Fire multiple delays sequentially - python

My class should take the current start time, and activate the end time by delaying it with clock by calling the function later by the given delay amount. Then I want to fire another clock that delays a print function and embeds the value of the final end-time to it.
However, I cannot yet understand how to fire both sequentially, for example:
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.task import Clock
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
#import time
class controlTime:
start_time = time.time()
def end_time(self):
end_time = time.time()
return end_time
def delayTime(self, delay=0):
clock = Clock()
clock.callLater(delay, self.end_time)
def additionalFunc(self, sec):
final_time = sec - self.start_time
print(f'You have delayed for: {final_time} s')
def finalTime(self, g_delay=0):
clock = Clock()
clock.callLater(g_delay, self.additionalFunc, self.end_time())
ctrl = controlTime()
deferred_signal = Deferred()
deferred_signal2 = Deferred()
dl1 = deferred_signal.addCallback(ctrl.delayTime)
dl2 = deferred_signal2.addCallback(ctrl.finalTime)
The issue is that no delay is activated and each function get's fired straight away.
time.sleep can help with the delay, however I want to avoid using this and rely on the built-in delays provided by clock.


how to terminate a thread from within another thread [duplicate]

How can I start and stop a thread with my poor thread class?
It is in loop, and I want to restart it again at the beginning of the code. How can I do start-stop-restart-stop-restart?
My class:
import threading
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.stopped = False
def run(self):
i = 0
while not self.stopped:
i = i + 1
In the main code, I want:
inst = Concur()
while conditon:
# After some operation
# Some other operation
You can't actually stop and then restart a thread since you can't call its start() method again after its run() method has terminated. However you can make one pause and then later resume its execution by using a threading.Condition variable to avoid concurrency problems when checking or changing its running state.
threading.Condition objects have an associated threading.Lock object and methods to wait for it to be released and will notify any waiting threads when that occurs. Here's an example derived from the code in your question which shows this being done. In the example code I've made the Condition variable a part of Thread subclass instances to better encapsulate the implementation and avoid needing to introduce additional global variables:
from __future__ import print_function
import threading
import time
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
super(Concur, self).__init__()
self.iterations = 0
self.daemon = True # Allow main to exit even if still running.
self.paused = True # Start out paused.
self.state = threading.Condition()
def run(self):
while True:
with self.state:
if self.paused:
self.state.wait() # Block execution until notified.
# Do stuff...
self.iterations += 1
def pause(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = True # Block self.
def resume(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = False
self.state.notify() # Unblock self if waiting.
class Stopwatch(object):
""" Simple class to measure elapsed times. """
def start(self):
""" Establish reference point for elapsed time measurements. """
self.start_time = time.time()
return self
def elapsed_time(self):
""" Seconds since started. """
return time.time() - self.start_time
except AttributeError: # Wasn't explicitly started.
self.start_time = time.time()
return 0
MAX_RUN_TIME = 5 # Seconds.
concur = Concur()
stopwatch = Stopwatch()
print('Running for {} seconds...'.format(MAX_RUN_TIME))
while stopwatch.elapsed_time < MAX_RUN_TIME:
# Can also do other concurrent operations here...
# Do some other stuff...
# Show Concur thread executed.
print('concur.iterations: {}'.format(concur.iterations))
This is David Heffernan's idea fleshed-out. The example below runs for 1 second, then stops for 1 second, then runs for 1 second, and so on.
import time
import threading
import datetime as DT
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def worker(cond):
i = 0
while True:
with cond:
i += 1
format='[%(asctime)s %(threadName)s] %(message)s',
cond = threading.Condition()
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(cond, ))
t.daemon = True
start =
while True:
now =
if (now-start).total_seconds() > 60: break
if now.second % 2:
with cond:
The implementation of stop() would look like this:
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
If you want to restart, then you can just create a new instance and start that.
while conditon:
inst = Concur()
#after some operation
#some other operation
The documentation for Thread makes it clear that the start() method can only be called once for each instance of the class.
If you want to pause and resume a thread, then you'll need to use a condition variable.

PyQT5 show spend time on window

I have QMediaPlayer and QVideoWidget for playing videos with spended time QLineEdit and finish program QLineEdit. I am trying to do make a counter that show how many minutes user spended on this program and when user reachs finish program limit pop-up a dialog. For that I create a thread function:
def update_video_timer(self):
end_time = int(self.end_time.text())
start_time = 0
while start_time <= end_time:
start_time = start_time + 1
# minutes
# reachs limit
dlg = QDialog(self)
dlg.setWindowTitle("YOUR TIME HAS FINISHED!")
I call this function when first video started to play:
from threading import Thread
But the problem is when video starts to play, program is freezing. Any help and/or improvement of my code is welcome.
Tasks in a GUI must be asynchronous and invoke synchronous tasks that consume very little time. If synchronous tasks consume a lot of time then they must be executed in another thread. In your case it is not necessary to use while + time.sleep() but a counter with a QTimer is enough and thus it is not necessary to use threads:
self.timer = QTimer(self, interval=60 * 1000)
self.start_time = 0
self.end_time = 0
def start(self):
self.end_time = int(self.end_time.text())
except ValueError as e:
def on_timeout(self):
if self.start_time <= self.end_time:
self.start_time += 1
dlg = QDialog(self)
dlg.setWindowTitle("YOUR TIME HAS FINISHED!")

