Where are the strings causing my error in this df? - python

This mre gives throws TypeError: string indices must be integers
ActualClose = [898,1415,226,6006 ]
Predicted = [905,1426,229,6021]
Prior = [891,1351,228,5993]
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(ActualClose, Predicted, Prior)), columns =['Actual', 'Predicted', "Prior"])
count = 0
for row in df:
if row['Actual'] & row['Predicted'] > row['Prior'] | row['Actual'] & row['Predicted'] < row['Prior']:
count = count + 1
I don't understand where the strings are that would be interferring with running my logic, can someone clear this up for me?

Why not just use this one-liner instead:
count = ((df['Actual'] & df['Predicted'] > df['Prior']) | df['Actual'] & (df['Predicted'] < df['Prior'])).sum()
And now:
Would give:

I think to iterate throw each row of a dataframe, you should use df.iterrows() instead of df
ActualClose = [898,1415,226,6006 ]
Predicted = [905,1426,229,6021]
Prior = [891,1351,228,5993]
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(ActualClose, Predicted, Prior)), columns =['Actual', 'Predicted', "Prior"])
count = 0
for _, row in df.iterrows():
if row['Actual'] & row['Predicted'] > row['Prior'] | row['Actual'] & row['Predicted'] < row['Prior']:
count = count + 1


Optimizing pandas operations

I'm cleaning a data set with 6 columns and just under 9k rows. As part of the clean up I have to find zero/negative, repetitive, interpolated, and outlier values defined as:
repetitive values - 3 subsequent values are equivalent up to 6 decimal places, flag the first one
interpolated values - take a = row1_val - row2_val, b = row2_val-row3_val, c = row3_val - row4_val, etc. If a=b or b=c, etc. flag
outlier values - 1.1peak < MW < 0.1peak
Right now I am using for loops on the data frame to do the row comparisons and flag the values, put them into a new data frame, and replace them with 999999 but it takes FOREVER. I used the following code to find and replace the zero/negative values, but I cant seem to make it work for the multi row functions used in the for loop. Can anyone show me how this works?
zero/negative values:
df = (df.drop(data_columns, axis=1).join(df[data_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')))
Missing_Vals_df = df.loc[(df['A KW'].isnull()) | (df['A KVAR'].isnull()) | (df['B KW'].isnull()) | (df['B KVAR'].isnull()) | (df['C KW'].isnull()) | (df['C KVAR'].isnull())]
df = df.fillna(999999)
for x in range(len(df)-2):
for thing in data_columns:
if df.loc[x][thing] <= 0:
df = df.replace(to_replace = df.loc[x][thing], value=999999)
elif (round(df.loc[x][thing], 6) == round(df.loc[x+1][thing], 6) == round(df.loc[x+2][thing], 6)) & (df.loc[x][thing] != 999999):
if x not in duplicate_loc:
duplicate_df = duplicate_df.append(df.loc[(x)])
df = df.replace(to_replace = df.iloc[x][thing], value=999999)
elif (round((df.loc[x+1][thing] - df.loc[x][thing]), 3) == round((df.loc[x+2][thing] - df.loc[x+1][thing]), 3)) & (df.loc[x][thing] != 999999):
if x not in interpolated_loc:
interpolated_df = interpolated_df.append(df.loc[(x)])
df = df.replace(to_replace = df.iloc[x][thing], value=999999)
elif ((df.loc[x][thing] > 1.1*df_peak.loc[0]['Value']) | (df.loc[x][thing] > 1.1*df_peak.loc[0]['Value']) | (df.loc[x][thing] > 1.1*df_peak.loc[0]['Value'])) & (df.loc[x][thing] != 999999):
if x not in outlier_loc:
outlier_df = outlier_df.append(df.loc[(x)])
df = df.replace(to_replace = df.iloc[x][thing], value=999999)

Pandas apply function does not assign values to the colum

I am trying to put this logic on pandas dataframe
IF base_total_price > 0
IF base_total_discount = 0
actual_price = base_total_price
IF base_total_discount > 0
actual_price = base_total_price +base_total_discount
IF base_total_price = 0
IF base_total_discount > 0
actual_price = base_total_discount
IF base_total_discount = 0
actual_price = 0
so I wrote these 2 apply functions
#for all entries where base_total_price > 0
df_slice_1['actual_price'] = df_slice_1['base_total_discount'].apply(lambda x: df_slice_1['base_total_price'] if x == 0 else df_slice_1['base_total_price']+df_slice_1['base_total_discount'])
#for all entries where base_total_price = 0
df_slice_1['actual_price'] = df_slice_1['base_total_discount'].apply(lambda x: x if x == 0 else df_slice_1['base_total_discount'])
When i run the code I get this error
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 20, placement implies 1
I know that it is trying to put more values in one column but I do not understand why is this happening or how can I solve this problem. All I need to do is to update the dataframe with the new column `actual_price` and I need to calculate the values for this column according to the above mentioned logic. Please suggest me a better way of implementing the logic or correct me
Sample data would have been useful. Please try use np.select(condtions, choices)
Conditions=[(df.base_total_price > 0)&(df.base_total_discount == 0),(df.base_total_price > 0)&(df.base_total_discount > 0),\
(df.base_total_price == 0)&(df.base_total_discount > 0),\
(df.base_total_price == 0)&(df.base_total_discount == 0)]
df.actual_price =np.select(Conditions,choices)
I solved this question simply by using iterrows. Thanks everyone who responded

