I am trying to extract the English and Korean names of each municipality in South Korea from a municipality-level geojson file, and here is my Python code.
import json
import pandas as pd
Korean_municipalities = json.load(open('skorea-municipalities-2018-geo.json', 'r'))
munic_map_eng = {}
for feature in Korean_municipalities['features']:
feature['id'] = feature['properties']['name_eng']
munic_map_eng[feature['properties']['name']] = feature['id']
df_munic = pd.DataFrame(list(munic_map_eng.items()))
There are 250 municipalities. That is
len(Korean_municipalities['features']) = 250
However, there are only 227 in the data frame df_munic. That is
df_munic.shape = (227,2)
It seems like 23 municipalities are missing in this case. I use the same set of codes on province and sub-municipality level. For the sub-municipality level, the issue is the same: 3504 submunicipalties, but the data frame has only 3142 rows. However, there is no such problem at the province level (17 provinces).
Any idea where things may go wrong?
There must be duplicate feature['properties']['name'] values. You're using this as the dictionary key, and keys must be unique, so you only get one row in the dataframe for each name.
Use a list instead of a dictionary to save them all.
import json
import pandas as pd
Korean_municipalities = json.load(open('skorea-municipalities-2018-geo.json', 'r'))
munic_list_eng = []
for feature in Korean_municipalities['features']:
feature['id'] = feature['properties']['name_eng']
munic_list_eng.append((feature['properties']['name'], feature['id']))
df_munic = pd.DataFrame(munic_list_eng)
First time posting here, I apologize if this question has been asked before - I can't find anything that applies.
Is there a way to read the underlying data from an Excel PivotTable into a Pandas Data Frame? For several years I've had an Excel Auto_Open macro that downloads several Excel files and double clicks on the "Grand Total" row in order to extract all of the data, which ultimate gets imported into a database. This is done because the owners of the source data refuse to grant access to the database itself.
This macro has never been the ideal scenario and we need to move it to a better method soon. I have extensive SQL knowledge but have only recently begun to learn Python.
I have been able to read worksheets using OpenPyXl, but these files do not contain the source data on a separate worksheet by default - the pivotcache must be extracted to a new sheet first. What I would like to do, if possible, is read from the Excel PivotCache into a Pandas Data Frame and either save that output as a CSV or load it directly into our database. It seems that this is not capable with OpenPyXl and that I'll probably need to use win32com.client.
Does anybody have any experience with this, and know if it's even possible? Any pointers for where I might get started? I've tried several items from the Excel Object model (PivotCache, GetData, etc etc) but either I don't know how to use them or they don't return what I need.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
This answer is very late, but I came up with it while struggling with the same issue, and some of the comments above helped me nail it.
In essence, the steps one can take to solve this with openpyxl are:
Use openpyxl to get the openpyxl.pivot.table.TableDefinition object from the desired pivot table (let's call it my_pivot_table)
Get cached fields and their values from my_pivot_table.cache.cacheFields
Get rows data as a dict in two sub-steps:
3.1) Get all cached rows and their values from my_pivot_table.cache.records.r. Cache fields in these records are stored as indexes from my_pivot_table.cache.cacheFields
3.2) Replace cache fields from each record by their actual values, by "joining" cache.records.r and cache.cacheFields
Convert dict with rows into a pandas DataFrame
Below you will find a copy of the code that implements such solution. Since the structure of these Excel objects are somewhat complex, the code will probably look very cryptic (sorry about that). To address this, I'm adding further below minimal examples of the main objects being manipulated, so people can get a better sense of what is going on, what are the objects being returned, etc.
This was the simplest approach I could find to achieve this. I hope it is still useful for someone, albeit some tweaking may be needed for individual cases.
"Bare" code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.pivot.fields import Missing
file_path = 'path/to/your/file.xlsx'
workbook = load_workbook(file_path)
worksheet = workbook['Plan1']
# Name of desired pivot table (the same name that appears within Excel)
pivot_name = 'Tabela dinâmica1'
# Extract the pivot table object from the worksheet
pivot_table = [p for p in worksheet._pivots if p.name == pivot_name][0]
# Extract a dict of all cache fields and their respective values
fields_map = {}
for field in pivot_table.cache.cacheFields:
if field.sharedItems.count > 0:
fields_map[field.name] = [f.v for f in field.sharedItems._fields]
# Extract all rows from cache records. Each row is initially parsed as a dict
column_names = [field.name for field in pivot_table.cache.cacheFields]
rows = []
for record in pivot_table.cache.records.r:
# If some field in the record in missing, we replace it by NaN
record_values = [
field.v if not isinstance(field, Missing) else np.nan for field in record._fields
row_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(column_names, record_values)}
# Shared fields are mapped as an Index, so we replace the field index by its value
for key in fields_map:
row_dict[key] = fields_map[key][row_dict[key]]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows)
>>> df.head(2)
