Matplotlib plot's title is missing for unknown reason in Python - python

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this code? It is from .
Everything in it worked out except the title of the plot.I can't figure it out.
It should look like this
but when the code is run, it polts this
Here is the code given:-
General Numerical Solver for the 1D Time-Dependent Schrodinger's equation.
author: Jake Vanderplas
license: BSD
Please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. Thanks!
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
from matplotlib import animation
from scipy.fftpack import fft,ifft
class Schrodinger(object):
Class which implements a numerical solution of the time-dependent
Schrodinger equation for an arbitrary potential
def __init__(self, x, psi_x0, V_x,
k0 = None, hbar=1, m=1, t0=0.0):
x : array_like, float
length-N array of evenly spaced spatial coordinates
psi_x0 : array_like, complex
length-N array of the initial wave function at time t0
V_x : array_like, float
length-N array giving the potential at each x
k0 : float
the minimum value of k. Note that, because of the workings of the
fast fourier transform, the momentum wave-number will be defined
in the range
k0 < k < 2*pi / dx
where dx = x[1]-x[0]. If you expect nonzero momentum outside this
range, you must modify the inputs accordingly. If not specified,
k0 will be calculated such that the range is [-k0,k0]
hbar : float
value of planck's constant (default = 1)
m : float
particle mass (default = 1)
t0 : float
initial tile (default = 0)
# Validation of array inputs
self.x, psi_x0, self.V_x = map(np.asarray, (x, psi_x0, V_x))
N = self.x.size
assert self.x.shape == (N,)
assert psi_x0.shape == (N,)
assert self.V_x.shape == (N,)
# Set internal parameters
self.hbar = hbar
self.m = m
self.t = t0
self.dt_ = None
self.N = len(x)
self.dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] = 2 * np.pi / (self.N * self.dx)
# set momentum scale
if k0 == None:
self.k0 = -0.5 * self.N *
self.k0 = k0
self.k = self.k0 + * np.arange(self.N)
self.psi_x = psi_x0
# variables which hold steps in evolution of the
self.x_evolve_half = None
self.x_evolve = None
self.k_evolve = None
# attributes used for dynamic plotting
self.psi_x_line = None
self.psi_k_line = None
self.V_x_line = None
def _set_psi_x(self, psi_x):
self.psi_mod_x = (psi_x * np.exp(-1j * self.k[0] * self.x)
* self.dx / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
def _get_psi_x(self):
return (self.psi_mod_x * np.exp(1j * self.k[0] * self.x)
* np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / self.dx)
def _set_psi_k(self, psi_k):
self.psi_mod_k = psi_k * np.exp(1j * self.x[0]
* * np.arange(self.N))
def _get_psi_k(self):
return self.psi_mod_k * np.exp(-1j * self.x[0] * * np.arange(self.N))
def _get_dt(self):
return self.dt_
def _set_dt(self, dt):
if dt != self.dt_:
self.dt_ = dt
self.x_evolve_half = np.exp(-0.5 * 1j * self.V_x
/ self.hbar * dt )
self.x_evolve = self.x_evolve_half * self.x_evolve_half
self.k_evolve = np.exp(-0.5 * 1j * self.hbar /
self.m * (self.k * self.k) * dt)
psi_x = property(_get_psi_x, _set_psi_x)
psi_k = property(_get_psi_k, _set_psi_k)
dt = property(_get_dt, _set_dt)
def compute_k_from_x(self):
self.psi_mod_k = fft(self.psi_mod_x)
def compute_x_from_k(self):
self.psi_mod_x = ifft(self.psi_mod_k)
def time_step(self, dt, Nsteps = 1):
Perform a series of time-steps via the time-dependent
Schrodinger Equation.
dt : float
the small time interval over which to integrate
Nsteps : float, optional
the number of intervals to compute. The total change
in time at the end of this method will be dt * Nsteps.
