picture in header hide first picture in docx with python-docx - python

In a Document of docx in python,
when an image is added to the header, the first next picture does not appear.
The image is visible with LibreOffice (7.0) but not with MS Office(365). And MS Office asks to repair the file after a modification in the file.
from docx import Document as DocumentDocx # for creating docx files
from docx.shared import Cm # section parameters
file_list = ['i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4']
document = DocumentDocx()
section = document.sections[0]
header = section.header
p = header.add_paragraph('')
r = p.add_run()
r.add_picture('logo.png', height=Cm(1))
p = document.add_paragraph()
p.alignment = 1
run = p.add_run()
for ii, name_file in enumerate(file_list):
run.add_picture(name_file + '.png', width=Cm(12))
document.save('file' + '.docx')
How to correctly add a picture in header and show all pictures ?

The missing image is due to Word (version greater than 2105), and only if there is image in header section of the existing word document
as eamars say it.


PDF range split

I am trying to split a PDF file by finding a key word of text and then grabbing that page the key word is on and the following 4 pages after, so total of 5 pages, and splitting them from that original PDF and putting them into their own PDF so the new PDF will have those 5 pages only, then loop through again find that key text again because its repeated further down the original PDF X amount of times, grabbing that page plus the 4 after and putting into its own PDF.
Example: key word is found on page 7 the first loop so need page 7 and also pages 8-11 and put those 5 pages 7-11 into a pdf file,
the next loop they key word is found on page 12 so need page 12 and pages 13-16 so pages 12-16 split onto their own pdf at this point it has created 2 separate pdfs
the below code finds the key word and puts it into its own pdf file but only got it for that one page not sure how to include the range
import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
path = "example.pdf"
fname = os.path.basename(path)
reader = PdfFileReader(path)
for page_number in range(reader.getNumPages()):
writer = PdfFileWriter()
text = reader.getPage(page_number).extractText()
text_stripped = text.replace("\n", "")
if text_stripped.find("Disregarded Branch") != (-1):
output_filename = f"{fname}_page_{page_number + 1}.pdf"
with open(output_filename, "wb") as out:
print(f"Created: {output_filename}")
disclaimer: I am the author of borb, the library used in this answer.
I think your question comes down to 2 common functionalities:
find the location of a given piece of text
merge/split/extract pages from a PDF
For the first part, there is a good tutorial in the examples repo.
You can find it here. I'll repeat one of the examples here for completeness.
import typing
from borb.pdf.document.document import Document
from borb.pdf.pdf import PDF
from borb.toolkit.text.simple_text_extraction import SimpleTextExtraction
def main():
# read the Document
doc: typing.Optional[Document] = None
l: SimpleTextExtraction = SimpleTextExtraction()
with open("output.pdf", "rb") as in_file_handle:
doc = PDF.loads(in_file_handle, [l])
# check whether we have read a Document
assert doc is not None
# print the text on the first Page
if __name__ == "__main__":
This example extracts all the text from page 0 of the PDF. of course you could simply iterate over all pages, and check whether a given page contains the keyword you're looking for.
For the second part, you can find a good example in the examples repository. This is the link. This example (and subsequent example) takes you through the basics of frankensteining a PDF from various sources.
The example I copy/paste here will show you how to build a PDF by alternatively picking a page from input document 1, and input document 2.
import typing
from borb.pdf.document.document import Document
from borb.pdf.pdf import PDF
import typing
from decimal import Decimal
from borb.pdf.document.document import Document
from borb.pdf.page.page import Page
from borb.pdf.pdf import PDF
def main():
# open doc_001
doc_001: typing.Optional[Document] = Document()
with open("output_001.pdf", "rb") as pdf_file_handle:
doc_001 = PDF.loads(pdf_file_handle)
# open doc_002
doc_002: typing.Optional[Document] = Document()
with open("output_002.pdf", "rb") as pdf_file_handle:
doc_002 = PDF.loads(pdf_file_handle)
# create new document
d: Document = Document()
for i in range(0, 10):
p: typing.Optional[Page] = None
if i % 2 == 0:
p = doc_001.get_page(i)
p = doc_002.get_page(i)
# write
with open("output_003.pdf", "wb") as pdf_file_handle:
PDF.dumps(pdf_file_handle, d)
if __name__ == "__main__":
You've almost got it!
import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
def create_4page_pdf(base_pdf_path, start):
reader = PdfFileReader(base_pdf_path)
writer = PdfFileWriter()
for i in range(4):
index = start + i
if index < len(reader.pages):
page = reader.pages[index]
fname = os.path.basename(base_pdf_path)
output_filename = f"{fname}_page_{start + 1}.pdf"
with open(output_filename, "wb") as out:
print(f"Created: {output_filename}")
def main(base_pdf_path="example.pdf"):
base_pdf_path = "example.pdf"
reader = PdfFileReader(base_pdf_path)
for page_number, page in enumerate(reader.pages):
text = page.extractText()
text_stripped = text.replace("\n", "")
if text_stripped.find("Disregarded Branch") != (-1):
create_4page_pdf(base_pdf_path, page_number)

How to split a PDF with PyMuPDF (with a loop)?

