I am really a newbie. Thanks much.
Dictionary in list from JSON looks like this:
data1= [ [{Code:A, date:XXX}], [{Code:B, date:YYY}]]
How can i convert this into dataframe?
Output I want is:
enter image description here
I tried the following code but it's not working.
The real data is
"code": "AA.US",
"date": "2022-12-31",
"earningsEstimateAvg": "4.5400",
"earningsEstimateGrowth": "0.0630",
"earningsEstimateHigh": "8.5000",
"earningsEstimateLow": "2.2000",
"earningsEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "12.0000",
"earningsEstimateYearAgoEps": "4.2700",
"epsRevisionsDownLast30days": "0.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast30days": "6.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast7days": "1.0000",
"epsTrend30daysAgo": "3.8700",
"epsTrend60daysAgo": "3.8200",
"epsTrend7daysAgo": "4.5200",
"epsTrend90daysAgo": "2.5900",
"epsTrendCurrent": "4.5400",
"growth": "0.0630",
"period": "+1y",
"revenueEstimateAvg": "11018700000.00",
"revenueEstimateGrowth": "0.0180",
"revenueEstimateHigh": "12927000000.00",
"revenueEstimateLow": "10029900000.00",
"revenueEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "9.00",
"revenueEstimateYearAgoEps": null
} ],
"code": "AAIC.US",
"date": "2022-12-31",
"earningsEstimateAvg": "0.2600",
"earningsEstimateGrowth": "0.4440",
"earningsEstimateHigh": "0.3900",
"earningsEstimateLow": "0.1700",
"earningsEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "3.0000",
"earningsEstimateYearAgoEps": "0.1800",
"epsRevisionsDownLast30days": "0.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast30days": "1.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast7days": "0.0000",
"epsTrend30daysAgo": "0.2600",
"epsTrend60daysAgo": "0.2100",
"epsTrend7daysAgo": "0.2600",
"epsTrend90daysAgo": "0.2300",
"epsTrendCurrent": "0.2600",
"growth": "0.4440",
"period": "+1y",
"revenueEstimateAvg": "17280000.00",
"revenueEstimateGrowth": "0.1680",
"revenueEstimateHigh": "22110000.00",
"revenueEstimateLow": "12450000.00",
"revenueEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "2.00",
"revenueEstimateYearAgoEps": null
"code": "AAIC.US",
"date": "2020-09-30",
"earningsEstimateAvg": "0.0200",
"earningsEstimateGrowth": "-0.8890",
"earningsEstimateHigh": "0.0300",
"earningsEstimateLow": "0.0200",
"earningsEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "4.0000",
"earningsEstimateYearAgoEps": "0.1800",
"epsRevisionsDownLast30days": "1.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast30days": "2.0000",
"epsRevisionsUpLast7days": "1.0000",
"epsTrend30daysAgo": "0.0300",
"epsTrend60daysAgo": "0.0300",
"epsTrend7daysAgo": "0.0300",
"epsTrend90daysAgo": "0.0600",
"epsTrendCurrent": "0.0200",
"growth": "-0.8890",
"period": "0q",
"revenueEstimateAvg": "3890000.00",
"revenueEstimateGrowth": "-0.1710",
"revenueEstimateHigh": "4110000.00",
"revenueEstimateLow": "3780000.00",
"revenueEstimateNumberOfAnalysts": "3.00",
"revenueEstimateYearAgoEps": null
] ]
I think pd.DataFrame.from_records(data1) might be what you are looking for
have a look at the documentation
I have done for a sample data. This is what you need
import pandas as pd
data= [[{'Code': 'A', 'date':'XXX', 'name' : 'anil', 'age': 15}], [{'Code':'B', 'date':'YYY', 'name': 'kapoor', 'age': 18}]]
col_name = list(data[0][0].keys())
row_data = []
for i in range(len(data)):
df = pd.DataFrame(row_data, columns =col_name)
I have the following (excerpt) json data structure:
"apiToken": {
"createdAt": "2022-03-04T12:18:29.000956Z",
"expiresAt": "2022-09-04T12:18:29.000956Z"
"canGenerateApiToken": true,
"dateJoined": "2021-01-29T10:07:04.395172Z",
"email": "john#doe.com",
"emailReadOnly": true,
"emailVerified": true,
"firstLogin": "2021-01-29T13:01:33.294216Z",
"fullName": "John Doe",
"fullNameReadOnly": true,
"groupsReadOnly": false,
"id": "32168415841",
"isSystem": false,
"lastLogin": "2022-09-12T08:51:00.159750Z",
"lowestRole": "Admin",
"primaryTwoFaMethod": "application",
"scope": "account",
"scopeRoles": [
"id": "68418945648943589",
"name": "AT || ACME Inc.",
"roleId": "9848949354653168",
"roleName": "Admin",
"roles": [
"siteRoles": [],
"source": "sso_saml",
"tenantRoles": [],
"twoFaEnabled": true
I'm trying to write certain data into an excel file with:
df = pd.json_normalize(result)
df[['scope', 'fullName', 'email', 'lowestRole', 'scope',
But I struggle with 'scopeRoles.name' as it's nested.