Timer in Python on Windows

If I have a function called a lot of times in a for loop and this function sometimes is running too much time, how can I use a timer for each call of function(to set and reset the timer each time)?
It looks like:
def theFunction(*args):
#some code (timer is on)
#In this point time is out, break and exit function
#Timer is reseted
for i in range(0,100):
Use the time module like so:
import time
time_start = time.time()
#Do function stuff
time_stop = time.time()
#Check your time now
timed_segment = time_stop - time_start
#Repeat if needed
To run this multiple times in a for loop you will need to append times into a list as it runs like so:
import time
def function():
times_list = []
for x in range(10)
time_start = time.time()
#Do function stuff
time_stop = time.time()
#Check your time now
timed_segment = time_stop - time_start
#Repeat as many times as needed
return times_list
If you want to break after a certain amount of time you can use a while loop instead like so:
import time
def function():
times_list = []
time_start = time.time()
time_end = time.time()
while time_end - time_start < 10: #after 10 seconds the while loop will time out
#Your function does stuff here
time_end = time.time()
#Next, append times to a list if needed
time_list.append(time_start - time_end)
return times_list
To stop the function after a certain time regardless of where it is, we can use threading like so:
import threading
from time import sleep
def do_stuff():
print("1 + 2")
t = threading.Thread(target=do_stuff)
t.join(timeout = 5)
In the above example, calling timeout in join will kill the thread after 5 seconds. We can also put this into a decorator if we plan on reusing it many times like so:
import threading
from time import sleep
def timeout(func):
def inner_func(*nums, **kwargs):
t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(*nums,))
return inner_func
def do_stuff(a,b):
There is another module called timeit which can measure the execution time of small code snippets. I believe you can use that also. I have never used that module but it should work.
Here is the link to the doc page. Give it a look ::
see How to use timeit module as well
For high re-usability and ease of implementations, I would recommend -
Using decorators -
from time import time
def time_it(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def foo(s='this works'):
Using -

how to get a Python timing object to retain appropriate information within function and decorator scopes

