This may be a dumb question but I've searched through pyMC3 docs and forums and can't seem to find the answer. I'm trying to create a linear regression model from a dataset that I know a priori should not have an intercept. Currently my implementation looks like this:
formula = 'Y ~ ' + ' + '.join(['X1', 'X2'])
# Define data to be used in the model
X = df[['X1', 'X2']]
Y = df['Y']
# Context for the model
with pm.Model() as model:
# set distribution for priors
priors = {'X1': pm.Wald.dist(mu=0.01),
'X2': pm.Wald.dist(mu=0.01) }
family = pm.glm.families.Normal()
# Creating the model requires a formula and data
pm.GLM.from_formula(formula, data = X, family=family, priors = priors)
# Perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling
trace = pm.sample(draws=4000, cores = 2, tune = 1000)
As I said, I know I shouldn't have an intercept but I can't seem to find a way to tell GLM.from_formula() to not look for one. Do you all have a solution? Thanks in advance!
I'm actually puzzled that it does run with an intercept since the default in the code for GLM.from_formula is to pass intercept=False to the constructor. Maybe it's because the patsy parser defaults to adding an intercept?
Either way, one can explicitly include or exclude an intercept via the patsy formula, namely with 1 or 0, respectively. That is, you want:
formula = 'Y ~ 0 + ' + ' + '.join(['X1', 'X2'])
I'm totally stuck on this. Is there any way to draw the p-values out of a simulation run multiple times? I've tried the method here
pValues = np.zeros(100)
for k in range (99) :
y = simCorn(overallEffect=10, fertilizerEffect=[1,2,3],rowEffect=[1,0,1], colEffect=[0,1,1])
pValues[k] = ols('Yield ~ C(Fertilizer)+C(Row)+C(Column)', y).fit()
But I couldn't even get the base ols function to work, let alone isolate and pull the p-value...
So, I tried the statsmodels method...
pValues = np.zeros(100)
for k in range (99) :
y = simCorn(overallEffect=10, fertilizerEffect=[1,2,3],rowEffect=[1,0,1], colEffect=[0,1,1])
pValues[k] = sm.stats.anova_lm(data=y).Pr(F)
...but nothing seems to be working.
Any help here would be much appreciated!!!
I have been attempting to use the hmmlearn package in python to build a model predicting values of a time series. I have based my code on this article, detailing how to use the package for a stock price time series.
After fitting the model on a large segment of the time series data and attempting to build a predictive model for the remainder, I run into an issue. The model always predicts the same outcome as being most probable - hmm.score returns the highest log-likelihood for the same outcome for every instance in the test series. Moreover, the outcome it predicts is the one closest to the mean value of the time series it was fitted on. It never deviates. I'm really not sure what to do. Is the model deficient, or am I doing something wrong?
The code that does the prediction is below. It appends all of the possible_outcomes (defined immediately below) to a sequence of test points in the time series (the last 100 in the test dataset) and evaluates the likelihood (using hmm.score):
possible_outcomes = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 10)
latency_days = 10
def predict_close_price(time_index):
open_price = actuals_test[time_index]
predicted_frac_change = get_most_probable_outcome(time_index)
return open_price * (1 + predicted_frac_change)
def get_most_probable_outcome(time_index):
previous_data_start_index = max(0, time_index - latency_days)
previous_data_end_index = max(0, time_index - 1)
prev_start = int(previous_data_start_index)
prev_end = int(previous_data_end_index)
previous_data = test_data[prev_start: prev_end]
outcome_score = []
for possible_outcome in possible_outcomes:
total_data = np.row_stack((previous_data, possible_outcome))
most_probable_outcome = possible_outcomes[np.argmax(outcome_score)]
return most_probable_outcome
predicted_close_prices = []
actuals_vector = []
for time_index in range(len(actuals_test)-100,len(actuals_test)-1):
I don't know if the issue is with the above, or with the actual creation of data and fitting of the model itself. That is done simplistically as follows:
difference_fracs = []
for i in range(0, len(timeSeries)-1):
difference_frac = ((timeSeries[i+1] - timeSeries[i])/(timeSeries[i]))
differences_array = np.array(difference_fracs)
differences_array = np.reshape(differences_array, (-1,1))
train_data_length = 2000
train_data = differences_array[:train_data_length,:]
test_data = differences_array[train_data_length:len(timeSeries),:]
actuals_test = timeSeries[train_data_length:]
n_hidden_states = 4
hmm = GaussianHMM(n_components = n_hidden_states)
I realize most of this is meaningless without the actual time series, which I am not allowed to share - though if someone has had similar issues in the past, I would love to hear your thoughts.
