I have a DataFrame that contains a column called feature that can have more than one of them as illustrated in the image below row 3 & 4. How do a add a row to the DataFrame that splits the two features:
so for row 3 as an example having:
sentiment = neg
feature = screen[-1], picture quality[-1]
attribute =
category = screen
sentence = when the screen was n't contracting or glitch...
and row 4:
sentiment = neg
feature = screen[-1], picture quality[-1]
attribute =
category = picture quality
sentence = when the screen was n't contracting or glitch...
so the idea is to add a row with the same information except for the category that now contains the second feature. The features can be up to 10.
Thank you in advance, would truly appreciated assistance on this.
You can try split the column value by , then explode on feature column.
df['feature'] = df['feature'].str.split(', ')
# If there is not always a space after comma, use `apply`
#df['feature'] = df['feature'].apply(lambda feature: list(map(str.strip, feature.split(','))))
df = df.explode('feature')
Try using pandas.DataFrame.explode:
Maybe a bit late but try this:
features = df['feature'].str.replace(r'\[.*?\]', '', regex=True) \
.str.get_dummies(', ')
out = pd.concat([df, features], axis=1)
# Output
feature inexpensive picture quality screen
0 inexpensive[+1][a] 1 0 0
1 screen[-1], picture quality[-1] 0 1 1
2 screen[-1] 0 0 1
I am writing a for loop to try to do an encoding for all of my values in a dataset. I have plenty of categorical values and initially the for loop works for the label encoder but I am trying to include a onehotencoder instead of using get_dummies on a separate line.
sample data:
0 New Female White BA Business Administration FT 1
1 New 1st Time Freshmn Female White BA Studio Art FT 1
2 New Male White MBAX Business Administration FT 1
3 New Female Unknown JD Juris Doctor PT 1
4 New Female Asian-American MBAX Business Administration PT 1
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore',drop='first')
le_count = 0
enc_count = 0
for col in X_train.columns[1:]:
if X_train[col].dtype == 'object':
if len(list(X_train[col].unique())) <= 2:
X_train[col] = le.transform(X_train[col])
le_count += 1
X_train[[col]] = enc.transform(X_train[[col]])
enc_count +=1
print('{} columns were label encoded and {} columns were 1-hot encoded'.format(le_count, enc_count))
but when I run it, I don't get errors but the encoding is super weird with a slew of tuples being inserted into my new dataset.
When I run the code without the everything in the else clause, it runs fine and I can simply use get_dummies to encode the other variables.
The only issue is when I use get_dummies, I drop_first is set to true; but I lose track of what is supposed to be 0 and what's supposed to be 1. (i.e. this problem is a major issue for tracking Gender and FTPT.
Any suggestions on this? I would use get_dummies but since I'm doing the preprocessing stage after splitting my data I'm worried about a category possibly being dropped out.
Change the transform line encoding else part as below
X_train[col] = enc.transform(X_train[[col]]).toarray()
Here I'm copying the full code, you may try it directly.
So error may be some other part of your code, please check.
styp = ['New','New 1st Time Freshmn','New','New','New']
gend = ['Female','Female','Male','Female','Female']
race = ['White','White','Unknown','Unknown','Asian-American']
deg = ['BA','BA','MBAX','JD','MBAX']
maj = ['Business Administration','Studio Art','Business Administration','Juris Doctor','Business Administration']
ftpt = ['FT','FT','FT','PT','PT']
df = pd.DataFrame({'STYP_DESC':styp, 'Gender':gend, 'RACE_DESC':race,'DEGREE':deg,\
'MAJR_DESC1':maj, 'FTPT':ftpt})
le = LabelEncoder()
enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore',drop='first')
le_count = 0
enc_count = 0
for col in df.columns[1:]:
if df[col].dtype == 'object':
if len(list(df[col].unique())) <= 2:
df[col] = le.transform(df[col])
le_count += 1
df[col] = enc.transform(df[[col]]).toarray()
enc_count +=1
print('{} columns were label encoded and {} columns were 1-hot encoded'.format(le_count, enc_count))
I have a data frame which contains a text column i.e. df["input"],
I would like to create a new variable which checks whether df["input"] column contains any of the word in a given list and assigns a value of 1 if previous dummy variable is equal to 0 (logic is 1) create a dummy variable that equals to zero 2) replace it to one if it contains any word in a given list and it was not contained in the previous lists.)
