I want to read data after specific string in csv file of pandas i know this can be acheive through indexing but data length is changing every time how do i acheive it by using pandas ?
Using Pandas, I'm trying to read an excel file that looks like the following:
another sample
I tried to read the excel file using the regular approach by running: df = pd.read_excel('filename.xlsx', skiprows=6).
But the problem with it is that I don't get all the columns names needed and most of the column names are Unnamed:1
Is there a way to solve these and read all the columns? Or an approach were I can convert it to a json file
I am bit new to python. Could someone help me to get the command to convert HDF5 file to dataframe.
I converted the dataframe to HDF5 file using
hdf = pd.HDFStore('hdf5_name.h5')
hdf.put('hdf', dataframe)
Now I wish to get back the dataframe. So what should I do?
In python, how can I read an unstructured csv file (with some redundant rows of texts) and output it as a new structured csv file using pandas?
There are some unwanted rows in the csv file (at the very beginning as shown by the picture) which is getting parsed as a unique column resulting in incorrect format of columns, but actually these lines should be ignored
The unstructured csv
The Desired Structure :
I have searched for a solution, but none of the previous questions here solve my problem
I have a dataframe that has 4 columns. I have to convert this dataframe to csv for working in my local computer. when I convert dataframe to csv I have only one column:
df = pd.read_csv("final.csv")
print df.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 20479 entries, 0 to 20478
Data columns (total 1 columns)
How can I convert this csv to dataframe with 4 columns?
Question is inconcise. Are you aiming to write a pandas dataframe object to a csv file, or create a dataframe object from an existing csv file?
Pandas Dataframe to CSV this link should be sufficient to write a df to a csv file, and vice versa listed here Dataframe from CSV.
A csv file (comma separated values) is separated by commas so make sure the separator is consistent.
When you read in your dataframe, you might have to explicitly state what type of separator is being used. I would open the csv in a text editor and see what the separator is. If, for example, the separator used was "|", I would use the following code:
df = pd.read_csv('final.csv', sep='|')
Then, to save to a .csv the code should be as simple as:
df.to_csv('path/to/file/csvFileName.csv', index=False)
I would recommend using index=False like I did, otherwise the pandas index will be included as a column in your csv file. Cheers.