I am having some trouble with a model I want to analyze. I am trying to plot two differential equations however I am very new to doing this and am not getting it to work. Any help is appreciated
#Polyaneuploid cell development during cancer
#two eqns
#Fixed Points:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def modelC(C,t):
λc = 0.0601
K = 2000
α = 1 * (10**-4)
ν = 1 * (10**-6)
λp = 0.1
γ = 2
def modelP(P,t):
λc = 0.0601
K = 2000
α = 1 * (10**-4)
ν = 1 * (10**-6)
λp = 0.1
γ = 2
#returning odes
dPdt = ((λp))*P(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)+ (α*C)
dCdt = ((λc)*C)(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)-(α*C) + (ν*P)
return dPdt, dCdt
#initial conditions
C0= 256
P0 = 0
#time points
t = np.linspace(0,30)
#solve odes
P = odeint(modelP,t,P0, args = (C0,))
C = odeint(modelC,t,C0, args= (P0,))
#P = odeint(modelP, P0 , t)
#P = P[:, 2]
#C = odeint(modelC, C0 , t)
#C = C[:, 2]
#plot results
plt.xlabel('time in days')
This is just what I have so far, and currently I am getting this error: ValueError: diff requires input that is at least one dimensional
Any tips on how to get the graphs to show?
You need to put your initial conditions in a list like so:
initial_conditions = [C0, P0]
P = odeint(modelP,t,initial_conditions)
you still have some error in your P function where try to access C which is not defined in the local scope of your function neither passed as an argument.
def modelP(P,t,C):
λc = 0.0601
K = 2000
α = 1 * (10**-4)
ν = 1 * (10**-6)
λp = 0.1
γ = 2
#returning odes
dPdt = ((λp))*P(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)+ (α*C)
dCdt = ((λc)*C)(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)-(α*C) + (ν*P)
return dPdt, dCdt
#initial conditions
C0= 256
P0 = 0
Pconds = [P0]
#time points
t = np.linspace(0,30)
#solve odes
P = odeint(modelP,t, Pconds, args=(C0,))
The solver deals with flat arrays with no inherent meaning in the components. You need to add that meaning, unpack the input vector into the state object, at the start of the model function, and remove that meaning, reduce the state to a flat array or list, at the end of the model function.
Here this is simple, the state consists of 2 scalars. Thus a structure for the model function is
def model(X,t):
P, C = X
return dPdt, dCdt
Then integrate as
X = odeint(model,(P0,C0),t)
P,C = X.T
I'm trying to solve 4 coupled ODEs.
I used odeint to solve them, but I can't find the exact method for ODEs including a function as a variable of ODEs. The function is elastance(t) here. The code that I made is as follows:
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def elastance(t):
t = np.array(t)
Senzaki_table_4=np.array([[28.38975, np.pi/2],[37.58583, .08367674],[21.02345, -1.486758], [7.665592, 2.865675], [4.809436, .1677238], [4.181973, 4.630239], [1.940692, 3.088379], [.5870049, -.3053668], [1.181256, 4.410703], [.84039, 3.181538], [.02259011, 1.242886], [.3071458, 4.156753], [.3226207, 2.946186]])
hrt_rate = 95
E_es = 2
period = 60/hrt_rate
t_sin = t/period*2*np.pi
E1 = 1e-2*np.ones(t.shape)[:,None]#Senzaki_table_4[:,0].transpose()[None,:]
E2 = np.sin(t_sin[:,None] # np.arange(0,13)[None,:] + np.ones(t.shape)[:,None] # Senzaki_table_4[:,1][None,:])
#E00 = E1*E2
E = E_es * np.sum(E1 * E2, 1)
return E
def opencircuit(x, t):
# constants
pressure_conversion = 1333.2237
L_la = 0.00005
v_lv0 = 2
v_d0 = 205+370+401
R_c = 90/pressure_conversion
R_d = 1200/pressure_conversion
C_d = 8e-4*pressure_conversion
p_la = 12
initial_v_lv = 128.35607011204
initial_v_d = 1053.96962417265
initial_t = 0
num_cycles = 2.75
hrt_rate = 95
final_t = 60 / hrt_rate * num_cycles
# assgin each ODE to a vector element
Q_m = x[0]; v_lv = x[1]; Q_a = x[2]; v_d = x[3]
# define each ODE
dQ_m_dt = (p_la - elastance([t])*(v_lv- v_lv0))/L_la
dv_lv_dt = Q_m - Q_a
dQ_a_dt = 1/L_lv*(elastance([t])*(v_lv-v_lv0) - R_c*Q_a - (v_d-v_d0)/C_d)
dv_d_dt = Q_a - (v_d-v_d0)/R_d/C_d
return [dQ_m_dt, dv_lv_dt, dQ_a_dt, dv_d_dt]
# initial conditions
x0 = [0, 2, 0, 205+370+401]
# test the defined odes
# print(opencircuit(x=x0, t=0))
# declare a time vector (time window)
t = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001)
x = odeint(opencircuit, x0, t)
Q_m = x[:, 0]
v_lv = x[:, 1]
Q_a = x[:, 2]
v_d = x[:, 3]
# plot the results
plt.plot(t, elastance(t))
plt.plot(t, Q_m); plt.plot(t, v_lv)
plt.plot(t, Q_a); plt.plot(t, v_d)
When I plot elastance(t), it works well.
