Let's say I have a large array of values that represent terrain latitude locations that is shape x. I also have another array of values that represent terrain longitude values that is shape y. All of the values in x as well as y are equally spaced at 0.005-degrees. In other words:
lons[0:10] = [-130.0, -129.995, -129.99, -129.985, -129.98, -129.975, -129.97, -129.965, -129.96, -129.955]
lats[0:10] = [55.0, 54.995, 54.99, 54.985, 54.98, 54.975, 54.97, 54.965, 54.96, 54.955]
I have a second dataset that is projected in an irregularly-spaced lat/lon grid (but equally spaced ~ 25 meters apart) that is [m,n] dimensions big, and falls within the domain of x and y. Furthermore, we also have all of the lat/lon points within this second dataset. I would like to 'lineup' the grids such that every value of [m,n] matches the nearest neighbor terrain value within the larger grid. I am able to do this with the following code where I basically loop through every lat/lon value in dataset two, and try to find the argmin of a the calculated lat/lon values from dataset1:
for a in range(0,lats.shape[0]):
# Loop through the ranges
for r in range(0,lons.shape[0]):
# Access the elements
tmp_lon = lons[r]
tmp_lat = lats[a]
# Now we need to find where the tmp_lon and tmp_lat match best with the index from new_lats and new_lons
idx = (np.abs(new_lats - tmp_lat)).argmin()
idy = (np.abs(new_lons - tmp_lon)).argmin()
# Make our final array!
second_dataset_trn[a,r] = first_dataset_trn[idy,idx]
Except it is exceptionally slow. Is there another method, either through a package, library, etc. that can speed this up?
Please take a look at the following previous question for iterating over two lists, which may improve the speed: Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?
A possible correction to the sample code: assuming that the arrays are organized in the standard GIS fashion of Latitude, Longitude, I believe there is an error in the idx and idy variable assignments - the variables receiving the assignments should be swapped (idx should be idy, and the other way around). For example:
# Now we need to find where the tmp_lon and tmp_lat match best with the index from new_lats and new_lons
idy = (np.abs(new_lats - tmp_lat)).argmin()
idx = (np.abs(new_lons - tmp_lon)).argmin()
I have a long skinny data matrix (size: 250,000 x 10), which I will denote X. I also have a vector p measuring the quality of my data points. My goal is to compute the following function for each row x in my data matrix X:
r(x) = min{ ||x-y|| | p[y]>p[x], y in X }
On a smaller dataset, what I would use sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances to precompute distances, like so:
from sklearn import metrics
n = len(X);
D_full = metrics.pairwise_distances(X);
r = np.zeros((n,1));
for i in range(n):
r[i] = (D_full[i,p>p[i]]).min();
However, the above approach is memory-expensive, since I need to store D_full: a full n x n matrix. It seems like sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances_chunked could be a good tool for this sort of problem since the distance matrix is only stored one chunk at a time. I was hoping to get some assistance in how to use it though, as I'm currently unfamiliar with generator objects. Suppose I call the following:
from sklearn import metrics
D = metrics.pairwise_distances_chunked(X);
D_chunk = next(D)
The above code yields D (a generator object) and D_chunk (a 536 x n array). Does D_chunkcorrespond to the first 536 rows of the matrix D_full from my earlier approach? If so, does next(D_chunk) correspond to the next 536 rows?
Thank you very much for your help.
This is a outline of a possible solution, but details are missing. In short, I would do the following:
Create a BallTree to query, and initialise min_quality_distance of size 250000 with say zeros.
for k=2
For each vector, find the closest k neighbour (including itself).
If vector with most distance within k found, has sufficient quality, update min_quality_distance for that point.
For remaining, repeat with k=k+1
In each iteration, we have to query less vectors. The idea is that in each iteration you nibble a few nearest neighbors with the right condition away, and it will be easier with every step. (50% easier?) I will show how to do the first iteration, and with this is should be possible to build the loop.