# Example lists
listings = ["amazon listing", "ecommerce", "products"]
scripting = ["subtitle", "film", "dubbing"]
medical = ["medical", "biotechnology", "dentist"]
df = pd.DataFrame({'input': ['amazon listing subtitle',
'film biotechnology dentist']})
which looks like:
amazon listing subtitle
film biotechnology dentist
final dataset should look like:
input listings scripting medical
amazon listing subtitle 1 0 0
medical 0 0 1
film biotechnology dentist 0 1 0
One possible implementation is to use str.contains in a loop to create the 3 columns, then use idxmax to get the column name (or the list name) of the first match, then create a dummy variable from these matches:
import numpy as np
d = {'listings':listings, 'scripting':scripting, 'medical':medical}
for k,v in d.items():
df[k] = df['input'].str.contains('|'.join(v))
arr = df[list(d)].to_numpy()
tmp = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype='int8')
tmp[np.arange(len(arr)), arr.argmax(axis=1)] = arr.max(axis=1)
out = pd.DataFrame(tmp, columns=list(d)).combine_first(df)
But in this case, it might be more efficient to use a nested for-loop:
import re
def get_dummy_vars(col, lsts):
out = []
len_lsts = len(lsts)
for row in col:
tmp = []
# in the nested loop, we use the any function to check for the first match
# if there's a match, break the loop and pad 0s since we don't care if there's another match
for lst in lsts:
tmp.append(int(any(True for x in lst if re.search(fr"\b{x}\b", row))))
if tmp[-1]:
tmp += [0] * (len_lsts - len(tmp))
return out
lsts = [listings, scripting, medical]
out = df.join(pd.DataFrame(get_dummy_vars(df['input'], lsts), columns=['listings', 'scripting', 'medical']))
input listings medical scripting
0 amazon listing subtitle 1 0 0
1 medical 0 1 0
2 film biotechnology dentist 0 0 1
Here is a simpler - more pandas vector style solution:
patterns = {} #<-- dictionary
patterns["listings"] = ["amazon listing", "ecommerce", "products"]
patterns["scripting"] = ["subtitle", "film", "dubbing"]
patterns["medical"] = ["medical", "biotechnology", "dentist"]
df = pd.DataFrame({'input': ['amazon listing subtitle',
'film biotechnology dentist']})
# step 1, for each column create a reg-expression
for col, items in patterns.items():
# create a regex pattern (word1|word2|word3)
pattern = f"({'|'.join(items)})"
# find the pattern in the input column
df[col] = df['input'].str.contains(pattern, regex=True).astype(int)
# step 2, if the value to the left is 1, change its value to 0
## 2.1 create a mask
## shift the rows to the right,
## --> if the left column contains the same value as the current column: True, otherwise False
mask = (df == df.shift(axis=1)).values
# substract the mask from the df
## and clip the result --> negative values will become 0
df.iloc[:,1:] = np.clip( df[mask].iloc[:,1:] - mask[:,1:], 0, 1 )
input listings scripting medical
0 amazon listing subtitle 1 0 0
1 medical 0 0 1
2 film biotechnology dentist 0 1 0
Great question and good answers (I somehow missed it yesterday)! Here's another variation with .str.extractall():
search = {"listings": listings, "scripting": scripting, "medical": medical, "dummy": []}
pattern = "|".join(
f"(?P<{column}>" + "|".join(r"\b" + s + r"\b" for s in strings) + ")"
for column, strings in search.items()
result = (
I have a dataframe as below:
Car Code DOMAINS_616
Based on the code column I wish to know the position number at DOMAINS_616 which will seperate by | , expected output as below:
Car Code DOMAINS_616 Position
Anyone have ideas?
