How to get the "center" of grayscale numpy image - python

I have a 2D numpy array arr of shape (m,n) with nonnegative values. I would like to find a pair (k,l) such that
the difference between sum(arr[:k, :]) and sum(arr[k:, :]) is minimal
similarly, the difference between sum(arr[:, :l]) and sum(arr[:, l:]) is minimal
If you can come up with an algorithm only for k, the rest is actually easy. We simply transpose the matrix to find l.
A note for the skeptical: We may assume that sum(arr[:k, :]) and sum(arr[:,:l]) are strictly increasing functions of k and l, respectively.

This works:
sum_to_k = np.pad(np.cumsum(np.sum(a, axis=1)), (1, 0))
sum_to_l = np.pad(np.cumsum(np.sum(a, axis=0)), (1, 0))
k = np.argmin(np.abs(sum_to_k - (sum_to_k[-1] - sum_to_k)))
l = np.argmin(np.abs(sum_to_l - (sum_to_l[-1] - sum_to_l)))


Matrix multiplication while subsetting elements from matrices and storing in a new matrix

I am attempting a numpy.matmul call using as variables
Matrix A of dimensions (p, t, q)
Matrix B of dimensions (r, t).
A categories vector of shape r and p categories, used to take slices of B and define the index of A do use.
The multiplications are done iteratively using the indices of each category. For each category p_i, I extract from A a submatrix (t, q). Then, I multiply those with a subset of B (x, t), where x is a mask defined by r == p_i. Finally, the matrix multiplication of (x, t) and (t, q) produces the output (x, q) which is stored at S[x].
I have noted that I cannot figure out a non-iterative version of this algorithm. The first snippet describes an iterative solution. The second one is an attempt at what I would wish to get, where everything is calculated as a single-step and would be presumably faster. However, it is incorrect because matrix A has three dimensions instead of two. Maybe there is no way to do this in NumPy with a single call, and in general, looking for advice/ideas to try out.
import numpy as np
p, q, r, t = 2, 9, 512, 4
# data initialization (random)
S = np.random.rand(r, q)
A = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=(p, t, q))
B = np.random.rand(r, t)
categories = np.random.randint(0, p, r)
print('iterative') # iterative
for i in range(p):
# print(i)
a = A[i, :, :]
mask = categories == i
b = B[mask]
print(b.shape, a.shape, S[mask].shape,
np.matmul(b, a).shape)
S[mask] = np.matmul(b, a)
a simple way to write it down
S = np.random.rand(r, q)
result = np.matmul(B, A[:p,:,:])
# iterative assignment
i = 0
S[categories == i] = result[i, categories == i, :]
i = 1
S[categories == i] = result[i, categories == i, :]
The next snippet will produce an error during the multiplication step.
# attempt to multiply once, indexing all categories only once (not possible)
S = np.random.rand(r, q)
# attempt to use the categories vector
a = A[categories, :, :]
b = B[categories]
# due to the shapes of the arrays, this multiplication is not possible
print('\nsingle step (error due to shapes of the matrix a')
print(b.shape, a.shape, S[categories].shape)
S[categories] = np.matmul(b, a)
(250, 4) (4, 9) (250, 9) (250, 9)
(262, 4) (4, 9) (262, 9) (262, 9)
(512, 9)
single step (error due to shapes of the 2nd matrix a).
(512, 4) (512, 4, 9) (512, 9)
In [63]: (np.ones((512,4))#np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[63]: (512, 512, 9)
This because the first array is broadcasted to (1,512,4). I think you want instead to do:
In [64]: (np.ones((512,1,4))#np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[64]: (512, 1, 9)
Then remove the middle dimension to get a (512,9).
Another way:
In [72]: np.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', np.ones((512,4)), np.ones((512,4,9))).shape
Out[72]: (512, 9)
To remove the loop altogether, you can try this
bigmask = np.arange(p)[:, np.newaxis] == categories
C = np.matmul(B, A)
res = C[np.broadcast_to(bigmask[..., np.newaxis], C.shape)].reshape(r, q)
# `res` has the same rows as the iterative `S` but in the wrong order
# so we need to reorder the rows
sort_index = np.argsort(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(r), bigmask.shape)[bigmask])
assert np.allclose(S, res[sort_index])
Though I'm not sure it's much faster than the iterative version.