with the code above I get
raise KeyError(f"None of [{key}] are in the [{axis_name}]")
KeyError: "None of [Index(['scope', 'fullName', 'email', 'lowestRole', 'scope', 'scopeRoles.name'], dtype='object')] are in the [columns]"
I also tried different versions, but always failed.
I basically need to understand how I can specify the fields to write into excel when the field itself is nested. If I just use "non-nested" entries it works perfectly fine
You need to flatten your JSON data file.
You could use the flatten_json package.
pip install flatten_json
from flatten_json import flatten
unflat_json = {'user':
{'UserID': 1717171717,
'Email': 'rachel1999#gmail.com',
'friends': ['John', 'Jeremy', 'Emily']
flat_json = flatten(unflat_json)
{‘user_Rachel_UserID’: 1717171717, ‘user_Rachel_Email’: ‘rachel1999#gmail.com’, ‘user_Rachel_friends_0’: ‘John’, ‘user_Rachel_friends_1’: ‘Jeremy’, ‘user_Rachel_friends_2’: ‘Emily’}
To deal with a list of dictionaries, you can use df.from_records(). But, you need to process it separately to combine each dataframe together. I assumed the data used is exactly the same, considering the df['scopeRoles'] only consisted of one element. Please try something like this:
import pandas as pd
result = {
"apiToken": {
"createdAt": "2022-03-04T12:18:29.000956Z",
"expiresAt": "2022-09-04T12:18:29.000956Z"
"canGenerateApiToken": True,
"dateJoined": "2021-01-29T10:07:04.395172Z",
"email": "john#doe.com",
"emailReadOnly": True,
"emailVerified": True,
"firstLogin": "2021-01-29T13:01:33.294216Z",
"fullName": "John Doe",
"fullNameReadOnly": True,
"groupsReadOnly": False,
"id": "32168415841",
"isSystem": False,
"lastLogin": "2022-09-12T08:51:00.159750Z",
"lowestRole": "Admin",
"primaryTwoFaMethod": "application",
"scope": "account",
"scopeRoles": [
"id": "68418945648943589",
"name": "AT || ACME Inc.",
"roleId": "9848949354653168",
"roleName": "Admin",
"roles": [
"siteRoles": [],
"source": "sso_saml",
"tenantRoles": [],
"twoFaEnabled": True
df = pd.json_normalize(result)
df2 = df[['scope', 'fullName', 'email', 'lowestRole', 'scope']]
# from_records() returns a dataframe from a list of dict df['scopeRoles'].
df3 = df.from_records(df["scopeRoles"][0])
# join df2 and df3
res = df2.join(df3)
I hope this code helps!
To get the name column only, you just have to subscript like so:
df3 = df.from_records(df["scopeRoles"][0])['name']
bit lost here... trying to iterate through this array in a json object:
"symbol": "NULSBUSD",
"orderId": 33523092,
"orderListId": -1,
"clientOrderId": "54Re4e4iV0bCkIXKyth4Sc",
"transactTime": 1659875121897,
"price": "0.00000000",
"origQty": "187.00000000",
"executedQty": "187.00000000",
"cummulativeQuoteQty": "50.10100000",
"status": "FILLED",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"type": "MARKET",
"side": "BUY",
"fills": [
"price": "0.26790000",
"qty": "150.00000000",
"commission": "0.00009529",
"commissionAsset": "BNB",
"tradeId": 669893
"price": "0.26800000",
"qty": "37.00000000",
"commission": "0.00002350",
"commissionAsset": "BNB",
"tradeId": 669894
"delta": 0,
"tsp": 0.264528
this code throws
string indices must be integers
qty = 0.0
for coin in order:
for fill in coin['fills']:
qty += float(fill['qty'])
Any ideas how I go about it?
