im trying to name a button what it is named in ent and so it doesn't repeat when the button is pressed again so if you press once it's button1 and again button2
from tkinter import *
def ext():
but1 = Button(root, text=txt.get(), height=10, width=30)
but1.grid(padx=3, row=0, column=1)
def create():
global win1
global txt
win1 = Tk()
ent = Entry(win1)
txt = ent.get()
sub = Button(win1, text="Submit", command=ext)
root = Tk()
create_but = Button(root, text="Create new card", height=10, width=30, command=create)
The code below uses a dictionary of lists to add an integer to any repeating text input. I think this is what the question is about.
import tkinter as tk # import as tk is safer and more flexible
# Globals to keep it simple
names = {} # Dictionary. Will become a dictionary of lists.
row = 1
col = 0
win1 = None
ent = None
def add_text( txt ):
""" Adds txt to the names dictionary if it doesn't already exist.
Adds and integer to the txt if it does already exit """
name = names.get( txt, None )
if name:
name.append( txt + str(len( name )) ) # Append `txt + int` to a list
names[ txt ] = [ txt ] # Add a list of one item to the dict.
# print( names ) # Uncomment to see what is happening.
return names[ txt ][-1]
def ext():
global row, col
txt = ent.get() # Get the text from the entry
win1.destroy() # before the window is destroyed
txt = add_text( txt )
but1 = tk.Button(root, text=txt, height=10, width=30)
but1.grid(padx=3, row=row, column=col) # row and column need to
# change to show all buttons.
col += 1
if col > 2:
row += 1
col = 0
def create():
global win1
global ent
win1 = tk.Toplevel() # Create a second window with tk.Toplevel.
# Never create two tk.Tk objects.
ent = tk.Entry(win1)
ent.focus() # Position the focus in the Entry
# txt = ent.get() # removed as the Entry was being read before data was entered.
# The entry is now read in `ext`.
sub = tk.Button( win1, text="Submit", command=ext )
root = tk.Tk()
create_but = tk.Button(root, text="Create new card", height=10, width=30, command=create)
So I have made a simple program that allows me to type a label for a button and have it created and clickable in the tkinter gui. Now all I need is to add a function that returns the number of times each individual button is clicked. The problem is that the buttons I created are not actually coded in the input so I've found it difficult to do this. I feel like I would have to use the lambda function but I have no experience at all with it. Help is appreciated, thank you.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Tkinter FINAL")
window.resizable(width=False, height=False)
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600
counter_name = tk.Label(window, text="Counter Word", width=20),y=318)
counter_entry = tk.Entry(window, width=20),y=338)
position_x = 0
position_y = 0
word_dict = {}
def button_function():
word_dict[title] += 1
button_count = 0
def button_maker():
global position_x, position_y, button_count, title
button = tk.Button(window, text=counter_entry.get(), width=10, height=2, command = button_function, fg="red"),y=position_y)
position_x += 116
button_count += 1
if button_count % 6 == 0:
position_y += 50
position_x = 0
title = counter_entry.get()
word_dict[title] = 0
btnmaker = tk.Button(window, text='Click to create counter', width=17, height=2, command = button_maker, fg="red"),y=358)
btnreset = tk.Button(window, text='RESET', width=10, height=2, command = window.destroy, fg="red"),y=500)
You need to pass the word entered to button_function() using lambda:
word_dict = {}
def button_function(word):
word_dict[word] += 1
print(word, word_dict[word])
def button_maker():
# get the input word
word = counter_entry.get().strip()
# make sure the input word is unique in the dictionary
if word and word not in word_dict:
count = len(word_dict)
button = tk.Button(window, text=word, width=10, height=2, fg="red",
command=lambda w=word: button_function(w)) # pass the input word to button_function()*116, y=count//5*60)
word_dict[word] = 0 # init the counter for the input word
Updated code with counter labels:
word_dict = {}
def button_function(word):
count = word_dict[word].get()
def button_maker():
word = counter_entry.get().strip()
if word and word not in word_dict:
count = len(word_dict)
row, col = count//5*2, count%5
# create the word button
button = tk.Button(window, text=word, width=10, height=2, fg="red",
command=lambda w=word: button_function(w))
button.grid(row=row, column=col, padx=10, pady=(10,0))
