Correct use of pytest fixtures of objects with Django - python

I am relatively new to pytest, so I understand the simple use of fixtures that looks like that:
def example_data():
return "abc"
and then using it in a way like this:
def test_data(self, example_data):
assert example_data == "abc"
I am working on a django app and where it gets confusing is when I try to use fixtures to create django objects that will be used for the tests.
The closest solution that I've found online looks like that:
def test_data(self):
users = get_user_model()
client = users.objects.get_or_create(username="test_user", password="password")
and then I am expecting to be able to access this user object in a test function:
async def test_get_users(self):
# the user object should be included in this queryset
all_users = await sync_to_async(User.objects.all)()
.... (doing assertions) ...
The issue is that when I try to list all the users I can't find the one that was created as part of the test_data fixture and therefore can't use it for testing.
I noticed that if I create the objects inside the function then there is no problem, but this approach won't work for me because I need to parametrize the function and depending on the input add different groups to each user.
I also tried some type of init or setup function for my testing class and creating the User test objects from there but this doesn't seem to be pytest's recommended way of doing things. But either way that approach didn't work either when it comes to listing them later.
Is there any way to create test objects which will be accessible when doing a queryset?
Is the right way to manually create separate functions and objects for each test case or is there a pytest-way of achieving that?


Drawbacks of executing code in an SQLAlchemy managed session and if so why?

I have seen different "patterns" in handling this case so I am wondering if one has any drawbacks comapred to the other.
So lets assume that we wish to create a new object of class MyClass and add it to the database. We can do the following:
class MyClass:
def builder_method_for_myclass():
# A lot of code here..
return MyClass()
with db.managed_session() as s:
which seems that only keeps the session open for adding the new object but I have also seen cases where the entire builder method is called and executed within the managed session like so:
class MyClass:
def builder_method_for_myclass():
# A lot of code here..
return MyClass()
with db.managed_session() as s:
are there any downsides in either of these methods and if yes what are they? Cant find something specific about this in the documentation.
When you build objects depending on objects fetched from a session you have to be in a session. So a factory function can only execute outside a session for the simplest cases. Usually you have to pass the session around or make it available on a thread local.
For example in this case to build a product I need to fetch the product category from the database into the session. So my product factory function depends on the session instance. The new product is created and added to the same session that the category is also in. An implicit commit should also occur when the session ends, ie the context manager completes.
def build_product(session, category_name):
category = session.query(ProductCategory).where( == category_name).first()
return Product(category=category)
with db.managed_session() as s:
my_product = build_product(s, "clothing")

pytest mark django db: avoid to save fixture in tests

I need to:
Avoid to use save() in tests
Use #pytest.mark.django_db on all tests inside this class
Create a number of trx fixtures (10/20) to act like false data.
import pytest
from ngg.processing import (
class TestProcessing:
def test_elab_data(self, plan,
elab_data(bac, col)
Where the fixtures are simply models like that:
def plan():
plan = Plan(
name = 'test_plan',
status = '1'
return plan
I don't find this way really clean. How would you do that?
import pytest
from ngg.processing import elab_data
class TestProcessing:
def test_elab_data(self, plan, obp, customer, bac, col, trx_1, trx_2):
elab_data(bac, col)
('test_plan', 1),
('test_plan2', 2),
def plan(request, db):
name, status = request.param
return Plan.objects.create(name=name, status=status)
I'm not quite sure if I got it correctly
Avoid to use save() in tests
You may create objects using instance = Model.objects.create() or just put in fixtures.
As described at note section here
To access the database in a fixture, it is recommended that the fixture explicitly request one of the db, transactional_db or django_db_reset_sequences fixtures.
and at fixture section here
This fixture will ensure the Django database is set up. Only required for fixtures that want to use the database themselves. A test function should normally use the pytest.mark.django_db() mark to signal it needs the database.
you may want to use db fixture in you records fixtures and keep django_db mark in your test cases.
Use #pytest.mark.django_db on all tests inside this class
To mark whole classes you may use decorator on classes or pytestmark variable as described here.
You may use pytest.mark decorators with classes to apply markers to all of its test methods
To apply marks at the module level, use the pytestmark global variable
Create a number of trx fixtures (10/20) to act like false data.
I didn't quite get what you were trying to do but still would assume that it is one of the following things:
Create multiple objects and pass them as fixtures
In that case you may want to create a fixture that will return generator or list and use whole list instead of multiple fixtures
Test case using different variants of fixture but with one/few at a time
In that case you may want to parametrize your fixture so it will return different objects and test case will run multiple times - one time per one variant