default is N = 1
self.dt = dt
if Nsteps > 0:
self.psi_mod_x *= self.x_evolve_half
for i in xrange(Nsteps - 1):
self.psi_mod_k *= self.k_evolve
self.psi_mod_x *= self.x_evolve
self.psi_mod_k *= self.k_evolve
self.psi_mod_x *= self.x_evolve_half
self.t += dt * Nsteps
# Helper functions for gaussian wave-packets
def gauss_x(x, a, x0, k0):
a gaussian wave packet of width a, centered at x0, with momentum k0
return ((a * np.sqrt(np.pi)) ** (-0.5)
* np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - x0) * 1. / a) ** 2 + 1j * x * k0))
def gauss_k(k,a,x0,k0):
analytical fourier transform of gauss_x(x), above
return ((a / np.sqrt(np.pi))**0.5
* np.exp(-0.5 * (a * (k - k0)) ** 2 - 1j * (k - k0) * x0))
# Utility functions for running the animation
def theta(x):
theta function :
returns 0 if x<=0, and 1 if x>0
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
y[x > 0] = 1.0
return y
def square_barrier(x, width, height):
return height * (theta(x) - theta(x - width))
# Create the animation
# specify time steps and duration
dt = 0.01
N_steps = 50
t_max = 120
frames = int(t_max / float(N_steps * dt))
# specify constants
hbar = 1.0 # planck's constant
m = 1.9 # particle mass
# specify range in x coordinate
N = 2 ** 11
dx = 0.1
x = dx * (np.arange(N) - 0.5 * N)
# specify potential
V0 = 1.5
L = hbar / np.sqrt(2 * m * V0)
a = 3 * L
x0 = -60 * L
V_x = square_barrier(x, a, V0)
V_x[x < -98] = 1E6
V_x[x > 98] = 1E6
# specify initial momentum and quantities derived from it
p0 = np.sqrt(2 * m * 0.2 * V0)
dp2 = p0 * p0 * 1./80
d = hbar / np.sqrt(2 * dp2)
k0 = p0 / hbar
v0 = p0 / m
psi_x0 = gauss_x(x, d, x0, k0)
# define the Schrodinger object which performs the calculations
S = Schrodinger(x=x,
# Set up plot
fig = pl.figure()
# plotting limits
xlim = (-100, 100)
klim = (-5, 5)
# top axes show the x-space data
ymin = 0
ymax = V0
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211, xlim=xlim,
ylim=(ymin - 0.2 * (ymax - ymin),
ymax + 0.2 * (ymax - ymin)))
psi_x_line, = ax1.plot([], [], c='r', label=r'$|\psi(x)|$')
V_x_line, = ax1.plot([], [], c='k', label=r'$V(x)$')
center_line = ax1.axvline(0, c='k', ls=':',
label = r"$x_0 + v_0t$")
title = ax1.set_title("")
# bottom axes show the k-space data
ymin = abs(S.psi_k).min()
ymax = abs(S.psi_k).max()
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, xlim=klim,
ylim=(ymin - 0.2 * (ymax - ymin),
ymax + 0.2 * (ymax - ymin)))
psi_k_line, = ax2.plot([], [], c='r', label=r'$|\psi(k)|$')
p0_line1 = ax2.axvline(-p0 / hbar, c='k', ls=':', label=r'$\pm p_0$')
p0_line2 = ax2.axvline(p0 / hbar, c='k', ls=':')
mV_line = ax2.axvline(np.sqrt(2 * V0) / hbar, c='k', ls='--',
V_x_line.set_data(S.x, S.V_x)
# Animate plot
def init():
psi_x_line.set_data([], [])
V_x_line.set_data([], [])
center_line.set_data([], [])
psi_k_line.set_data([], [])
return (psi_x_line, V_x_line, center_line, psi_k_line, title)
def animate(i):
S.time_step(dt, N_steps)
psi_x_line.set_data(S.x, 4 * abs(S.psi_x))
V_x_line.set_data(S.x, S.V_x)
center_line.set_data(2 * [x0 + S.t * p0 / m], [0, 1])
psi_k_line.set_data(S.k, abs(S.psi_k))
title.set_text("t = %.2f" % S.t)
return (psi_x_line, V_x_line, center_line, psi_k_line, title)
# call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=frames, interval=30, blit=True)
# uncomment the following line to save the video in mp4 format. This
# requires either mencoder or ffmpeg to be installed on your system'schrodinger_barrier.mp4', fps=15, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
For your ease I mention the lines of this code which I do suspect for the error are line number 238,247,255,286,287,296,297
Thanks in advance

