I am trying to convert an xarray Dataset to a Pandas dataframe. It used to take minutes, but after an xarray library update, it takes hours.
I read in a list of 40 large netcdf datasets (each dataset is 1GB, totaling 40GB) using the command:
with xr.open_mfdataset(infile_list, combine='by_coords') as ds:
The data has lon, lat, day, crs dimensions. I select a single lat and lon slice using the command:
station = ds.sel(lon=-84.7250, lat=42.3583, method='nearest')
I try to convert this slice to a pandas dataframe. The output dataframe I expect would have 8 data variables.
df = station.to_dataframe()
I am able to convert a single data variable from the slice to a Pandas series in 1.5 minutes using the command:
df = station["wind_speed"].to_series()
Do I need to change how I read in the large datasets? Or is there a workaround to get to a pandas dataframe faster?
I have got the below plot of temperature in a time series dates aggregated hourly.
What I am trying to do is to interpolate the missing values between 2019 and 2020, using pandas pd.interpolate, and generate results hourly (same frequency as the rest of the data in weather_data). My data is called weather_data, the index column is called date_time (dtype is float64) and the temperature column has also got float64 as the dtype. Here is what I have tried:
test = weather_datetime_index.temperature.interpolate("cubicspline")
This gave the same plot. I also tried (based on this post):
interpolated_temp = weather_datetime_index["temperature"].astype(float).interpolate(method="time")
still gave the same plot.
I also tried (as per this post):
test = weather_datetime_index.temperature.interpolate("spline",limit_direction="forward", order=1)
but still gave me the same plot.
How can I interpolate this data using pd.interpolate?
I am trying to plot random rows in a dataset, where the data consists of data collated across different dates. I have plotted it in such a way that the x-axis is labelled for the specific dates, and there is no interpolation between dates.
The issue I am having, is that the values plotted by matplotlib, do not match the entry values in the dataset. I am unsure as to what is happening here, would anyone be able to provide some insight, and possibly as to how I would fix it?
I have attached an image of the dataset and the plot, with the code contained below.
The code for generating the x-ticks, is as follows:
In: #creating a flat dates object such that dates are integer objects
flat_Dates_dates = flat_Dates[2:7]
Out: [20220620, 20220624, 20220627, 20220701, 20220708]
In: #creating datetime object(pandas, not datetime module) to only plot specific dates and remove interpolation of dates
date_obj_pd = pd.to_datetime(flat_Dates_dates, format=("%Y%m%d"))
Out: DatetimeIndex(['2022-06-20', '2022-06-24', '2022-06-27', '2022-07-01',
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
As you can see from the dataset, the plotted trends should not take that form, the data values are wildly different from where they should be on the graph.
Edit: Apologies, I forgot to mention x = date_obj_pd - which is why I added the code, essentially just the array of datetime objects.
y is just the name of the pandas DataFrame (data table) I have included in the image.
You are plotting columns instead of rows. The blue line contains elements 1:7 from the first column, namely these:
If you transpose the dataframe you should get the desired result:
plt.plot(x, y[1:7].transpose(), 'o--')
I am using tsfresh for extracting features from my data.
inital data:
My inital data was timeseries data of a machine sensor.
I used the third column to add another column named hub. It represents the cycles of the machine. Also I converted the Timestamp to integer "Timesteps" for each cycle. Rsulting in this Dataframe:
when extracting the features the algorithm returns 787 features for each of my datarows.
from tsfresh import extract_features
extracted_features = extract_features(df_sample, column_id="hub", column_sort="step")
features = extracted_features.columns.tolist()
But when I use the select features method with the labeled vector y, it gives back an empty dataframe.
I dont understand why?
from tsfresh import select_features
from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import impute
features_filtered = select_features(extracted_features, y)
I am pretty new to feature extraction.
If anybody has any pointers, as to how I could extract good features from the cyclic timeseries data, I would be very thankful.
The plot of the sensor value over the crankshaft position is shown below.
I have sets of Google Analytics data from a website which I plan to analyse for a project. However, due to maintenance and other factors, there are chunks of dates for which there is no data. I want to impute this data while still maintaining the integrity of the data as I plan to plot these sets and compare the curves of different sets to each-other over time.