Mocking elasticsearch-py calls

I'm writing a CLI to interact with elasticsearch using the elasticsearch-py library. I'm trying to mock elasticsearch-py functions in order to test my functions without calling my real cluster.
I read this question and this one but I still don't understand.
Escli inherits from cliff's App class
class Escli(App):
_es = elasticsearch5.Elasticsearch()
from escli.main import Escli
class Settings:
def get(self, sections):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ClusterSettings(Settings):
def get(self, setting, persistency='transient'):
settings = Escli._es.cluster\
.get_settings(include_defaults=True, flat_settings=True)\
return settings
import escli.settings
class TestClusterSettings(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.patcher = patch('elasticsearch5.Elasticsearch')
self.MockClass = self.patcher.start()
def test_get(self):
# Note this is an empty dict to show my point
# it will contain childs dict to allow my .get(persistency).get(setting)
self.MockClass.return_value.cluster.get_settings.return_value = {}
cluster_settings = escli.settings.ClusterSettings()
ret = cluster_settings.get('cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries', persistency='transient')
# ret should contain a subset of my dict defined above
I want to have Escli._es.cluster.get_settings() to return what I want (a dict object) in order to not make the real HTTP call, but it keeps doing it.
What I know:
In order to mock an instance method I have to do something like
MagicMockObject.return_value.InstanceMethodName.return_value = ...
I cannot patch Escli._es.cluster.get_settings because Python tries to import Escli as module, which cannot work. So I'm patching the whole lib.
I desperately tried to put some return_value everywhere but I cannot understand why I can't mock that thing properly.
You should be mocking with respect to where you are testing. Based on the example provided, this means that the Escli class you are using in the module needs to be mocked with respect to So, more practically, your patch call would look like this inside setUp instead:
self.patcher = patch('escli.settings.Escli')
With this, you are now mocking what you want in the right place based on how your tests are running.
Furthermore, to add more robustness to your testing, you might want to consider speccing for the Elasticsearch instance you are creating in order to validate that you are in fact calling valid methods that correlate to Elasticsearch. With that in mind, you can do something like this, instead:
self.patcher = patch('escli.settings.Escli', Mock(Elasticsearch))
To read a bit more about what exactly is meant by spec, check the patch section in the documentation.
As a final note, if you are interested in exploring the great world of pytest, there is a pytest-elasticsearch plugin created to assist with this.

Python SQLAlchemy - Mocking a model attribute's "desc" method

In my application, there is a class for each model that holds commonly used queries (I guess it's somewhat of a "Repository" in DDD language). Each of these classes is passed the SQLAlchemy session object to create queries with upon construction. I'm having a little difficulty in figuring the best way to assert certain queries are being run in my unit tests. Using the ubiquitous blog example, let's say I have a "Post" model with columns and attributes "date" and "content". I also have a "PostRepository" with the method "find_latest" that is supposed to query for all posts in descending order by "date". It looks something like:
from myapp.models import Post
class PostRepository(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self._s = session
def find_latest(self):
return self._s.query(Post).order_by(
I'm having trouble mocking the call. Right now I'm monkey patching a mock in for in my unit test, but I feel that there is likely a better approach.
Edit: I'm using mox for mock objects, my current unit test looks something like:
import unittest
import mox
class TestPostRepository(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._mox = mox.Mox()
def _create_session_mock(self):
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
return self._mox.CreateMock(Session)
def _create_query_mock(self):
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
return self._mox.CreateMock(Query)
def _create_desc_mock(self):
from myapp.models import Post
return self._mox.CreateMock(
def test_find_latest(self):
from myapp.models.repositories import PostRepository
from myapp.models import Post
expected_result = 'test'
session_mock = self._create_session_mock()
query_mock = self._create_query_mock()
desc_mock = self._create_desc_mock()
# Monkey patch
tmp = = desc_mock
r = PostRepository(session_mock)
result = r.find_latest()
self.assertEquals(expected_result, result) = tmp
This does work, though feels ugly and I'm not sure why it fails without the "AndReturn('test')" piece of "'test')"
I don't think you're really gaining much benefit by using mocks for testing your queries. Testing should be testing the logic of the code, not the implementation. A better solution would be to create a fresh database, add some objects to it, run the query on that database, and determine if you're getting the correct results back. For example:
# Create the engine. This starts a fresh database
engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
# Fills the database with the tables needed.
# If you use declarative, then the metadata for your tables can be found using Base.metadata
# Create a session to this database
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
# Create some posts using the session and commit them
# Test your repository object...
repo = PostRepository(session)
results = repo.find_latest()
# Run your assertions of results
Now, you're actually testing the logic of the code. This means that you can change the implementation of your method, but so long as the query works correctly, the tests should still pass. If you want, you could write this method as a query that gets all the objects, then slices the resulting list. The test would pass, as it should. Later on, you could change the implementation to run the query using the SA expression APIs, and the test would pass.
One thing to keep in mind is that you might have problems with sqlite behaving differently than another database type. Using sqlite in-memory gives you fast tests, but if you want to be serious about these tests, you'll probably want to run them against the same type of database you'll be using in production as well.
If yet you want to create a unit test with mock input, you can create instances of your model with fake data
In case that the result proxy return result with data from more than one of the models (for instance when you join two tables), you can use collections data struct called namedtuple
We are using it to mock results of join queries