The first one is the graph which I plotted and the second one is the solution.
I think there is no problem with elastance(t).
4 ODEs should be plotted as follows.
enter image description here
However, they are plotted like this.
enter image description here
I don't care whether the graphs are displayed at once or separated.
Is there any idea for elastance(t) to work well in 4 coupled ODEs?
I found some clips teaching how to solve coupled ODEs with variables,
but I don't think function elastance(t) can work as if it is a variable.
I don't mind if it's a small part, so please advise.
I'm sorry if my English was not good.
I am trying to assign an infinite value to a variable of gekko. I have tried with the numpy's infinite value and python's own infinite but it is still not working due to a problem of recognition of gekko.
The main objective of this idea is to force a variable to be strictly equal to 0, at least in the first iteration of the solver.
from gekko import GEKKO
from numpy import Inf
And the error I am getting:
Exception: #error: Model Expression
*** Error in syntax of function string: Invalid element: inf
Moreover, sometimes other variables are also required to be infinite, again, variables that are located in the denominator of a model equation. This is quite useful in order to try different scenarios of the simulation I am working with and check the systems behavior.
Hope you can help me, thank you.
The large-scale NLP and MINLP solvers don't know how to compute gradients with a np.nan value so initializing with NaN generally doesn't help. Please post example code that demonstrates the issue that you are observing with improved performance from NaN initialization.
Below are four unconstrained optimization methods compared on the same sample problem. The algorithms do not benefit from NaN for initialization. Some solvers substitute NaN with 0 or a high or low number. I suggest that you try giving np.nan as an initial condition to these solution methods to see how it affects the search for the minimum.
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# define objective function
def f(x):
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
obj = x1**2 - 2.0 * x1 * x2 + 4 * x2**2
return obj
# define objective gradient
def dfdx(x):
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
grad = []
grad.append(2.0 * x1 - 2.0 * x2)
grad.append(-2.0 * x1 + 8.0 * x2)
return grad
# Exact 2nd derivatives (hessian)
H = [[2.0, -2.0],[-2.0, 8.0]]
# Start location
x_start = [-3.0, 2.0]
# Design variables at mesh points
i1 = np.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.1)
i2 = np.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.1)
x1_mesh, x2_mesh = np.meshgrid(i1, i2)
f_mesh = x1_mesh**2 - 2.0 * x1_mesh * x2_mesh + 4 * x2_mesh**2
# Create a contour plot
# Specify contour lines
lines = range(2,52,2)
# Plot contours
CS = plt.contour(x1_mesh, x2_mesh, f_mesh,lines)
# Label contours
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
# Add some text to the plot
plt.title(r'$f(x)=x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 4x_2^2$')
