I am trying to create a parameter variation based on a single python script run using the pipeline jar. I manually added a variable called 'pyCommunicator ' of the type other 'PyCommunicator' with initial value new 'PyCommunicator()'.
In the 'initial experiment set' block of the properties section, I import the python file via 'pyCommunicator.run("import GA");'
However, when I try to run the parameter variation I get the error code "PyCommunicator.java:669' indicating that the source code is not present. It also states '669 is not a valid line number in com.anylogic.libraries.pypeline.PyCommunicator'
When I add the jar file at the 'Change Attached Source' option the error does not change. The jar file is in the same folder as the anylogic and python files. I am not sure why the error occurs now. Has anybody experienced this issue before?
This is what it shows if you click on the error:
When I try to write something, such as variables, the code is renamed to the file name on the computer.
For example, if I write:
a = 20
f = 15
then the code file will automatically be renamed to the first line, i.e. "a = 20"
Then, when I try to run the code, the program outputs nothing but "Python" and some incomprehensible words.
What could it be related to?
enter image description here
enter image description here
I installed the latest version of Visual Stuio Code with Python, they are new, so there should be no problems. But this time it went wrong.
After reinstalling the program, the problem remains.
First of all, if there is no special requirement, please do not use Code Runner to run the script, using the official extension Python is a better choice.
In addition, the dot on your file label means that you have not saved the file, you can add the following setting to enable automatic saving in the settings.
"files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
You may have created the file using the following method. File --> New File... --> Python File. At this time, the file has not been named, also not saved. You can see that there is no such file in the resource manager list at this time.
So the file label shows the first line of codes. This is a feature of vscode, you can refer to this link. And because the file has not been saved, there will be problems executing the script.
You can rename the script file directly (F2), or vscode will remind you to name the file when saving. Another way to create a file is to right click and choose New File..., enter filename and end with .py extension.
I am currently trying to download a cif file from materialsproject.org which is only possible via an API. They told me to use Mybinder.org to run their code:
from mp_api.client import MPRester
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.xrd import XRDCalculator
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
with MPRester(api_key='8dI6UZHs3Nc9lxTp75RrJcPdwvPn6jZb') as mpr:
# first retrieve the relevant structure
structure = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id('mp-980949')
# important to use the conventional structure to ensure
# that peaks are labelled with the conventional Miller indices
sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
conventional_structure = sga.get_conventional_standard_structure()
# this example shows how to obtain an XRD diffraction pattern
# these patterns are calculated on-the-fly from the structure
calculator = XRDCalculator(wavelength='CuKa')
pattern = calculator.get_pattern(conventional_structure)
When I run the code it tells me "Retrieving MaterialsDoc documents: 100%". How do I go on from here? I assume it has only retrieved the document, not downloaded it yet onto my pc. I have exactly zero knowledge about programming and APIs. It also doesn't need to download as a cif file. A simple txt. File would also help. I could create my own cif file from that.
I tried running the code from my PC with Python, but nothing really happens. After using Google to find out ways to download data retrieved from APIs I copied some code that others used to download retrieved data, but that also didn't work.
The little you've provided (which may be all they told you?) assumes prior knowledge of or familiarity with Python and/or MyBinder. If they didn't provide you that then perhaps they directed you to other materials and resources on their sites?
Here's how you'd accomplish this, I think, without the authors helping further:
Click here to start up a temporary session that has all the necessary dependencies needed to run your provided code already installed.
Start a new notebook and enter your code. (Alternatively to have that code and further steps already be in a notebook, in the new notebook cell enter !curl -OL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/fomightez/8ef2f588965fbc10f19db79ee0035094/raw/778f399652a08a1f4be70400c5592c59e59cd876/demo_use_mp_api_with_MaterialsProject.ipynb. Give it a few seconds to fetch that notebook file & then double-click that demo_use_mp_api_with_MaterialsProject.ipynb file that should now appear in the file browser panel on the left. Open that notebook and then select from the 'File menu' area > 'Run' > 'Run All Cells' and look there for the rest of what I write about here.)
I noted that it didn't didn't generate any files even though it said 'Retrieving MaterialsDoc documents'. So the contents retrieved must be among the Python objects now active, it seems.