# create the corresponding counter label
var = tk.IntVar() # for the counter value
tk.Label(window, textvariable=var).grid(row=row+1, column=col)
word_dict[word] = var
counter_entry.delete(0, 'end')
I am trying to print a corresponding value to the index of a list from another list like so:
but when doing this i get the above error. I believe i had this working in a previous iteration but i cannot find the one that was.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
safeDis = [4,88,18,50,12,100]
chem = ["HTP 50%","HTP 84%","HTP 90%","Kerosene","Benzene"]
class Page4:
def __init__(self,root):
self.root = root
self.toplbl = ttk.Label(root, text="Select firing point meterials ",font=("arial",12)) #lable for select meterial 1
self.lbl1 = ttk.Label(root, text="Meterial 1: ",font=("arial",10)) #lable for select meterial 1
self.lbl2 = ttk.Label(root, text = "Meterial 2: " ,font = ("arial",10)) #lable for meterial 2
self.masslbl = ttk.Label(root, text="Mass in Kg:",font=("arial",10))
self.masslbl2 = ttk.Label(root, text="Mass in Kg:",font=("arial",10))
self.typelbl = ttk.Label(root, text="Type:",font=("arial",10))
self.typelbl2 = ttk.Label(root, text="Type:",font=("arial",10))
self.Apply = ttk.Button(root, text="Apply", command = self.new_window) #button to confirm the meterial choices
self.Back = ttk.Button(root, text="Back", command = print("DONG"))
self.mass1 = ttk.Entry(root, width=8)
self.mass2 = tk.Entry(root,width=8)
self.clicked = tk.StringVar() #set the variable to a string value allowing the meterial names to apeer in it
self.clicked.set(chem[3]) #set the default meterial from the chem list
self.clicked2 = tk.StringVar()
self.drop2 = tk.OptionMenu(root, self.clicked2, *chem) #setup the dropdown menue with optionmenue function set to the chem list
self.drop = tk.OptionMenu(root, self.clicked, *chem)
self.toplbl.grid(column=0, row=0,columnspan=3,sticky="w",padx=10,pady=10) #place meterial label 1
self.lbl1.grid(column=0, row=1,padx=10) #place meterial label 1
self.lbl2.grid(column=0, row=3,padx=10) #place meterial label 2
self.mass1.grid(column=2, row=2)
self.mass2.grid(column=2, row=4)
self.masslbl.grid(column=1, row=2)
self.masslbl2.grid(column=1, row=4)
self.typelbl.grid(column=1, row=1,sticky="w")
self.typelbl2.grid(column=1, row=3,sticky="w")
self.drop.grid(column=2, row=1) #place the dropdown menue
self.drop2.grid(column=2, row=3)
def new_window(self):
for widget in self.root.winfo_children():
widget.destroy() = Page3(self.root)
#class Page5:
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
app = Page4(root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The problem was that self.drop2 is an object of OptionMenu, not the value of it. To get the value returned by it, use the get() method on its variable defined (self.clicked2.get())
So it should be:
Hope it solved the error, do let me know if any more doubts
I have a Submit button that prints the output on the tkinter widget label. Everytime I change the input and click the Submit the output is displayed but not at the same place i.e. The previous content of the label is not overwritten.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
root = Tk()
root.title("ImageValidation ")
pathlist = [None, None] # holds the two files selected
labels = []
def browse_button(index):
global filename
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(title = "Choose your file",filetypes = (("jpeg files","*.jpeg"),("all files","*.*")))
pathlist[index] = filename
heading = Label(root, text = "Select 2 images you want to Validate",
font=("arial",15,"bold","underline"), fg="blue").pack()
label1 = Label(root, text = "Enter Image 1", font=("arial",10,"bold"),
fg="black").place(x=10, y = 100)
label2 = Label(root, text = "Enter Image 2", font=("arial",10,"bold"),
fg="black").place(x=10, y = 200)
button = Button(root,text="Choose an Sign1",width = 30,command= lambda:
browse_button(0)).place(x=250, y= 100)
button = Button(root,text="Choose an Sign2",width = 30,command=
lambda: browse_button(1)).place(x=250, y= 200)
def display():
ImageVerification(pathlist[0], pathlist[1])
l1 = Label(root,text=Scriptoutput, width = 200 )
l1.pack(side='bottom', padx=50, pady=50)
#Scriptoutput is the output variable from the main code.
submit_button = Button(text="Submit", width=15,command = display)
submit_button.pack(side='bottom', padx=15, pady=15)
A 'refresh' button that would clear the Label of its content and lets you overwrite it.