This is what you need:
qty = 0.0
for coin in order:
obj = order[coin]
for fill in obj['fills']:
qty += float(fill['qty'])
You can do this in one line:
print(sum(float(fill['qty']) for coin in order for fill in order[coin]['fills']))
If you do: for key in order, key is a string here:)
Here's using dataframe to avoid looping -
import pandas as pd
import json
with open("data.json") as f:
json_data = json.load(f)
for coin in json_data:
df = pd.DataFrame(json_data[coin]["fills"])
Hi i want to convert my dataframe to a specific json structure. my dataframe look something like this :
df = pd.DataFrame([["file1", "", 91, "RMLO"], ["file2", "", 92, "LMLO"], ["file3", "", 93, "LCC"], ["file4", "", 94, "RCC"]], columns=["Filename", "StudyID", "probablity", "finding_name"])
And the json structure in which i want to convert my datafram is below :
"findings": [
"name": "RMLO",
"probability": "91"
"name": "LMLO",
"probability": "92"
"name": "LCC",
"probability": "93"
"name": "LCC93",
"probability" : "94"
"status": "Processed",
"study_id": ""
i tried implementing this with below code with different orient variables but i didn't get what i wanted.
j = df[["probablity","findings"]].to_json(orient='records')
so if any can help in achiveing this..
Is this similar to what you are trying to achieve:
import json
j = df[["finding_name","probablity"]].to_json(orient='records')
study_id = df["StudyID"][0]
j_dict = {"findings": json.loads(j), "status": "Processed", "study_id": study_id}
This results in:
{'findings': [{'finding_name': 'RMLO', 'probablity': 91},
{'finding_name': 'LMLO', 'probablity': 92},
{'finding_name': 'LCC', 'probablity': 93},
{'finding_name': 'RCC', 'probablity': 94}],
'status': 'Processed',
'study_id': ''}
I have the following json that I extracted using request with python and json.loads. The whole json basically repeats itself with changes in the ID and names. It has a lot of information but I`m just posting a small sample as an example:
"desc":"No annoying ads&easy to play",
I dont need all that data, just a few like 'title', 'country', 'revenuerate' and 'urlApp' but I dont know if there is a way to extract only that.
My solution so far was to make the json a dataframe and then drop the columns, however, I wanted to find an easier solution.
My ideal final result would be to have a dataframe with selected keys and arrays
Does anybody know an easy solution for this problem?
I assume you have that data as a dictionary, let's call it json_data. You can just iterate over the apps and write them into a list. Alternatively, you could obviously also define a class and initialize objects of that class.
I just found this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20638258/6180150, which tells how you can convert a list of dicts like from my sample code into a dataframe. See below adaptions to the code for a solution.