The problem is resolved when blit=False, though it may slow down your animation.
Just quoting from a previous answer:
"Possible solutions are:
Put the title inside the axes.
Don't use blitting"
See: How to update plot title with matplotlib using animation?
You also need ffmpeg installed. There are other answers on stackoverflow that help you through that installation. But for this script, here are my recommended new lines you need to add, assuming you're using Windows:
pl.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = r"PUT_YOUR_FULL_PATH_TO_FFMPEG_HERE\ffmpeg.exe"
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
Then adjust the line to:'schrodinger_barrier.mp4', writer=Writer(fps=15, codec='libx264'))


Python - plotting a specific line from different contour plots all on the same graph

If you run the code you will see that I'm displaying contour lines for the Momentum Capacity (variable AM - Contour Line Plot) for different diameters. What I wish to do is to display the 2.0 contour line for different RPM values, while keeping the current X and Y axes.
Currently, RPM is a fixed value with which I compute AM. If for example, I increase the RPM, the 2.0 contour line will move "up", and "down" if I decrease it. I wish to display this variation in 2.0 contour line positioning. In the end, I want the graph to have a 4000 RPM 2.0 line, then a 4500 RPM 2.0 line, then a 5000 RPM 2.0 line, and so on.
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import meshgrid
def mm2m(value):
return value * 10 ** (-3)
def m2mm(value):
return value * 10 ** 3
def rpm2rad(value):
return value * 2 * np.pi / 60
def get_percentage_diff(previous, current):
percentage = abs(previous - current) / max(previous, current) * 100
except ZeroDivisionError:
percentage = float('inf')
if current < previous:
percentage = - percentage
return percentage
def angular_momentum(d1, d2):
R1 = d1 / 2
R2 = d2 / 2
V = (np.pi * R1 ** 2 - np.pi * R2 ** 2) * width
M = rho * V
inertia = 1 / 2 * M * (R1 ** 2 + R2 ** 2)
omega = rpm2rad(RPM)
return inertia * omega
def angular_momentum_test(inertia, rpm):
omega = rpm2rad(rpm)
return inertia * omega
def get_inertia(d1, d2, w):
R1 = d1 / 2
R2 = d2 / 2
V = (np.pi * R1 ** 2 - np.pi * R2 ** 2) * w
M = rho * V
return 1 / 2 * M * (R1 ** 2 + R2 ** 2)
def angular_momentum_rod(d1, d2):
R1 = d1 / 2
R2 = d2 / 2
V = (np.pi * R1 ** 2 - np.pi * R2 ** 2) * rod_width
M = rho * V
inertia = 1 / 2 * M * (R1 ** 2 + R2 ** 2)
omega = rpm2rad(RPM)
return inertia * omega
RPM = 6000
rho = 2700
width = mm2m(50)
rod_width = mm2m(250)
rod_diameter = mm2m(10)
D1 = mm2m(np.arange(100, 150, 1))
D2 = mm2m(np.arange(50, 140, 1))
X, Y = meshgrid(D1, D2)
AM = angular_momentum(X, Y) + angular_momentum_rod(rod_diameter, 0)
# Testing Values
OD = mm2m(145)
ID = mm2m(80)
test_width = mm2m(60)
test_RPM = 6000
I_test = get_inertia(OD, ID, test_width) * 10 ** 6
AM_test = angular_momentum_test(I_test / 10 ** 6, test_RPM) + angular_momentum_rod(rod_diameter, 0)
Inventor_I_Value = 3190.667
# rod_I_test = get_inertia(mm2m(10),0,mm2m(250)) * 10 ** 6
print("The momentum capacity is: ", AM_test, " [Nms]\n")
print("The moment of inertia is: ", I_test,
" [Nmm2] , diff: {} \n".format(get_percentage_diff(I_test, Inventor_I_Value)))
# print(rod_I_test)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=300)
ctr = plt.contour(X, Y, AM, np.arange(0, 10, 0.5), colors='k')
fil = plt.contourf(X, Y, AM, levels=200, cmap="turbo")
plt.grid(True, which='both', zorder=1, alpha=0.69, linewidth=0.75,linestyle='-')
plt.text(0.102, 0.132, " Width = {} [mm] \n \u03C1 = {} [kg/m3]\n RPM = {} ".format(m2mm(width), rho, RPM), style='normal',
bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1, 'pad': 10})
plt.xlabel("Outer Diameter [m]")
plt.ylabel("Inner Diameter [m]")
plt.title("Flywheel Momentum Capacity [Nms]")
The key is to set levels=[2] inside the plt.contour call.
I'm going to give you a recipe. Start by creating two lists with the same number of elements
RPMS = [4500, 5000, 5500, 6000]
colors = ["r", "g", "b", "k"]
Loop over each RPM, do the computation and plot it:
# this are needed to create a legend when using contour
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
labels, artists = [], []
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=300)
for RPM, col in zip(RPMS, colors):
# do the computations
# plotting
plt.contour(X, Y, AM_, np.arange(0, 10, 0.5), levels=[2], colors=col)
artists.append(Line2D([0, 1], [0, 0], color=col))
# create a legend
plt.legend(artists, labels)
# all other customizations