0 GASOLINE (m3) 2000.0 S TEXAS m3 9563.263 9563.263 (...)
1 GASOLINE (m3) 2000.0 NE NEW YORK m3 3065.758 9563.263 (...)
Some of the objects details
Object pivot_table
This is an object of type openpyxl.pivot.table.TableDefinition. It is quite complex. A small glimpse of it:
<openpyxl.pivot.table.TableDefinition object>
name='Tabela dinâmica1', cacheId=36, dataOnRows=True, dataPosition=None, (A LOT OF OMITTED STUFF...)
ref='B52:W66', firstHeaderRow=1, firstDataRow=2, firstDataCol=1, rowPageCount=2, colPageCount=1, pivotFields=[<openpyxl.pivot.table.PivotField object>
Parameters: (A LOT OF OMITTED STUFF...)
Object fields_map (from cache.cacheFields)
This is a dict with column name and their available values:
{'YEAR': [2000.0, 2001.0, 2002.0, 2003.0, 2004.0, 2005.0, 2006.0, 2007.0, 2008.0,
2009.0, 2010.0, 2011.0, 2012.0, 2013.0, 2014.0, 2015.0, 2016.0, 2017.0,
2018.0, 2019.0, 2020.0],
'STATE': ['TEXAS', 'NEW YORK', 'MAINE', (...)],
'REGION': ['S', 'NE', 'N', (...)]}
Object row_dict (before mapping)
Each row is a dict with column names and their values. Raw values for cache fields are not stored here. Here they are represented by their indexes in cache.cacheFields (see above)
{'YEAR': 0, # <<<--- 0 stands for index in fields_map
'Jan': 10719.983,
'Feb': 12482.281,
'FUEL': 0, # <<<--- index in fields_map
'Dec': 10818.094,
'STATE': 0, # <<<--- index in fields_map
'UNIT': 'm3'}
Object row_dict (after mapping)
After extracting raw values for cache fields from their indexes, we have a dict that represent all values of a row:
{'YEAR': 2000.0, # extracted column value from index in fields_map
'Jan': 10719.983,
'Feb': 12482.281,
'FUEL': 'GASOLINE (m3)', # extracted from fields_map
'Dec': 10818.094,
'STATE': 'TEXAS', # extracted from fields_map
'UNIT': 'm3'}
Building on #PMHM excellent answer I have modified the code to take care of source data with blank cells. The piece of code that needed modification is the following:
for field in pivot_table.cache.cacheFields:
if field.sharedItems.count > 0:
# take care of cases where f.v returns an AttributeError because the cell is empty
# fields_map[field.name] = [f.v for f in field.sharedItems._fields]
l = []
for f in field.sharedItems._fields:
l += [f.v]
except AttributeError:
l += [""]
fields_map[field.name] = l
The complete code (mostly copy/paste from above) is therefore:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.pivot.fields import Missing
file_path = 'path/to/your/file.xlsx'
workbook = load_workbook(file_path)
worksheet = workbook['Plan1']
# Name of desired pivot table (the same name that appears within Excel)
pivot_name = 'Tabela dinâmica1'
# Extract the pivot table object from the worksheet
pivot_table = [p for p in worksheet._pivots if p.name == pivot_name][0]
# Extract a dict of all cache fields and their respective values
fields_map = {}
for field in pivot_table.cache.cacheFields:
if field.sharedItems.count > 0:
# take care of cases where f.v returns an AttributeError because the cell is empty
# fields_map[field.name] = [f.v for f in field.sharedItems._fields]
l = []
for f in field.sharedItems._fields:
l += [f.v]
except AttributeError:
l += [""]
fields_map[field.name] = l
# Extract all rows from cache records. Each row is initially parsed as a dict
column_names = [field.name for field in pivot_table.cache.cacheFields]
rows = []
for record in pivot_table.cache.records.r:
# If some field in the record in missing, we replace it by NaN
record_values = [
field.v if not isinstance(field, Missing) else np.nan for field in record._fields
row_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(column_names, record_values)}
# Shared fields are mapped as an Index, so we replace the field index by its value
for key in fields_map:
row_dict[key] = fields_map[key][row_dict[key]]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows)
I am trying to combine the cell values (strings) in a dataframe column using groupby method, separating the cell values in the grouped cell using commas. I ran into the following error:
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, float found
The error occurs on the following line of code, see the code block for complete codes:
toronto_df['Neighbourhood'] = toronto_df.groupby(['Postcode','Borough'])['Neighbourhood'].agg(lambda x: ','.join(x))
It seems that in the groupby function, the index corresponding to each row in the un-grouped dataframe is automatically added to the string before it was joined. This causes the TypeError. However, I have no idea how to fix the issue. I browsed a lot of threads but didn't find a solution. I would appreciate any guidance or assistance!