I'm writing a module for quick and easy timing in a Python program. The idea is that little instances of clocks can be created throughout the code. These clocks are available as objects that can be started, stopped, started again and queried. Any clocks instantiated are added to a module list of all clocks. At the conclusion of the program, a printout of all clocks (either a listing of all clocks or the means of all similar clocks) can be requested of this list.
I've got a lot of it working, but the timing of functions is still causing me difficulty. Specifically, the times measured for the functions are measured as 0 using either explicit clocks or using a decorator, when the time measured for functions 1 and 1 should be ~3 seconds and ~4 seconds respectively.
I suspect that I am not retaining the clock attribute _startTimeTmp in an appropriate way (it can be reset for the purposes of internal calculations).
I would really appreciate some guidance on getting the timers working correctly. I've got myself a bit confused on how to solve it!
I'm aware that the code may look slightly long, but I've minimized it as much as I know how to without obscuring the vision of what I'm trying to do overall (so that any suggestions proposed don't remove critical functionality). I do think it's reasonably clear how it works, at least.
module (
from __future__ import division
import os
import time
import uuid as uuid
import datetime
import inspect
import functools
def _main():
global clocks
clocks = Clocks()
def time_UTC(
style = None
datetimeObject = datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
style = style
def style_datetime_object(
datetimeObject = None,
# filename safe
if style == "YYYY-MM-DDTHHMMSSZ":
# microseconds
# elegant
elif style == "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC":
return(datetimeObject.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ'))
# UNIX time in seconds with second fraction
elif style == "UNIX time S.SSSSSS":
(datetimeObject -\
# UNIX time in seconds rounded
elif style == "UNIX time S":
int((datetimeObject -\
# filename safe
def UID():
class Clock(object):
def __init__(
name = None,
start = True
self._name = name
self._start = start # Boolean start clock on instantiation
self._startTime = None # internal (value to return)
self._startTimeTmp = None # internal (value for calculations)
self._stopTime = None # internal (value to return)
self._updateTime = None # internal
# If no name is specified, generate a unique one.
if self._name is None:
self._name = UID()
# If a global clock list is detected, add a clock instance to it.
if "clocks" in globals():
if self._start:
def start(self):
self._startTimeTmp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
self._startTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def stop(self):
self._updateTime = None
self._startTimeTmp = None
self._stopTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Update the clock accumulator.
def update(self):
if self._updateTime:
self.accumulator += (
datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self._updateTime
self.accumulator += (
datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self._startTimeTmp
self._updateTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def reset(self):
self.accumulator = datetime.timedelta(0)
self._startTimeTmp = None
# If the clock has a start time, add the difference between now and the
# start time to the accumulator and return the accumulation. If the clock
# does not have a start time, return the accumulation.
def elapsed(self):
if self._startTimeTmp:
def name(self):
def time(self):
def startTime(self):
if self._startTime:
return(style_datetime_object(datetimeObject = self._startTime))
def stopTime(self):
if self._stopTime:
return(style_datetime_object(datetimeObject = self._stopTime))
def report(
string = "clock attribute".ljust(39) + "value"
string += "\nname".ljust(40) +
string += "\ntime start (s)".ljust(40) + self.startTime()
string += "\ntime stop (s)".ljust(40) + self.stopTime()
string += "\ntime elapsed (s)".ljust(40) + str(self.time())
string += "\n"
def printout(self):
def timer(function):
def decoration(
arguments = inspect.getcallargs(function, *args, **kwargs)
clock = Clock(name = function.__name__)
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
class Clocks(object):
def __init__(
self._listOfClocks = []
self._defaultReportStyle = "statistics"
def add(
def report(
style = None
if style is None:
style = self._defaultReportStyle
if self._listOfClocks != []:
if style == "statistics":
# Create a dictionary of clock types with corresponding lists of
# times for all instances.
dictionaryOfClockTypes = {}
# Get the names of all clocks and add them to the dictionary.
for clock in self._listOfClocks:
dictionaryOfClockTypes[] = []
# Record the values of all clocks for their respective names in
# the dictionary.
for clock in self._listOfClocks:
# Create a report, calculating the average value for each clock
# type.
string = "clock type".ljust(39) + "mean time (s)"
for name, values in dictionaryOfClockTypes.iteritems():
string += "\n" +\
str(name).ljust(39) + str(sum(values)/len(values))
string += "\n"
elif style == "full":
# Create a report, listing the values of all clocks.
string = "clock".ljust(39) + "time (s)"
for clock in self._listOfClocks:
string += "\n" +\
str( + str(clock.time())
string += "\n"
string = "no clocks"
def printout(
style = None
if style is None:
style = self._defaultReportStyle
print( = style))
main code example (
import shijian
import time
import inspect
def main():
print("create clock alpha")
alpha = shijian.Clock(name = "alpha")
print("clock alpha start time: {time}".format(time = alpha.startTime()))
print("sleep 2 seconds")
print("clock alpha current time (s): {time}".format(time = alpha.time()))
print("\ncreate clock beta")
beta = shijian.Clock(name = "beta")
print("clock beta start time: {time}".format(time = beta.startTime()))
print("clock beta stop time: {time}".format(time = beta.stopTime()))
print("sleep 2 seconds")
print("clock beta current time (s): {time}".format(time = beta.time()))
print("stop clock beta")
print("clock beta start time: {time}".format(time = beta.startTime()))
print("clock beta stop time: {time}".format(time = beta.stopTime()))
print("sleep 2 seconds")
print("clock beta start time: {time}".format(time = beta.startTime()))
print("clock beta stop time: {time}".format(time = beta.stopTime()))
print("clock beta current time (s): {time}".format(time = beta.time()))
print("\nclock beta printout:\n")
print("create two gamma clocks")
gamma = shijian.Clock(name = "gamma")
gamma = shijian.Clock(name = "gamma")
print("sleep 2 seconds")
print("\ncreate two unnamed clocks")
delta = shijian.Clock()
epsilon = shijian.Clock()
print("sleep 2 seconds")
print("\nrun function 1 (which is timed using internal clocks)")
print("\nrun function 2 (which is timed using a decorator)")
print("\nclocks full printout:\n")
shijian.clocks.printout(style = "full")
print("clocks statistics printout:\n")
def function1():
functionName = inspect.stack()[0][3]
clock = shijian.Clock(name = functionName)
print("initiate {functionName}".format(functionName = functionName))
print("terminate {functionName}".format(functionName = functionName))
def function2():
functionName = inspect.stack()[0][3]
print("initiate {functionName}".format(functionName = functionName))
print("terminate {functionName}".format(functionName = functionName))
if __name__ == '__main__':
example terminal output:
create clock alpha
clock alpha start time: 2015-01-03T090124Z
sleep 2 seconds
clock alpha current time (s): 2.000887
create clock beta
clock beta start time: 2015-01-03T090126Z
clock beta stop time: none
sleep 2 seconds
clock beta current time (s): 2.002123
stop clock beta
clock beta start time: 2015-01-03T090126Z
clock beta stop time: 2015-01-03T090128Z
sleep 2 seconds
clock beta start time: 2015-01-03T090126Z
clock beta stop time: 2015-01-03T090128Z
clock beta current time (s): 2.002123
clock beta printout:
clock attribute value
name beta
time start (s) 2015-01-03T090126Z
time stop (s) 2015-01-03T090128Z
time elapsed (s) 2.002123
create two gamma clocks
sleep 2 seconds
create two unnamed clocks
sleep 2 seconds
run function 1 (which is timed using internal clocks)
initiate function1
terminate function1
run function 2 (which is timed using a decorator)
initiate function2
terminate function2
clocks full printout:
clock time (s)
alpha 17.023659
beta 2.002123
gamma 11.018138
gamma 11.018138
1919f9de-85ce-48c9-b1c8-5164f3a2633e 9.017148
d24c818c-f4e6-48d0-ad72-f050a5cf86d3 9.017027
function1 0.0
function2 0.0
clocks statistics printout:
clock type mean time (s)
function1 0.0
function2 0.0
1919f9de-85ce-48c9-b1c8-5164f3a2633e 9.017283
beta 2.002123
alpha 17.023834
d24c818c-f4e6-48d0-ad72-f050a5cf86d3 9.017163
gamma 11.0182835
The Clock does not get updated when it is stopped. The minimal fix is:
def stop(self):
self._updateTime = None
self._startTimeTmp = None
self._stopTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
You have three other errors:
You should test for None by identity (if foo is not None) not truthiness (if foo), to avoid issues with False-y values that aren't None;
shijian.timer doesn't return result, so although the timing will work you'll break any code that expects a return from the decorated function; and
If you want the code to work in Python 2 and 3, you can't use dict.iteritems, which doesn't exist in the latter. If you only want it to work in Python 2, either from __future__ import print_function or use print whatever rather than print(whatever).
Additionally, your code is not at all compliant with the style guide (or, worse, even internally consistent - compare the definition of Clock.start with that of, for example).
There is also room for improvement in the design and functionality (e.g. could be a #property, and I would separate the table printing from the generation of results). You should consider submitting your code for Code Review, once you have:
tested; and
style-guide-complianced it
(you might find using pylint helpful for the latter).
Finally, I assume you're doing this for learning purposes rather than because you need the functionality, as Python has its own profilers.