To see what those are, I looked at the assigned variables and entered them as the last line in Jupyter notebook cells and ran those cells. Example, I entered in a cell the following:
Ran that cell and then I saw:
Structure Summary
abc : 7.086166087833533 7.086166087833533 8.514034991951231
angles : 54.50319138768853 54.50319138768853 54.77885193228324
volume : 264.22028210282747
A : 3.259891 6.291809 0.0
B : -3.259891 6.291809 0.0
C : 0.0 5.567899 6.441063
pbc : True True True
PeriodicSite: W (1.9253, 6.2918, 0.0000) [0.7953, 0.2047, 0.0000]
PeriodicSite: W (-1.9253, 6.2918, 0.0000) [0.2047, 0.7953, 0.0000]
PeriodicSite: Cl (0.0000, 13.1912, 5.4807) [0.6718, 0.6718, 0.8509]
PeriodicSite: Cl (0.0000, 7.1635, 5.2908) [0.2058, 0.2058, 0.8214]
PeriodicSite: Cl (1.7149, 10.5162, 4.5739) [0.7845, 0.2585, 0.7101]
PeriodicSite: Cl (-1.7149, 10.5162, 4.5739) [0.2585, 0.7845, 0.7101]
PeriodicSite: Cl (1.7149, 7.6353, 1.8672) [0.7415, 0.2155, 0.2899]
PeriodicSite: Cl (-1.7149, 7.6353, 1.8672) [0.2155, 0.7415, 0.2899]
PeriodicSite: Cl (0.0000, 10.9880, 1.1503) [0.7942, 0.7942, 0.1786]
PeriodicSite: Cl (0.0000, 4.9603, 0.9603) [0.3282, 0.3282, 0.1491]
I also did that with pattern and conventional_structure.
(Note that the last line in a Jupyter notebook cell is special in that the REPL context will get used to evaluate and display the corresponding output whatever is on that line.)
What it shows in the output for those, you can select and copy and then make files back on your local machine by pasting the clipboard into your favorite code editor. For your needs maybe that is sufficient? If you read on, I describe how you can send the values assigned the variables to text files you can download without copying-pasting.
If you want to make text files from the contents assigned to each variable you can use Jupyter/IPython %store magic to send the values of the variables to a text file. I'll use structure as an example again. Enter the following in a cell to save the value of pattern to a text file.
%store pattern >pattern.txt
You'll see pattern.txt show up in the file browser a few seconds later after it automatically updates. You can run ls in a cell if you don't want to wait. It should be listed among the files present in the current working directory.
Anything that is made that is useful, you need to download from the temporary session before it times out. So if you made the text files using step #6, you'll want to download those text files from the remote session back to your local machine. If you do this in a notebook, you may want to download that as well. For example, that's how I got this, which I optionally suggested you fetch and run in your session in step #2 above.
To download the files showing in the file browser on the left, locate the files in the list, then right-click on them in the file browser to select them individually, and then from the menu that comes up select 'Download'. You'll be prompted as to where you want to save the files on your call machine.
I am trying to replicate another researcher's findings by using the Python file that he added as a supplement to his paper. It is the first time I am diving into Python, so the error might be extremely simple to fix, yet after two days I haven't still. For context, in the Readme file there's the following instruction:
"To run the script, make sure Python2 is installed. Put all files into one folder designated as “cf_dir”.
In the script I get an error at the following lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':
cf_dir, cf_file, cf_phys_file = sys.argv[1:4]
cf = pd.read_csv(cf_file)
cf_phys = pd.read_csv(cf_phys_file)
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
The "cf_file" and "cf_phys_file" are two major components of all files that are in the one folder named "cf_dir". The "cf_phys_file" relates only to two survey question's (Q22 and Q23), and the "cf_file" includes all other questions 1-21. Now it seems that the code is meant to retrieve those two files from the directory? Only for the "cf_phys_file" the columns 1:4 are needed. The current working directory is already set at the right location.
The path where I located "cf_dir" is as follows:
C:\Users\Marc-Marijn Ossel\Documents\RSM\Thesis\Data\Suitable for ML\Data en Artikelen\Per task Suitability for Machine Learning score readme\cf_dir
Alternative option in readme file,
In the readme file there's this option, but also here I cannot understand how to direct the path to the right location:
"Run the following command in an open terminal (substituting for file names
below): python cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py cf_dir cf_file cf_phys_file task_file jobTaskRatingFile
jobDataFile OESfile
This should generate the data and plots as necessary."
When I run that in "Command Prompt", I get the following error, and I am not sure how to set the working directory correctly.
- python: can't open file 'cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Thanks for the reading, and I hope there's someone who could help me!
Best regards & stay safe out there during Corona!!
cf_dir, cf_file, cf_phys_file = sys.argv[1:4]
means, the python file expects few arguments when called.
In order to run
python cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py cf_dir cf_file cf_phys_file task_file jobTaskRatingFile jobDataFile OESfile
the command prompt should be in that folder.
So, open command prompt and type
cd path_to_the_folder_where_ur_python_file_is_located
Now, you would have reached the path of the python file.
Also, make sure you give full path in double quotes for the arguments.
I'm trying to create a script that reruns maxent for different inputs. I have around 1500 species that need to be processed separately. My idea is to use a python loop for this program. But I can't seem to find the right information to start.