I want to use the nearest valid datapoints to each missing datapoint to impute that value in order to maintain the underlying shape that can be seen from the image.
I've already tried to use scikit-learn's KNN-Imputer and Iterative Imputer but I'm either miss-understanding how these imputers are supposed to be used or they're not the correct for what I'm trying to do, potentially both.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', names=['Day','Views'],delimiter=',',skiprows=3, usecols=[0,1], skipfooter=1, engine='python', quoting= 1)
df = df.replace(0, np.nan)
da = df.Views.rename_axis('ID').values
da = da.reshape(-1,1)
imputer = IterativeImputer(n_nearest_features = 100, max_iter = 10)
df_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(da)
df.Views = df_imputed
All of the NaN values are calculated to be the exact same number from what I have currently implemented.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem here was I reshaping the array. My data was just a 1D array of values so I was making it 2D by reshaping the array which was causing all the NaN values to be calculated as the same. When I added an index column and included this as an input to the imputer the values were calculated correctly.I also ended up using a KNN imputer from sklearn instead of the iterative imputer in this instance.
This is undoubtedly a bit of a "can't see the wood for the trees" moment. I've been staring at this code for an hour and can't see what I've done wrong. I know it's staring me in the face but I just can't see it!
I'm trying to convert between two geographical co-ordinate systems using Python.
I have longitude (x-axis) and latitude (y-axis) values and want to convert to OSGB 1936. For a single point, I can do the following:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapefile
import pyproj
inProj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
outProj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:27700')
x1,y1 = (-2.772048, 53.364265)
x2,y2 = pyproj.transform(inProj,outProj,x1,y1)
This produces the following:
-2.772048 53.364265
348721.01039783185 385543.95241055806
Which seems reasonable and suggests that longitude of -2.772048 is converted to a co-ordinate of 348721.0103978.
In fact, I want to do this in a Pandas dataframe. The dataframe contains columns containing longitude and latitude and I want to add two additional columns that contain the converted co-ordinates (called newLong and newLat).
An exemplar dataframe might be:
latitude longitude
0 53.364265 -2.772048
1 53.632481 -2.816242
2 53.644596 -2.970592
And the code I've written is:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapefile
import pyproj
inProj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
outProj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:27700')
df = pd.DataFrame({'longitude':[-2.772048,-2.816242,-2.970592],'latitude':[53.364265,53.632481,53.644596]})
def convertCoords(row):
x2,y2 = pyproj.transform(inProj,outProj,row['longitude'],row['latitude'])
return pd.Series({'newLong':x2,'newLat':y2})
df[['newLong','newLat']] = df.apply(convertCoords,axis=1)
Which produces:
latitude longitude newLong newLat
0 53.364265 -2.772048 385543.952411 348721.010398
1 53.632481 -2.816242 415416.003113 346121.990302
2 53.644596 -2.970592 416892.024217 335933.971216
But now it seems that the newLong and newLat values have been mixed up (compared with the results of the single point conversion shown above).
Where have I got my wires crossed to produce this result? (I apologise if it's completely obvious!)
When you do df[['newLong','newLat']] = df.apply(convertCoords,axis=1), you are indexing the columns of the df.apply output. However, the column order is arbitrary because your series was defined using a dictionary (which is inherently unordered).
You can opt to return a Series with a fixed column ordering:
return pd.Series([x2, y2])
Alternatively, if you want to keep the convertCoords output labelled, then you can use .join to combine results instead:
return pd.Series({'newLong':x2,'newLat':y2})
df = df.join(df.apply(convertCoords, axis=1))
Please note that the transform function of pyproj accepts also arrays, which is quite useful when it comes to large dataframes, and much faster than using lambda/apply function
import pandas as pd
from pyproj import Proj, transform
inProj, outProj = Proj(init='epsg:4326'), Proj(init='epsg:27700')
df['newLon'], df['newLat'] = transform(inProj, outProj, df['longitude'].tolist(), df['longitude'].tolist())