json_data = {
"status": "OK",
"statuscode": 200,
"message": "success",
"apps": [
"id": "675832210",
"title": "AGED",
"desc": "No annoying ads&easy to play",
"urlImg": "https://test.com/pImg.aspx?b=675832&z=1041813&c=495181&tid=API_MP&u=https%3a%2f%2fcdna.test.com%2fbanner%2fwMMUapCtmeXTIxw_square.png&q=",
"urlImgWide": "https://cdna.test.com/banner/sI9MfGhqXKxVHGw_rectangular.jpeg",
"urlApp": "https://admin.test.com/appLink.aspx?b=675832&e=1041813&tid=API_MP&sid=2c5cee038cd9449da35bc7b0f53cf60f&q=",
"androidPackage": "com.agedstudio.freecell",
"revenueType": "cpi",
"revenueRate": "0.10",
"categories": "Card",
"idx": "2",
"country": [
"cityInclude": [
"cityExclude": [
"targetedOSver": "ALL",
"targetedDevices": "ALL",
"bannerId": "675832210",
"campaignId": "495181210",
"campaignType": "network",
"supportedVersion": "",
"storeRating": "4.3",
"storeDownloads": "10000+",
"appSize": "34603008",
"urlVideo": "",
"urlVideoHigh": "",
"urlVideo30Sec": "https://cdn.test.com/banner/video/video-675832-30.mp4?rnd=1620699136",
"urlVideo30SecHigh": "https://cdn.test.com/banner/video/video-675832-30_o.mp4?rnd=1620699131",
"offerId": "5825774"
filtered_data = []
for app in json_data["apps"]:
app_data = {
"id": app["id"],
"title": app["title"],
"country": app["country"],
"revenueRate": app["revenueRate"],
"urlApp": app["urlApp"],
# Output
d = [
'id': '675832210',
'title': 'AGED',
'country': ['CH'],
'revenueRate': '0.10',
'urlApp': 'https://admin.test.com/appLink.aspx?b=675832&e=1041813&tid=API_MP&sid=2c5cee038cd9449da35bc7b0f53cf60f&q='
d = pd.DataFrame(filtered_data)
# Output
id title country revenueRate urlApp
0 675832210 AGED [CH] 0.10 https://admin.test.com/appLink.aspx?b=675832&e=1041813&tid=API_MP&sid=2c5cee038cd9449da35bc7b0f53cf60f&q=
if your endgame is dataframe, just load the dataframe and take the columns you want:
setting the json to data
df = pd.json_normalize(data['apps'])
id title desc urlImg ... urlVideoHigh urlVideo30Sec urlVideo30SecHigh offerId
0 675832210 AGED No annoying ads&easy to play https://test.com/pImg.aspx?b=675832&z=1041813&... ... https://cdn.test.com/banner/video/video-675832... https://cdn.test.com/banner/video/video-675832... 5825774
[1 rows x 28 columns]
then if you want certain columns:
df_final = df[['title', 'desc', 'urlImg']]
title desc urlImg
0 AGED No annoying ads&easy to play https://test.com/pImg.aspx?b=675832&z=1041813&...
use a dictionary comprehension to extract a dictionary of key/value pairs you want
import json
"desc":"No annoying ads&easy to play",
json_dict = json.loads(json_string)
dict_result = { key: json_dict[key] for key in json_dict if key in filter_fields}
json_elements = []
for key in dict_result:
[('title', 'AGED'), ('urlApp', 'https://admin.test.com/appLink.aspx?b=675832&e=1041813&tid=API_MP&sid=2c5cee038cd9449da35bc7b0f53cf60f&q='), ('revenueRate', '0.10'), ('country', ['CH'])]
I have a dataframe that I need to convert into a nested json format. I can get one level of grouping done, but I don't know how to do a second grouping as well as a nesting beneath that.
I have looked a lot of different examples, but nothing really gets me the example I posted below.
import pandas as pd
data= {'Name': ['TEST01','TEST02'],
'Type': ['Tent','Tent'],
'Address':['123 Happy','456 Happy'],
'State': ['WA','NY'],
'PostalCode': ['89985','85542'],
'Spot' : ['A','A'],
'SpotAssigment' : ['123','456'],
'Cost': [900,500]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
j = (df.groupby(['Name','Type'])
.apply(lambda x: x[['Address','City', 'State', 'PostalCode']].to_dict('r'))
print(json.dumps(json.loads(j), indent=2, sort_keys=True))
I want it to look like the below.
"Name": "TEST01",
"Type": "Tent",
"addresses": [
"Address": "123 Happy",
"City": "Happytown",
"PostalCode": "89985",
"State": "WA"
"Name": "TEST02",
"Type": "Tent",
"addresses": [
"Address": "456 Happy",
"City": "Happytown",
"PostalCode": "85542",
"State": "NY"
try this:
j = (df.groupby(['Name','Type'])
.apply(lambda x: x[['Address','City', 'State', 'PostalCode']].to_dict('r'))
k = (df.groupby(['Name','Type', 'Spot'])
.apply(lambda x: x[['SpotAssigment', 'Cost']].to_dict('r'))
h = (k.groupby(['Name','Type'])
.apply(lambda x: x[['Spot','SpotAssignments']].to_dict('r'))
m = j.merge(h, how='inner', on=['Name', 'Type'])
result = m.to_dict(orient='records')
from pprint import pprint as pp
this result is a python list of dicts in the same format that you want, you should be able to dump it as JSON directly.