# Newton's method
xn = np.zeros((2,2))
xn[0] = x_start
# Get gradient at start location (df/dx or grad(f))
gn = dfdx(xn[0])
# Compute search direction and magnitude (dx)
# with dx = -inv(H) * grad
delta_xn = np.empty((1,2))
delta_xn = -np.linalg.solve(H,gn)
xn[1] = xn[0]+delta_xn
# Steepest descent method
# Number of iterations
n = 8
# Use this alpha for every line search
alpha = 0.15
# Initialize xs
xs = np.zeros((n+1,2))
xs[0] = x_start
# Get gradient at start location (df/dx or grad(f))
for i in range(n):
gs = dfdx(xs[i])
# Compute search direction and magnitude (dx)
# with dx = - grad but no line searching
xs[i+1] = xs[i] - np.dot(alpha,dfdx(xs[i]))
# Conjugate gradient method
# Number of iterations
n = 8
# Use this alpha for the first line search
alpha = 0.15
neg = [[-1.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0]]
# Initialize xc
xc = np.zeros((n+1,2))
xc[0] = x_start
# Initialize delta_gc
delta_cg = np.zeros((n+1,2))
# Initialize gc
gc = np.zeros((n+1,2))
# Get gradient at start location (df/dx or grad(f))
for i in range(n):
gc[i] = dfdx(xc[i])
# Compute search direction and magnitude (dx)
# with dx = - grad but no line searching
if i==0:
beta = 0
delta_cg[i] = - np.dot(alpha,dfdx(xc[i]))
beta = np.dot(gc[i],gc[i]) / np.dot(gc[i-1],gc[i-1])
delta_cg[i] = alpha * np.dot(neg,dfdx(xc[i])) + beta * delta_cg[i-1]
xc[i+1] = xc[i] + delta_cg[i]
# Quasi-Newton method
# Number of iterations
n = 8
# Use this alpha for every line search
alpha = np.linspace(0.1,1.0,n)
# Initialize delta_xq and gamma
delta_xq = np.zeros((2,1))
gamma = np.zeros((2,1))
part1 = np.zeros((2,2))
part2 = np.zeros((2,2))
part3 = np.zeros((2,2))
part4 = np.zeros((2,2))
part5 = np.zeros((2,2))
part6 = np.zeros((2,1))
part7 = np.zeros((1,1))
part8 = np.zeros((2,2))
part9 = np.zeros((2,2))
# Initialize xq
xq = np.zeros((n+1,2))
xq[0] = x_start
# Initialize gradient storage
g = np.zeros((n+1,2))
g[0] = dfdx(xq[0])
# Initialize hessian storage
h = np.zeros((n+1,2,2))
h[0] = [[1, 0.0],[0.0, 1]]
for i in range(n):
# Compute search direction and magnitude (dx)
# with dx = -alpha * inv(h) * grad
delta_xq = -np.dot(alpha[i],np.linalg.solve(h[i],g[i]))
xq[i+1] = xq[i] + delta_xq
# Get gradient update for next step
g[i+1] = dfdx(xq[i+1])
# Get hessian update for next step
gamma = g[i+1]-g[i]
part1 = np.outer(gamma,gamma)
part2 = np.outer(gamma,delta_xq)
part3 = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(part2),part1)
part4 = np.outer(delta_xq,delta_xq)
part5 = np.dot(h[i],part4)
part6 = np.dot(part5,h[i])
part7 = np.dot(delta_xq,h[i])
part8 = np.dot(part7,delta_xq)
part9 = np.dot(part6,1/part8)
h[i+1] = h[i] + part3 - part9
More information is available in the design optimization course.
Response to Edit
Thanks for clarifying the question and for including a source code example. While it isn't possible to include Inf as a guess, an equivalent form with an additional variable x may be able to accomplish the desired behavior. This sets the term (T[1]-T[0])/R initially equal to zero at the beginning iteration.