# Import Necessary Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Use BeautifulSoup to scrap information in the table from the Wikipedia page, and set up the dataframe containing all the information in the table
wiki_html = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_postal_codes_of_Canada:_M').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(wiki_html, 'lxml')
# print(soup.prettify())
table = soup.find('table', class_='wikitable sortable')
table_columns = []
for th_txt in table.tbody.findAll('th'):
toronto_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=table_columns)
for row in table.tbody.findAll('tr')[1:]:
row_data = []
for td_txt in row.findAll('td'):
toronto_df = toronto_df.append({table_columns[0]: row_data[0],
table_columns[1]: row_data[1],
table_columns[2]: row_data[2]}, ignore_index=True)
# Remove cells with a borough that is Not assigned
toronto_df.replace('Not assigned',np.nan, inplace=True)
toronto_df = toronto_df[toronto_df['Borough'].notnull()]
toronto_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# If a cell has a borough but a Not assigned neighborhood, then the neighborhood will be the same as the borough
toronto_df['Neighbourhood'] = toronto_df.groupby(['Postcode','Borough'])['Neighbourhood'].agg(lambda x: ','.join(x))
The expected result of the 'Neighbourhood' column should separate the cell values in the grouped cell using commas, showing something like this (I cannot post images yet, so I just provide the link):
As mentioned in the comments, the NaN is a float, so trying to do string operations on it doesn't work (and this is the reason for the error message)
Replace your last part of code with this:
The filling of the nan is done with boolean indexing according to the logic you specified in your comment
# If a cell has a borough but a Not assigned neighborhood, then the neighborhood will be the same as the borough
toronto_df.Neighbourhood = np.where(toronto_df.Neighbourhood.isnull(),toronto_df.Borough,toronto_df.Neighbourhood)
toronto_df['Neighbourhood'] = toronto_df.groupby(['Postcode','Borough'])['Neighbourhood'].agg(lambda x: ','.join(x))
I have a shapefile that I would like to convert into dataframe in Python 3.7. I have tried the following codes:
import pandas as pd
import shapefile
sf_path = r'data/shapefile'
sf = shapefile.Reader(sf_path, encoding = 'Shift-JIS')
fields = [x[0] for x in sf.fields][1:]
records = sf.records()
shps = [s.points for s in sf.shapes()]
sf_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = fields, data = records)
But I got this error message saying
TypeError: Expected list, got _Record
So how should I convert the list to _Record or is there a way around it? I have tried GeoPandas too, but had some trouble installing it. Thanks!
def read_shapefile(sf_shape):
Read a shapefile into a Pandas dataframe with a 'coords'
column holding the geometry information. This uses the pyshp
fields = [x[0] for x in sf_shape.fields][1:]
records = [y[:] for y in sf_shape.records()]
#records = sf_shape.records()
shps = [s.points for s in sf_shape.shapes()]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields, data=records)
df = df.assign(coords=shps)
return df
I had the same problem and this is because the .shp file has a kind of key field in each record and when converting to dataframe, a list is expected and only that field is found, test changing:
records = [y[:] for y in sf.records()]
I hope this works!
I am using pandas, Jupyter notebooks and python.
I have a following dataset as a dataframe
I would like to know how I can use a box plot to answer the following question "Number of cars in Australia that were affected by each type". So basically, I should have 3 boxplots(for each type) showing the number of cars affected in Australia.
Please keep in mind that this is a subset of the real dataset.
You can select only the rows corresponding to "Australia" from the column "Country" and group it by the column "Type" as shown:
from StringIO import StringIO
import pandas as pd
text_string = StringIO(
df = pd.read_csv(text_string, sep = ",")
# Specifically checks in column name "Cars"
group = df.loc[df['Country'] == 'Australia'].boxplot(column = 'Cars', by = 'Type')
I have a CSV where one of the fields is a nested JSON object, stored as a string. I would like to load the CSV into a dataframe and parse the JSON into a set of fields appended to the original dataframe; in other words, extract the contents of the JSON and make them part of the dataframe.