I'd like to use PyMuPDF : I'd like to split a pdf, with for each splitted file, a file named with the name of the bookmark, with only page
I've succefully my files, for exemple 4 PDF files for a 4 pages PDF source.... but in the several pdf, I don't have one page but with a random number of page ?
import sys, fitz
file = '/home/ilyes/Bulletins_Originaux.pdf'
bookmark = ''
doc = fitz.open(file)
toc = doc.getToC(simple = True)
except Exception as e:
for i in range(len(toc)):
pagefin=numeroPage + 1
print (pagedebut)
print (pagefin)
doc2 = fitz.open(file)
doc2.insertPDF(doc, from_page = pagedebut, to_page = pagefin, start_at = 0)
doc2.save('/home/ilyes/' + documentPdfCibleSansSlash + ".pdf")
Could you tell me what's wrong ?
Maybee because I use always "doc2" in the loop ?
Thanks you,
Abou Ilyès
Seems weird, that you open the same document twice.
You open your pdf file at doc = fitz.open(file) and again at doc2 = fitz.open(file).
Then you insert pages into the same file by doc2.insertPDF(doc, from_page = pagedebut, to_page = pagefin, start_at = 0).
Of course the doc files toc will get messed up completely by "randomly" inserting pages.
I recommend to replace doc2 = fitz.open(file) with doc2 = fitz.open()
This will create an empty "in memory" pdf (see the documentation), in which you can then insert the pages you need from doc. Then save this as a new pdf by its bookmark title by running
doc2.save('/home/ilyes/' + documentPdfCibleSansSlash + ".pdf")

Highlight text content in pdf files using python and save a screenshot

I have a list of pdf files and I need to highlight specific text on each page of these files and save a snapshot for each of the text instances.
So far I am able to highlight the text and save the entire page of a pdf file as a snapshot. But, I want to find the position of highlighted text and take a zoomed in the snapshot which will be more detailed compared to the full page snapshot.
I'm pretty sure there must be a solution to this problem. I am new to Python and hence I am not able to find it. I would be really grateful if someone can help me out with this.
I have tried using PyPDF2, Pymupdf libraries but I couldn't figure out the solution. I also tried highlighting by providing coordinates which works but couldn't find a way to get these coordinates as output.
[![Sample snapshot from the code[![\]\[1\]][1]][1]][1]
#import PyPDF2
import os
import fitz
from wand.image import Image
import csv
#import re
#from pdf2image import convert_from_path
check = r'C:\Users\Pradyumna.M\Desktop\Pradyumna\Automation\Intel Bytes\Create Source Docs\Sample Check 8 Apr 2019'
dir1 = check + '\\Source Docs\\'
dir2 = check + '\\Output\\'
dir = [dir1, dir2]
for x in dir:
except FileExistsError:
print("Directory ", x, " already exists")
with open('upload1.csv', newline='') as myfile:
reader = csv.reader(myfile)
for row in reader:
rowarray = '; '.join(row)
src = rowarray.split("; ")
file = check + '\\' + src[4] + '.pdf'
#pdfFileObj = open(file,'rb')
#pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
#print("Total number of pages: " + str(pdfReader.numPages))
doc = fitz.open(file)
for i in range(int(src[5])-1, int(src[5])):
i = int(i)
page = doc[i]
print("Processing page: " + str(i))
text = src[3]
print("Searching: " + text)
text_instances = page.searchFor(text)
for inst in text_instances:
highlight = page.addHighlightAnnot(inst)
file1 = check + '\\Output\\' + src[4] + '_output.pdf'
doc.save(file1, garbage=4, deflate=True, clean=True)
### Screenshot
with(Image(filename=file1, resolution=150)) as source:
images = source.sequence
newfilename = check + "\\Source Docs\\" + src[0] + '.jpeg'
print("Screenshot of " + src[0] + " saved")
"couldn't find a way to get these coordinates as output"
- you can get the coordinates out by doing this:
for inst in text_instances:
inst are fitz.Rect objects which contain the top left and bottom right coordinates of the piece of text that was found. All the information is available in the docs.
I managed to highlight points and also save a cropped region using the following snippet of code. I am using python 3.7.1 and my output for fitz.version is ('1.14.13', '1.14.0', '20190407064320').
import fitz
doc = fitz.open("foo.pdf")
inst_counter = 0
for pi in range(doc.pageCount):
page = doc[pi]
text = "hello"
text_instances = page.searchFor(text)
five_percent_height = (page.rect.br.y - page.rect.tl.y)*0.05
for inst in text_instances:
inst_counter += 1
highlight = page.addHighlightAnnot(inst)
# define a suitable cropping box which spans the whole page
# and adds padding around the highlighted text
tl_pt = fitz.Point(page.rect.tl.x, max(page.rect.tl.y, inst.tl.y - five_percent_height))
br_pt = fitz.Point(page.rect.br.x, min(page.rect.br.y, inst.br.y + five_percent_height))
hl_clip = fitz.Rect(tl_pt, br_pt)
zoom_mat = fitz.Matrix(2, 2)
pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=zoom_mat, clip = hl_clip)
I tested this on a sample pdf that i peppered with "hello":
Some of the outputs from the script:
I composed the solution out of the following pages of the documentation:
Tutorial page to get introduced into the library
page.searchFor to figure out the return type of the searchFor method
fitz.Rect to understand what the returned objects from page.searchFor are
Collection of Recipes page (called faq in the URL) to figure out how to crop and save part of a pdf page

