I am trying to detect the key pressed by a user in order to reset a variable for my program, a basic application to detect a barcode, which is running inside a While true
I have tried using keyboard library like in the first solution suggested here
import keyboard # using module keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # if key 'q' is pressed
print('You Pressed A Key!')
but I m getting an error You must be root to use this library on Linux. I am not sure if that it means is not possible to use this approach in my case because I m ruining the program on Raspberry Pi OS.
I also tried the second approach ( from the same link) using pynput.keyboard but as the author says, it does not perform well when using inside a loop. the application waits for a key to be pressed.
Edit : More Info
from pyzbar import pyzbar
import datetime
import imutils
import time
from imutils.video import VideoStream
import pika
import json
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
"---", "---")
channel = connection.channel()
print("[INFO] Connection Started ...")
vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start()
print("[INFO] starting video stream...")
userWebsocket = None
while True:
# this is what I want to achive
# key = Get the key pressed
# if key == 'q' then userWebsocket = None
frame = vs.read()
frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400)
barcodes = pyzbar.decode(frame)
for barcode in barcodes:
barcodeData = barcode.data.decode("utf-8")
barcodeType = barcode.type
if barcodeType == 'QRCODE':
decodedBarcode = json.loads(barcodeData)
userWebsocket = decodedBarcode['id']
print(datetime.datetime.now(), barcodeData, barcodeType)
if (userWebsocket is None):
print("please login before")
sentObj = {"socket": userWebsocket, "barcode": barcodeData}
jsonSentObj = json.dumps(sentObj)
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='barcode_queue', body=jsonSentObj)
What I want to achieve is to "sign-out" the user when he presses a certain key.
I am running a python script on a raspberry-pi.
Essentially, I would like a camera to take a picture every 5 seconds, but only if I have set a boolean to true, which gets toggled on a physical button.
initially I set it to true, and then in my while(true) loop, I want to check to see if the variable is set to true, and if so, start taking pictures every 5 seconds. The issue is if I use something like time time.sleep(5), it essentially freezes everything, including the check. Combine that with the fact that I am using debouncing for the button, it then becomes impossible for me to actually toggle the script since I would have to press it exactly after the 5s wait time, right for the value check... I've been searching around and I think the likely solution would have to include threading, but I can't wrap my head around it. One kind of workaround I thought of would be to look at the system time and if the seconds is a multiple of 5, then take picture (all within the main loop). This seems a bit sketchy.
Script below:
### Imports
from goprocam import GoProCamera, constants
import board
import digitalio
from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer
import os
import shutil
import time
### GoPro settings
goproCamera = GoProCamera.GoPro()
### Button settings
pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D12)
pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
switch = Debouncer(pin, interval=0.1)
save = False #this is the variable
if switch.fell:
print("Pressed, toggling value")
save = not save
if save:
Here's something to try:
if switch.fell:
print("Pressed, toggling value")
save = not save
if save:
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - last_pic_time >= 5:
last_pic_time = current_time
Depending on exactly what sort of behavior you want, you may have to fiddle with when and how often time.time() is called.
Maybe something like this?
import threading
def set_interval(func, sec):
def func_wrapper():
set_interval(func, sec)
t = threading.Timer(sec, func_wrapper)
return t
We call the function above inside the main loop.
Wrap your while loop content on a function:
def take_photo:
Now we create a flag initially set to False to avoid creating multiple threads.
Notice that I did this before the while loop. We just need a starting value here.
active = False
if switch.fell:
print("Pressed, toggling value")
save = not save
if save: # we need to start taking photos.
if not active: # it is not active... so it is the first time it is being called or it has been toggled to save as True again.
photo_thread = set_interval(take_photo, 5) # grabbing a handle to the thread - photo_thread - so we can cancel it later when save is set to False.
active = True # marking as active to be skipped from the loop until save is False
try: # photo_thread may not exist yet so I wrapped it inside a try statement here.
photo_thread.cancel() # if we have a thread we kill it
active = False #setting to False so the next time the button is pressed we can create a new one.