executing specific statement at a given rate in python

I want to write a code which execute a statement specified number of times per second,
Many of you might be familier about the term rate
Here i want rate to be 30 per second
say i want to execute a function 30 times per second for 60 seconds
means rate=30/sec duration=60sec
Can any one tell me is their any api available in python to do the same ?
The sched module is intended for exactly this:
from __future__ import division
import sched
import time
scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
def schedule_it(frequency, duration, callable, *args):
no_of_events = int( duration / frequency )
priority = 1 # not used, lets you assign execution order to events scheduled for the same time
for i in xrange( no_of_events ):
delay = i * frequency
scheduler.enter( delay, priority, callable, args)
def printer(x):
print x
# execute printer 30 times a second for 60 seconds
schedule_it(1/30, 60, printer, 'hello')
For a threaded environment, the use of sched.scheduler can be replaced by threading.Timer:
from __future__ import division
import time
import threading
def schedule_it(frequency, duration, callable, *args, **kwargs):
no_of_events = int( duration / frequency )
for i in xrange( no_of_events ):
delay = i * frequency
threading.Timer(delay, callable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs).start()
def printer(x):
print x
schedule_it(5, 10, printer, 'hello')
Try using threading.Timer:
def hello():
print "hello, world"
t = Timer(30.0, hello)
t.start() # after 30 seconds, "hello, world" will be printed
You can use time.time() to do what you want:
import time
def your_function():
# do something...
while True:
start = time.time() # gives current time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (in Unix)
while True:
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - start >= 1.0/30.0:
This will make sure that the delay between calls of your_function is very close to 1/30 of a second, even if your_function takes some time to run.
There is another way: using Pythons built-in scheduling module, sched. I never used it, so I can't help you there, but have a look at it.
After some time spending i discovered how to do it well i used multiprocessing in python to achieve it
here's my solution
#!/usr/bin/env python
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
import time
import datetime
def sleeper(name, seconds):
print "PNAME:- %s"%name
if __name__ == '__main__':
for sec in range(5):
while flag!=1:
if (time2-time1).seconds==1:
print "Executing Per second"
for no in range(5):
pros[i] = Process(target=sleeper, args=("Thread-%d"%i, 1))
for no in range(5):
for no in range(5):
for p in processes:
