Set function in Tkinter failed to display correct value - python

I'm creating a calculator and here's part of the code:
def _digit_formatting(x):
numbers = '1234567890.'
start_idxs = []
end_idxs = []
is_start = True
for idx, value in enumerate(x):
if value in numbers and is_start:
is_start = False
elif value in numbers and idx == len(x) - 1:
end_idxs.append(len(x) - 1)
elif value in numbers and not is_start:
elif value not in numbers and len(start_idxs) > len(end_idxs):
is_start = True
if len(start_idxs) > len(end_idxs):
x = list(x)
for idx in range(len(start_idxs)):
if start_idxs[idx] == end_idxs[idx]:
num = x[start_idxs[idx]:end_idxs[idx]+1]
num = x[start_idxs[idx]:end_idxs[idx]+1]
num = ''.join(num)
x = ''.join(x)
x = x[::-1]
num = num[::-1]
x = x.replace(num, '', 1)
x = list(x)
num = num[::-1]
temp = f'{int(num):,}'
x.insert(start_idxs[idx], temp)
x = ''.join(x)
return x
def calculate(sv):
# This function is called when there's changes in entry box
if self.input_string_var.get() == '':
# Start
real_result = self.input_string_var.get().replace(',', '')
percent_count = self.input_string_var.get().count('%')
# Formatting input string
x = _digit_formatting(real_result)
if percent_count != 0:
numbers = '0123456789.'
for cnt in range(percent_count):
percent_idx = real_result.find('%', 0)
limit_operator = 2
percent_number = ''
for i in range(percent_idx - 1, -1, -1):
if real_result[i] not in numbers:
limit_operator -= 1
if limit_operator == 0:
if limit_operator == 1:
if real_result[i] in '*/':
percent_number = ''
percent_number += real_result[i]
if percent_number == '':
percent_number = '1'
percent_number = percent_number[1:][::-1]
real_result = list(real_result)
real_result[percent_idx] = f'/100*{percent_number}'
real_result = ''.join(real_result)
real_result = self.input_string_var.get().replace(',', '')
if eval(real_result) == int(eval(real_result)):
if self.input_string_var.get() == '':
# Entry box string variable
self.input_string_var = tk.StringVar()
self.input_string_var.trace('w', lambda name, index, mode: calculate(self.input_string_var))
There is two functions, first is _digit_formatting which is to format the equation to put comma like thousands, million and billion. The calculate function is called every time there's changes on the input string variable. But when I try to set the string variable to equation after formatting there seems to be a mistake, but if I print the value, it is correct. Example if I enter 1200 the value I printed is 1,200 which is correct but the value on the text box is not correct. Sorry if the code is messy, I'm still learning to make a clean code.

I cannot reproduce your code.
If you can take a look of my example.
n = 1234567890
print(f"I have {n:,} Reputations")
I have 1,234,567,890 Reputations


Find the total number of occurrence of a string in a cyclic string

I'm currently learning Python and I'm stuck on this specific question.
Here is my current code:
word = input()
text = 0
wordch = 0
positions = 0
repeated = 0
while repeated != 2:
for i in range(0, len(tablet)):
if tablet[i] == word[wordch]:
text += 1
wordch += 1
if text == len(word):
positions += 1
text = 0
wordch = 0
elif repeated == 1 and text == len(word):
positions += 1
text = 0
wordch = 0
elif i == len(tablet)-1:
repeated += 1
elif tablet[i] != word[wordch]:
text == 0
wordch == 0
I would hope for a code that is really basic using the same concepts but please do answer.
Thank you!
I have tried to solve the problem by using a different approach. As we know that we can only use (len(fav_word)) - 1 letters if we tried to create the substring in a cyclic manner from the end since if we took any more characters, we would have created them from the start itself without the cycle.
So, I just created a new string from the original string by appending the starting (len(fav_word)) - 1 to the original string and then find all occurrences of the fav_string in the new string.
def find_all(a_str, sub):
start = 0
while True:
start = a_str.find(sub, start)
if start == -1: return
yield start
start += 1
x = "cabccabcab"
fav = "abc"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 3
x = "ababa"
fav = "aba"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 2
x = "aaaaaa"
fav = "aa"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 6
x = "abaaba"
fav = "aaba"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 2
def find_str(g,find):
lg = len(g)
lf = len(find)
for index, i in enumerate(g):
if i == find[0]:
if index+lf <= lg:
s = "".join(g[index:index+lf])
if s == find:
rem = "".join(g[index:])
lr = len(rem)
for index,i in enumerate(g):
if lr == lf:
if rem == find:
return x
def split(word):
return [char for char in word]
x = "aaaaaa"
pattern = "aa"
while ok:
if buffer==pattern:
if len(mylist)==0:

Equivalent strings don't give equivalent bitstrings in Python

I'm currently making an encryption program for an assignment however I cannot decrypt. The cause of this is that the key is a string made from a randomly generated bitstring however when turning the key back into a bitstring I get a different bitstring. I realized this after checking and finding out that the bitstring after turning the key back to binary is shorter than the bitstring used to make the key.
from socket import *
import random
def CCipher(message, k):
output = ""
for x in message:
i = ord(x)
i = (i+k)%128
output += chr(i)
return output
def toBinary(message):
output = ""
for x in message:
i = bin(ord(x))[2:]
output += i
return output
def XOR(bitstring1, bitstring2):
output = ""
if(len(bitstring1) != len(bitstring2)):
print("Use bitstrings of the same length")
return None
for x in range(len(bitstring1)):
if(bitstring1[x] == "1" and bitstring2[x] == "0"):
output += "1"
elif(bitstring1[x] == "0" and bitstring2[x] == "1"):
output += "1"
output += "0"
return output
def randomBinary(k):
output = ""
for x in range(k):
i = random.randint(0,1)
output = output + str(i)
return output
def toString(message):
output = ""
i = ""
n = 0
for x in message:
n += 1
i += x
if(n == 7):
output += chr(int(i,2))
n = 0
i = ""
return output
##server stuff#########################################
serverName = "OmariPC"
serverPort = 12347
clientSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
nowar = open("NoWar.dat",'r')
trump = open("Trump.dat","w")
message =
mesBin = toBinary(message)
bkey = randomBinary(len(mesBin))
encrypted = XOR(mesBin, bkey)
encrypted = toString(encrypted)
key = toString(bkey)
enKey = CCipher(key, 4)
if key == toString(bkey):
if len(toBinary(key)) == len(bkey):
def toBinary(message):
output = ""
for x in message:
i = bin(ord(x))[2:]
output += i
return output
bin(ord(x)) generates strings of variable length. For example:
>>> bin(ord(' '))
>>> bin(ord('a'))
You concatenate all of the results of bin() together, so there's no way to separate them later. Meanwhile, your toString() function reads exactly 7 "bits" at a time.
You could make bin() append chunks of a fixed-size instead:
# Pad the left with 0s to always generate a string of length 7.
# (Assumes that all input characters are ASCII.)
assert(ord(x) < 128)
bin(ord(x))[2:].rjust(7, '0')