from gekko import GEKKO
from numpy import Inf
I am trying to model a system of coupled ODEs which represent a three-box ocean model of phosphorous concentration (y) in the low-latitude surface ocean (Box 1), high-latitude deep ocean (Box 2), and deep ocean (Box 3). The ODEs are given below:
dy1dt = (Q/V1)*(y3-y1) - y1/tau # dP/dt in Box 1
dy2dt = (Q/V2)*(y1-y2) + (qh/V2)*(y3-y2) - (fh/V2) # dP/dt in Box 2
dy3dt = (Q/V3)*(y2-y3) + (qh/V3)*(y2-y3) + (V1*y1)/(V3*tau) + (fh/V3) # dP/dt in Box 3
The constants and box volumes are given by:
### Define Constants
tau = 86400 # s
VT = 1.37e18 # m3
Q = 25e6 # m3/s
qh = 38e6 # m3/s
fh = 0.0022 # mol/m3
avp = 0.00215 # mol/m3
### Calculate Surface Area of Ocean
r = 6.4e6 # m
earth = 4*np.pi*(r**2) # m2
ocean = .70*earth # m2
### Calculate Volumes for Each Box
V1 = .85*100*ocean # m3
V2 = .15*250*ocean # m3
V3 = VT-V1-V2 # m3
This can be put into matrix form y = Ay + f, where y = [y1, y2, y3]. I have provided the matrices and initial conditions below:
A = np.array([[(-Q/V1)-(1/tau),0,(Q/V1)],
f = np.array([[0],[-fh/V2],[fh/V3]])
y1 = y2 = y3 = 0.00215 # mol/m3
I am having trouble adapting the Forward Euler method to apply to a system on linear ODEs, rather than just one. This is what I have come up with so far (it runs with no issues but doesn't work if that makes sense; I think it has something t do with initial conditions?):
### Define a Function for the Euler-Forward Scheme
import numpy as np
def ForwardEuler(t0,y0,N,dt):
N = 100
dt = 0.1
# Create empty 2D arrays for t and y
t = np.zeros([N+1,3,3]) # steps, # variables, # solutions
y = np.zeros([N+1,3,3])
# Assign each ODE to a vector element
y1 = y[0]
y2 = y[1]
y3 = y[2]
# Set initial conditions for each solution
t[0, 0] = t0[0]
y[0, 0] = y0[0]
t[0, 1] = t0[1]
y[0, 1] = y0[1]
t[0, 2] = t0[2]
y[0, 2] = y0[2]
for i in trange(int(N)):
t[i+1] = t[i] + t[i]*dt
y1[i+1] = y1[i] + ((Q/V1)*(y3[i]-y1[i]) - (y1[i]/tau))*dt
y2[i+1] = y2[i] + ((Q/V2)*(y1[i]-y2[i]) + (qh/V2)*(y3[i]-y2[i]) - (fh/V2))*dt
y3[i+1] = y3[i] + ((Q/V3)*(y2[i]-y3[i]) + (qh/V3)*(y2[i]-y3[i]) + (V1*y1[i])/(V3*tau) + (fh/V3))*dt
return t, y1, y2, y3
Any help on this is greatly appreciated. I have not found any resources online that go through the Euler Forward for a system of 3 ODEs, and am at a loss. I am happy to explain further if there are more questions.
As Lutz Lehmann pointed out, you need to design a simple ODE system. You could define the whole ODE system inside a function as follows:
import numpy as np
def fun(t, RHS):
# get initial boundary condition values
y1 = RHS[0]
y2 = RHS[1]
y3 = RHS[2]
# calculte rate of respective variables
dy1dt = (Q/V1)*(y3-y1) - y1/tau
dy2dt = (Q/V2)*(y1-y2) + (qh/V2)*(y3-y2) - (fh/V2)
dy3dt = (Q/V3)*(y2-y3) + (qh/V3)*(y2-y3) + (V1*y1)/(V3*tau) + (fh/V3)
# Left-hand side of ODE
LHS = np.zeros([3,])
LHS[0] = dy1dt
LHS[1] = dy2dt
LHS[2] = dy3dt
return LHS
In the above function, we get time t as an argument and the initial values of y1, y2, and y3 as a list in the variable RHS, which is then unpacked to get the respective variables. Afterward, the rate equation of each variable is defined. In the end, the calculated rates are returned also as a list in the variable LHS.
Now, we can define a simple Euler Forward method to solve this ODE system as follows:
def ForwardEuler(fun,t0,y0,N,dt):
t = np.arange(t0,N+dt,dt)
y = np.zeros([len(t), len(y0)])
y[0] = y0
for i in range(len(t)-1):
y[i+1,:] = y[i,:] + fun(t[i],y[i,:]) * dt
return t, y
Here, we create a time range from 0 to 100 with a step size of 0.1. Afterward, we create an array of zeros with the shape (len(t), len(y0)) which is in this case (1001,3). We need to do this because we want to solve fun for the range of t (1001) and the RHS variable of fun has a shape of (3,) ([y1, y2, y3]). So for each and every point in t, we will solve for the three variables of RHS, which will be returned as LHS.