I am taking your function ImageVerification() as a blackbox and assuming it is working.
The reason this is happening is because you create a new Label, whenever the Submit button is pressed. What you have to do is to create the display Label outside the function and configure its text, whenever the button is pressed. Something like this.
l1 = Label(root, text="", width=200)
l1.pack(side='bottom', padx=50, pady=50)
def display():
ImageVerification(pathlist[0], pathlist[1])
#Scriptoutput is the output variable from the main code.
submit_button = Button(text="Submit", width=15,command = display)
submit_button.pack(side='bottom', padx=15, pady=15)
# Display Entry in a Label
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def returnEntry(arg=None):
"""Gets the result from Entry and return it to the Label"""
result = myEntry.get()
# Create the Entry widget
myEntry = Entry(root, width=20)
# Create the Enter button
enterEntry = Button(root, text= "Enter", command=returnEntry)
# Create and empty Label to put the result in
resultLabel = Label(root, text = "")
How do I change the code to output more rows.
It changes the same row every time.
I tried to do something with fields but I had no idea what I was doing.
You are referencing the same object (resultLabel) over and over instead of creating a new one for each entry.
Try this:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def returnEntry(arg=None):
"""Gets the result from Entry and return it to the Label"""
result = Label(root, width=20) # creating new label!!
# Create the Entry widget
myEntry = Entry(root, width=20)
# Create the Enter button
enterEntry = Button(root, text= "Enter", command=returnEntry)
# Create and empty Label to put the result in
resultLabel = Label(root, text = "")
I'm trying to put old school sequential Tkinter code into class structure code.
So let's consider this example :
import Tkinter as Tk
def StartProcess():
print Text_1_Var.get(), Text_2_Var.get(), Text_3_Var.get()
if __name__ == '__main__':
MainFrame = Tk.Tk()
Tk.Button(MainFrame , text = "Start",command=StartProcess).grid(column=2, row=0)
Tk.Label(MainFrame , text = "1").grid(column=1, row=1)
Text_1_Var = Tk.StringVar()
Text_1 = Tk.Entry(MainFrame , width=40, textvariable = Text_1_Var).grid(column=2, row=1)
Tk.Label(MainFrame , text = "2").grid(column=1, row=2)
Text_2_Var = Tk.StringVar()
Text_2 = Tk.Entry(MainFrame , width=40, textvariable = Text_2_Var).grid(column=2, row=2)
Tk.Label(MainFrame , text = "3").grid(column=1, row=3)
Text_3_Var = Tk.StringVar()
Text_3 = Tk.Entry(MainFrame , width=40, textvariable = Text_3_Var).grid(column=2, row=3)
# etc
On press "Start" it displays values of Entry from 1 to 3.
Now i recode it as follow :
import Tkinter as Tk
def StartProcess():
print "???"
class NewEntry(Tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,master=None,idnumber=None):
def CreateWidgets(self,idnumber):
Tk.Label(master=self, text = idnumber).grid(column=1, row=0)
self.Text_Var = Tk.StringVar()
self.Text = Tk.Entry(master=self, width=40, textvariable = self.Text_Var).grid(column=2, row=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
MainFrame = Tk.Tk()
Tk.Button(master=MainFrame,text="Start", command=StartProcess).pack()
for i in range (1, 4): # or more
GUI are both identical. I want to get the same result but i don't know where my function StartProcess should take place and how extract value of each self.Text_Var instance.
It's not enough to create a NewEntry object; you need to save references to them so you can access them later (e.g., from StartProcess).
entries = []
for i in range (1, 4): # or more
e = NewEntry(master=MainFrame,idnumber=str(i))
# Or more simply,
# entries = [NewEntry(master=MainFrame, idnumber=str(i)) for i in range(1,4)]
Then, StartProcess becomes something like
def StartProcess():
strings = [x.Text_Var.get() for x in entries]
print " ".join(strings)