Python input statement

I have created a battleship like game, and have it all completed except for one detail.
I have the following input statement:
x, y = input("Enter two numbers here: ").split()
with the 2 numbers being entered corresponding to the players chosen coordinates. I also need to be able to handle the entry of 'q' or 'h' for the quit or help options. However, since i am taking two variables from this statement when only a q or h is entered i get the error that the statement needs 2 elements to unpack, which makes sense. Any pointers on how to get around this?
import random, math
class oceanTreasure:
def __init__(self):
self.board = self.board()
self.found = 0
self.left = 3
self.sonarsLeft = 20
self.chests= []
def board(self):
board = []
for x in range(16): # the main list is a list of 60 lists
for y in range(61): # each list in the main list has 15 single-character strings.
return board
def chest(self):
chest1 = [random.randint(0,60), random.randint(0,15)]
chest2 = [random.randint(0,60), random.randint(0,15)]
chest3 = [random.randint(0,60), random.randint(0,15)]
self.chests = [chest1, chest2, chest3]
def getChestsLeft(self):
return self.found
def getChests(self):
return self.chests
def getTreasuresLeft(self):
return self.left
def getSonarsLeft(self):
return self.sonarsLeft
def dropSonar(self,x,y):
ySonar = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g']
whichAxis, axis = self.checkDistance(x,y)
if whichAxis == True:
sonar = axis
if whichAxis == 'xaxis':
sonar = axis
elif whichAxis == 'yaxis':
sonar = ySonar[axis-1]
elif whichAxis == None:
sonar = axis
self.board[int(y)][int(x)] = sonar
self.sonarsLeft -=1
return axis
def checkDistance(self,x,y):
closest = self.chests[0]
distance = 100
for chest in self.chests:
temp = math.sqrt(math.pow((chest[0]-int(x)),2) + math.pow((chest[1]-int(y)),2))
if temp < distance:
closest = chest
distance = temp
xaxis =math.fabs((closest[0] - int(x)))
yaxis = math.fabs((closest[1]-int(y)))
if yaxis == 0 and xaxis == 0:
self.found +=1
self.left -=1
return True, 'X'
elif xaxis <= 9 and yaxis <=5 :
if yaxis == 0 :
return 'xaxis',int(math.fabs(xaxis))
if xaxis == 0 :
return 'yaxis',int(math.fabs(yaxis))
if min(xaxis//2,yaxis) ==(xaxis//2) :
return 'xaxis', int(math.fabs(xaxis))
elif min(xaxis//2,yaxis) == (yaxis) or xaxis == 0 :
return 'yaxis', int(math.fabs(yaxis))
else: return None,0
def drawBoard(self):
firstLine = ' '
for i in range(1,7):
firstLine += (' '*9) + str(i)
secondLine = ' '
secondLine += ('0123456789' *6)
i = 0
for i in range(0,16):
boardRow = ''
for x in range(0,61):
boardRow += str(self.board[i][x])
if i < 10:
print(str(i) +' ' + str(boardRow) + str(i))
if i >= 10:
print(str(i) +' ' + str(boardRow) + str(i))
device = 'devices'
if self.sonarsLeft ==1:
device = 'device'
print('You have %s sonar %s availabe. You have found %s treasures and have %s left' %(self.sonarsLeft, device, self.found, self.left))
ocean = oceanTreasure()
gameOver = False
instructionsList = ['This is a treasure hunting game.' , 'You begin the game with 20 sonar devices available (each device has a range of 9 units in the x axis and 5 in the y axis).','When you place a device, if an "O" is displayed that means there are no chests in range.', 'If a number from 1-9 is displayed, the closest chest is within n units away on the X axis.', 'If a letter from a-e is displayed, the closest chest is n units away on the Y axis (a =1, b =2 and so on...).', 'The game ends when you run out of sonar devices, all the treasure is found or you enter "q" to quit.', 'Thanks for playing and happy hunting!']
while ocean.getTreasuresLeft() != 0 and ocean.getSonarsLeft() >0 and gameOver == False:
response = False
coordinate = False
while response == False:
inputString = input("Enter two numbers seperated by a space (X Y): ")
if inputString == 'q':
gameOver = True
response = True
elif inputString == 'h':
for instruction in instructionsList:
response = True
x,y = inputString.split()
assert int(x) <=60 and int(y) <=15
response = True
coordinate = True
except AssertionError:
print('Please enter a valid move')
if gameOver == True:
#whichAxis, axis =ocean.checkDistance(x,y)
if coordinate == True:
axis = ocean.dropSonar(x,y)
if axis == 'X':
print('Congratulations, you have found a treasure!')
if ocean.getTreasuresLeft() == 0:
print('Congratulations, you found all the treasure')
elif ocean.getSonarsLeft() == 0:
print('Sorry, you ran out of sonar devices, the remaining chests were: %s ' % str(ocean.getChests()))
How about separating the tests to be a little clearer:
input_string = input("Enter two numbers here: ")
if input_string == 'q':
elif input_string == 'h':
x,y = input_string.split()
That way you can test for your special cases, and process the x and y if they are not found.
may be this, for example:
a = input("text")
b = a.split()
if len(b) == 1:
if b[0] == 'q':
elif b[0] == 'h':
print 'it is help ... '
elif len(b) == 2:
# process for two inputted numbers
You can just separate the input:
# get the input
ipt = input("Enter two numbers here: ")
# check if your option is entered
if ipt == 'q' or ipt == 'h':
# do something
x,y = ipt.split()