Let me know if it works. =)
What I ended up doing:
### Imports
from goprocam import GoProCamera, constants
import board
import digitalio
from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer
import os
import time
import threading
### GoPro settings
gopro = GoProCamera.GoPro()
### Button settings
pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D12)
pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
switch = Debouncer(pin, interval=0.1)
### Picture save location
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
new_path = dir_path+"/pictures/"
save = False
### Functions
def takePhoto(e):
while e.isSet():
fname = '100GOPRO-' + gopro.getMedia().split("/")[-1]
current_file = dir_path+'/'+fname
if os.path.isfile(current_file):
os.replace(current_file, new_path+fname) #move file, would be cleaner to download the file directly to the right folder, but the API doesn't work the way I thought it did
### Initial settings
e = threading.Event()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=takePhoto, args=([e]))
print("Starting script")
if switch.fell:
#toggle value
save = not save
if save:
e.set() #should be taking pictures
e.clear() #not taking pictures
if not t1.is_alive(): #start the thread if it hasn't been yet
if e.is_set():
I'm trying to learn python and pysimplegui at the same time. Also I am old which doesn't help!
I am writing a practice program with my 10 year old son(blind leading the blind) and am running into a problem which i cant fix.
Basically the program lets you enter how many numbers to pick from and how many numbers to pick, then calculates the odds of winning. Hit generate to randomly pick the numbers for you and Print the results to a txt file for a record of your picks.
It all works fine but when i close the window i get a nonetype error which I can't work out.
Can any of ye genius's help?
This is the offending line
from os import close
import random
from tkinter import Scrollbar
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import datetime
import math
from time import sleep, time
from PySimpleGUI.PySimpleGUI import Open, WIN_CLOSED, main
import sys
layout = [
[sg.In(size=(5,1),k="--tn--" ) ]+[sg.Text('Enter total amount of
[sg.In(size=(5,1),k="--pn--")]+[sg.Text('Enter how many numbers
you are picking',size=(35,1))],
[sg.Text('Win odds')]+[sg.ML(background_color='light
[sg.ML(size=(20,30), key='--main--')],
gen--')]+ [sg.Cancel('Cancel')]+[sg.Save(key='--save--')]+
window = sg.Window('Lotto number generator',layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
nf = math.factorial(n)
rf = math.factorial(rr)
winodds = (nf/(rf*math.factorial(n-rr)))
winodds = int(winodds)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if event == WIN_CLOSED:
if event == '--gen--':
r = random.sample(range(1,n),rr)
for i in r:
if event == '--odds--':
window['--oddout--'].print("Your chances of winning are
",f'{winodds:,d}', " to 1, Good Luck")
if event == 'Cancel':
if event == '--save--':
sys.stdout = open("lotto.txt", "w")
event, values = window.read() is returning None. None['--tn--'] does not exist as it doesn't make sense for None to have a property, hence the error message. You have used the test to avoid this but moved it below an attempt to use the missing property. Hence the error.
It's also worth using a linting tool prompt you to make adjustments to syntax that will break your code and good practice warnings. I use pylint and flake8. The following addresses your specific error message with some tidying for the linter messages. There are still some warnings - good learning exercise :).
"""Learning program."""
from os import close
import random
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import datetime
import math
from PySimpleGUI.PySimpleGUI import Open, WIN_CLOSED, main
import sys
layout = [
[sg.In(size=(5, 1), k="--tn--")] +
[sg.Text('Enter total amount of numbers', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.In(size=(5, 1), k="--pn--")] +
[sg.Text('Enter how many numbers you are picking', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.Text('Win odds')] +
background_color='light coral', text_color='white', key='--oddout--', size=(50, 2)
[sg.ML(size=(20, 30), key='--main--')],
[sg.Submit('Odds', key='--odds--')] +
[sg.Submit('Generate', key='--gen--')] +
[sg.Cancel('Cancel')] +
[sg.Save(key='--save--')] +
[sg.CloseButton('Close', pad=(100, 0))]
window = sg.Window('Lotto number generator', layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
# Moved the next three lines up and commented update which also errors
if event == WIN_CLOSED:
# window['--tn--'].update('1')
n = int(values['--tn--'])
rr = int(values['--pn--'])
nf = math.factorial(n)
rf = math.factorial(rr)
winodds = (nf/(rf*math.factorial(n-rr)))
winodds = int(winodds)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if event == '--gen--':
r = random.sample(range(1, n), rr)
for i in r:
if event == '--odds--':
"Your chances of winning are", f'{winodds:,d}', " to 1, Good Luck"
if event == 'Cancel':
if event == '--save--':
sys.stdout = open("lotto.txt", "w")
sys.stdout = close(fd=0)
Flake8 in particular will prompt you to follow practices that don't have an obvious practical purpose. Later as you use more of the language the benefit of flake8 prompts are good habits that eventually pay large benefits.