I am trying to model and solve an optimization problem, with python and gurobi optimizer. It is my first experience to solve a problem using optimizer. firstly I wrote a really big problem and add all variables and constraints, step by step. But there was problem(S) in that. so I reduce the problem to the small version, again and again. After all, now I have a very simple code:
from gurobipy import *
m = Model('net')
x = m.addVar(name = 'x')
y = m.addVar(name = 'y')
m.addConstr(x >= 0 and x <= 9000, name = 'flow0')
m.addConstr(y >= 0 and y <= 1000, name = 'flow1')
m.addConstr(y + x == 9990, name = 'total_flow')
m.setObjective(x *(4 + 0.6*(x/9000)) + (y * (4 + 0.6*(y/1000))), GRB.MINIMIZE)
solo = m.optimize()
if solo:
print ('find!!!')
It actually is a simple network flow problem (for a graph with two nodes and two edges) I want to calculate the flow of each edge (x and y). Obviously the flow of each edge cant be negative and cant be bigger than edge capacity(x(capa) = 9000, y(capa) = 1000). and the third constraint shows the the total flow limitation on both edges. Finally, the objective function has to minimize the equation.
Now I have some question on this code:
why 'solo' is (None)?
How can I print solution variables. I used getAttr() function. but I couldn't find out the role of variables name (x, y or flow0, flow1)
3.Ive got this result. But I really cant understand this!!!!
for example: what dose it calculate in each iteration??!
Tnx in advance, and excuse for my simple question...
The optimize() method always returns None, see print(help(m.optimize)). The status of your model after calling this method is stored in m.status while the solution values are stored in the .X attribute for each variable (assumed the model was solved to optimality). To access them you can use m.getVars():
# your model ...
if m.status = GRB.OPTIMAL:
for var in m.getVars():
print(var.VarName, var.X)
Your posted log shows for each iteration of the barrier method (also known as interior point method) the objective value. See here for a detailed overview.
I am planning to use Linear Regression in Spark. To get started, I checked out the example from the official documentation (which you can find here)
I also found this question on stackoverflow, which is essentially the same question as mine. The answer suggest to tweak the step size, which I also tried to do, however the results are still as random as without tweaking the step size. The code I'm using looks like this:
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint, LinearRegressionWithSGD, LinearRegressionModel
# Load and parse the data
def parsePoint(line):
values = [float(x) for x in line.replace(',', ' ').split(' ')]
return LabeledPoint(values[0], values[1:])
data = sc.textFile("data/mllib/ridge-data/")
parsedData =
# Build the model
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData,100000,0.01)
# Evaluate the model on training data
valuesAndPreds = p: (p.label, model.predict(p.features)))
MSE = (v, p): (v - p)**2).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y) / valuesAndPreds.count()
print("Mean Squared Error = " + str(MSE))
The results look as follows:
(Expected Label, Predicted Label)
(-0.4307829, -0.7824231588143065)
(-0.1625189, -0.6234287565006766)
(-0.1625189, -0.41979307020176226)
(-0.1625189, -0.6517649080382241)
(0.3715636, -0.38543073492870156)
(0.7654678, -0.7329426818746223)