NumPy template matching SQDIFF with `sliding window_view`

The SQDIFF is defined as openCV definition. (I believe they omit channels)
Which in junior numpy Python should be
A = np.arange(27, dtype=np.float32)
A = A.reshape(3,3,3) # The "image"
B = np.ones([2, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32) # window
rw, rh = A.shape[0] - B.shape[0] + 1, A.shape[1] - B.shape[1] + 1 # End result size
result = np.zeros([rw, rh])
for i in range(rw):
for j in range(rh):
w = A[i:i + B.shape[0], j:j + B.shape[1]]
res = B - w
result[i, j] = np.sum(
res ** 2
cv_result = cv.matchTemplate(A, B, cv.TM_SQDIFF) # this result is the same as the simple for loops
assert np.allclose(cv_result, result)
This is comparatively slow solution. I have read about sliding_window_view but cannot get it correct.
# This will fail with these large arrays but is ok for smaller ones
A = np.random.rand(1028, 1232, 3).astype(np.float32)
B = np.random.rand(248, 249, 3).astype(np.float32)
locations = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(A, B.shape)
sqdiff = np.sum((B - locations) ** 2, axis=(-1,-2, -3, -4)) # This will fail with normal sized images
will fail with MemoryError even if the result easily fits to memory. How can I produce similar results to the cv2.matchTemplate function with this faster way?
As a last resort, you may perform the computation in tiles, instead of computing "all at once".
np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view returns a view of the data, so it doesn't consume a lot of RAM.
The expression B - locations can't use a view, and requires the RAM for storing an array with shape (781, 984, 1, 248, 249, 3) of float elements.
The total RAM for storing B - locations is 781*984*1*248*249*3*4 = 569,479,908,096 bytes.
For avoiding the need for storing B - locations at the RAM at once, we may compute sqdiff in tiles, when "tile" computation requires less RAM.
A simple tiles division is using every row as a tile - loop over the rows of sqdiff, and compute the output row by row.
sqdiff = np.zeros((locations.shape[0], locations.shape[1]), np.float32) # Allocate an array for storing the result.
# Compute sqdiff row by row instead of computing all at once.
for i in range(sqdiff.shape[0]):
sqdiff[i, :] = np.sum((B - locations[i, :, :, :, :, :]) ** 2, axis=(-1, -2, -3, -4))
Executable code sample:
import numpy as np
import cv2
A = np.random.rand(1028, 1232, 3).astype(np.float32)
B = np.random.rand(248, 249, 3).astype(np.float32)
locations = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(A, B.shape)
cv_result = cv2.matchTemplate(A, B, cv2.TM_SQDIFF) # this result is the same as the simple for loops
#sqdiff = np.sum((B - locations) ** 2, axis=(-1, -2, -3, -4)) # This will fail with normal sized images
sqdiff = np.zeros((locations.shape[0], locations.shape[1]), np.float32) # Allocate an array for storing the result.
# Compute sqdiff row by row instead of computing all at once.
for i in range(sqdiff.shape[0]):
sqdiff[i, :] = np.sum((B - locations[i, :, :, :, :, :]) ** 2, axis=(-1, -2, -3, -4))
assert np.allclose(cv_result, sqdiff)
I know the solution is a bit disappointing... But it is the only generic solution I could find.
is equivalent to
where the 'star' operation is a cross-correlation, the 1_[m, n] is a window the size of the template, and 1_[k, l] is a window with the size of the image.
You can compute the cross-correlation terms using 'scipy.signal.correlate' and find the matches by looking for local minima in the square difference map.
You might want to do some non-minimum suppression too.
This solution will require orders of magnitude less memory to store.
For more help, please post a reproducible example with an image and template that are valid for the algorithm. Using noise will result in meaningless outputs.