You can do;
import numpy as np
size = 250000
X = np.random.random( size=(size,10))
p = np.random.random( size=size)
And create a BallTree with
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
tree = BallTree(X, leaf_size=10, metric='minkowski')
and query it for first iteration with (this will take about 5 minutes.)
k_nearest = 2
distances, indici = tree.query(X, k=k_nearest, return_distance=True, dualtree=False, sort_results=True)
The indici of most far away point within the nearest k is
most_far_away_indici = indici[:,-1:]
And its quality
So we can
quality_closeby = p[most_far_away_indici]
And check if it is sifficient with
indici_sufficient_quality = quality_closeby > np.expand_dims(p, axis=1)
And we have
found_closeby = np.all( indici_sufficient_quality, axis=1 )
Which is True is we have found a sufficient quality nearby.
We can update the vector with
distances_nearby = distances[:,-1:]
rx = np.zeros(size)
rx[found_closeby] = distances_nearby[found_closeby][:,0]
And we now need to take care for the remaining where we were unlucky, these are
indici_not_found = ~found_closeby
distances, indici = tree.query(X[indici_not_found], k=3, return_distance=True, dualtree=False, sort_results=True)
I am sure the first few loops will take minutes, but after a few iterations the speeds will quickly go to seconds.
It is a little exercise with np.argwhere() etc to make sure the right indicis get updates.
It might not be the fastest, but it is a workable approach.
Since one cannot know the dimensions of some chunk, I suggest using np.ones_like instead of np.zeros.
I am working to generate a monte carlo simulation for oil wells. The end goal is to have all the wells with a smoothed probabilistic production curve. I have optimized what I can, but each of the 3 apply statements I am listing take so much time when I use my full dataset and the number of simulations I want. (Hours) The code I included is has 10 iterations. If you crank it up to 10,000 which is the goal it really starts to drag.
I have generated a Panda that has all the future wells I want to model with a probability of that well being chosen next to be drilled.
I then created a panda where I grouped everything into the categories I want to use to figure out the order that the model will choose the wells. So my "timing" panda contains my categories and an array of every index of those wells in those categories and an array of the well's probabilities.
This all is done in a few seconds. The next part works, but gets very slow.
Next I use a numpy generator choice with percentages to randomly generate the order of the wells for i simulations. As other posts have noted #njit does not work with the probability array. The result is 1 dimension of the array is the order that the wells will be chosen by each category, and the other dimension is each simulation. There are about 150 categories, and 10,000s of wells in each categories. I am hoping to run 10,000 simulations.
a is an array of indexes of wells that can be chosen
size is the length of that array
per is the probability that each well will get chosen
Next I link my timing panda to my panda with all of the wells in it. This attaches the previous array to the wells array. Then I search this array for the well index to figure out for each simulation when that specific well is going to get run. This generates a 1d array with what order that well is going be drilled in each simulation.
This function gets called on 100,000s of wells and as I increase the number of simulations it really slows down.
order is an array of the order each well is drilled per simulation
index is the index of that well
The final difficulty I am having is the averaging out the production curve for the wells. I have how much oil will be produced by each well per month. I need to insert that curve into the array at each point when the well is drilled, then average all of those values together to get the average production of the well given all the simulations.
I have also tried creating an np.zeros array then using the np.insert function, but I could not figure out how to insert an array multiple times without a loop and generating the initial array of 0's took longer than the current method I had. (I overcame inserting the array multiple times by covering everything to a string, inserting the type curve as a string then converting back to an array of numbers, but this did not seem efficient). I need to have the number of leading 0's
order is the time in months that each well will get drilled
curve is the production curve passed as a list
m is the highest value of the months that the well is drilled in all simulations
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
import datetime
import math
def TimingGenerator(a, size, p):
i = 10
g = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64())
order = np.concatenate([g.choice(a=a, size=size, replace=False, p=p) for z in range(i)]).reshape(i, size)
return order
def OrderGenerator(order, index):
result = np.where(order == index)[1]
return result
def CurveAverager(order, curve, m):
matrix = np.array([[0] * math.ceil(i) + curve + [0] * int((m - math.ceil(i))) for i in order])
result = np.mean(matrix, axis=0)
return result
begin_time =
size = 8000
g = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64())
a = g.choice(20_000, size=size, replace=False)
p = np.random.randint(1,100, size=size)
p = p/np.sum(p)
for i in range(150):
q = TimingGenerator(a,size,p)
print( - begin_time)
index = np.amin(q)
for i in range(100000):
order = OrderGenerator(q, index)
print( - begin_time)
order = order / 15
curve = list(range(600, 0, -1))
for i in range(20000):
avgcurve = CurveAverager(order, curve, size)
print( - begin_time)
Thanks for any help you can offer. I am willing to greatly alter my code if you can think of anything to help speed it up. Not sure if there is a better way to apply probabilities and smooth out the production curve which is really the end goal.