Copying .docx and preserving images

I am trying to copy elements of a doc from one doc file to other. The text part is easy, the images is where it gets tricky.
Attaching an image to explain the structure of the doc: Just some text and 1 image.
from docx import Document
import io
doc = Document('/Users/neha/Desktop/testing.docx')
new_doc = Document()
for elem in doc.element.body:
This gets me the whole structure of the doc in the new_doc but the image is still blank. Image below:
Good thing is I have the blank image in the right place so I thought of getting the byte level data from the previous image and insert it in the new doc. Here is how I extended the above code:
from docx import Document
import io
doc = Document('/Users/neha/Desktop/testing.docx')
new_doc = Document()
for elem in doc.element.body:
im = doc.inline_shapes[0]
blip = im._inline.graphic.graphicData.pic.blipFill.blip
rId = blip.embed
doc_part = doc.part
image_part = doc_part.related_parts[rId]
bytes = image_part._blob #Here I get the byte level data for the image
im2 = new_doc.inline_shapes[0]
blip2 = im2._inline.graphic.graphicData.pic.blipFill.blip
rId2 = blip2.embed
document_part2 = new_doc.part
document_part2.related_parts[rId2]._blob = bytes
But the image still shows empty in the new_doc. What should I do from here?
I figured out a solution a couple of days back. However the text loses formatting using this way, but the images are correctly placed.
So the idea is, for para in paras for the source doc, if there is text, I write it to dest doc. And if there is an inline image present, I add a unique identifier at that place in the dest doc (refer here to see how these identifiers work, and contexts in docxtpl). These identifiers and docxtpl proved to be particularly useful here. And then using those unique identifiers I create a 'context' (as shown below) which is basically a map mapping the unique identifier to its particular InlineImage, and finally I render this context..
Below is my code (Apologies for the unnecessary indentation, I copied it directly from my text editor, and shift+tab doesn't work here :P)
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, InlineImage
import Document
import io
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
dest = DocxTemplate()
source = Document(source_path)
context = {}
ims = [im for im in source.inline_shapes]
im_addresses = []
im_streams = []
count = 0
for im in ims:
blip = im._inline.graphic.graphicData.pic.blipFill.blip
rId = blip.embed
doc_part = source.part
image_part = doc_part.related_parts[rId]
byte_data = image_part._blob
image_stream = io.BytesIO(byte_data)
image_name = self.img_path+"img_"+"_"+str(count)+".jpeg"
with open(image_name, "wb") as fh:
count += 1
paras = source.paragraphs
im_idx = 0
for para in paras:
p = dest.add_paragraph()
r = p.add_run()
root = ET.fromstring(para._p.xml)
namespace = {'wp':"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"}
inlines = root.findall('.//wp:inline',namespace)
if(len(inlines) > 0):
uid = "img_"+str(im_idx)
r.add_text("{{ " + uid + " }}")
context[uid] = InlineImage(dest,im_addresses[im_idx])
im_idx += 1
except Exception as e:
PS: If a paragraph has two images, this code will prove to be sub-optimal.. One will have to make some change in the following:
if(len(inlines) > 0):
uid = "img_"+str(im_idx)
r.add_text("{{ " + uid + " }}")
context[uid] = InlineImage(dest,im_addresses[im_idx])
im_idx += 1
Will have to add a for loop inside the if statement as well. Since I didn't need as usually my images were big enough, so they always came in different paragraphs. Just a side note for anyone who may need it..
You could try:
Extracting the images from the first document by unzipping the .docx file (per How can I search a word in a Word 2007 .docx file?)
Save those images to the file system (as foo.png, for instance)
Generate the new .docx file with Python and add the .png file using document.add_picture('foo.png').
This problem is solved by this package https://docxtpl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Convert plain text to PDF in Python