if Code appears once and only once in DOMAINS_616,
first we split DOMAINS_616 into a list and explode it
step1 = df.assign(dummy=df['DOMAINS_616'].apply(lambda x: list(enumerate(x.split('|'), 1)))).explode('dummy')
then we expand the dummy column into the Position and domain column
step1[['Position', 'domain']] = step1['dummy'].apply(pd.Series)
finally keep rows where Code matches with domain
step1[step1['Code']==step1['domain']].drop(columns=['dummy', 'domain'])
df['Position'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['DOMAINS_616'].split(|).index(row['Code'])+1, axis = 1)
I am new to datascience your help is appreciated. my question is regarding grouping dataframe based on columns so that bar chart will be plotted based on each subject status
my csv file is something like this
expected o/p:
You can do this with pandas, not exactly in the same output format in the question, but definitely having the same information:
import pandas as pd
# reading csv
df = pd.read_csv("input.csv")
# turning columns into rows
melt_df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Name'], value_vars=['Maths', 'Science', "English", "sports"], var_name="Subject", value_name="Status")
# filling NaN values, otherwise the below groupby will ignore them.
melt_df = melt_df.fillna("Unknown")
# counting per group of subject and status.
result_df = melt_df.groupby(["Subject", "Status"]).size().reset_index(name="Count")
Then you get the following result:
Subject Status Count
0 English Pass 4
1 English Unknown 1
2 Maths Pass 5
3 Science Fail 3
4 Science Pass 2
5 sports Pass 3
6 sports Unknown 2
PS: Going forward, always paste code on what you've tried so far
To match exactly your output, this is what you could do:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('c:/temp/data.csv') # Or where ever your csv file is
subjects = ['Maths', 'Science' , 'English' , 'sports'] # Or you could get that as df.columns and drop 'Name'
grouped_rows = []
for eachsub in subjects:
rows = df.groupby(eachsub)['Name'].count()
idx = list(rows.index)
if 'Pass' in idx:
grouped_rows.append([eachsub, 'Pass', rows['Pass']])
if 'Fail' in idx:
grouped_rows.append([eachsub, 'Fail', rows['Fail']])
new_df = pd.DataFrame(grouped_rows, columns=['Subject', 'Grade', 'Count'])
I must suggest though that I would avoid getting into the for loop. My approach would be just these two lines:
subjects = ['Maths', 'Science' , 'English' , 'sports']
grouped_rows = df.groupby(eachsub)['Name'].count()
Depending on your application, you already have the data available in grouped_rows
I have two dataframe. both have two columns. I want to use wmd to find closest match for each entity in column source_label to entities in column target_label However, at the end I would like to have a DataFrame with all the 4 columns with respect to the entities.
'neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 8',"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0110723"
'autosomal dominant distal hereditary motor neuronopathy',"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0111198"
'neuronal ceroid ',"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0110748"
'autosomal dominanthereditary',"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0111110"
Expected result
,source_label, target_label, source_uri, target_uri, wmd score
'neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 8', 'neuronal ceroid ', "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0110723", "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0110748", 0.98
'autosomal dominant distal hereditary motor neuronopathy', 'autosomal dominanthereditary', "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0111198", "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0111110", 0.65
The dataframe is so big that I am looking for some faster way to iterate over both label columns. So far I tried this:
list_distances = []
temp = []
def preprocess(sentence):
return [w for w in sentence.lower().split()]
entity = df1['source_label']
target = df2['target_label']
for i in tqdm(entity):
for j in target:
wmd_distance = model.wmdistance(preprocess(i), preprocess(j))
# print("list_distances", list_distances)
WMD_Dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'source_label': pd.Series(entity),
'target_label': pd.Series(target),
'source_uri': df1['source_uri'],
'target_uri': df2['target_uri'],
'wmd_Score': pd.Series(list_distances)}).sort_values(by=['wmd_Score'])
WMD_Dataframe = WMD_Dataframe.reset_index()
First of all this code is not working well as the other two columns are coming directly from the dfs' and do not take entities relation with the uri into consideration.
How one can make it faster as the entities are in millions. Thanks in advance.
A quick fix :
closest_neighbour_index_df2 = []
def preprocess(sentence):
return [w for w in sentence.lower().split()]
for i in tqdm(entity):
temp = []
for j in target:
wmd_distance = model.wmdistance(preprocess(i), preprocess(j))
# maybe assert to make sure its always right
# return argmin to return index rather than the value.
# Add the indices from df2 to df1
df1['closest_neighbour'] = closest_neighbour_index_df2
# add information to respective row from df2 using the closest_neighbour column