Sum all diagonals in feature maps in parallel in PyTorch

Let's say I have a tensor shaped (1, 64, 128, 128) and I want to create a tensor of shape (1, 64, 255) holding the sums of all diagonals for every (128, 128) matrix (there are 1 main, 127 below, 127 above diagonals so in total 255). What I am currently doing is the following:
x = torch.rand(1, 64, 128, 128)
diag_sums = torch.zeros(1, 64, 255)
j = 0
for k in range(-127, 128):
diag_sums[j, :, k + 127] = torch.diagonal(x, offset=k, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sum(dim=2)
This is obviously very slow, since it is using Python loops and is not done in parallel with respect to k.
I don't think this can be done using torch.diagonal since the function explicitly uses a single int for the offset parameter. If I could pass a list there, this would work, but I guess it would be complicated to implement (requiring changes in PyTorch itself).
I think it could be possible to implement this using torch.einsum, but I cannot think of a way to do it.
So this is my question: how do I get the tensor described above?
Have you considered using torch.nn.functional.conv2d?
You can sum the diagonals with a diagonal filter sliding across the tensor with appropriate zero padding.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as nnf
# construct a diagonal filter using `eye` function, shape it appropriately
f = torch.eye(x.shape[2])[None, None,...].repeat(x.shape[1], 1, 1, 1)
# compute the diagonal sum with appropriate zero padding
conv_diag_sums = nnf.conv2d(x, f, padding=(x.shape[2]-1,0), groups=x.shape[1])[..., 0]
Note the the result has a slightly different order than the one you computed in the loop:
diag_sums = torch.zeros(1, 64, 255)
for k in range(-127, 128):
diag_sums[j, :, 127-k] = torch.diagonal(x, offset=k, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sum(dim=2)
# compare
(conv_diag_sums == diag_sums).all()
results with True - they are the same.
Shai's answer works, however it looks like it has a lot of multiplications, due to the large size of the kernel. I figured out a way to do this for my use case. It is based on this answer for a similar question in Numpy:
I am doing the following:
digitized = np.sum(np.indices(a.shape), axis=0).ravel()
digitized_tensor = torch.Tensor(digitized).int()
a_tensor = torch.Tensor(a)
torch.bincount(digitized_tensor, a_tensor.view(-1))
If I could figure out a way to do this entirely in PyTorch (without Numpy's indices function), this would be great, but this answers the question.
The previous answers work, but there is another faster solution using strides (and that only uses Pytorch).
First I'll explain with a matrix as it is easier to understand.
Given you have a matrix M with size (n, n), you can change the matrix strides so that the resulting matrix has M's diagonals as columns. Then you can just sum the column to get your result.
import torch
def sum_all_diagonal_matrix(mat: torch.tensor):
n,_ = mat.shape
zero_mat = torch.zeros((n, n)) # Zero matrix used for padding
mat_padded =, mat, zero_mat), 1) # pads the matrix on left and right
mat_strided = mat_padded.as_strided((n, 2*n), (3*n + 1, 1)) # Change the strides
sum_diags = torch.sum(mat_strided, 0) # Sums the resulting matrix's columns
return sum_diags[1:]
X = torch.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
# tensor([[0, 1, 2],
# [3, 4, 5],
# [6, 7, 8]])
# tensor([ 6., 10., 12., 6., 2.])
You can do exactly the same with one more dimension:
def sum_all_diagonal(mat: torch.tensor):
k,n,_ = mat.shape
zero_mat = torch.zeros((k, n, n))
mat_padded =, mat, zero_mat), 2)
mat_strided = mat_padded.as_strided((k, n, 2*n), (3*n*n, 3*n + 1, 1))
sum_diags = torch.sum(mat_strided, 1)
return sum_diags[:, n:]

Calculate mean, variance, covariance of different length matrices in a split list