How to calculate the path of a particle subject to a vortex?

I'm trying to draw a path of a particle starting at (x0,y0) subject to a vortex located at (xv,yv). This is inspired by Lorena Barba's AeroPython. As stated in the lesson, the motion should be concentric circles about a given point.
I first calculate the velocity at point (x0,y0).
def get_velocity_vortex(strength, xv, yv, x0, y0):
u = +strength / (2 * np.pi) * (y0 - yv) / ((x0 - xv)**2 + (y0 - yv)**2)
v = -strength / (2 * np.pi) * (x0 - xv) / ((x0 - xv)**2 + (y0 - yv)**2)
return u, v
I then try to calculate the suceeding positions as follows.
def get_next_pos(x0,y0,u,v,dt):
x_next = x0 + u * dt
y_next = y0 + v * dt
return x_next, y_next
A complete example is as shown.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
strength_vortex = 5.0
# coordinates of vortex
x_vortex = 0.0
y_vortex = 0.0
# coordinates of initial point
x0 = 0.1
y0 = 0.0
dt = 1e-3 # timestep
nt = 150 # number of iterations
# empty arrays for the positions
X = np.zeros(nt)
Y = np.zeros(nt)
# initial positions
X[0], Y[0] = x0, y0
# calculate the path
for i in range(1,nt):
u, v = get_velocity_vortex(
X[i],Y[i] = get_next_pos(X[i-1], Y[i-1], u, v, dt)
# plot the path
However, my output does not result in a circle. I suspect that this is due to my get_next_pos function. How can I correct the path? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Scipy odeint. Gravitational motion

I solve the motion in gravitational field around the sun with scipy and mathplotlib and have a problem. My solution is not correct. It is not like in example. Formulas that I used.
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import scipy.constants as constants
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
M = 1.989 * (10 ** 30)
G = constants.G
alpha = 30
alpha0 = (alpha / 180) * np.pi
v00 = 0.7
v0 = v00 * 1000
def dqdt(q, t):
x = q[0]
y = q[2]
ax = - G * M * (x / ((x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 1.5))
ay = - G * M * (y / ((x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 1.5))
return [q[1], ax, q[3], ay]
vx0 = v0 * np.cos(alpha0)
vy0 = v0 * np.sin(alpha0)
x0 = -150 * (10 ** 11)
y0 = 0 * (10 ** 11)
q0 = [x0, vx0, y0, vy0]
N = 1000000
t = np.linspace(0.0, 100000000000.0, N)
pos = odeint(dqdt, q0, t)
x1 = pos[:, 0]
y1 = pos[:, 2]
plt.plot(x1, y1, 0, 0, 'ro')
How can I fix this?
Maybe you can tell me solution with another method for example with Euler's formula or with using other library.
I will be very greatful if you help me.