Writing good tests for Django applications

I've never written any tests in my life, but I'd like to start writing tests for my Django projects. I've read some articles about tests and decided to try to write some tests for an extremely simple Django app or a start.
The app has two views (a list view, and a detail view) and a model with four fields:
class News(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
content = models.TextField()
pub_date = models.DateTimeField(
slug = models.SlugField(unique=True)
I would like to show you my file and ask:
Does it make sense?
Am I even testing for the right things?
Are there best practices I'm not following, and you could point me to?
my (it contains 11 tests):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
import datetime
from someproject.myapp.models import News
class viewTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.test_title = u'Test title: bąrekść'
self.test_content = u'This is a content 156'
self.test_slug = u'test-title-bareksc'
self.test_pub_date =
self.test_item = News.objects.create(
client = Client()
self.response_detail = client.get(self.test_item.get_absolute_url())
self.response_index = client.get(reverse('the-list-view'))
def test_detail_status_code(self):
HTTP status code for the detail view
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_detail.status_code, 200)
def test_list_status_code(self):
HTTP status code for the list view
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_index.status_code, 200)
def test_list_numer_of_items(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.response_index.context['object_list']), 1)
def test_detail_title(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_detail.context['object'].title, self.test_title)
def test_list_title(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_index.context['object_list'][0].title, self.test_title)
def test_detail_content(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_detail.context['object'].content, self.test_content)
def test_list_content(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_index.context['object_list'][0].content, self.test_content)
def test_detail_slug(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_detail.context['object'].slug, self.test_slug)
def test_list_slug(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.response_index.context['object_list'][0].slug, self.test_slug)
def test_detail_template(self):
self.assertContains(self.response_detail, self.test_title)
self.assertContains(self.response_detail, self.test_content)
def test_list_template(self):
self.assertContains(self.response_index, self.test_title)
I am not perfect in testing but a few thoughts:
Basically you should test every function, method, class, whatever, that you have written by yourself.
This implies that you don't have to test functions, classes, etc. which the framework provides.
That said, a quick check of your test functions:
test_detail_status_code and test_list_status_code:
Ok to check whether you have configured the routing properly or not. Even more important when you provide your own implementation of get_absolute_url().
Ok if a certain number of items should be returned by the view. Not necessary if the number is not important (i.e. arbitrary).
test_detail_template and test_list_template:
Ok to check whether template variables are correctly set.
All the other functions: Not necessary.
What your are basically testing here is whether the ORM worked properly, whether lists work as expected and whether object properties can be accessed (or not). As long as you don't change e.g. the save() method of a model and/or provide your custom logic, I would not test this. You should trust the framework developers that this works properly.
You only should have to test what you have (over)written.
The model classes are maybe a special case. You basically have to test them, as I said, if you provide custom logic. But you should also test them against your requirements. E.g. it could be that a field is not allowed to be null (or that it has to be a certain datatype, like integer). So you should test that storing an object fails, if it has a null value in this field.
This does not test the ORM for correctly following your specification but test that the specification still fulfills your requirements. It might be that you change the model and change some settings (by chance or because you forgot about the requirements).
But you don't have to test e.g. methods like save() or wether you can access a property.
Of course when you use buggy third party code... well things can be different. But as Django uses the test framework itself to verify that everything is working, I would assume it is working.
To sum up:
Test against your requirements, test your own code.
This is only my point of view. Maybe others have better proposals.
Break your tests into two completely separate kinds.
Model tests. Put these in your file with your model. These tests will exercise the methods in your model classes. You can do simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) to simply prove that your model works. Don't test every attribute. Do test field defaults and save() rules if you're curious.
For your example, create a TestNews class that creates, gets, updates and deletes a News item. Be sure to test the default date results. This class should be short and to the point. You can, if your application requires it, test various kinds of filter processing. Your unit test code can (and should) provide examples of the "right" way to filter News.
UI Tests. Put these in a separate file. These tests will test the view functions and templates.
Name the TestCase with the "condition" you're creating. "TestNotLoggedIn". "TestLoggedIn". "TestNoValidThis". "TestNotAllowedToDoThat". Your setUp will do the login and any other steps required to establish the required condition.
Name each test method with the action and result. "test_get_noquery_should_list", "test_post_should_validate_with_errors", "test_get_query_should_detail".