For my project, I get a plain text file (report.txt) from another program. It is all formatted in plain text. If you open it in Notepad, it looks nice (as much as a plain text file can). When I open the file in Word and show the paragraphs, I see the ... for spaces and the backwards P for pararaph.
I need to convert this file to PDF and add some other PDF pages to make one final PDF. All this happens in Python.
I am having trouble converting the report.txt to pdf. I have ReportLab, and am able to read the file and make a few changes (like change the text to Courier), but the spacing gets lost. When the file gets read, it appears to strip any extra spaces.
a) is there an easier way to convert the report.txt to pdf?
b) If not, is there a way to keep my spaces when I read the file?
c) Or is there a parameter I'm missing from my paragraph style that will keep the original look?
Here's my code:
# ------------------------------------
# Styles
# ------------------------------------
styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
mystyle = ParagraphStyle(name='normal',fontName='Courier',
model_report = 'report.txt'
# Create document for writing to pdf
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(str(pdfPath), \
rightMargin=40, leftMargin=40, \
topMargin=40, bottomMargin=25, \
doc.pagesize = portrait(A4)
# Container for 'Flowable' objects
elements = []
# Open the model report
infile = file(model_report).read()
report_paragraphs = infile.split("\n")
for para in report_paragraphs:
para1 = '<font face="Courier" >%s</font>' % para
elements.append(Paragraph(para1, style=mystyle))
I've created a small helper function to convert a multi-line text to a PDF file in a "report look" by using a monospaced font. Too long lines are wrapped at spaces so that it will fit the page width:
import textwrap
from fpdf import FPDF
def text_to_pdf(text, filename):
a4_width_mm = 210
pt_to_mm = 0.35
fontsize_pt = 10
fontsize_mm = fontsize_pt * pt_to_mm
margin_bottom_mm = 10
character_width_mm = 7 * pt_to_mm
width_text = a4_width_mm / character_width_mm
pdf = FPDF(orientation='P', unit='mm', format='A4')
pdf.set_auto_page_break(True, margin=margin_bottom_mm)
pdf.set_font(family='Courier', size=fontsize_pt)
splitted = text.split('\n')
for line in splitted:
lines = textwrap.wrap(line, width_text)
if len(lines) == 0:
for wrap in lines:
pdf.cell(0, fontsize_mm, wrap, ln=1)
pdf.output(filename, 'F')
This is how you would use this function to convert a text file to a PDF file:
input_filename = 'test.txt'
output_filename = 'output.pdf'
file = open(input_filename)
text = file.read()
text_to_pdf(text, output_filename)
ReportLab is the usual recommendation-- as you can see from the "Related" questions on the right side of this page.
Have you tried creating text with just StyleSheet['Normal']? I.e., if you get proper-looking output with the following, the problem is somehow with your style.
Paragraph(para1, style=StyleSheet['Normal'])
For converting text or text file into pdf, module fpdf shall be installed using pip install fpdf in command-line Interface.
run the below code and you will find the pdf file in folder-
from fpdf import FPDF
pdf = FPDF()
# Add a page
# set style and size of font
# that you want in the pdf
pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 15)
# open the text file in read mode
f = open("path where text file is stored\\File_name.txt", "r")
# insert the texts in pdf
for x in f:
pdf.cell(50,5, txt = x, ln = 1, align = 'C')
# save the pdf with name .pdf
pdf.output("path where you want to store pdf file\\File_name.pdf")
reference: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-text-and-text-file-to-pdf-using-python/
I had similar issue. I solved with this code:
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
from PIL import Image
# .....
# ..... some exta code unimportant for this issue....
# ....
# here it is
ptr = open("tafAlternos.txt", "r") # text file I need to convert
lineas = ptr.readlines()
i = 750
numeroLinea = 0
while numeroLinea < len(lineas):
if numeroLinea - len(lineas) < 60: # I'm gonna write every 60 lines because I need it like that
for linea in lineas[numeroLinea:numeroLinea+60]:
canvas.drawString(15, i, linea.strip())
numeroLinea += 1
i -= 12
i = 750
for linea in lineas[numeroLinea:]:
canvas.drawString(15, i, linea.strip())
numeroLinea += 1
i -= 12
Pdf looks exactly same as original text file
You can create a canvas with pdf_canvas = canvas.Canvas('output_file.pdf') and generate the PDF with pdf_canvas.save().