Fitting curve with conditions

I'm trying to simulate an exoplanet transit and to determine its orbital characteristics with curve fitting. However, the intersection area between two circles needs to distinguish two cases: if the center of the smallest circle is in the biggest or not. This is a problem for scipy with the function curve_fit, calling an array in my function cacl_aire. The function transit simulates the smallest disc's evolution with time.
Here's my code:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import xlrd
dt = 0.1
Vx = 0.08
Vy = 0
X0 = -5
Y0 = 0
R = 2
r = 0.7
X = X0
Y = Y0
doc = xlrd.open_workbook("transit data.xlsx")
feuille_1 = doc.sheet_by_index(0)
mag = [feuille_1.cell_value(rowx=k, colx=4) for k in range(115)]
T = [feuille_1.cell_value(rowx=k, colx=3) for k in range(115)]
def calc_aire(r, x, y):
D2 = x * x + y * y
if D2 >= (r + R)**2:
return 0
d = (r**2 - R**2 + D2) / (2 * (D2**0.5))
d2 = D2**0.5 - d
if abs(d) >= r:
return min([r * r * np.pi, R * R * np.pi])
H = (r * r - d * d)**0.5
As = np.arccos(d / r) * r * r - d * H
As2 = R * R * np.arccos(d2 / R) - d2 * H
return As + As2
def transit(t, r, X0, Y0, Vx, Vy):
return -calc_aire(r, X0 + Vx * t, Y0 + Vy * t)
best_vals = curve_fit(transit, T, mag)[0]
print('best_vals: {}'.format(best_vals))
plt.plot(T, mag)
I have the following error :
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() with the line 28 :
if D2 >= (r + R)**2:
Here is my database:
I don't see any trick to solve my problem.

How to plot the motion of a projectile under the effect of gravity, buoyancy and air resistance?

