 챔스리그 한 시즌 최다골 1∼3위 독식(종합)
‘에어 호날두’ 있기에···레알 8년 연속 챔스 4강
[UEL] '황희찬 복귀' 잘츠부르크, 역전 드라마 가능할까?
[UCL 포커스] 호날두 환상골도, 만주키치 저력도, 부폰에 묻혔다
[UCL 핫피플] ‘120골+11G 연속골’ 호날두, 역사는 진행형
[SPO 이슈] ‘재점화’ 케인vs살라, 득점왕 경쟁 포인트3
UCL 8강 키워드: 공은 둥글다…'3점 차'여도 안심할 수 없었으니까
"과르디올라, 시즌 종료 전 1년 계약 연장한다" (英 미러)
케이토토 승무패 14회차 투표율 중간집계
‘월드컵 스카우팅 리포트 2018’ 발간
레알 마드리드, 천신만고 끝에 챔피언스리그 4강
Here, item is a dictionary with the following format:
{'aid': '0002185662',
'datetime': '2018.04.12 14:09',
'officeName': '오마이뉴스',
'oid': '047',
'sectionName': '챔스·유로파',
'subContent': '최고의 명경기 예약, 추첨은 4월 13일 오후 7시[오마이뉴스 이윤파 기자]이변이 가득했던 17-18 UEFA 챔피언스리그 8강이 모두 끝나고 4강 진출 팀...',
'thumbnail': '',
'title': '드디어 정해진 UCL 4강 진출팀, 4강 대진은 과연?',
'totalCount': 0,
'type': 'PHOTO',
'url': None}
So, you can access anything you want using this. Just replace ['title'] with whatever you want. Everything inside each of the <li> tags is available in the dictionaries.
This will work.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
targettrl = ''
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(targettrl).content, 'html.parser')
print(soup.find_all("div", class_="news_list"))
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(targettrl).read(), 'lxml')
instead of
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(targettrl).read(), 'html.parser')
I tried with your code and #KeyurPotdar and worked for me.

Scraping <span>flow text</span> with BeautifulSoup and urllib

I am working on scraping the data from a website using BeautifulSoup. For whatever reason, I cannot seem to find a way to get the text between span elements to print. Here is what I am running.
data = """ <div class="grouping">
<div class="a1 left" style="width:20px;">Text</div>
<div class="a2 left" style="width:30px;"><span
<div class="a3 left" style="width:45px;"><span id="div_target_0">Data2
<div class="a4 left" style="width:32px;"><span id="reg_target_0">Data3
My ultimate goal would be to able to print a list ["Text", "Data1", "Data2"] for each entry. But right now I am having trouble getting python and urllib to produce any text between the . Here is what I am running:
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
Search_List = [0,4,5] # list of Target IDs to scrape
for i in Search_List:
h = str(i)
root = 'target_' + h
taggr = soup.find("span", { "id" : root })
print taggr, ", ", taggr.text
When I use urllib it produces this:
<span id="target_0"></span>,
<span id="target_4"></span>,
<span id="target_5"></span>,
However, I also downloaded the html file, and when I parse the downloaded file it produces this output (the one that I want):
<span id="target_0">Data1</span>, Data1
<span id="target_4">Data1</span>, Data1
<span id="target_5">Data1</span>, Data1
Can anyone explain to me why urllib doesn't produce the outcome?
use this code :
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
your_data = list()
for line in soup.findAll('span', attrs={'id': 'target_0'}):
similarly add all class attributes which you need to extract data from and write your_data list in csv file. Hope this will help if this doesn't work out. let me know.
You can use the following approach to create your lists based on the source HTML you have shown:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
data = """
<div class="grouping">
<div class="a1 left" style="width:20px;">Text0</div>
<div class="a2 left" style="width:30px;"><span id="target_0">Data1</span></div>
<div class="a3 left" style="width:45px;"><span id="div_target_0">Data2</span></div>
<div class="a4 left" style="width:32px;"><span id="reg_target_0">Data3</span></div>
<div class="grouping">
<div class="a1 left" style="width:20px;">Text2</div>
<div class="a2 left" style="width:30px;"><span id="target_2">Data1</span></div>
<div class="a3 left" style="width:45px;"><span id="div_target_0">Data2</span></div>
<div class="a4 left" style="width:32px;"><span id="reg_target_0">Data3</span></div>
<div class="grouping">
<div class="a1 left" style="width:20px;">Text4</div>
<div class="a2 left" style="width:30px;"><span id="target_4">Data1</span></div>
<div class="a3 left" style="width:45px;"><span id="div_target_0">Data2</span></div>
<div class="a4 left" style="width:32px;"><span id="reg_target_0">Data3</span></div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml")
search_ids = [0, 4, 5] # list of Target IDs to scrape
for i in search_ids:
span = soup.find("span", id='target_{}'.format(i))
if span:
grouping = span.parent.parent
print list(grouping.stripped_strings)[:-1] # -1 to remove "Data3"
The example has been slightly modified to show it finding IDs 0 and 4. This would display the following output:
[u'Text0', u'Data1', u'Data2']
[u'Text4', u'Data1', u'Data2']
Note, if the HTML you are getting back from your URL is different to that seen been viewing the source from your browser (i.e. the data you want is missing completely) then you will need to use a solution such as selenium to connect to your browser and extract the HTML. This is because in this case, the HTML is probably being generated locally via Javascript, and urllib does not have a Javascript processor.

How to print the text inside of a child tag and the href of a grandchild element with a single BeautifulSoup Object?

I have a document which contains several div.inventory siblings.
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">123</span>
<span class="cost">
I would like to iterate over them to print the item number and link of the item.
123 http://linktoitem
456 http://linktoitem2
789 http://linktoitem3
How do I parse these two values after selecting the div.inventory element?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
htmlSource = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlSource)
matches ='div.inventory')
for match in matches:
#prints 123
#prints http://linktoitem
Also - what is the difference between the select function and find* functions?
You can find both items using find() relying on the class attributes:
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for inventory in'div.inventory'):
number = inventory.find('span', class_='item-number').text
link = inventory.find('span', class_='cost').a.get('href')
print number, link
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
data = """
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">123</span>
<span class="cost">
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">456</span>
<span class="cost">
<div class="inventory">
<span class="item-number">789</span>
<span class="cost">
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for inventory in'div.inventory'):
number = inventory.find('span', class_='item-number').text
link = inventory.find('span', class_='cost').a.get('href')
print number, link
123 http://linktoitem
456 http://linktoitem2
789 http://linktoitem3
Note the use of select() - this method allows to use CSS Selectors for searching over the page. Also note the use of class_ argument - underscore is important since class is a reversed keyword in Python.