What is the correct way of selecting value from pandas dataframe using column name and row index?

what is the most efficient way of selecting value from pandas dataframe using column name and row index (by that I mean row number)?
I have a case where I have to iterate through rows:
I have a working solution:
i = 0
while i < len(dataset) -1:
if dataset.target[i] == 1:
dataset.sum_lost[i] = dataset['to_be_repaid_principal'][i] + dataset['to_be_repaid_interest'][i]
dataset.ratio_lost[i] = dataset.sum_lost[i] / dataset['expected_returned_sum'][i]
dataset.sum_lost[i] = 0
dataset.ratio_lost[i]= 0
i += 1
But this solution is so much RAM hungry. I am also getting the following warning:
"A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame."
So I am trying to come up with another one:
i = 0
while i < len(dataset) -1:
if dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['target'] == 1:
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] = dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['to_be_repaid_principal'] + dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['to_be_repaid_interest']
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['ratio_lost'] = dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] / dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['expected_returned_sum']
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['sum_lost'] = 0
dataset.iloc[i, :].loc['ratio_lost'] = 0
i += 1
But it does not work.
I would like to come up with a faster/less ram hungry solution, because this will actually be web app a few users could use simultaneously.
Thanks a lot.
If you are thinking about "looping through rows", you are not using pandas right. You should think of terms of columns instead.
Use np.where which is vectorized (read: fast):
cond = dataset['target'] == 1
dataset['sumlost'] = np.where(cond, dataset['to_be_repaid_principal'] + dataset['to_be_repaid_interest'], 0)
dataset['ratio_lost'] = np.where(cond, dataset['sumlost'] / dataset['expected_returned_sum'], 0)

Python Groupby with Boolean Mask

I have a pandas dataframe with the following general format:
This result would be the following:
Any tips or tricks most welcome!
A better way to describe what I need to accomplish is that in a .groupby(['id','atr1','atr2']) to create a new indicator column where the following criteria are met for records within the groups:
(df['orig_date'] < df['fix_date'])
I think this should work:
df['failed_part_ind'] = df.apply(lambda row: 1 if ((row['id'] == row['id']) &
(row['atr1'] == row['atr1']) &
(row['atr2'] == row['atr2']) &
(row['orig_date'] < row['fix_date']))
else 0, axis=1)
Update: I think this is what you want:
import numpy as np
def f(g):
min_fix_date = g['fix_date'].min()
if np.isnan(min_fix_date):
g['failed_part_ind'] = 0
g['failed_part_ind'] = g['orig_date'].apply(lambda d: 1 if d < min_fix_date else 0)
return g
df.groupby(['id', 'atr1', 'atr2']).apply(lambda g: f(g))

python, operation on big pandas Dataframe

I have a pandas DataFrame named Joined with 5 fields:
product | price | percentil_25 | percentil_50 | percentile_75
for each row I want to class the price like this:
if the price is below percentil_25 I'm giving to this product the class 1, and so on
So what I did is:
classe_final = OrderedDict()
classe_final['sku'] = []
classe_final['class'] = []
for index in range(len(joined)):
if(float(joined.values[index][1]) <= float(joined.values[index][2])):
elif(float(joined.values[index][2]) < float(joined.values[index][1]) and float(joined.values[index][1]) <= float(joined.values[index][3])):
elif(float(joined.values[index][3]) < float(joined.values[index][1]) and float(joined.values[index][1]) <= float(joined.values[index][4])):
But as my DataFrame is quite big it's taking forever.
Do you have any idea how I could do this quicker?
# build an empty df
df = pd.DataFrame()
# get a list of the unique products, could skip this perhaps
df['Product'] = other_df['Sku'].unique()
2 ways, define a func and call apply
def class(x):
if x.price < x.percentil_25:
return 1
elif x.price >= x.percentil_25 and x.price < x.percentil_50:
return 2:
elif x.price >= x.percentil_50 and x.price < x.percentil_75:
return 2:
elif x.price >= x.percentil_75:
return 4
df['class'] = other_df.apply(lambda row: class(row'), axis=1)
another way which I think is better and will be much faster is we could add the 'class' column to your existing df and use loc and then just take a view of the 2 columns of interest:
joined.loc[joined['price'] < joined['percentil_25'], 'class'] =1
joined.loc[(joined['price'] >= joined['percentil_25']) & (joined['price'] < joined['percentil_50']), 'class'] =2
joined.loc[(joined['price'] >= joined['percentil_50']) & (joined['price'] < joined['percentil_75']), 'class'] =3
joined.loc[joined['price'] >= joined['percentil_75'], 'class'] =4
classe_final = joined[['cku', 'class']]
Just for kicks you could use a load of np.where conditions:
classe_final['class'] = np.where(joined['price'] > joined['percentil_75'], 4, np.where( joined['price'] > joined['percentil_50'], 3, np.where( joined['price'] > joined['percentil_25'], 2, 1 ) ) )
this evaluates whether the price is greater than percentil_75, if so then class 4 otherwise it evaluates another conditiona and so on, may be worth timing this compared to loc but it is a lot less readable
Another solution, if someone asked me to bet which one is the fastest I'd go for this:
"1 * (price >= percentil_25)"
" + (price >= percentil_50)"
" + (price >= percentil_75)"