I've got a rather large dataset that I would like to decompose but is too big to load into memory. Researching my options, it seems that sklearn's IncrementalPCA is a good choice, but I can't quite figure out how to make it work.
I can load in the data just fine:
f = h5py.File('my_big_data.h5')
features = f['data']
And from this example, it seems I need to decide what size chunks I want to read from it:
num_rows = data.shape[0] # total number of rows in data
chunk_size = 10 # how many rows at a time to feed ipca
Then I can create my IncrementalPCA, stream the data chunk-by-chunk, and partially fit it (also from the example above):
ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2)
for i in range(0, num_rows//chunk_size):
ipca.partial_fit(features[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size])
This all goes without error, but I'm not sure what to do next. How do I actually do the dimension reduction and get a new numpy array I can manipulate further and save?
The code above was for testing on a smaller subset of my data – as #ImanolLuengo correctly points out, it would be way better to use a larger number of dimensions and chunk size in the final code.
As you well guessed the fitting is done properly, although I would suggest increasing the chunk_size to 100 or 1000 (or even higher, depending on the shape of your data).
What you have to do now to transform it, is actually transforming it:
out = my_new_features_dataset # shape N x 2
for i in range(0, num_rows//chunk_size):
out[i*chunk_size:(i+1) * chunk_size] = ipca.transform(features[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size])
And thats should give you your new transformed features. If you still have too many samples to fit in memory, I would suggest using out as another hdf5 dataset.
Also, I would argue that reducing a huge dataset to 2 components is probably not a very good idea. But is hard to say without knowing the shape of your features. I would suggest reducing them to sqrt(features.shape[1]), as it is a decent heuristic, or pro tip: use ipca.explained_variance_ratio_ to determine the best amount of features for your affordable information loss threshold.
Edit: as for the explained_variance_ratio_, it returns a vector of dimension n_components (the n_components that you pass as parameter to IPCA) where each value i inicates the percentage of the variance of your original data explained by the i-th new component.
You can follow the procedure in this answer to extract how much information is preserved by the first n components:
>>> print(ipca.explained_variance_ratio_.cumsum())
[ 0.32047581 0.59549787 0.80178824 0.932976 1. ]
Note: numbers are ficticius taken from the answer above assuming that you have reduced IPCA to 5 components. The i-th number indicates how much of the original data is explained by the first [0, i] components, as it is the cummulative sum of the explained variance ratio.
Thus, what is usually done, is to fit your PCA to the same number of components than your original data:
ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=features.shape[1])
Then, after training on your whole data (with iteration + partial_fit) you can plot explaine_variance_ratio_.cumsum() and choose how much data you want to lose. Or do it automatically:
k = np.argmax(ipca.explained_variance_ratio_.cumsum() > 0.9)
The above will return the first index on the cumcum array where the value is > 0.9, this is, indicating the number of PCA components that preserve at least 90% of the original data.
Then you can tweek the transformation to reflect it:
cs = chunk_size
out = my_new_features_dataset # shape N x k
for i in range(0, num_rows//chunk_size):
out[i*cs:(i+1)*cs] = ipca.transform(features[i*cs:(i+1)*cs])[:, :k]
NOTE the slicing to :k to just select only the first k components while ignoring the rest.
I have a 4D array data of shape (50,8,2048,256) which are 50 groups containing 8 2048x256 pixel images. times is an array of shape (50,8) giving the time that each image was taken.
