I am trying to pass a list called eligable so that I can display on my website but when I run my website it does not display the list. I do not understand what is wrong.
def specificDate(response):
empName = employeeName.objects.all()
eligable = []
if 'checkEmployee' in response.POST:
n = response.POST.get("nameEmployee")
specDate = response.POST.get("date")
if employeeName.objects.filter(employee=n).exists() and Name.objects.filter(date=specDate).exists():
emp = employeeName.objects.get(employee=n)
t = Name.objects.get(name=emp, date=specDate)
overT = Name.objects.filter(name=emp, overtime=True)
for item in overT:
checkIn = t.timeIn.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
checkOut = t.timeOut.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
datee = datetime.strptime(specDate,'%Y-%m-%d')
print("Here:: ",t.date)
print("Month:: ",datee.month)
messages.info(response, checkIn + ' - ' + checkOut)
return redirect('/specificDate')
messages.info(response, 'Name does not exist')
return render(response, "main/specificDate.html", context={"empName":empName, "eligable":eligable})
This is the html to print my list:
{% for item in eligable %}
<div class="pad3">
{% endfor %}
There are two return statements in your code:
return redirect('/specificDate')
return render(response, "main/specificDate.html", context={"empName":empName, "eligable":eligable})
The first one is just redirecting without populating context.
The second one does populate context but is reached only when eligable is empty.
I think changing the first return to the second one should solve it.
edit: and you are missing {% endfor %} here. But it should give you an error if you miss it in your complete code.
I have the below function which returns a list
def get_entered_datalist(firstname, lastname):
if firstname and lastname:
curr = db.session.execute(entered_data, {'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname})
list_name = list() #this is a list contstructor statement so have () brackets, usually when declaring list we use [] brackets
for name in curr:
return list_name
return False
It is being called this way
entered_names = get_entered_datalist(session['v_firstname'], session['v_lastname'])
and passed to the html file this way
return render_template('monthlybudget.html', title='Enter Monthly Budget Data', form=form, entereddata=entered_names)
The display code in HTML file is as below
{% if entereddata %}
{% for x in entereddata %}
<p>{{ x }} </p>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No data found</p>
{% endif %}
but it is being displayed with round brackets and quote marks as below
The query getting the values from database is as below
select concat([First Name], ' ', [Last Name] ) as name from [dbo].[EAMonthlyBudget]
where [Report to First Name]= :firstname and [Report to Last Name] = :lastname
and [budget month] = datename(month,getdate()) and [budget year] = year(getdate());
I added a print statement in my python code to check what gets returned by the function and that is as below (shows with the brackets and quote marks)
[12/Aug/2022 15:29:44] "GET /static/images/nu_logo2.png HTTP/1.1" 304 -
[('Janak Shah',), ('Julie Wang',)]
How do I display the data without the brackets and quote marks?
Your curr variable contains tuples. try this code:
for name in curr:
I think you need to check of index out for range error.
I hope this helps.
Why cant i acsess the dict that i am making here:
def kalkuler(request):
fotlister = Produkt.objects.filter(under_kategori__navn__iexact="lister")
kalkuler = ProduktKalkureing.objects.all()
beregning = {}
if request.method == "POST":
omkrets = request.POST['omkrets']
for i in kalkuler:
kalk = math.ceil((int(omkrets)/i.lengde)*1000)
add = ({'produkt_tittel': i.produkt.produkt_tittel,
'produkt_bilde': i.produkt.produkt_bilde,
'produkt_info': i.produkt.produkt_info,
'produkt_link': i.produkt.produkt_link,
'pris_heltall': i.produkt.pris_heltall,
'antall_kalk': kalk,
'total_kost': kalk * i.produkt.pris_heltall
context = {'kalkuler': kalkuler, 'beregning': beregning}
return render(request, 'frontend/kalkuler/fotlist_kalkuler.html', context)
With the standard django code?
{% for b in beregning %}
{% endfor %}
Also when i make the dictionary it only adds the last value. How do i make it so it adds every value.
For what you seem to achieve, you need a list instead of a dict
def kalkuler(request):
beregning = []
I've already written a script that parses JSON data from a particular url and stores them into a list. After that I'm able to pass that as an argument to be displayed in my template.