1|67|{"loc":{"lat":45.7, "lon":38.9},"arrival": "Monday", "characteristics":{"body":{"color":"red", "make":"sedan"}, "manuf_year":2014}}
2|34|{"loc":{"lat":46.89, "lon":36.7},"arrival": "Tuesday", "characteristics":{"body":{"color":"blue", "make":"sedan"}, "manuf_year":2014}}
3|98|{"loc":{"lat":45.70, "lon":31.0}, "characteristics":{"body":{"color":"yellow"}, "manuf_year":2010}}
Note that not all keys are the same for all the rows.
I'd like it to produce a data frame equivalent to this:
data = {'id' : [1, 2, 3],
'dist' : [67, 34, 98],
'loc_lat': [45.7, 46.89, 45.70],
'loc_lon': [38.9, 36.7, 31.0],
'arrival': ["Monday", "Tuesday", "NA"],
'characteristics_body_color':["red", "blue", "yellow"],
'characteristics_body_make':["sedan", "sedan", "NA"],
'characteristics_manuf_year':[2014, 2014, 2010]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
(I'm really sorry, I can't get the table itself to look sensible in SO! Please don't be mad at me, I'm a rookie :( )
What I've tried
After a lot of futzing around, I came up with the following solution:
#Import data
df_raw = pd.read_csv("sample.csv", delimiter="|")
#Parsing function
def parse_request(s):
sj = json.loads(s)
norm = json_normalize(sj)
return norm
#Create an empty dataframe to store results
parsed = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id'])
#Loop through and parse JSON in each row
for i in df_raw.json_request:
parsed = parsed.append(parse_request(i))
#Merge results back onto original dataframe
df_parsed = df_raw.join(parsed)
This is obviously inelegant and really inefficient (would take multiple hours on the 300K rows that I have to parse). Is there a better way?
Where I've looked
I've gone through the following related questions:
Reading a CSV into pandas where one column is a json string
(which seems to only work for simple, non-nested JSON)
JSON to pandas DataFrame
(I borrowed parts of my solutions from this, but I can't figure out how to apply this solution across the dataframe without looping through rows)
I'm using Python 3.3 and Pandas 0.17.
Here's an approach that speeds things up by a factor of 10 to 100, and should allow you to read your big file in under a minute, as opposed to over an hour. The idea is to only construct a dataframe once all of the data has been read, thereby reducing the number of times memory needs to be allocated, and to only call json_normalize once on the entire chunk of data, rather than on each row:
import csv
import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
with open('sample.csv') as fh:
rows = csv.reader(fh, delimiter='|')
header = next(rows)
# "transpose" the data. `data` is now a tuple of strings
# containing JSON, one for each row
idents, dists, data = zip(*rows)
data = [json.loads(row) for row in data]
df = json_normalize(data)
df['ids'] = idents
df['dists'] = dists
So that:
>>> print(df)
arrival characteristics.body.color characteristics.body.make \
0 Monday red sedan
1 Tuesday blue sedan
2 NaN yellow NaN
characteristics.manuf_year loc.lat loc.lon ids
0 2014 45.70 38.9 1
1 2014 46.89 36.7 2
2 2010 45.70 31.0 3
Furthermore, I looked into what pandas's json_normalize is doing, and it's performing some deep copies that shouldn't be necessary if you're just creating a dataframe from a CSV. We can implement our own flatten function which takes a dictionary and "flattens" the keys, similar to what json_normalize does. Then we can make a generator which spits out one row of the dataframe at a time as a record. This approach is even faster:
def flatten(dct, separator='_'):
"""A fast way to flatten a dictionary,"""
res = {}
queue = [('', dct)]
while queue:
prefix, d = queue.pop()
for k, v in d.items():
key = prefix + k
if not isinstance(v, dict):
res[key] = v
queue.append((key + separator, v))
return res
def records_from_json(fh):
"""Yields the records from a file object."""
rows = csv.reader(fh, delimiter='|')
header = next(rows)
for ident, dist, data in rows:
rec = flatten(json.loads(data))
rec['id'] = ident
rec['dist'] = dist
yield rec
def from_records(path):
with open(path) as fh:
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(records_from_json(fh))
And here are the results of a timing experiment where I artificially increased the size of your sample data by repeating rows. The number of lines is denoted by n_rows:
method 1 (s) method 2 (s) original time (s)
96 0.008217 0.002971 0.362257
192 0.014484 0.004720 0.678590
384 0.027308 0.008720 1.373918
768 0.055644 0.016175 2.791400
1536 0.105730 0.030914 5.727828
3072 0.209049 0.060105 11.877403
Extrapolating linearly, the first method should read 300k lines in about 20 seconds, while the second method should take around 6 seconds.