I am trying to make a plot of a projectile motion of a mass which is under the effect of gravitational, buoyancy and drag force. Basically, I want to show effects of the buoyancy and drag force on flight distance, flight time and velocity change on plotting.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
V_initial = 30 # m/s
theta = np.pi/6 # 30
g = 3.711
m =1
C = 0.47
r = 0.5
S = np.pi*pow(r, 2)
ro_mars = 0.0175
t_flight = 2*(V_initial*np.sin(theta)/g)
t = np.linspace(0, t_flight, 200)
# Drag force
Ft = 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(V_initial, 2)
# Buoyant Force
Fb = ro_mars*g*(4/3*np.pi*pow(r, 3))
x_loc = []
y_loc = []
for time in t:
x = V_initial*time*np.cos(theta)
y = V_initial*time*np.sin(theta) - (1/2)*g*pow(time, 2)
x_vel = []
y_vel = []
for time in t:
vx = V_initial*np.cos(theta)
vy = V_initial*np.sin(theta) - g*time
v_ch = [pow(i**2+ii**2, 0.5) for i in x_vel for ii in y_vel]
tau = []
for velocity in v_ch:
Ft = 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(velocity, 2)
buoy = []
for velocity in v_ch:
Fb = ro_mars*g*(4/3*np.pi*pow(r, 3))
after this point, I couldn't figure out how to plot to a projectile motion under this forces. In other words, I'm trying to compare the projectile motion of the mass under three circumstances
Mass only under the effect of gravity
Mass under the effect of gravity and air resistance
Mass under the effect of gravity, air resistance, and buoyancy
You must calculate each location based on the sum of forces at the given time. For this it is better to start from calculating the net force at any time and using this to calculate the acceleration, velocity and then position. For the following calculations, it is assumed that buoyancy and gravity are constant (which is not true in reality but the effect of their variability is negligible in this case), it is also assumed that the initial position is (0,0) though this can be trivially changed to any initial position.
F_x = tau_x
F_y = tau_y + bouyancy + gravity
Where tau_x and tau_y are the drag forces in the x and y directions, respectively. The velocities, v_x and v_y, are then given by
v_x = v_x + (F_x / (2 * m)) * dt
v_y = v_y + (F_y / (2 * m)) * dt
So the x and y positions, r_x and r_y, at any time t are given by the summation of
r_x = r_x + v_x * dt
r_y = r_y + v_y * dt
In both cases this must be evaluated from 0 to t for some dt where dt * n = t if n is the number of steps in summation.
r_x = r_x + V_i * np.cos(theta) * dt + (F_x / (2 * m)) * dt**2
r_y = r_y + V_i * np.sin(theta) * dt + (F_y / (2 * m)) * dt**2
The entire calculation can actually be done in two lines,
r_x = r_x + V_i * np.cos(theta) * dt + (tau_x / (2 * m)) * dt**2
r_y = r_y + V_i * np.sin(theta) * dt + ((tau_y + bouyancy + gravity) / (2 * m)) * dt**2
Except that v_x and v_y require updating at every time step. To loop over this and calculate the x and y positions across a range of times you can simply follow the below (edited) example.
The following code includes corrections to prevent negative y positions, since the given value of g is for the surface or Mars I assume this is appropriate - when you hit zero y and try to keep going you may end up with a rapid unscheduled disassembly, as we physicists call it.
In response to the edited question, the following example has been modified to plot all three cases requested - gravity, gravity plus drag, and gravity plus drag and buoyancy. Plot setup code has also been added
Complete example (edited)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def projectile(V_initial, theta, bouyancy=True, drag=True):
g = 9.81
m = 1
C = 0.47
r = 0.5
S = np.pi*pow(r, 2)
ro_mars = 0.0175
time = np.linspace(0, 100, 10000)
tof = 0.0
dt = time[1] - time[0]
bouy = ro_mars*g*(4/3*np.pi*pow(r, 3))
gravity = -g * m
V_ix = V_initial * np.cos(theta)
V_iy = V_initial * np.sin(theta)
v_x = V_ix
v_y = V_iy
r_x = 0.0
r_y = 0.0
r_xs = list()
r_ys = list()
# This gets a bit 'hand-wavy' but as dt -> 0 it approaches the analytical solution.
# Just make sure you use sufficiently small dt (dt is change in time between steps)
for t in time:
F_x = 0.0
F_y = 0.0
if (bouyancy == True):
F_y = F_y + bouy
if (drag == True):
F_y = F_y - 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(v_y, 2)
F_x = F_x - 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(v_x, 2) * np.sign(v_y)
F_y = F_y + gravity
r_x = r_x + v_x * dt + (F_x / (2 * m)) * dt**2
r_y = r_y + v_y * dt + (F_y / (2 * m)) * dt**2
v_x = v_x + (F_x / m) * dt
v_y = v_y + (F_y / m) * dt
if (r_y >= 0.0):
tof = t
return r_xs, r_ys, tof
v = 30
theta = np.pi/4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4), dpi=300)
r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, True, True)
plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'g:', label="Gravity, Buoyancy, and Drag")
r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, False, True)
plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'b:', label="Gravity and Drag")
r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, False, False)
plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'k:', label="Gravity")
plt.title("Trajectory", fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel("Displacement in x-direction (m)")
plt.ylabel("Displacement in y-direction (m)")
Note that this preserves and returns the time-of-flight in the variable tof.
Using vector notation, and odeint.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import scipy.constants as SPC
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
V_initial = 30 # m/s
theta = np.pi/6 # 30
g = 3.711
m = 1 # I assume this is your mass
C = 0.47
r = 0.5
ro_mars = 0.0175
t_flight = 2*(V_initial*np.sin(theta)/g)
t = np.linspace(0, t_flight, 200)
pos0 = [0, 0]
v0 = [np.cos(theta) * V_initial, np.sin(theta) * V_initial]
def f(vector, t, C, r, ro_mars, apply_bouyancy=True, apply_resistance=True):
x, y, x_prime, y_prime = vector
# volume and surface
V = np.pi * 4/3 * r**3
S = np.pi*pow(r, 2)
# net weight bouyancy
if apply_bouyancy:
Fb = (ro_mars * V - m) * g *np.array([0,1])
Fb = -m * g * np.array([0,1])
# velocity vector
v = np.array([x_prime, y_prime])
# drag force - corrected to be updated based on current velocity
# Ft = -0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(V_initial, 2)
if apply_resistance:
Ft = -0.5*C*S*ro_mars* v *np.linalg.norm(v)
Ft = np.array([0, 0])
# resulting acceleration
x_prime2, y_prime2 = (Fb + Ft) / m
return x_prime, y_prime, x_prime2, y_prime2
sol = odeint(f, pos0 + v0 , t, args=(C, r, ro_mars))
plt.plot(sol[:,0], sol[:, 1], 'g', label='tray')
Note that I corrected your drag force to use the actual (not initial) velocity, I do not know if that was your mistake or it was on purpose.
Also please check the documentation for odeint to understand better how to turn a second order ODE (like the one in your problem) to a first order vector ODE.
To remove air resistance or bouyancy, set apply_bouyancy and apply_resistance to True or False by adding them to the args=(...)