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2), listcomp

Been trying to learn python and therefore using a pre-made minesweeper and the exercise was to make a class of some functions. But i seem to fet the error:
line 66, in <listcomp>
values = [grid[r][c] for r,c in self.getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno)]
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
And i have no idea how to fix it, tried .items but i have no idea what to do. Hopefully i can get some help/tips. Thank you!
import string
import random
gridsize = int(input('SIZE:'))
numberofmines = int(input('MINES:'))
def setupgrid(gridsize,start,numberofmines):
grid = [['0' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
mines = generatemines(grid,start,numberofmines)
p = omringande(grid)
return (grid,mines)
def showgrid(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
horizontal = ' '+4*gridsize*'-'+'-'
# Print top column letters
toplabel = ' :) '
for i in string.ascii_lowercase[:gridsize]:
toplabel = toplabel+i+' '
print (toplabel,'\n',horizontal)
# Print left row numbers
for idx,i in enumerate(grid):
row = '{0:2} |'.format(idx+1)
for j in i:
row = row+' '+j+' |'
print (row+'\n'+horizontal)
print ('')
def getrandomcell(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
a = random.randint(0,gridsize-1)
b = random.randint(0,gridsize-1)
return (a,b)
class omringande(object):
def __init__(self,grid):
self.grid = grid
def getneighbors(self,grid,rowno,colno):
gridsize = len(grid)
row = grid[rowno]
column = grid[rowno][colno]
neighbors = []
for i in range(-1,2):
for j in range(-1,2):
if i == 0 and j == 0: continue
elif -1<rowno+i<gridsize and -1<colno+j<gridsize:
return (row,column)
def getnumbers(self,grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
for rowno,row in enumerate(grid):
for colno,col in enumerate(row):
if col!='X':
# Gets the values of the neighbors
values = [grid[r][c] for r,c in self.getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno)]
# Counts how many are mines
grid[rowno][colno] = str(values.count('X'))
# Generate mines
def generatemines(grid,start,numberofmines):
gridsize = len(grid)
mines = []
for i in range(numberofmines):
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
while cell==(start[0],start[1]) or cell in mines:
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
for i,j in mines: grid[i][j] = 'X'
return mines
def showcells(grid,currgrid,rowno,colno):
# Exit function if the cell was already shown
if currgrid[rowno][colno]!=' ':
# Show current cell
currgrid[rowno][colno] = grid[rowno][colno]
# Get the neighbors if the cell is empty
if grid[rowno][colno] == '0':
for r,c in omringande.getneighbors(grid,rowno,colno):
# Repeat function for each neighbor that doesn't have a flag
if currgrid[r][c] != 'F':
def playagain():
choice = input('Play again? (y/n): ')
return choice.lower() == 'y'
def playgame():
currgrid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
grid = []
flags = []
helpmessage = "Type the column followed by the row (eg. a5).\nTo put or remove a flag, add 'f' to the cell (eg. a5f)\n"
print (helpmessage)
while True:
while True:
lastcell = str(input('Enter the cell ({} mines left): '.format(numberofmines-len(flags))))
print ('\n\n')
flag = False
if lastcell[2] == 'f': flag = True
except IndexError: pass
if lastcell == 'help':
print (helpmessage)
lastcell = (int(lastcell[1])-1,string.ascii_lowercase.index(lastcell[0]))
except (IndexError,ValueError):
print ("Invalid cell.",helpmessage)
if len(grid)==0:
grid,mines = setupgrid(gridsize,lastcell,numberofmines)
rowno,colno = lastcell
if flag:
# Add a flag if the cell is empty
if currgrid[rowno][colno]==' ':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = 'F'
# Remove the flag if there is one
elif currgrid[rowno][colno]=='F':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = ' '
else: print ('Cannot put a flag there')
# If there is a flag there, show a message
if (rowno,colno) in flags:
print ('There is a flag there')
if grid[rowno][colno] == 'X':
print ('Game Over\n')
if playagain(): playgame()
else: exit()
if set(flags)==set(mines):
print ('You Win')
if playagain(): playgame()
else: exit()
I keep getting the error when the player is supposed to make their move. Tried using (mentioned in other forums) the ".items" but without success.