I calculate a 1st order polynomial fit at each pixel for all images in each group, giving me an array of shape (50,2048,256,2). This is essentially a vector plot for each of the 50 groups. The code I use to store the polynomials is:
fits = np.ones((50,2048,256,2))
times = times.reshape(50,8,1).repeat(2048,2).reshape(50,8,2048,1).repeat(256,3)
for group in range(50):
for xpos in range(2048):
for ypos in range(256):
px_data = data[:,:,ypos,xpos]
fits[group,ypos,xpos,:] = np.polyfit(times[group,:,ypos,xpos],data[group,:,ypos,xpos],1)
Now the challenge is that I want to generate an array new_data of shape (50,12,2048,256) where I use the polynomial coefficients from fits and the times from new_time to generate 50 groups of 12 images.
I figure I can use something like np.polyval(fits, new_time) to generate the images but I'm very confused with how to phrase it. It should be something like:
new_data = np.ones((50,12,2048,256))
for i,(times,fit) in enumerate(zip(new_times,fits)):
new_data[i] = np.polyval(fit,times)
But I'm getting broadcasting errors. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Ok, so I changed the code a bit so that it does work and do exactly what I want, but it is terribly slow with all these loops (~1 minute per group meaning this would take me almost an hour to run!). Can anyone suggest a way to optimize this to speed it up?
# Generate the polynomials for each pixel in each group
fits = np.ones((50,2048,256,2))
times = np.arange(0,50*8*grptme,grptme).reshape(50,8)
times = times.reshape(50,8,1).repeat(2048,2).reshape(50,8,2048,1).repeat(256,3)
for group in range(50):
for xpos in range(2048):
for ypos in range(256):
fits[group,xpos,ypos] = np.polyfit(times[group,:,xpos,ypos],data[group,:,xpos,ypos],1)
# Create new array of 12 images per group using the polynomials for each pixel
new_data = np.ones((50,12,2048,256))
times = np.arange(0,50*12*grptme,grptme).reshape(50,12)
times = times.reshape(50,12,1).repeat(2048,2).reshape(50,12,2048,1).repeat(256,3)
for group in range(50):
for img in range(12):
for xpos in range(2048):
for ypos in range(256):
new_data[group,img,xpos,ypos] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(times[group,img,xpos,ypos],fits[group,xpos,ypos])
Regarding the speed I see a lot of loops which is what should and often can be avoided due to the beauty of numpy. If I understand your problem fully you want to fit a first order polynom on 50 groups of 8 data points 2048 * 256 times. So for the fit the shape of your image does not play a role. So my suggestion is to flatten your images because with np.polyfit you can fit for a range of x-values several sets of y-values at the same time
From the doc string
x : array_like, shape (M,)
x-coordinates of the M sample points ``(x[i], y[i])``.
y : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, K)
y-coordinates of the sample points. Several data sets of sample
points sharing the same x-coordinates can be fitted at once by
passing in a 2D-array that contains one dataset per column.
So I would go for
# Generate the polynomials for each pixel in each group
fits = np.ones((50,2048*256,2))
times = np.arange(0,50*8*grptme,grptme).reshape(50,8)
data_fit = data.reshape((50,8,2048*256))
for group in range(50):
fits[group] = np.polyfit(times[group],data_fit[group],1).T
fits_original_shape = fits.reshape((50,2048,256,2))
The transposing is necessary since you want to have the parameters in the last index, but np.polyfit has them first and then the different data sets
And then to evaluate it it is basically the same trick again:
# Create new array of 12 images per group using the polynomials for each pixel
new_data = np.zeros((50,12,2048*256))
times = np.arange(0,50*12*grptme,grptme).reshape(50,12)
#times = times.reshape(50,12,1).repeat(2048,2).reshape(50,12,2048,1).repeat(256,3)
for group in range(50):
new_data[group] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(times[group],fits[group].T).T
new_data_original_shape = new_data.reshape((50,12,2048,256))
The two transposes are again needed due to the ordering of the parameters vs. the different data sets so that matches with the shapes of your arrays.
Probably one could also avoid with some advanced numpy magic the loop over the groups, but with this the code runs much faster already.
I hope it helps!