(0.8544153, -0.33273378445315)
(1.2669476, -0.36663240056848917)
(1.2669476, -0.47541427992967517)
(1.2669476, -0.1887811811672498)
(1.3480731, -0.28646712964591936)
(1.446919, -0.3425075015127807)
(1.4701758, -0.14055275401870437)
(1.4929041, -0.06819303631450688)
(1.5581446, -0.772558163357755)
(1.5993876, -0.19251656391040356)
(1.6389967, -0.38105697301968594)
(1.6956156, -0.5409707504639943)
(1.7137979, 0.14914490255841997)
(1.8000583, -0.0008818203337740971)
(1.8484548, 0.06478505759587616)
(1.8946169, -0.0685096804502884)
(1.9242487, -0.14607596025743624)
(2.008214, -0.24904211817187422)
(2.0476928, -0.4686214015035236)
(2.1575593, 0.14845590638215034)
(2.1916535, -0.5140996125798528)
(2.2137539, 0.6278134417345228)
(2.2772673, -0.35049969044209983)
(2.2975726, -0.06036824276546304)
(2.3272777, -0.18585219083806218)
(2.5217206, -0.03167349168036536)
(2.5533438, -0.1611040092884861)
(2.5687881, 1.1032200139582564)
(2.6567569, 0.04975777739217784)
(2.677591, -0.01426285133724671)
(2.7180005, 0.07853368755223371)
(2.7942279, -0.4071930969456503)
(2.8063861, 0.000492545291049501)
(2.8124102, -0.019947344959659177)
(2.8419982, 0.03023139779978133)
(2.8535925, 0.5421291261646886)
(2.9204698, 0.3923068894170366)
(2.9626924, 0.21639267973240908)
(2.9626924, -0.22540434628281075)
(2.9729753, 0.2363938458250126)
(3.0130809, 0.35136961387278565)
(3.0373539, 0.013876918415846595)
(3.2752562, 0.49970959078043126)
(3.3375474, 0.5436323480304672)
(3.3928291, 0.48746004196839055)
(3.4355988, 0.3350764608584778)
(3.4578927, 0.6127634045652381)
(3.5160131, -0.03781697409079157)
(3.5307626, 0.2129806543371961)
(3.5652984, 0.5528805608876549)
(3.5876769, 0.06299042506665305)
(3.6309855, 0.5648082098866389)
(3.6800909, -0.1588172848952902)
(3.7123518, 0.1635062564072022)
(3.9843437, 0.7827244309795267)
(3.993603, 0.6049246406551748)
(4.029806, 0.06372113813964088)
(4.1295508, 0.24281029469705093)
(4.3851468, 0.5906868686740623)
(4.6844434, 0.4055055537895428)
(5.477509, 0.7335244827296759)
Mean Squared Error = 6.83550847274
So, what am I missing? Since the data is from the official spark documentation, I would guess that it should be suited to apply linear regression on it (and get at least a reasonably good prediction)?
For starters you're missing an intercept. While mean values of the independent variables are close to zero: lp: lp.features).mean()
## DenseVector([-0.031, -0.0066, 0.1182, -0.0199, 0.0178, -0.0249,
## -0.0294, 0.0669]
mean of the dependent variable is pretty far from it: lp: lp.label).mean()
## 2.452345085074627
Forcing the regression line to go through the origin in case like this doesn't make sense. So lets see how LinearRegressionWithSGD performs with default arguments and added intercept:
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, intercept=True)
valuesAndPreds = ( p: (p.label, model.predict(p.features)))) vp: (vp[0] - vp[1]) ** 2).mean()
## 0.44005904185432504
Lets compare it to the analytical solution
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
features = np.array( lp: lp.features.toArray()).collect())
labels = np.array( lp: lp.label).collect())
lm = linear_model.LinearRegression(), labels)
np.mean((lm.predict(features) - labels) ** 2)
## 0.43919976805833411
As you can results obtained using LinearRegressionWithSGD are almost optimal.
You could add a grid search but in this particular case there is probably nothing to gain.