My end goal is to display a table on the template from this JSON data (of which I have currently included only one parameter), for which I believe I need to pass that list into a Django Model.
def index(request):
is_cached = ('raw_json' in request.session)
if not is_cached:
# g = {'starttime': '2014-01-01', 'endtime': '2014-01-02', 'minmagnitude': '5'}
url1 = ul.urlencode(g)
# print(url1)
main_api = 'https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?format=geojson&'
final_url = main_api + url1
# print(final_url)
raw_json = requests.get(final_url).json()
string_json = json.dumps(raw_json)
# print(raw_json)
with open('test.txt', 'w') as file:
count = raw_json['metadata']['count']
print('Count: ' + str(count))
maglist = []
placelist = []
for cou in range(0, count):
mag = (raw_json['features'][cou]['properties']['mag'])
# magdict = dict(list(enumerate(maglist)))
place = (raw_json['features'][cou]['properties']['place'])
# placedict = dict(list(enumerate(placelist)))
# print(placedict)
with open('test2.txt', 'w+') as t1:
for features in raw_json['features']:
coordinates = (features['geometry']['coordinates'])
id = (features['id'])
t1.write("id: %s \n" % (id))
t1.write("coordinates: %s \n" % (coordinates))
# print(singfeature)
for properties, value in features['properties'].items():
t1.write("%s : %s \n" % (properties, value))
# t1.write("\n")
# print (maglist)
args = {'magni': maglist}
print (args)
return render(request, 'earthquake/index.html', args)
The template receives this data with a simple for loop as follows:
{% block content %}
{% for item in magni %}
<p>{{ item }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
To which the result shows up as follows:
As mentioned previously, I need to display a filterable/sortable table with this parameter (along with other parameters too), so that the end-user may view the data as needed.
I'm quite new to Django.
In my Django project I want to make text bold if asterisks * are there at the start and end of text, the same feature we have here on Stack Overflow. Although I convert ** to <b>, due to output escaping it becomes <b>. What is the right approach to achieve this?
template file contains {{ anidea.description|format_text}}
format_text is custom template filter
from django import template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
register = template.Library()
def custom_formating(value):
for word in value.split():
start = word[:2]
end = word[-2:]
if start == '**' and end == '**':
word = word[2:-2]
word = '<b>' +word+ '</b>'
return value
if you want the full suite of all markdown features, go with an existing markdown library.
if you just want <b> to print directly to the source code w/o escaping, use
{{ some_var|safe }}
I did it in following way.
i.description = i.description.split() #use of split()
template file (format_text is custom template filter)
{% for text in anidea.description %}
{{ text|format_text }}
{% endfor %}
def custom_formating(value):
start = value[:2]
end = value[-2:]
if start == '**' and end == '**':
value = value[2:-2]
value = '<b>' +value+ '</b>'
return mark_safe(value)
return value
with this way I can achieve output escaping for description and desired text formatting.
I'm tring to do something like this
{% mytag country "italy" year "2014" %}
{% holyday %}
not workday
{% endmytag %}
But the holyday tag is optional.
This must work too:
{% mytag country "italy" year "2014" %}
{% endmytag %}
I wrote the code
class MytagExtension(Extension):
tags = set(['mytag'])
def __init__(self, environment):
super(TranslateExtension, self).__init__(environment)
def parse(self, parser):
lineno = parser.stream.next().lineno
if parser.stream.skip_if('name:country'):
country= parser.parse_primary()
country= nodes.Const(None)
if parser.stream.skip_if('name:year'):
year = parser.parse_primary()
year = nodes.Const(None)
args = [country, year]
# body1 = parser.parse_statements(['name:holyday']) # not working :)
body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endmytag'], drop_needle=True)
return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_helper', args),
[], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
def _helper(self, country, year, caller):
etc ....
Is similar to a if else endif, but i didn't find the source code of the if tag (if it exists as Extension)
How can i do this?
Obviously in my _helper I need both the first and second branch because is there that I choose which one to show.
ok, here is an answer, it's not perfect and probably not the best, but it's something.
body = parser.parse_statements(
['name:endmytag', 'name:holyday'],
if not parser.stream.current.test('block_end'):
body.extend ( parser.parse_statements(['name:endmytag'], drop_needle=True) )
args = [
nodes.Const([y.data for x in body for y in x.nodes]), #I don't like this line a lot :)
return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_helper', args),
[], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
In this way in the _helper you will receive the third parameter (a list) and choose if return the first or the second element of this list.