There're something not good,
You should check the window close event first, not to processing event, values for other cases first, like following code. You may get event, values as None, None if not, then values['--tn--'] will be same as None['--tn--']. That's why you got TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable.
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Close'):
# process other events from here
In your input fields, values['--tn--'] or values['--pn--'] maybe not with correct format for integer number, so following code may get failure ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10
Here's my way to avoid issue,
def integer(string):
value = int(string)
value = None
return value
for string in ("10.5", "", "10"):
value = integer(string)
if value is None:
print(f"{repr(string)} is not a legal integer string !")
print(f"{repr(string)} converted to {value} !")
'10.5' is not a legal integer string !
'' is not a legal integer string !
'10' converted to 10 !
Basically, window destroied after you click close button X of window, so you should not update anything on it.
if event == WIN_CLOSED:
# window['--tn--'].update('1')
When you close a window, event and values are not set, see my example below.
While debugging, it's a good practice to print out the current values of event and values to be able to check whether you get what you thought you'd get, like this:
def test():
layout = [[sg.In(size=(5, 1), k="--tn--"), sg.Text('Enter total amount of numbers', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.In(size=(5, 1), k="--pn--"), sg.Text('Enter how many numbers you are picking', size=(35, 1))],
[sg.Text('Win odds'),
sg.ML(background_color='light coral', text_color='white', key='--oddout--', size=(50, 2))],
[sg.ML(size=(20, 30), key='--main--')],
[sg.Submit('Odds', key='--odds--'), sg.Submit('Generate', key='--gen--'),
sg.Cancel('Cancel'), sg.Save(key=' - -save - -'), sg.CloseButton('Close', pad=(100, 0))]
window = sg.Window('Lotto number generator', layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
print(f'event = {event}, values = {values}')
if event == WIN_CLOSED:
When you close the window, you get
event = None, values = {'--tn--': None, '--pn--': None, '--oddout--': None, '--main--': None}
so, it is important to start your main loop with if event == WIN_CLOSED: (and break the loop in that case). Only after that, you can go on to process various events and values.
i'm pretty new to python, so my knowledge is quiet basic. (i'm a system engineer)
i have a raspberry pi, an led strip and a python script to simulate a fire on the led strip :D
now i want to start the script by pressing my flic button. i found the fliclib sdk on github and installed it. my problem is now, how to handle the event correctly. i successfully can start the script, but i'd like to stop it by doublepress the flic button. but it seems like i'm stuck in the fire.py script as soon as i press the button once. can anybody help me how to set this up correctly please? :-)
Edit after suggestion:
i just edited my scripts as the following. i can see when the button is pressed once or twice with this output:
Starting Fire
Stopping Fire
but the led wont turn on, seems like, fire.py isn't opened or something like that.. when i set button=1 in fire.py itself, the fire turns on.
