I am trying to annotate my point cloud data. I found a number of tools but could only access the demo version of 3D Point cloud tool by Supervisely. Once the annotation is complete by drawing 3D boxes around the objects, the output annotation file is in the form of a JSON file. This contains, the class and global position, orientation and dimensions of the box. How do I use this file to assign labels to the points inside these 3D boxes. I want the output format in either .pcd file or .bin file.
The output of the JSON file is as follows:
I thought of using a crop_box filter by PCL. But is there any other way around it. It would also help if someone can point me to other point cloud annotation tools which could best help me solve the problem?
I was able to write a c++ script to read the json file and use PCL's cropbox filter to solve the problem. The methodology used is as follows:
1) Read the json file using nlohmann/json
std::ifstream ifs("somepath.json");
json j = json::parse(ifs);
2) Extract the "position" (centroid of cuboid), "orientation" of cuboid, "dimensions" of the cuboid and the "className" for each box. The code below shows a way to extract the position data into std::vector. (i is iterating over the number of boxes.)
std::vector<float> position {
3) Get the max and min (x,y,z) coordinate points of the vertices of the box. This goes as input to the cropbox filter. (Note: the x,y,z point does not have to relate to a single vertex. Xmin will be minimum x of all 8 vertices and Ymin will minium of all 8 vertices and so on.)
4) Use cropbox filter from PCL. This allows you to get indices of all the points inside the given box. Examples can be found here and here.
5) Depending upon the class of the box, assign different colors to the points at those indices of the point cloud.
6) Save the point cloud.
This would be a generalized way of labeling every point of a point cloud from the an input json file which consists information of the position, dimension and orientation of the 3D cubes.
I couldn't find the proper answer to my problem on the Web, so I'll ask it here. Let's say we're given two 2D photos of the same place taken from slightly different angles. I've chosen the set of points (edge detection), found correspondences between them (which point is which on other photo). Now I need to somehow find out world coordinates of these points in 3D.
For the last 5 hours I've read a lot about it but I still can't understand what steps should I follow. I've tried to estimate motion of a camera using the function recoverPose applied to an essential matrix and two sets of points on each frame. I can't understand what it gives me when I know rotation and translation matrices (thatrecoverPose returned). What should I do in order to achieve my goal?
I also know the calibration matrix of my camera (I use KITTI dataset). I've read opencv documentation but still don't understand.
It's monocular vision.
I've been looking for a way to align at least two images in Python.
There are some very nice scripts out there, but I'd like a script that accepts the coordinates of a point in one image and use these coordinates to align the second(or more) image.
I'v been reading about phase correlation algorithms but I'd appreciate some help on how to use the coordinates of a user defined point.
Thank you!
I want to make a 3d point cloud from 3d modeling file(dae, obj...) using python code.
like http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Point_cloud_torus.gif
I have no idea where to begin. Do I need polygon or mesh data or something?
If there were any algorithm for this let me help.
I saw many questions about create mesh from point cloud but it`s very hard to find about this topic.
I want to tag clusters of neighboring pixels from a 2D binary matrix in python.
Basically, I am trying to find something similar to the idl function label_region
Do you have any advice?
the answer is here http://pythonvision.org/basic-tutorial
I used the function ndimage.label