In the end, we can solve this ODE system as follows:
dt = 0.1
N = 100
y0 = [0.00215, 0.00215, 0.00215]
t0 = 0
t,y = ForwardEuler(fun,t0,y0,N,dt)
Solution using scipy.integrate
As Lutz Lehmann also pointed out, you can use scipy.integrate for this purpose as well which is far easier. Here you can use the above defined fun and simply solve the ODE as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
dt = 0.1
N = 100
t = np.linspace(0,N,int(N/dt))
y0 = [0.00215, 0.00215, 0.00215]
res = odeint(fun, y0, t, tfirst=True)
I'm trying to solve the following system: d²i/dt² + R'(i)/L di/dt + 1/LC i(t) = 1/L dE/dt as a set of coupled first order differential equations:
di/dt = k
dk/dt = 1/L dE/dt - R'(i)/L k - 1/LC i(t)
Here is the code I'm using:
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
#Define model: x = [i , k]
def RLC(x , t):
i = sp.Symbol('i')
t = sp.Symbol('t')
E = sp.ln(t + 1)
dE_dt = E.diff(t)
R1 = 1000 #1 kOhm
R2 = 100 #100 Ohm
R = R1 * i + R2 * i**3
dR_di = R.diff(i)
i = x[0]
k = x[1]
L = 10e-3 #10 mHy
C = 1.56e-6 #1.56 uF
di_dt = k
dk_dt = 1/L * dE_dt - dR_di/L * k - 1/(L*C) * i
dx_dt = np.array([di_dt , dk_dt])
return dx_dt
#init cond:
x0 = np.array([0 , 0])
#time points:
time = np.linspace(0, 30, 1000)
#solve ODE:
x = odeint(RLC, x0, time)
i = x[: , 0]
However, I get the following error: TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'
So, I don't know if sympy and odeint don't work well together. Or maybe is it a problem because I defined t as sp.Symbol?
When you differentiate a function, you get a function back. So you need to evaluate it at a point in order to get a number. To evaluate a sympy expression, you could use .subs() but I prefer .replace() which feels more powerful (at least for me).
You must try and make every single variable have its own name in order to avoid confusion. For example, you replace the float input t with a sympy Symbol from the very beginning, thus losing the value of t. The variables x and i are also repeated in the outer scope which is not good practice if they mean different things.
The following should avoid confusion and hopefully produce something that you were expecting:
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
# Define model: x = [i , k]
def RLC(x, t):
# define constants first
i = x[0]
k = x[1]
L = 10e-3 # 10 mHy
C = 1.56e-6 # 1.56 uF
R1 = 1000 # 1 kOhm
R2 = 100 # 100 Ohm
# define symbols (used to find derivatives)
i_symbol = sp.Symbol('i')
t_symbol = sp.Symbol('t')
# Data (differentiate and evaluate)
E = sp.ln(t_symbol + 1)
dE_dt = E.diff(t_symbol).replace(t_symbol, t)
R = R1 * i_symbol + R2 * i_symbol ** 3
dR_di = R.diff(i_symbol).replace(i_symbol, i)
# nothing should contain symbols from here onwards
# variables can however contain sympy expressions
# Model (convert sympy expressions to floats)
di_dt = float(k)
dk_dt = float(1 / L * dE_dt - dR_di / L * k - 1 / (L * C) * i)
dx_dt = np.array([di_dt, dk_dt])
return dx_dt
# init cond:
x0 = np.array([0, 0])
# time points:
time = np.linspace(0, 30, 1000)
# solve ODE:
solution = odeint(RLC, x0, time)
result = solution[:, 0]
Just something to note: the value i = x[0] seemed to sit very close to 0 throughout each iteration. This means dR_di stayed basically at 1000 the whole time. I'm not familiar with odeint or your specific ODE, but hopefully this phenomenon is expected and isn't a problem.
I am simulating a chemical reaction of the form A --> B --> C using a chemical batch reactor model. The corresponding ODE is a follows:
dcA/dt = - kA * cA(t) ** nA1
dcB/dt = kA * cA(t) ** nA1 - kB * cB(t) **nB2
dcC/dt = - kB * cB(t) ** nB2
Pyomo solves the ODE system fine if the exponents nA1 and nB2 are 1 or higher. But in my case they below 1 and as the components concentrations approach zero the ode integration fails, giving out only nans. The reason is that once the concentrations approach zero they numerically become values of cA(t) = -10e-20 for example and then the expression cA(t)**nA1 is not solvable any more.