Calculator which parses user input

import string
# Strength of operations:
# -> [] (brackets)
# 6 -> ~ (negative)
# 5 -> #, $, & (average, maximum, minimum)
# 4 -> %, ! (modulo, factorial)
# 3 -> ^ (power)
# 2 -> *, / (multiplication, division)
# 1 -> +, - (addition, subtraction)
def BinaryOperation(exp, idx):
""" Gets an expression and an index of an operator and returns a tuple with (first_value, operator, second_value). """
first_value = 0
second_value = 0
#Get first value
idx2 = idx -1
if idx2 == 0:
first_value = exp[idx2:idx]
while (idx2 > 0) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
idx2 -=1
if (exp[idx2] in ("-")) or (exp[idx2] in string.digits):#-5*3
first_value = exp[idx2:idx]
first_value = exp[idx2+1:idx]
#Get second value
idx2 = idx +1
if exp[idx+1] not in string.digits: #If there is something like 1*+5, second_sign will be +.
idx2 += 1 #idx2 will begin from the char after the sign.
while (idx2 < len(exp)) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
idx2 += 1
second_value = exp[idx+1:idx2]
return (first_value, exp[idx], second_value)
def UnaryOperation(exp, idx):
""" Gets an expression and an index of an operator and returns a tuple with (operator, value). """
#Get value
idx2 = idx+1
if exp[idx+1] not in string.digits: #If there is something like ~-5, second_sign will be -.
idx2 += 1 #idx2 will begin from the char after the sign.
while (idx2 < len(exp)) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
idx2 +=1
return (exp[idx], exp[idx+1:idx2])
def Brackets(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] == "[":
close_bracket = exp.find("]")
if close_bracket == -1:
raise Exception("Missing closing bracket.")
exp_brackets = exp[idx+1:close_bracket]
value = str(solve(exp_brackets))
exp = exp.replace("[" + exp_brackets + "]", value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level6(exp)
def Level6(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] in ("~"):
sub_exp = UnaryOperation(exp, idx)
value = ~int(sub_exp[1])
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level5(exp)
def Level5(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] in ("#", "$", "&"):
#Average, Maximum and Minimum
sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
first_value = int(sub_exp[0])
second_value = int(sub_exp[2])
if sub_exp[1] == "#":
value = (first_value + second_value)/2
if sub_exp[1] == "$":
value = first_value if first_value > second_value else second_value
if sub_exp[1] == "&":
value = first_value if first_value < second_value else second_value
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level4(exp)
def Level4(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] in ("%","!"):
#Modulo and Factorial
if exp[idx] == "%":
sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
value = int(sub_exp[0]) % int(sub_exp[2])
if exp[idx] == "!":
sub_exp = UnaryOperation(exp, idx)
value = reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, range(1, int(sub_exp[1])+1))
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level3(exp)
def Level3(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] in ("^"):
sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
value = int(sub_exp[0]) ** int(sub_exp[2])
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level2(exp)
def Level2(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if exp[idx] in ("*", "/"):
#Multiplication and Division
sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
if sub_exp[1] == "*":
value = int(sub_exp[0]) * int(sub_exp[2])
if sub_exp[1] == "/":
value = int(sub_exp[0]) / int(sub_exp[2])
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return Level1(exp)
def Level1(exp):
idx = 0
while idx < len(exp):
if (exp[idx] in ("+", "-")) and (idx != 0):
#Addition and Subtraction
sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
if sub_exp[1] == "+":
value = int(sub_exp[0]) + int(sub_exp[2])
if sub_exp[1] == "-":
value = int(sub_exp[0]) - int(sub_exp[2])
value = str(value)
exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.
idx += 1
return exp
def solve(exp):
exp = Brackets(exp)
return float(exp) if "." in exp else int(exp)
def remove_whitespace(exp):
""" Gets a string and removes all whitespaces and tabs """
exp = exp.replace(" ", "")
exp = exp.replace("\t", "")
return exp
while True:
exp = raw_input("")
exp = remove_whitespace(exp)
print solve(exp)
I have written this program after a lot of effort, and I was wondering about the efficiency of that solution and if it's neat.
So my question is, how plain is this program and is there any better way to rewrite it?
just for the point.
>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: 1+1
>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: (6*4^2)
>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: (3/2.3)*4
for an innocent program, you can use eval
but you really shouldn't use it ever. its only real use is confusing people, and being a fun novelty if you write programs fro yourself and decide you want a calculator.
there are many ways to write a calculator function.
try some of these other answers:
Python creating a calculator
Basic calculator program in python
python calculator program
If you want to check out some custom class-based evaluation engines in Python, these might help you:
Expression Evaluator (version 1 with source)
Math Evaluator (version 2 with source)
again = True
answer = ""
while again is True:
expression = raw_input("Enter your expression: ")
found = False
oper = -1
operator1 = 0
operator2 = 0
while found==False:
if (expression.find("+")>0 and expression.find("+")<len(expression)-1):
found = True
oper = expression.find("+")
operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
print "{} + {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1+operator2)
elif(expression.find("-")>0 and expression.find("-")<len(expression)-1):
found = True
oper = expression.find("-")
operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
print "{} - {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1-operator2)
elif(expression.find("*")>0 and expression.find("*")<len(expression)-1):
found = True
oper = expression.find("*")
operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
print "{} * {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1*operator2)
elif(expression.find("/")>0 and expression.find("/")<len(expression)-1):
found = True
oper = expression.find("/")
operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
print "{} / {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1/operator2)
oper = -1
found = False
print "Incorrect expression, please try again"
again = False
answer = raw_input("Try again?: ")
if(answer == "y" or answer=="yes" or answer =="Y" or answer == "YES"):
again = True
again = False
print "Thank you for playing! See you next time."
print "Failed, check your expression and try again"