I have an array of 5 values, consisting of 4 values and one index. I sort and split the array along the index. This leads me to splits of matrices with different lengths. From here on I want to calculate the mean, variance of the fourth values and covariance of the first 3 values for every split. My current approach works with a for loop, which I would like to replace by matrix operations, but I am struggeling with the different sizes of my matrices.
import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(10,5)
A[:,-1] = np.random.randint(4, size=10)
sorted_A = A[np.argsort(A[:,4])]
splits = np.split(sorted_A, np.where(np.diff(sorted_A[:,4]))[0]+1)
My current for loop looks like this:
result = np.zeros((len(splits), 5))
for idx, values in enumerate(splits):
result[idx, 0] = np.mean(values[:,3])
result[idx, 1] = np.var(values[:,3])
result[idx, 2:5] = np.cov(values[:,0:3].transpose(), ddof=0).diagonal()
result[idx, 0] = values[:,3]
I tried to work with masked arrays without success, since I couldn't load the matrices into the masked arrays in a proper form. Maybe someone knows how to do this or has a different suggestion.
You can use np.add.reduceat as follows:
>>> idx = np.concatenate([[0], np.where(np.diff(sorted_A[:,4]))[0]+1, [A.shape[0]]])
>>> result2 = np.empty((idx.size-1, 5))
>>> result2[:, 0] = np.add.reduceat(sorted_A[:, 3], idx[:-1]) / np.diff(idx)
>>> result2[:, 1] = np.add.reduceat(sorted_A[:, 3]**2, idx[:-1]) / np.diff(idx) - result2[:, 0]**2
>>> result2[:, 2:5] = np.add.reduceat(sorted_A[:, :3]**2, idx[:-1], axis=0) / np.diff(idx)[:, None]
>>> result2[:, 2:5] -= (np.add.reduceat(sorted_A[:, :3], idx[:-1], axis=0) / np.diff(idx)[:, None])**2
>>> np.allclose(result, result2)
Note that the diagonal of the covariance matrix are just the variances which simplifies this vectorization quite a bit.

How to derive with respect to a Matrix element with Sympy

Given the product of a matrix and a vector
with A of shape (m,n) and v of dim n, where m and n are symbols, I need to calculate the Derivative with respect to the matrix elements.
I haven't found the way to use a proper vector, so I started with 2 MatrixSymbol:
n, m = symbols('n m')
j = tensor.Idx('j')
i = tensor.Idx('i')
l = tensor.Idx('l')
h = tensor.Idx('h')
A = MatrixSymbol('A', n,m)
B = MatrixSymbol('B', m,1)
Now, if I try to derive with respect to one of A's elements with the indices I get back the unevaluated expression:
diff(C, A[i,j])
>>>> Derivative(A*B, A[i, j])
If I introduce the indices in C also (it won't let me use only one index in the resulting vector) I get back the product expressed as a Sum:
>>>> Sum(A[l, _k]*B[_k, h], (_k, 0, m - 1))
If I derive this with respect to the matrix element I end up getting 0 instead of an expression with the KroneckerDelta, which is the result that I would like to get:
diff(C[l,h], A[i,j])
>>>> 0
I wonder if maybe I shouldn't be using MatrixSymbols to start with. How should I go about implementing the behaviour that I want to get?
SymPy does not yet know matrix calculus; in particular, one cannot differentiate MatrixSymbol objects. You can do this sort of computation with Matrix objects filled with arrays of symbols; the drawback is that the matrix sizes must be explicit for this to work.
from sympy import *
A = Matrix(symarray('A', (4, 5)))
B = Matrix(symarray('B', (5, 3)))
C = A*B
print(C.diff(A[1, 2]))
Matrix([[0, 0, 0], [B_2_0, B_2_1, B_2_2], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
The git version of SymPy (and the next version) handles this better:
In [55]: print(diff(C[l,h], A[i,j]))
Sum(KroneckerDelta(_k, j)*KroneckerDelta(i, l)*B[_k, h], (_k, 0, m - 1))