Right now I have 3 simple lines which tells python to open the program.
import subprocess
subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxent\maxent.jar'])
subprocess.call([r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxent\maxent.bat'])
Now I want to tell python which input to use. However, I can't seem to find any documentation on a function which specifies the input for a program.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to approach the next step?
Right now I have the following code:
import glob
import subprocess
insect = glob.glob('D:\Maxent\samples\*.csv')
for species in insect:
subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', r'D:\Maxent\maxent.jar', 'environmentallayers=D:\Maxent\layers',
species, 'outputdirectory= D:\Maxent\outputs', 'redoifexists', 'autorun'])
This gives me the following error in maxent:
Initialization flags not understood: D:\Maxent\samples\Aeshna_juncea.csv
and the folowing error in pyhton
C:\Users\merel\PycharmProjects\untitled\venv\Scripts\python.exe "C:/Users/merel/PycharmProjects/untitled/maxent python.py"
Error: Initialization flags not understood: species
Error: No species selected
I also tried it with the ' around species. This gave me the following error:
C:\Users\merel\PycharmProjects\untitled\venv\Scripts\python.exe "C:/Users/merel/PycharmProjects/untitled/maxent python.py"
Error: Initialization flags not understood: species
Error: No species selected
I don't know why the program doesn't understand the argument. I also tried it with x instead of species to make sure that the word species didn't already exist in the library.
You need to pass arguments/flags to Maxent's jar file in order to achieve your goals, if I understood it correctly.
I've downloaded the Maxen and found the necessary arguments/flags. When you start Maxent, click help and scroll down to Batch mode, you can find all the arguments/flags there also an example usage as well; java -mx512m -jar maxent.jar environmentallayers=layers samplesfile=samples\bradypus.csv outputdirectory=outputs togglelayertype=ecoreg redoifexists autorun
You can add those arguments/flags after your path such like this:
subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxent\maxent.jar', 'environmentallayers=layers', 'samplesfile=samples\bradypus.csv', 'outputdirectory=outputs', 'togglelayertype=ecoreg', 'redoifexists', 'autorun'])
I hope this helps you on your project. I have not tried any of this since I do not know anything about your field.
You don't have to call the .bat file since it also executes the maxent.jar wtih the given arguments/flags.
I am using Ride (RobotFramework IDE) and I have imported Library AllureReportLibrary in my project.
Using the Set Output Dir, I am creating a Directory C:/AutomationLogs/Allure and all the allure properties and xml files are getting generated in that path.
Set Output Dir C:/AutomationLogs/
Then I am using the "allure serve C:\AutomationLogs\Allure" command to try and generate the html report file in command prompt, but it shows the below error -
"Could not read result
{} com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Cannot
deserialize va lue of type
ru.yandex.qatools.allure.model.SeverityLevel from String "None":
value not one of declared Enum instance names: [trivial, blocker,
minor, normal, critical]"
The xml file "f56f4796-d30a-47f3-a988-d17f6c4e13ca-testsuite.xml" was generated using the AllureReportLibrary
Also the index.html file which is generated after the command opens after this command and shows Allure Report unknown
unknown - unknown (Unknown) 0 test cases NaN%
I am using the below -
Allure version - 2.4.1
Ride version - RIDE running on Python 2.7.12.
I am new to Robot Framework and Allure. Please let me know whether I have implemented it correctly and why I am facing the above error.
-Ryan M
I'm using the 1.1.1 version of Allure Adaptor for Robot Framework and the severity is picked from the test case tags and added as a label under the test-case element of the report.
However, it seems that Allure 2.6.0 is also expecting a valid value for the severity attribute of the test-case element.
In order to use Allure2 with the current reports I have altered AllureListener.py to also add the severity to the test case:
elif tag in SEVERITIES:
test.severity = tag
If your output.xml has severity = None for any testcase then the allure-robotframework-adaptor will give the error that you have mentioned. Creating TestCase() object with severity='' in start_suitesetup method of AllureListener.py will do the trick.
def start_suitesetup(self, name, attributes):
test = TestCase(name=name,
How to create the Allure reports in Robot Framework ?
Initially, Download the Command line and UNzip the file and save the path of the bin folder in environment.
Link : http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/qameta/allure/allure-commandline/2.8.0/allure-commandline-2.8.0.zip
Unzip the above file then put it in the Environment folder.
Then Pip install the below modules
pip install allure-robotframework
pip install robotframework-allurereport
In robot file, Add the Library in Settings like,
Example :
Library AllureReportLibrary D:\eclipse\RobotFramework\results
Then Use the Below commands to run the robot code.
robot --listener allure_robotframework;D:\eclipse\RobotFramework\results
Generate the HTML file by,
allure generate D:\eclipse\RobotFramework\results
Note : Use the same path what you used in the previous command to generate the HTml.file.
Open in Mozhila FireFox. It wont be work in Chrome. I dont know exactly why.