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import flicbutton
import fire
button = 0
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fliclib
client = fliclib.FlicClient("localhost")
MyButton1 = '80:e4:da:71:83:42' #turquoise flic button
def got_button(bd_addr):
cc = fliclib.ButtonConnectionChannel(bd_addr)
cc.on_button_single_or_double_click_or_hold = some_handler
cc.on_connection_status_changed = \
lambda channel, connection_status, disconnect_reason: \
print(channel.bd_addr + " " + str(connection_status) + (" " + str(disconnect_reason) if connection_status == fliclib.ConnectionStatus.Disconnected else ""))
def got_info(items):
for bd_addr in items["bd_addr_of_verified_buttons"]:
def some_handler(channel, click_type, was_queued, time_diff):
if channel.bd_addr == MyButton1:
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonSingleClick:
print("Starting Fire")
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonDoubleClick:
print("Stopping Fire")
if click_type == fliclib.ClickType.ButtonHold:
print("ButtonHold has not been assigned an action")
except Exception:
import datetime
print('An error occured: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now()))
client.on_new_verified_button = got_button
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import threading
import time
import random
import math
R = 17
G = 22
pwms = []
intensity = 1.0
def initialize_gpio():
GPIO.setup([17,22], GPIO.OUT)
def red_light():
p = GPIO.PWM(R, 300)
while True:
p.ChangeDutyCycle(min(random.randint(50, 100) * math.pow(intensity + 0.1, 0.75), 100) if intensity > 0 else 0)
def green_light():
global green_dc
p = GPIO.PWM(G, 300)
while True:
p.ChangeDutyCycle(random.randint(5, 10) * math.pow(intensity, 2) if intensity > 0 else 0)
def rand_flicker_sleep():
time.sleep(random.randint(3,10) / 100.0)
def fan_the_flame(_):
global intensity
intensity = min(intensity + 0.25, 1.0)
def light_candle():
threads = [
## threading.Thread(target=burning_down)
for t in threads:
t.daemon = True
for t in threads:
def startfire():
print("\nPress ^C (control-C) to exit the program.\n")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for p in pwms:
def stopfire():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
if button == 1:
if button == 2:
Have a common (global variable) that both codes can read, you can put this in a standalone file that both codes can access. So script 1 updates this variable like
if(single press): variable=1
elif(double press): variable=2
then in fire.py you can poll the variable.
if(varaible==1): start/stop fire
elif(variable==2): stop/start fire
else: #throw error
I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do this, but this method should be the easiest to understand.
I would like to take input from pySimpleGUI, feed it into a normal Python var, then feed it into a music processor as I love music.
I had already tried to use wxPython for this but was unable to even get a simple fileDialog without crashing.
from pydub import AudioSegment
from os import listdir
import numpy as np
import math
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class Dankify():
song_dir = "songs"
attenuate_db = 0
accentuate_db = 2
yeet = sg.Window('Dankify ALL THE THINGS!'). Layout([[sg.Text('Filename')], [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()] ]).Read()
event, values = yeet.Read()
yeet1 = event, values
def bass_line_freq(track):
sample_track = list(track)
# c-value
est_mean = np.mean(sample_track)
# a-value
est_std = 3 * np.std(sample_track) / (math.sqrt(2))
bass_factor = int(round((est_std - est_mean) * 0.005))
return bass_factor
songfile = yeet1
for filename in listdir(songfile):
sample = AudioSegment.from_mp3(songfile)
filtered = sample.low_pass_filter(bass_line_freq(sample.get_array_of_samples()))
combined = (sample - attenuate_db).overlay(filtered + accentuate_db)
combined.export("exports/" + filename.replace(".mp3", "") + "-export.mp3", format="mp3")
However, it just does nothing, not even processing it. A reminder that I am using some open-source code and that I'm a beginner which knows nothing about how all this works and am trying to build real stuff to gain experience. Thanks!
I guess you are missing the "event loop".
Try something like this, hope it helps.
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUI27 as sg
layout = [[sg.Text('Your typed chars appear here:'), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_') ],
[sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, key='_IN_')],
[sg.Button('Show'), sg.Button('Exit')]]
window = sg.Window('Window Title').Layout(layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values)
if event is None or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Show':
# change the "output" element to be the value of "input" element
You're doing 2 Read calls.
Try changing to this:
yeet = sg.Window('Dankify ALL THE THINGS!').Layout(
[[sg.Text('Filename')], [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]])
event, values = yeet.Read()
Without the Read on the end of the first statement.
You are instantiating this class, right?
d = Dankify()