I tried to implement a workaround of the form:
if cA < 0:
R1 = 0
R1 = kA * cA(t) ** nA1
but I wasn't able to do it properly as I had a hard time using the pyomo synthax.
This is the minimal working example:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.dae import *
V = 40 # l
kA = 0.5 # 1/min
kB = 0.1 # 1/min
nA1 = 0.5
nB2 = 0.5
cAf = 2.0 # mol/l
def batch_plot(t, y):
plt.plot(t, y[:, 0], label = "cA")
plt.plot(t, y[:, 1], label = "cB")
plt.plot(t, y[:, 2], label = "cC")
def batch():
m = ConcreteModel()
m.t = ContinuousSet(bounds = (0, 500))
m.cA = Var(m.t, domain = NonNegativeReals)
m.cB = Var(m.t, domain = NonNegativeReals)
m.cC = Var(m.t, domain = NonNegativeReals)
m.dcA = DerivativeVar(m.cA, wrt = m.t)
m.dcB = DerivativeVar(m.cB, wrt = m.t)
m.dcC = DerivativeVar(m.cC, wrt = m.t)
m.cA[0] = cAf
m.cB[0] = 0
m.cC[0] = 0
R1 = lambda m, t: kA * m.cA[t] ** nA1
R2 = lambda m, t: kB * m.cB[t] ** nB2
m.odeA = Constraint(m.t, rule = lambda m, t: m.dcA[t] == - R1(m, t) )
m.odeB = Constraint(m.t,
rule = lambda m, t: m.dcB[t] == R1(m, t) - R2(m, t) )
m.odeC = Constraint(m.t,
rule = lambda m, t: m.dcC[t] == R2(m, t) )
return m
tsim, profiles = Simulator(batch(), package = "scipy").simulate(numpoints = 100)
batch_plot(tsim, profiles)
I expect the ode integration to work even with reaction orders below 1.
Does anybody have an idea on how to achieve this?
There are two aims in modifying the power function x^n:
extend to negative x in a smooth way so that the numerical method does not hiccup close to x=0 and
have a small slope for small x so that the numerical integration for very small x has a greater chance to be stable.
The first condition is satisfied by constructs like
x*max(eps,abs(x))^(n-1) or
which all have the exact same value x^n for x>eps and are continuous and piecewise smooth. But the slope at x=0 is of the size eps^(n-1) which will require very small step sizes even after the system stabilizes.
The solution is to extract even more integer power from the rational power in the form of
x*abs(x) * max(eps,abs(x))^(n-2)
or one of the other variants for the last factor. For 0<x<eps and n=0.5 this results in the value r(x)=x^2 * eps^(-1.5), so that the equation x'=-k*r(x) has the solution x(t)=x1/(1+x1*k*eps^(-1.5)*(t-t1)) after it fell to a point 0<x1<eps at t=t1. The slope of r is smaller 2, which is nice for numerical integrators.
This was implemented for scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, using method LSODA and rather strict tolerances, with the ODE right side function
# your original function, stabilizes at negative values
power0 = lambda x,n: max(0,x) ** n;
# linear at x=0, small step sizes
def power1(x,n): eps=1e-4; return x * max(eps, abs(x)) ** (n-1);
def power2(x,n): eps=1e-4; return x * (eps**2+(x-eps)**2) ** (0.5*(n-1))
# quadratic at x=0, large step sizes on the tail
eps = 1e-8
power3 = lambda x,n: x * abs(x) * max(eps,abs(x)) ** (n-2)
power4 = lambda x,n: x * abs(x) * (eps**2+(x-eps)**2) ** (0.5*n-1)
# select the power approximation used
power = power3
def model(t,u):
cA, cB, Cc = u;
R1 = kA * power(cA, nA1)
R2 = kB * power(cB, nB2)
return [ -R1, R1-R2, R2 ]
The integration runs successfully, using step sizes 20-30 in the tail end. The resulting plot looks qualitatively correct,
and in the zoom for small values is smooth and remains positive.